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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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Just had one of those games that was so intense that I've got to stop playing for awhile. Did about 39 000 damage as Pharah and won the game despite the other team getting a lot more time on their push than ours.

I'm on a five game winning streak right now and three of those games have been on payload or hybrid maps where my team finishes with less time than theirs but still wins.


Hey OverwatchGAF, just recently got the game and currently at 20. I mostly play Ana/Sombra/Soldier/Zarya with some Rein on the side and are already pretty decent with them, specially Ana. Although I suck at Tracer...very bad and would like to pick her up as well but my accuracy with her is really abysmal. Also QP is seriously bad, like wtf.

Edit: Also why is Hanzo so popular? Like every game I'm in there's always Hanzos on both teams.
people probably like the weebo. 2nd to genji.
I still think it's bullshit how Hanzo can consistently kill me at point blank. He may not be op or broken, but the kills he gets feel unfair a lot of the time. At least with a good Widow I can respect the skill that they have if they're consistently getting headshots on my team and there are characters built to deal with her. If I sneak up close to a Hanzo, he shouldn't be able to whip around and somehow instantly headshot me. I'm not even sure how you fix that without making the character complete trash.

I think I'm just getting tired of seeing him too. It does seem like he's in nearly every game, and I'm finding that the games where he's not being played to be a lot more enjoyable to me.
well a good hanzo still requires some skill to use effectively. there is some large projectile hit registration benefits (shooting trunk tree) but then you still need to lead shots since its a projectile with bullet drop effect due to distance. the scatter arrow still need to be carefully placed under ppl's feet to scatter upward.
those that just use it to spam arrows from afar usually dont contribute much.
Can Orisa's ability Halt pull Rein through his shield?

That would be pretty awesome. Imagine Orisa/Mei on attack, enemy Rein close to the choke, pull him to your team and Mei can separate him from the rest. You can already to that with Pharah firing a blast to his back, but having that possibility with a tank would be nice too.
you can shoot it above rein shield to levitate him. think some1 posted a clip of a tag team rein and orisa did a pull upward on enemy rein then the orisa's team rein just earth shatter when the enemy rein levitated. its almost like rein with mccree flashbang combo'ing i guess.
Overtime today where the team was beyond tilted. 1 min vs 4 min 30 but we smash them.
Caeser went ham on Tracer after penting up his fustration on forced to Rein.
lol the enemy got tilt and was trickling in at the 2nd portion of the payload. they could just given up the first checkpoint and group up to take you guys out on the 2nd portion like how you did it to them.
+ the enemy pharah on their escort was bad. i barely see any killfeed or much harass from them to your team. your team only got a bastion and ana to deal with it too.

for me, from now on the best way to deal with bastion is to get some1 to play zen and discord. but eitherway, its pc. so bastion is already kinda nerfed in defense unlike the console still have ridiculous ironclad dmg reduction


I think I'm gonna create a custom group with 12 Mercys so I can rest a bit since people would be forced to shoot the fucking Mercy for once


I don't even notice it. Doesn't it stop once the game starts?

Idk, btw one thing you should do is press tab more. Really useful to see who you can nano etc, cant always rely on team to call it out. Tab is op.

lol the enemy got tilt and was trickling in at the 2nd portion of the payload. they could just given up the first checkpoint and group up to take you guys out on the 2nd portion like how you did it to them.
+ the enemy pharah on their escort was bad. i barely see any killfeed or much harass from them to your team. your team only got a bastion and ana to deal with it too.

for me, from now on the best way to deal with bastion is to get some1 to play zen and discord. but eitherway, its pc. so bastion is already kinda nerfed in defense unlike the console still have ridiculous ironclad dmg reduction

Bruh the bastion wasnt their problem, it was the tracer soloing their whole team over and over. :p
I fucking hate tanks with bad positioning, especially Hogs.

And some of them even heal when surrounded by 4 enemies. Ugh...

I really hate when I see a Hog defending on the left side of the choke in King's Row (first point). I know that sooner or later when the enemy team pushes he will be cut off from the rest of us and just feed. Like clockwork.


lol the enemy got tilt and was trickling in at the 2nd portion of the payload. they could just given up the first checkpoint and group up to take you guys out on the 2nd portion like how you did it to them.
+ the enemy pharah on their escort was bad. i barely see any killfeed or much harass from them to your team. your team only got a bastion and ana to deal with it too.

for me, from now on the best way to deal with bastion is to get some1 to play zen and discord. but eitherway, its pc. so bastion is already kinda nerfed in defense unlike the console still have ridiculous ironclad dmg reduction
I think the enemy tilted because we pushed so far. It tends to happen in overtime cos people trickle in due to the staggered spawning. We backed off let them push while we grouped up and won.
Idk, btw one thing you should do is press tab more. Really useful to see who you can nano etc, cant always rely on team to call it out. Tab is op.

