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Nobody is playing titanfall.


Right now it's 4600 on Titanfall and 8k in Ghosts (xb1 versions). So it's not like ghosts is getting huge numbers.

Card Boy

Why the hell do people who *clearly* haven't played the game feel the need to incessantly troll? Why not leave well enough alone?

I own the game and troll the shit out of it. It's fun but EA and Respawn fucked up good on it.
EA did a amazing job marketing it but blew it when it came to the pricing (main game and DLC) and the platforms (no Steam or Playstation versions).

It should of being $40 tops and all DLC should of being free like PvZ Garden Warfare.


As far as the community goes?

Yes. We can all disagree from atop our towers, where we cry over Tearaway selling 10,000 copies, but at the end of the day, if a game has sold millions of copies and hasn't retained its customer base despite constant updates and expansion content, people simply weren't that interested. The evidence of that is literally in the numbers.

My point isn't that it "proves" anything about the quality of the game -- only how the customers felt about it. It's impossible to aggregate everyone's different opinions in a convincing way. Best we can get at is to look at sales and retention numbers.

Well, CryptiK's point was that it proved the quality of the game (no great map/mode combination). You mentioned the DLC situation before, but then discard it in favour of raw numbers, like nothing else can stand in the way of a game's success. I said before that Titanfall has fixed much of what people wanted to see changed... however, it's not a new release today, and many people would never look again to see what's different. It's not like the things that would ensure it became the biggest MP game ever at launch would make it the biggest MP game ever if patched in. Which is why I'm saying that the numbers can't be directly correlated to quality.

Well Quake 3 released years and years ago and had the numbers. Fighting games should only ever be compared with fighting games in terms of users online and I bet you the good ones are all fairly similar in comparison is terms of players. Bayonetta? I didnt even know it was a multiplayer game.

So when you compare Titanfall against other FPS you can see it is a massive flop and something in the game design is wrong, the numbers argument is perfectly valid the FPS.

I doubt it. Getting out of Street Fighter's shadow is basically impossible for any other fighter regardless of its individual merits. Only Mortal Kombat and Tekken really manage it. Series recognition trumps pretty much all else.

From the numbers people were posting, it has roughly 66% of the player base of the most recent Call of Duty game. When you compare it directly to other similar games on the platform, it's numbers aren't bad at all. BF4 is kinda iffy, as that's part of EA Access, essentially giving it free to many people that would never have bought it.

I know Quake 3 was old, but my point was more that there are other factors leading to a game's popularity, rather than simply having a great map/mode combination in it (like the DLC situation mentioned earlier). If Quake 3 released today, it would certainly not see any number even remotely like what it did back then, but that wouldn't be because its maps or modes were any worse.


Well, CryptiK's point was that it proved the quality of the game (no great map/mode combination). You mentioned the DLC situation before, but then discard it in favour of raw numbers, like nothing else can stand in the way of a game's success. I said before that Titanfall has fixed much of what people wanted to see changed... however, it's not a new release today, and many people would never look again to see what's different. It's not like the things that would ensure it became the biggest MP game ever at launch would make it the biggest MP game ever if patched in. Which is why I'm saying that the numbers can't be directly correlated to quality.

I doubt it. Getting out of Street Fighter's shadow is basically impossible for any other fighter regardless of its individual merits. Only Mortal Kombat and Tekken really manage it. Series recognition trumps pretty much all else.

From the number people were posting, it has roughly 66% of the player base of the most recent Call of Duty game. When you compare it directly to other similar games on the platform, it's numbers aren't bad at all. BF4 is kinda iffy, as that's part of EA Access, essentially giving it free to many people that would never have bought it.

I know Quake 3 was old, but my point was more that there are other factors leading to a game's popularity, rather than simply having a great map/mode combination in it (like the DLC situation mentioned earlier). If Quake 3 released today, it would certainly not see any number even remotely like what it did back then, but that wouldn't be because its maps or modes were any worse.


