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Nintendo Investor Meeting [Nintendo 1st Party DLC, NSMB3DS, NiN, Info In OP]


Personally, I don't think they should have said a word about NFC until E3. It's a brilliant idea and a fantastic new way to create and sell products. It's such a good idea in fact that I fully 100% expect it in both the next xbox an ps4.

It is kinda odd that they did mention it but I think they did it because right now NFC is very much asian focused while its usage is still infancy stage in much of the world.

Its a good way to excite Japanese investors


It is kinda odd that they did mention it but I think they did it because right now NFC is very much asian focused while its usage is still infancy stage in much of the world.

Its a good way to excite Japanese investors

I think you're right. It shows investors that Nintendo can actually be on the cutting edge of some tech instead of "behind the ball" which some investors have accused Nintendo of before and is generally true anyways.


USER ACCOUNTS FINALLY, WOOOOOOOOO! be great to patch that/proper messaging into 3DS someday, but at least the console's getting it right.

what's NFC? read the OP, still not sure about that acronym.


USER ACCOUNTS FINALLY, WOOOOOOOOO! be great to patch that/proper messaging into 3DS someday, but at least the console's getting it right.

what's NFC? read the OP, still not sure about that acronym.

Y'know how Japanese phones can be used at vending machines or to pay for your ride on the train and stuff? NFC is the tech used to do that, just as an example.

Also, only one GIF can really capture the jubilation of this great moment in history:


Neo C.

Three things I would like to comment: DLC, Asia business and retail games for DD.

DLC: I'm skeptical about this one. Way too many companies have done it wrong so far, and I'm not sure if Nintendo can resist to join the dark side. Iwata's intention is good (game's still the whole package), but I've yet to see it in action and for the next few years.

Asia business: I've been talking about this for years. Yes, the traditional market is stuffed, the only way for real expansion are new markets like South America and Asia. Right now, people in Asia just buy the 3DS as import. A serious entry has a good chance of being successful now, because the middle class in East Asia is growing, and because the 3DS (and probably the Wii U as well) is quite safe from piracy. Nintendo should seriously consider to build up a "Nintendo of East Asia" (NoEA).

retail games for DD: A no-brainer, really. Especially when you consider today's SD-cards with 32GB storage, it shouldn't be a problem for the 3DS. For Wii U, it just needs an option for external HDD. Hopefully, all these companies don't take the games mindlessly away after a while though, DD games need to stay forever on the list.


Sorry if this is a little off topic, but does anyone think Nintendo, in their new found "panic mode" (as evidenced by this thread), will start releasing more niche games in America? Thanks.


Sorry if this is a little off topic, but does anyone think Nintendo, in their new found "panic mode" (as evidenced by this thread), will start releasing more niche games in America? Thanks.

Its actually something that could happen with their new DD focus. It would allow them to cut expenses on niche titles. All they have to do in that case is localize languages and put up on download service instead of retail,marketing etc.

Its actually an interesting stance from Nintendo. People joked and laughed about the fact Nintendo would probably be the least likely company to embrace DD but they could end up being very aggressive
Sorry if this is a little off topic, but does anyone think Nintendo, in their new found "panic mode" (as evidenced by this thread), will start releasing more niche games in America? Thanks.

That Spirit Camera game is coming to the West. So whatever "mode" you might think they in, does seem to want them to sell more games. I also think digital versions of retail games might make it even easier for devs to bring their niche titles around the world.
Asia business: I've been talking about this for years. Yes, the traditional market is stuffed, the only way for real expansion are new markets like South America and Asia. Right now, people in Asia just buy the 3DS as import. A serious entry has a good chance of being successful now, because the middle class in East Asia is growing, and because the 3DS (and probably the Wii U as well) is quite safe from piracy. Nintendo should seriously consider to build up a "Nintendo of East Asia" (NoEA).

can people buy consoles in China yet?
Sorry if this is a little off topic, but does anyone think Nintendo, in their new found "panic mode" (as evidenced by this thread), will start releasing more niche games in America? Thanks.

I see it this way if NOA does not want to support a retail Xenoblade they can always put it up on the network as a digital download game under these new network bits Nintendo just dropped on us

So I hope that is the case



Are we sure there is gonna be anything at GDC? Im looking at the 2012 schedule and not seeing anything Nintendo when it comes to talks or anything. They have their showfloor booth but that seems to be it.
NFC is very unexpected to me, but also makes a hell of a lot of sense.
It completely solves the problems of having to either save your CC info on your account (and risking problems like both PSN and Live are seemingly having with fraud) or of having to enter your details every time you make a purchase (which reduces impulse buys).

As for 1st party DLC, Nintendo actually have a strong track record of being able to do this effectively with their various experimental online services on prior consoles - a lot of their games are about level design and gameplay rather than narratively driven and reqquiring a lot of new assets, which should allow for more experimental riffs on games (I believe Majoras Mask started out its life as a 64DD title before that was canned).


Oh cool, thanks. I was just worried after their refusal to bring Xenoblade/Last Story/Pandora's Tower over here, even when there was almost nothing else coming out for the entire year. That was my only real problem with Nintendo throughout this generation, as there wasn't much else they could have done about the third party support at the time, in my opinion.


Yes, NFC is a nice surprise. AR, NFC, the tablet controller, and the connection possibility with 3DS...there's a crazy lot of ideas for a mixed media franchise.


