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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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Tfw when you only just manage to complete the map in overtime while the enemy team has 4:30 mins left on the clock and you manage to win 5-4.


Hey OverwatchGAF, just recently got the game and currently at 20. I mostly play Ana/Sombra/Soldier/Zarya with some Rein on the side and are already pretty decent with them, specially Ana. Although I suck at Tracer...very bad and would like to pick her up as well but my accuracy with her is really abysmal. Also QP is seriously bad, like wtf.

Edit: Also why is Hanzo so popular? Like every game I'm in there's always Hanzos on both teams.
I might be on for a lunch comp game. In like an hour or so, if you're around.

Nope, not going to be able to play as soon as I thought I would be :\

So comp will be an even bigger mess in a week then.

Can't wait to see people playing her like a dps and feeding 400hp to the enemies ults. Hopefully there will be one on the enemy team too doing the same.
I just had a Widow player that was talking to a new level 9 player (good matchmaking) and telling him "welcome to Overwatch and the toxic community". He was part of a two man stack that had Junkrat with him.

Hey OverwatchGAF, just recently got the game and currently at 20. I mostly play Ana/Sombra/Soldier/Zarya with some Rein on the side and are already pretty decent with them, specially Ana. Although I suck at Tracer...very bad and would like to pick her up as well but my accuracy with her is really abysmal. Also QP is seriously bad, like wtf.

Edit: Also why is Hanzo so popular? Like every game I'm in there's always Hanzos on both teams.

Because he is a sniper that shoots arrows, and you can shoot his ult from your spawn when you die, which is something people find very satisfying to do. He is also very Animu, and he was a radar-like ability (similar to COD's UAV). So you combine sniper, COD, anime and high damage into one and you get Hanzo (who some think he is OP because he one-shots 200hp heroes and his ult does decent damage).

Nope, not going to be able to play as soon as I thought I would be :\

So comp will be an even bigger mess in a week then.

Can't wait to see people playing her like a dps and feeding 400hp to the enemies ults. Hopefully there will be one on the enemy team too doing the same.

Good thing that Nier Automata is getting released next in three days on PC. I can avoid Overwatch during that time.


So about that Bastion nerf for consoles...anytime, Blizzard
I don't understand why Blizzard are so slow pushing updates. Some fans cite Sony and Microsoft certification but contemporaries can get them out pretty quick; Psyonix and RL hot fix patches as an example.

Why does it take Blizzard so long?
I still think it's bullshit how Hanzo can consistently kill me at point blank. He may not be op or broken, but the kills he gets feel unfair a lot of the time. At least with a good Widow I can respect the skill that they have if they're consistently getting headshots on my team and there are characters built to deal with her. If I sneak up close to a Hanzo, he shouldn't be able to whip around and somehow instantly headshot me. I'm not even sure how you fix that without making the character complete trash.

I think I'm just getting tired of seeing him too. It does seem like he's in nearly every game, and I'm finding that the games where he's not being played to be a lot more enjoyable to me.


I don't understand why Blizzard are so slow pushing updates. Some fans cite Sony and Microsoft certification but contemporaries can get them out pretty quick; Psyonix and RL hot fix patches as an example.

Why does it take Blizzard so long?

I'm wondering the same thing. I expected it to go live last week.

A hotfix can be patched without much certification, while a patch needs longer (from my understanding). I don't know what their stipulations are for such things (How big of a change is TOO big to be a hotfix, for example). I guess maybe that's up to Sony and MS? If I remember them right, by the time a patch goes up on PTR, it has already been submitted to Sony and MS for certification. I guess this time the patches were so close together that they were worried it might take too long after the PC patch to get consoles also patched for Orisa release. Thus, they just waited.

Sucks tho, as I held off on doing my placements until Bastion fixes went live, and now I'll have to deal with chucklefucks instantly picking Orisa in my placements without knowing wtf she even does.
Can Orisa's ability Halt pull Rein through his shield?