Fair enough, good points.


Only thing that really bugged me about the game was the lack of vertical sync on the Xbone version. Screen tearing out the wazoo. Otherwise enjoyable game while I owned it.


They fucked up by charging for Map Packs. It pains me to say it, but they should have had paid Burn Cards to fund free map packs, Mass Effect 3-style.

I really hope Respawn get away from splitting up the community for Titanfall 2. The reason Call of Duty and BF4 get away with map packs are their super large sell in rate.

If I read data right in this thread it said 75 people were playing dlc maps. 75! All that work for almost no one to witness. With such a low player pool there really is no point for anyone else to buy the dlc. It is a vicious cycle which ends in the player base decreasing instead of increasing.

Respawn would probably make more money giving away the map packs for free and selling cosmetic add ons. Especially if they let the community create items to sell.


There are lots of people still playing this, nobody is definitely a lie. DLC is the worst, you can try to sell DLC maps when you have 15 million players but for a game with 1 million you better make maps free to keep your customers playing and happy. First DLC pack was when I stopped playing Titanfall on a daily basis.
This is Destiny's inevitable fate and it will be deserved, just as it is here.

This is what happens when your base game lacks enough content to support itself and then you try to sell the majority of any new content via DLC.
Titanfall is a very good game (I have it on PC) but the lack of content and diversity at launch killed it, it feels like it was released with less than half of the content it should have been.
This is Destiny's inevitable fate and it will be deserved, just as it is here.

This is what happens when your base game lacks enough content to support itself and then you try to sell the majority of any new content via DLC.
At least this game is fun at its core, destiny is just downright boring


I'm not sure how ~9000 concurrent players on XB1 prompted a "Nobody is playing" reaction. The population is healthy, especially for an MP-only game that came out nearly 8 months ago. A brand new property from a brand new studio in an already-dominated FPS market, and there were at least NINE THOUSAND Xbox1 people online at once tonight, 8 months after release? Not exactly a signal that we should all retire. =)

That's not to discount legit criticism or concerns of course. Everybody has opinions on design and decisions, and there's some good things to discuss. But the "oh man what a ghost town" talk is weird.

...but then I grew up in a remote city with barely a quarter of that population, so maybe my perspective is extra skewed. ;)

This is what happens when your base game lacks enough content to support itself and then you try to sell the majority of any new content via DLC.

Only the new maps cost anything. Everything else, including coop, has been free.


DLC maps for a brand new IP was a dumb idea. Almost nobody plays them. The majority of people are playing standard attrition. Should have spent those resources on increasing the longevity of the base game.


And that's basically what happens to an always-online game when the community moves on to another game - you're left with a paperweight. If it had a campaign or even AI bots in multiplayer mode (I mean real bots, not "popcorn" bots), you wouldn't have the same problem.


Well I can find players easily on PC although subject to the game mode. Seems like most players prefer regular Attrition and other modes just sizzled out (I still miss Hardpoint Domination).


DLC maps for a brand new IP was a dumb idea. Almost nobody plays them. The majority of people are playing standard attrition. Should have spent those resources on increasing the longevity of the base game.

DLC maps show up in Attrition, for those that have them installed, mixed in with the original maps. The DLC-only playlists are for playing ONLY those maps. They tend to be very popular when their respective DLC comes out, then gradually taper off over that next month or so.


And that's basically what happens to an always-online game when the community moves on to another game - you're left with a paperweight. If it had a campaign or even AI bots in multiplayer mode (I mean real bots, not "popcorn" bots), you wouldn't have the same problem.

I'd probably play titanfall more often if there were a proper bot mode. I play ghosts once in a while, but never online. Don't always want to deal with people, and the maps in ghosts are either OK or complete shit.
Although the numbers don't sound huge. About 9000 players is more than enough, remember you only need 12 or something like that for a match.
Killzone's player count a few weeks after launch was only about 2000 people, but again, I never failed to find a match.