Bruh the bastion wasnt their problem, it was the tracer soloing their whole team over and over. :p
I do tab quite a lot but not while I'm alive as much since my PTT is on alt I don't want to alt tab out. Tends to happen a lot with Zarya when I want to check ults but I'm talking. :(

Got rekt by a hanzo. He was flick shotting everyone. Like solo wiped our team twice.
Went 3-2 though. Both losses were gold elims/healing on Lucio/Ana. Gotta love rubbish DPS. Approaching masters now. Hope my bonus SR is still going.


playing Rein is funner for me when they have a Rein too. The mindgames played between us is intense. almost like we share a bond. That and when im the only Rein my team doesnt stand behind my shield and kill anything:(

Overtime today where the team was beyond tilted. 1 min vs 4 min 30 but we smash them.
Caeser went ham on Tracer after penting up his fustration on forced to Rein.

My heart stopped when Lucio woke that Tracer. I was wondering how yall got out of that lol


I think the enemy tilted because we pushed so far. It tends to happen in overtime cos people trickle in due to the staggered spawning. We backed off let them push while we grouped up and won.

I do tab quite a lot but not while I'm alive as much since my PTT is on alt I don't want to alt tab out. Tends to happen a lot with Zarya when I want to check ults but I'm talking. :(

Got rekt by a hanzo. He was flick shotting everyone. Like solo wiped our team twice.
Went 3-2 though. Both losses were gold elims/healing on Lucio/Ana. Gotta love rubbish DPS. Approaching masters now. Hope my bonus SR is still going.

maybe set your ptt to caplocks like dspstanky lol.


playing Rein is funner for me when they have a Rein too. The mindgames played between us is intense. almost like we share a bond. That and when im the only Rein my team doesnt stand behind my shield and kill anything:(

My heart stopped when Lucio woke that Tracer. I was wondering how yall got out of that lol
Some people don't think lol
maybe set your ptt to caplocks like dspstanky lol.
But then I have to hold shift to rage at teammates.
playing Rein is funner for me when they have a Rein too. The mindgames played between us is intense. almost like we share a bond. That and when im the only Rein my team doesnt stand behind my shield and kill anything:(

I would love some art of two Rein players having a standoff while the rest of their teams are off in corners ignoring them.


We had a guy who wouldn't switch off of tobj even on attack, no matter what we said.

Then when we lost he said "sorry..." and left.
We had a guy who wouldn't switch off of tobj even on attack, no matter what we said.

Then when we lost he said "sorry..." and left.
As someone who once picked Bastion far too often, what happens is this:
1) Bad hero is picked.
2) Team tells person to get off bad hero.
3) Person becomes invested in their choice; thinks "I'll show them" or "I can do this and prove them wrong."
4) Person sticks with bad hero and fails to succeed.

Another approach that can sometimes be successful is this:
1) Bad hero is picked.
2) One person on the team says "We need an X - person, I am sure your Y is good, but would you mind going X for the team?"

This removes the possibility for defensiveness, and creates team cohesion.


As someone who once picked Bastion far too often, what happens is this:
1) Bad hero is picked.
2) Team tells person to get off bad hero.
3) Person becomes invested in their choice; thinks "I'll show them" or "I can do this and prove them wrong."
4) Person sticks with bad hero and fails to succeed.

Another approach that can sometimes be successful is this:
1) Bad hero is picked.
2) One person on the team says "We need an X - person, I am sure your Y is good, but would you mind going X for the team?"

This removes the possibility for defensiveness, and creates team cohesion.
Had him in the next game as well. Just finished now.

He picks torb.

Jumps around in spawn the whole game.

We lose.

GG goodbye masters rofl.


No my friend.

But I nearly won a round all by myself with genji. The enemy team got so scared they switched to winston :D We also had no healers.

They went triple tank to counter 5 people.