Oh cool, thanks. I was just worried after their refusal to bring Xenoblade/Last Story/Pandora's Tower over here, even when there was almost nothing else coming out for the entire year. That was my only real problem with Nintendo throughout this generation, as there wasn't much else they could have done about the third party support at the time, in my opinion.

Xenoblade is coming out in America finally. April 2nd I believe and most expect The Last Story could come afterwards if Xenoblade sells more than 2 copies.


The mind boggles with the idea of separate figures that you could place on the tablet controller and then have them act as individual players save data. You could go round to a friends house with your figure (one of Link perhaps...) place it on the tablet, see a lovely rippling animation and them bam you're right in the heart of Smash Bros.!

This could also be linked to a larger user account that holds your online account as well. You could add data to your figurine offline at friends houses or online when playing online. Seriously a really novel and ingenious way to approach the online system without simply mimicking what Sony/Microsoft do and getting away with all of the 'typing username'/cc details baggage that comes with it.

EDIT: they could add NFC into the 3DS redesign to help streamline that service as well.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
The sales pace of the Nintendo 3DS drastically increased worldwide in the last year-end sales season and it was found out that, for the first year after the launch, the platform was selling at a faster pace than either the Nintendo DS or the Wii. This brought a pleasant surprise to the video game industry and changed the thoughts of third-party software developers for the better. We are now expecting a strong software lineup for the platform.
The specific titles will be released by each software developer, so I will not mention them here. I can say, however, that there will be more and more highly-anticipated titles for the Nintendo 3DS even in the U.S. and Europe where home console game systems lead the market.

Wait, what?

Neo C.

can people buy consoles in China yet?

I don't know about Mainland China, but you can buy consoles and handhelds in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Actually you can buy them everywhere, it's just the fact that there isn't a localization IIRC. And without localization, Nintendo leaves the money on the table.
Three things I would like to comment: DLC, Asia business and retail games for DD.

DLC: I'm skeptical about this one. Way too many companies have done it wrong so far, and I'm not sure if Nintendo can resist to join the dark side. Iwata's intention is good (game's still the whole package), but I've yet to see it in action and for the next few years.

Only real DLC iv seen is Valkyria Chronicles


Told you guys.......

New Nintendo in panic mode won't make GC type games but stick to what works, NSMB3DS for example.

I think any-mode Nintendo would do NSM10'sOFMILLIONSOFUNITSB. There would have to be a company wide lobotomy for it not to happen.


I hope this next Mario is molded after Super Mario World. I have been waiting far too long and far too patiently for a Mario game like it. Mario 3 got it's chance to shine again, now is SML's turn.
A 2D Mario will seem like a step back compared to what 3DLand tried to do. If the sales say anything, its that more Mario's should be done more like that then full on 3D.

Problem is, If it's in the same form that 3DLand is but just 2D, it's going to get panned as "The same thing all over again".

It's going to need something different to stand out from 3DLand and make people want it.
For myself, I'm hoping multi (and 2D sprites). For some reason they really like multiplayer on the 2D Mario games lately and an Online version of NSMB's muti could go over well.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
2d Mario has a lot to live up to after Rayman Origins.

Glad to see the rest of the new console is reaching parity with this current generation. Nothing really to get excited about, was all stuff that should be demanded. One question of course that will be unanswered until the grim truth rears its head is if they'll hardlock regions on this hardware like the 3DS.


I don't know about Mainland China, but you can buy consoles and handhelds in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Actually you can buy them everywhere, it's just the fact that there isn't a localization IIRC. And without localization, Nintendo leaves the money on the table.

Nintendo sells their devices under the iQue brand in China, with limited software lineup. The Wii and GameCube were not among them, from what I recall.

Nintendo is currently focusing its efforts in South Korea, where console gaming traditionally has never had a market and appear to be doing a pretty good job. It always surprised me that Sales-Age never really bothered to inquire about sales in South Korea. I'm certainly curious.

But if they're successful there, I can see Nintendo establishing a direct business arm in Taiwan and branching out further.

More importantly, though, Nintendo could leverage its entry into new Asian markets to obtain development talent to make games for those regions and sell them in other countries. THAT is something that really excites me about their entry into other Asian markets.

If Nintendo can secure Blizzard games on WiiU, it'll be a HUGE success when it launches in SK, I'm sure.


I think any-mode Nintendo would do NSM10'sOFMILLIONSOFUNITSB. There would have to be a company wide lobotomy for it not to happen.

They did stop making 2D Mario for quite a while though....At least now I know why I have a 3DS...


Just thankful that they're working on retail titles being downloadable on 3DS. I hate having buy games just because there's a chance that they'll go out of print be the time I have time to play them.


Just thankful that they're working on retail titles being downloadable on 3DS. I hate having buy games just because there's a chance that they'll go out of print be the time I have time to play them.

This is one of the reasons I haven't bought a 3DS yet. Pretty tempted to now that it will finally have DD.
All very exciting stuff, presumably they'll allow integration with our Club Nintendo accounts. Everything under one banner should also allow our VC games across multiple platforms.

I'm not surprised or excited by a new 2D Mario but it will be good and it will most lilkely be the only one they release for the 3DS. If it doesn't match the brilliance of Rayman Origins I'll be very disappointed.
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