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Official July 2008 NPD Results Thread

Revelations said:
I expect a good start in its first month selling 250k+ with it steadily rising through October-November-December.
So even you admit with a pricedrop the system is only going to do 45k more than it did this month? Seems like the definition of "varied increase" to me.


Junior Member
Revelations said:
I expect a good start in its first month selling 250k+ with it steadily rising through October-November-December.
That's what it should sell, that's not a big bump in the slightest...


ToxicAdam said:
Come on AI, you should know by now that they don't care about winning. They will be happy with that original 10 million users that are still buying tons of software. It's all about profit this generation.

The gamecube showed them the way.

dignified 3rd?


And even i am moderately surprised
I don't think the series has quite the audience anymore. The dip from MGS2->MGS3 (7M > 3.7M) kind of proves it.

could also be that the larger range of titles (read: huge) dilutes sales across the board too?

MGS2 sales are great for the time line it launched in, i can see why that one is avoided as a comparison.
Spiegel said:
What were those expectations?
Tell us

Outselling MGS3 in one month in Usa wasn't enough

Segata Sanshiro said:
I see. Mind sharing their expectations with us?

Hence why I said seems to me. It is my own opinion it didn't reach expectations for Konami & Sony. And I stand by that. My reason? It nose dives in its 2nd month of re;lease to a very low number. And manages to push a subtle number of consoles in its 2nd month of availability.
jgwhiteus said:
On the "Wii sales aren't driven by games" and "what games are people buying for their Wii's"...um, are people ignoring what games numbers 2, 4, 7, and 8 in the top 10 are? You have one game (okay, "game") selling 370K copies, another selling 284K copies, and the last two selling 175K and 165K copies respectively, for a total of about 1M software unit sales in the top 10 alone, with who knows what selling in the top 20/30/40, and people seriously ask, "What could possibly be selling 555K consoles a month? THE NUMBERS DON'T ADD UP! I don't think people are buying Wiis for the games!"

I'd say the Wii is the only console where you KNOW every sale is driven by the software, because it certainly isn't selling based on its BluRay / Netflix / multimedia hub capabilities.
People seem to think third party games are the only games on the Wii. They expect the best of the best third party games on the Wii to justify it's sales. :lol


Am I the only one who chuckled at "ROCK BAND SPECIAL ED" for Wii? Guess I'm just easily amused...

360 price drop/clearance didn't have such a huge boost, still outsold by 20k. Was just botched opportunity, done at a poor time (no major software releases), there was Shane Kim downplaying it and calling it "not a price cut", the news of the $299 60GB already out there, etc. Could have been handled much better.

Soul Calibur did fairly well for a weeks worth of sales, will be interesting to see what it does in August. MGS4 already completely dropping out of the top 10 in just the second month on sale though, that's surprising.

And like usual, Nintendo just makes everyone else look silly. Outselling the PS3 and 360 combined by a huge amount. It's like the iPod dominating while Sandisk and Zune fight over table scraps.
Weisheit said:
That's what it should sell, that's not a big bump in the slightest...
It's never a big bump in its first month of new MSRP. I never claimed an swesomely selling huge big number. It builds with a high point in December's holiday shopping period.
Revelations said:
If MGS4 isn't made to sell consoles consistenly what exclusive PS3 game is in the west? Seriously.
I'm pretty sure Konami didn't expect that big of a drop off for MGS4 in the US. The most popular area where it sells at. If the top is anyrhing to go by MGS4 sold under 150k.

I'm surprised you would really expect MGS4 to be a steady system seller on a large scale.

The previous three didn't do that AFAIK, so why would yet another sequel manage to pull that off? Besides, GTA4 would have been far more likely to have that position if previous sales are anything (at all) to go by. And GTA4 didn't work on a large scale either.


WOW I think that Little Big Planet for the PS3 will do great but I am concerned that it will be limited in its ability to move hardware because of the price of the PS3. It seems just a big price of entry for one game at a really bad economic time. It will do really well but man the PS3 needs to drop its price.

OH and Wii and DS are railroading the competition. I think this makes what Nintendo will do next even more interesting because they can carry this momentum into the next generation and also might be able to take further risks with some more disruption.
Zeitgeister said:
I'm surprised you would really expect MGS4 to be a steady system seller on a large scale.

The previous three didn't do that AFAIK, so why would yet another sequel manage to pull that off? Besides, GTA4 would have been far more likely to have that position if previous sales are anything (at all) to go by. And GTA4 didn't work on a large scale either.
I doubt that was just me expecting that. Wasn't that a good number of peoples hopes & dreams on this forum?


Somebody fire Shane Kim.

Too Human, MMOs, Shadowrun, that dude doesn't know shit. I want Peter Back, why is it that EA is becoming so cool now and MS is becoming more shit by the month?

Revelations said:
I doubt that was just me expecting that. Wasn't that a good number of peoples hopes & dreams?

People here were barking at how MGS4 had more hype than MGS2, don't worry, you're far from being alone.
gaheris said:
It seems just a big price of entry for one game at a really bad economic time.

I don't know man, everybody and their brother are willing to buy a Wii for Wii Sports or WiiFit it seems. I realize their pricing is different, but so is their value proposition.
I really have to wonder if the 360 is filling out the rest of the top 100, because they're slowly but surely being taken out of the top 10 by Nintendo.
WrikaWrek said:
Somebody fire Shane Kim.

Too Human, MMOs, Shadowrun, that dude doesn't know shit. I want Peter Back, why is it that EA is becoming so cool now and MS is becoming more shit by the month?

People here were barking at how MGS4 had more hype than MGS2, don't worry, you're far from being alone.
Thats funny because Shane Kim was recently promoted. He no longer handle Xbox business specifically.