Multiplayer only games do come with the risk of low player count if you jump in a little LTTP. This is one of the reasons I'm "concerned" for Evolve. It comes out in Feb, if I want to play Evolve when the community is full, and alive then I would need to buy at launch (I just don't see the game having super long legs). But in February, I will be playing The Order, Bloodbourne and Witcher 3. They are all day1 purchases for me so evolve is going to have to wait, I just have a feeling that by the time I get round to it, nobody will be playing.


Only the new maps cost anything. Everything else, including coop, has been free.

Curious to know what percentage of people play the dlc maps. If the numbers I read in the thread are correct it doesn't seem like they were worth the time to create. We are looking at less than one percent playing the dlc maps. Unless the percentage is significant why make the investment for so little return? For all the advances Respawn made with Titanfall I hope the last gen mentality of selling dlc map packs goes away.


Only the new maps cost anything. Everything else, including coop, has been free.

Let's be honest though... the maps are the single most destructive thing you can split off. Maps affect every mode, and so having fewer people with them significantly devalues your purchase.

I bought the season pass, but would be happy to see the maps given out for free to everyone else anyway, because it'd mean I'd actually get to play on them regularly.


I really love this game (playing on PC) and haven't had trouble getting games yet (I do only play the popular modes + the new frontier defense).

But I'm so sad it's got such a low playerbase. I play the hell out of it now because I literally won't be able to anymore in the not so distant future (as it seems).

I hope they put it up on sale for ~$5 or something so I can get my friends to pick it up for our LANs...
Curious to know what percentage of people play the dlc maps. If the numbers I read in the thread are correct it doesn't seem like they were worth the time to create. We are looking at less than one percent playing the dlc maps. Unless the percentage is significant why make the investment for so little return? For all the advances Respawn made with Titanfall I hope the last gen mentality of selling dlc map packs goes away.

The numbers we have are for game modes at any given moment, and just because someone has the maps doesn't mean they want to restrict themselves just to that DLC playlist. When I was actively playing nearly every day, as much as I enjoyed some of the DLC maps, I would never restrict/subject myself to the same 3 map loop outside of gunning for particular map-based achievements.

I do hope in the future the DLC model moves towards promotional cosmetics or something like that and away from maps. Would love a DoritosDew Titan to lord over the battlefield with.

To the topic at hand, XB1 is still healthy for what it is. I don't think any reasonable individual expected it to be some megahit that would upset the trend of every other mp game before and after.


I really love this game (playing on PC) and haven't had trouble getting games yet (I do only play the popular modes + the new frontier defense).

But I'm so sad it's got such a low playerbase. I play the hell out of it now because I literally won't be able to anymore in the not so distant future (as it seems).

I hope they put it up on sale for ~$5 or something so I can get my friends to pick it up for our LANs...

Probably doesn't help that it's Origin only. EA probably didn't lose any money by going Origin only, but it certainly created a smaller player base by avoiding steam.
Let's be honest though... the maps are the single most destructive thing you can split off. Maps affect every mode, and so having fewer people with them significantly devalues your purchase.

I bought the season pass, but would be happy to see the maps given out for free to everyone else anyway, because it'd mean I'd actually get to play on them regularly.

True. I hate that companies are so willing to split their userbase. I would hope that in the future map packs are free and are used to keep games going. They can charge for cosmetic items like skins and camos and it would probably still be lucrative.


It's much harder to keep big numbers on your game in 2014, almost every game that releases has a multiplayer mode and that slowly kills your population.
Just think about Halo 3 and COD4 success: when they released in 2007 they had almost no competition. Titanfall in 2014 has to fight against the big two (Halo and COD), last year games (COD and BF mainly), a lot of sports games (Fifa online is HUGE), a few new IPs (Destiny, WatchDogs, Garden Warfare) and many others.

Plus, it released with less content than other games, and "mainstream gamers" aren't going to wait for your (even free) patches.
1 minute after entering this thread I got an email from Amazon saying:

As someone who has shown interest in Titanfall - Xbox One, we thought you might be interested in related videos.