Yeah low masters is a shit show of people throwing cos they got what they wanted already.
3600 v 3600 games today and it was 1-1 on Nepal with us leading the current round 85-50. All game this one guy was being toxic telling the team off for every mistake. Tbf they kept pushing way past the choke for no reason and dying at least twice that round. He dced and I'm guessing everyone thought he rage quit so we went from winning to having 4 leavers. He came back eventually and the enemy team went triple tank with the hog trying to hook us out of spawn... Triple tank to counter our 2 dps and 1 support lmao.


sparkle this bitch
I will trade you teammates who never kill an exposed mercy for your shitty soldiers any day.

Deal. Since I'm normally healer, not having a stalking Pharah is nice.

Won my first in 10. They had a Pharah, went uncontested, my team switched off soldier and gave it to me. He got in position for one fucking ult for the rest of the game when a Zayra ult me. Rest of them were piss poor ones that he had to settle for.


Uncontested Pharah the entire fucking game. Fucking trash Soldiers who never looked up.
Soldier isn't going to bother a decent Pharah by himself unless the Pharah's healing is really inadequate.

I don't know about consoles, but on PC a Pharah with an attentive healer is almost never going to be countered by a single person. McCree is very good at handling her in certain situations but the fact that Pharah kills him in two hits anyway makes this strategy very unpredictable (especially if McCree is defending); all Pharah has to do is bounce him into a pair of rockets and all of a sudden your Pharah counter is gone. Widow also works sometimes, especially if her aim is good, but Widow is a liability in so many other ways (and also countered pretty good by a lot of common characters with general usefulness, like Winston) that a Pharah forcing a Widow pick is almost a victory in itself. Soldier is hardly a Pharah counter by himself. Pharah kills him faster than he kills her; all she has to do is catch him doing something else to render him irrelevant.

In short, the best way to do things is have two characters who are strong against Pharah so that she can't do anything. McCree + Soldier works, but it's not the only option. Soldier + Bastion + Ana, when applicable, is very tough for her to deal with too. But if your Soldier is getting gongshowed by Pharah and he's the only counter on your team, it's more than likely the case that someone else needs to switch to help him out.

Oh, and people need to stop picking Pharah against Pharah. She's terrible at killing her and chances are you're switching into a situation where the enemy Pharah is already dominant so you're just going to get destroyed.


sparkle this bitch
Soldier isn't going to bother a decent Pharah by himself unless the Pharah's healing is really inadequate.

I don't know about consoles, but on PC a Pharah with an attentive healer is almost never going to be countered by a single person. McCree is very good at handling her in certain situations but the fact that Pharah kills him in two hits anyway makes this strategy very unpredictable (especially if McCree is defending); all Pharah has to do is bounce him into a pair of rockets and all of a sudden your Pharah counter is gone. Widow also works sometimes, especially if her aim is good, but Widow is a liability in so many other ways (and also countered pretty good by a lot of common characters with general usefulness, like Winston) that a Pharah forcing a Widow pick is almost a victory in itself. Soldier is hardly a Pharah counter by himself. Pharah kills him faster than he kills her; all she has to do is catch him doing something else to render him irrelevant.

In short, the best way to do things is have two characters who are strong against Pharah so that she can't do anything. McCree + Soldier works, but it's not the only option. Soldier + Bastion + Ana, when applicable, is very tough for her to deal with too. But if your Soldier is getting gongshowed by Pharah and he's the only counter on your team, it's more than likely the case that someone else needs to switch to help him out.

Oh, and people need to stop picking Pharah against Pharah. She's terrible at killing her and chances are you're switching into a situation where the enemy Pharah is already dominant so you're just going to get destroyed.

She had no healing. As Ana, I hit about 30 kills, most on her for having to shoot her down solo. I don't expect the soldier to take her out alone, but I need some help largely because her E would knock me into a place I don't want to be. If she gets the first shot on me, it goes south unless she's close where I'm decent with the sleep. My issue was, I'd say Pharah up and literally our team's soldier ran right past me, I die. Then the pharah goes to work on the back of our team. 4 Different soldiers and none of them once help guard the flanks or back, or even responded.

My expectations was literally, I shouldn't have to 1v1 Pharah the entire game, when we always have a soldier present.
Soldier isn't going to bother a decent Pharah by himself unless the Pharah's healing is really inadequate.

I don't know about consoles, but on PC a Pharah with an attentive healer is almost never going to be countered by a single person. McCree is very good at handling her in certain situations but the fact that Pharah kills him in two hits anyway makes this strategy very unpredictable (especially if McCree is defending); all Pharah has to do is bounce him into a pair of rockets and all of a sudden your Pharah counter is gone. Widow also works sometimes, especially if her aim is good, but Widow is a liability in so many other ways (and also countered pretty good by a lot of common characters with general usefulness, like Winston) that a Pharah forcing a Widow pick is almost a victory in itself. Soldier is hardly a Pharah counter by himself. Pharah kills him faster than he kills her; all she has to do is catch him doing something else to render him irrelevant.