Kestastrophe said:
I don't know man, everybody and their brother are willing to buy a Wii for Wii Sports or WiiFit it seems. I realize their pricing is different, but so is their value proposition.

I think it is about perception because you don't have to buy Wii Fit right away, and if you just get the system you can play it right away and add Wii Play then you can play it fully. It is that when you get it home you can open it and play it without having to go get anything else even though we all know there are other costs associated with it the perception and the price of the competition will continue to linger.

And you are right the value is different when gas and energy prices are rising buying a 400 dollar game system when you can get a cheaper and more popular alternative becomes a lot more attractive and if you really don't care about blue-ray then that makes it irrelevant to those people.


DeaconKnowledge said:
I really have to wonder if the 360 is filling out the rest of the top 100, because they're slowly but surely being taken out of the top 10 by Nintendo.

Hard to fight againts those Wii fits and Wii play, and Wiillyasuckmydingdong games that seem to be all the rage with folks these days.

That and the color pink. Something's wrong.


Revelations said:
Thats funny because Shane Kim was recently promoted. He no longer handle Xbox business specifically.

They need to promote them like they did with J Allard. To other....departments, somwhere in the building.

Like their cellphone division.
WrikaWrek said:
People here were barking at how MGS4 had more hype than MGS2, don't worry, you're far from being alone.
I couldn't personally give a shit. Just seems to me it was one of the few titles people believed would help sell PS3 systems at a more rate than it did. Because if you cant say that about Metal Gear Solid what other game can you say it for, FFXIII is multi now...

I'd say GOW3 but its a bit far off.


frankthurk said:
I think LBP will sell gangbusters compared to what some trolls believe it will.

I think it will sell great but the really cap on its popularity is going to be the PS3 price and the economic downturn. That really takes it out for many more people than if things were going better.


Junior Member
frankthurk said:
I think LBP will sell gangbusters compared to what some trolls believe it will.
If only Sony will able to over-the-top advert market for this title (like Wii TV adverts were everywhere), I agreed. Many asked me where's it from when they saw the sackboy.


WrikaWrek said:
Somebody fire Shane Kim.

Too Human, MMOs, Shadowrun, that dude doesn't know shit. I want Peter Back, why is it that EA is becoming so cool now and MS is becoming more shit by the month?

People here were barking at how MGS4 had more hype than MGS2, don't worry, you're far from being alone.

Shane Kim was responsible for canning their MMO's, but Too Human and Shadowrun were both under Moore...
Revelations said:
I doubt that was just me expecting that. Wasn't that a good number of peoples hopes & dreams?

True, but I do doubt many of them believe(d) that much to be realistic though.

I guess you could blame FF13 being announced multiplatform for some it, if you want. :p
gaheris said:
I think it will sell great but the really cap on its popularity is going to be the PS3 price and the economic downturn. That really takes it out for many more people than if things were going better.

I'm comfortable for setting a bar for LBP, here it goes:

NA sales of the game won't outpace MGS4 NA LTD.


So despite all the people talking about Civ Rev's sales on the PS3, it didn't even break the top ten. I wonder what the exact numbers are.

And those numbers for the next gen systems (PS3, 360) are extremely disappointing.
Sean said:
Shane Kim was responsible for canning their MMO's, but Too Human and Shadowrun were both under Moore...

A little harsh heh.

Peter Moore and Shane were working at MS at the same time. Blame them both.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The PS3 base doesn't like cute platformers. LBP will do okish, and might go on to become a bigger hit when the price of it collapses ala Viva Pinata on the 360.


Revelations said:
I'd say GOW3 but its a bit far off.

I've seen this thrown around before. Heck even people at 1up were like "Omg if god of war 3 shows up at E3 then Sony has their conference, that's a mega huge duper game, it will sell billions" etc, exagerated for effect.

Since when is God of War this huge franchise? It sells great, i believe God of War 2 sold between 2 and 3 million, but it has nothing on MGS and other high profile IPs.

Sean said:
Shane Kim was responsible for canning their MMO's, but Too Human and Shadowrun were both under Moore...

Shane Kim has always been the responsible one for first party development.

BishopLamont said:
Biitter much??

WrikaWrek said:
Hard to fight againts those Wii fits and Wii play, and Wiillyasuckmydingdong games that seem to be all the rage with folks these days.

That and the color pink. Something's wrong.
Biitter much??


Wow at DS and Wii for keeping up, it's not like you can sell 4 Wii's to one family like the DS.

I hope we get numbers for Mega Man 9, I'll be interested which console sells the most. The Wii has the userbase, but the 360 and PS3 have a much more tech savy audience. Will Nintendo market Wiiware at all beyond the Nintendo Channel?


Been off on a tangent, but it looks like PS3 sales in Japan fell below 10k last week, and the 360 has overtaken it...
Frillen said:
I think LBP will bomb compared to what some Sony fans believes it will sell.

That's really hard to predict at this point.

It is not a story heavy, hours involving blockbuster-type game, so it might do well under a more casual oriented part of the PS3 userbase (and new sales perhaps).

But I would agree that outside of being exclusive, most of the "hardcore" audience probably wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.

And how the community support will work out is anyones guess. If it works, LBP will be (or rather: become) a steady seller, that much I'm willing to bet on.


ElyrionX said:
So despite all the people talking about Civ Rev's sales on the PS3, it didn't even break the top ten. I wonder what the exact numbers are.

And those numbers for the next gen systems (PS3, 360) are extremely disappointing.

All Kagari, etc. said was they couldn't keep the PS3 version in stock, not that it was selling more than the 360 version, which isn't contradicted by the numbers at all. Retailers didn't order enough copies of the PS3 version to meet demand.
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