That would be pretty awesome. Imagine Orisa/Mei on attack, enemy Rein close to the choke, pull him to your team and Mei can separate him from the rest. You can already to that with Pharah firing a blast to his back, but having that possibility with a tank would be nice too.


why not just play a match here and there? they take at most 25-30 minutes

Cause I only have so much free time and I go all in on new games, like to an obsessive degree. So if I have a choice between making some progress in ME or doing a placement match, you bet I'm gonna choose ME.

And as of right now I'm not super comfortable with where Bastion sits in the meta, so I'm not interested in doing placements until his nerf makes it to consoles. Furthermore, most of my GAF friends have either A) done their placements and landed in diamond or above, or B) haven't​ done them yet and we'll make plans to do them together sometime.
Last night went well, until it didn't lol.

Was on a win streak up until 2775, one more win would've pushed me into 2800s and my previous season high.

Then I run into the Diamond with a Plat and Gold in his stack, and of course the Gold is playing the passive Mercy and the Plat is playing Genji and they all complain about their 400 ping halfway into the match.

So back down to 2750 and I stagnated there until I decided to call it a night after being unable to get two consecutive wins in a row.

Gained about 60 SR last night so no complaints really. Glad I didn't tilt.
I still think it's bullshit how Hanzo can consistently kill me at point blank. He may not be op or broken, but the kills he gets feel unfair a lot of the time. At least with a good Widow I can respect the skill that they have if they're consistently getting headshots on my team and there are characters built to deal with her. If I sneak up close to a Hanzo, he shouldn't be able to whip around and somehow instantly headshot me. I'm not even sure how you fix that without making the character complete trash.

I think I'm just getting tired of seeing him too. It does seem like he's in nearly every game, and I'm finding that the games where he's not being played to be a lot more enjoyable to me.

It was a wonderful time when they reduced the size of his arrows and the reveal of what we all suspected occurred, that the majority of Hanzo players are in fact just pretty jammy and need to rely on scattershot for consistent kills.

Of course they had to revert this, because as you say he was kinda trash then struggled to really contribute.
This isn't to say people can't play good or even great Hanzos with careful accuarcy and solid sonar usage but man he irks me because he has this massive inconsistency to him and when you're on the "whip around insta headshot" side of this (probably followed by a teabag as from my experience at least 80% of them I get come from Hanzo) it just feels kinda shit.

Also personaly grievance for the occasions when I tickle beam him as Winston and at the last second before death his scatter comes off cooldown and he pumps a silly amount of damage into my giant frame.
>Not making changes based on Diamond+

Jeff whyyyyy

Damn, there goes official any change of competitive being the focus.

ironically tho, the same issues that happen in diamond, masters, and GM, happen in plat, gold, silver too....

bronze is just another world. anything and everything happens there.


What does Ana boosting a Dva ultimate do exactly? Had an Amazing on my team boost me everytime I said Ultimate ready.

I know Mercy's damage boost actually increases the damage of the bomb by 30%, but I don't know if Nano Boost does.

I think it might actually only increase the damage of the bomb if BABY D.Va is nano-boosted after the bomb is thrown, but I'm not sure about any of it. Even if it does, it's still a waste of a nano boost.
I think there are ways to balance games such that character strength is roughly even across skill levels. The key is to have characters with a broad base where fundamentals can get you by, but those characters also have abilities with high skill limits.

For example, I would say that Roadhog's hook is a mid-skill ability. At low levels of play, people can use the hook and enjoy their 1-shot on squishies. At mid levels of play, players can enjoy doing things like ledge hooks. At high levels of play, players are using high level mind games, picking good hiding spots, know when to save their hook, etc.

But Roadhog also has his right-click, which I think is a high-skill ability. Just this week I had my first moment where I 1-shot two characters in a row with his right-click and then hooked a third for the kill. It felt incredible, and it was probably my highest "skill moment" with Roadhog so far. Those kinds of possibilities are what keep my playing the hero, and they keep him relevant up the skill list because he is built to be effective at all levels.