Creepy. And yes, I understand why it happened, just think that it was way too soon to do that.


extra source of jiggaflops
I've played Blur with way less population for a long time. In the end it only matters that you get enough people in your time zone and geographic location to keep a few games going.


When I try it there is about 7000 online, which is less than I though there would be.
Thing is, even if there is only about 30 people in a playlist you can still get a game quickly.
I was playing the DLC last night trying to get some achievements and it was fine even though there was only about 35 players world wide in those playlists.

edit - one other thing I noticed is the high gen players seem to have moved on...
It's much harder to keep big numbers on your game in 2014, almost every game that releases has a multiplayer mode and that slowly kills your population.
Just think about Halo 3 and COD4 success: when they released in 2007 they had almost no competition. Titanfall in 2014 has to fight against the big two (Halo and COD), last year games (COD and BF mainly), a lot of sports games (Fifa online is HUGE), a few new IPs (Destiny, WatchDogs, Garden Warfare) and many others.

Plus, it released with less content than other games, and "mainstream gamers" aren't going to wait for your (even free) patches.

How well do mainstreamers keep up with what content is there? Seems a lot, if not most people, just go out and get what looks like fun or interesting.

The game came out in March, which isn't exactly the best time with midterms cropping up and traveling. Then it was marketed exclusively for the XB1 to those people, which means dropping $500 on a system that wasn't exactly in high favor even to that audience.

Feel like there was a few hurdles before non-enthusiasts/mainstreamers/whatever start picking into those.
edit - one other thing I noticed is the high gen players seem to have moved on...

That's what I expect, being GEN 10 myself. I love the game, but I'm not going to tie myself down playing the same game again and again with randoms when new things are coming out, better or worse. I'm even feeling it with Destiny, which is lucky to have the PvP and PvE tied together in a way and Bungie is making sure it takes me 2 years to get to level 30 and upgrade what I want to. I really enjoy Destiny, but that sucks up a lot of time away from games like Alien Isolation and The Evil Within.

I think this dead argument is ridiculous given the situation of this game, but at the same time I find it ridiculous that people should tie themselves to one game forever in order for it to be considered a good game.


Actively hates charity
Reason for low numbers on PC - origin exclusive, better FPS games on Steam, and lack of PC centric features.


The majority of my friends list translated to Mehstiny. Even Mordor has had more players than Titanfall in my "last 10 days" list surprisingly.
I hope Respawn puts together a more well rounded package next time. The success of Destiny shows that a multiplayer sci fi shooter can be successful, the problem with Titanfall is that (up until this latest update with the horde mode) there was only one thing to do in that game: competitive MP. A more robust game with a single player campaign, a co op mode from the beginning, and PvP would make for a much more enticing deal.
The majority of my friends list translated to Mehstiny. Even Mordor has had more players than Titanfall in my "last 10 days" list surprisingly.

Not really surprising. New release, lots of marketing, based on a very recognizable franchise despite the lack of 'The Lord of the Rings' in the title, and a decent reception. People are going to put more priority to a new, shiny game generally than a game they've already poured 60+ hours into 6 months ago.
Guys, you don't see people in DLC playlists because they are in the normal rotation now.

Yep. I'd say half my non FD games tonight were in DLC maps. And I didn't play any in FD only because the friend I was playing with doesn't have the DLC.

Can't wait for deadly floor or whatever their calling the floor is lava.
I put a shit ton of hours into Titanfall. Probably 500+ hours. It's an amazing game. Has the population dwindled? Yes, recently it has but i'd expect that when new FPS games are coming out.

This doesn't mean anything is wrong with the core gameplay, fuck. TF2 will do just fine with updated graphics, more content, a single player campaign, more meta, etc.


Just another COD Killer, that didnt kill COD. I remember the hype around this game, especially from the gaming media. Was ridiculous.
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