A character like Tracer, on the other hand, is really only effective in skilled hands. A low level tracer just feeds, just like a low level Hanzo or Genji. That's not necessarily a bad thing - it's okay to have some characters that are inherently easier or harder to play than others. But it wouldn't hurt if these characters were changed such that their playability scaled down better.


Nope, not going to be able to play as soon as I thought I would be :

So comp will be an even bigger mess in a week then.

Can't wait to see people playing her like a dps and feeding 400hp to the enemies ults. Hopefully there will be one on the enemy team too doing the same.
I promise to be a good Orisa main.
The funny thing about bastion being so META right now (side note: the nerf can't come soon enough to console), is people are finally understanding the value in focusing Reinhardt's shield so it breaks immediately. A concept that was once very foreign in gold/plat leagues! Was a very refreshing night for comp to me, had a bunch of teammates who actually wanted to try teamwork at the start of the match instead of waiting for the clock wind down to 1:00 and go for the hail mary teamwipe.

All this Orisa talk.. I haven't looked at much of any videos besides some stuff posted here and there. Who is a good counter to Orisa?
I know Mercy's damage boost actually increases the damage of the bomb by 30%, but I don't know if Nano Boost does.

I think it might actually only increase the damage of the bomb if BABY D.Va is nano-boosted after the bomb is thrown, but I'm not sure about any of it. Even if it does, it's still a waste of a nano boost.
Thought as much.

Just had my team in comp pick 5 DPS. This is BS, how can I rank up like this?
Overtime today where the team was beyond tilted. 1 min vs 4 min 30 but we smash them.
Caeser went ham on Tracer after penting up his fustration on forced to Rein.

I had a match like that last night. Had someone ask me to support instead of my Rein because he felt he was a better Rein, and I immediately stole Rein from him the second round and he went Mercy.

We won easily after that, but I was so ready to tilt.

Better play the best Ana game of your life.

Or pick Winston / Zarya and then shield your DPS and flank for kills, tilt the supports on the enemy team, and hope they stagger enough to let you win.

Masters S4 boissss
my last 2 games were super fun. went 3-2 lijang and held them at first point on Route 66.

Gonna stick with Zarya as much as possible 63% WR with her.
also rank 240 Zarya on overbuff even tho my last few games i was barely getting charge at all.


Overtime today where the team was beyond tilted. 1 min vs 4 min 30 but we smash them.
Caeser went ham on Tracer after penting up his fustration on forced to Rein.

Goldpleb all over dat killfeed.

Also wtf you play with the ingame music? Troglodyte.

Masters S4 boissss
my last 2 games were super fun. went 3-2 lijang and held them at first point on Route 66.

Gonna stick with Zarya as much as possible 63% WR with her.
also rank 240 Zarya on overbuff even tho my last few games i was barely getting charge at all.

Gz, so much easier the 2nd time.


Masters S4 boissss
my last 2 games were super fun. went 3-2 lijang and held them at first point on Route 66.

Gonna stick with Zarya as much as possible 63% WR with her.
also rank 240 Zarya on overbuff even tho my last few games i was barely getting charge at all.


Masters S4 boissss
my last 2 games were super fun. went 3-2 lijang and held them at first point on Route 66.

Gonna stick with Zarya as much as possible 63% WR with her.
also rank 240 Zarya on overbuff even tho my last few games i was barely getting charge at all.

Congrats dude!


my 2nd to last game was pretty hilarious.

there was this one guy with a soundboard and our Lucio would tell him every now and again
"Can i get a meme!" and hed play something off the board. his last one fit with our mccrees potm.


wish i had more games like this :D

A lot of people find that annoying, but I think it's fucking hilarious. Brings me back to my old Counter-Strike days.
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