In short, the best way to do things is have two characters who are strong against Pharah so that she can't do anything. McCree + Soldier works, but it's not the only option. Soldier + Bastion + Ana, when applicable, is very tough for her to deal with too. But if your Soldier is getting gongshowed by Pharah and he's the only counter on your team, it's more than likely the case that someone else needs to switch to help him out.

Oh, and people need to stop picking Pharah against Pharah. She's terrible at killing her and chances are you're switching into a situation where the enemy Pharah is already dominant so you're just going to get destroyed.


You at least need Soldier +1 hitscan (Ana, McCree, Bastion) or a Zen who is attentive, especially if she has a healer. Pharmercy means you have to kill Mercy if you can find her or Pharah if she's far enough away from Mercy.

But good luck by yourself as S76. People keep trying to make it work then get mad at their soldier when he has to shoot up as well as shoot forward at enemies.

It's a team effort and that's why I fucking hate Pharah at the moment. Giving her uncontested vertical movement is the worst. I want another hero with her ability to stay in the air on their own and deal damage from such a long range.


It makes sense really. If the enemy is dedicating two people for one role, you need two people to counter that role.

I'm at 2949 now with a 74% win rate as Mercy. Might hit diamond tonight!
It makes sense really. If the enemy is dedicating two people for one role, you need two people to counter that role.

I'm at 2949 now with a 74% win rate as Mercy. Might hit diamond tonight!

Go go go!

Also Mercy being invulnerable on res is so annoying now.

Every time I see her about to fly in I try to stop her and it's like "lol nope server resolves her res before your ult."

Then people yell at me for solo ulting the Mercy when she's about to res the whole team.

Then they never kill the Mercy during fights...


Go go go!

Also Mercy being invulnerable on res is so annoying now.

Every time I see her about to fly in I try to stop her and it's like "lol nope server resolves her res before your ult."

Then people yell at me for solo ulting the Mercy when she's about to res the whole team.

Then they never kill the Mercy during fights...

d I love it. Casually walk into a Hanzo ult and rez 2 or 3 people without worry is a nice feeling.



You at least need Soldier +1 hitscan (Ana, McCree, Bastion) or a Zen who is attentive, especially if she has a healer. Pharmercy means you have to kill Mercy if you can find her or Pharah if she's far enough away from Mercy.

But good luck by yourself as S76. People keep trying to make it work then get mad at their soldier when he has to shoot up as well as shoot forward at enemies.

It's a team effort and that's why I fucking hate Pharah at the moment. Giving her uncontested vertical movement is the worst. I want another hero with her ability to stay in the air on their own and deal damage from such a long range.
Pharah's not that strong. She is handicapped on a lot of maps and can be rendered rather useless by comps that have a lot of general utility, like the aforementioned McCree + Soldier. She is specialized and is therefore dominant when she's effective. Her ult is limited for a DPS ult given that it really only works for a trade or when you've already CCed and she isn't as good at finishing kills as the hitscans.

Having said that, my solo queue Pharah has gotten me 1000 SR this season and I'm closing in on top 100 NA for Pharah. She's pretty good.

I've also got to imagine that she's just absurd on consoles, although it'd be tough to aim well so I don't know.




But good luck by yourself as S76. People keep trying to make it work then get mad at their soldier when he has to shoot up as well as shoot forward at enemies.

Yep. It's a tough time if Soldier is the only one countering the Phara, especially if she's pocketed. If you focus on the sky, you're an easy pick on the ground from someone like Roadhog. Plus he won't be putting in as much work on the front lines. So if a Soldier is purely on Phara duty, she's still winning.

If you need a second teammate to focus her down or scare her away, I've found Zarya strangely effective. Her main beam has quite a bit of range, and can swat her down pretty well if you're decent at tracking. Plus the Bubble is great at scaring her away if her targets are always protected. Not perfect, but I have little trouble with Phara when I'm rolling Zarya.


lol probably half the nanoboosts i got today were when i had less than 20 charge.
id say only 2 were worthwhile and the rest were either wasted or just panic passed to me.

its something atleast!

It's ok when you have grav since you get ult charge from them shooting you anyway but when its to build your grav with but you got 0 charge then feelsbad.
It's ok when you have grav since you get ult charge from them shooting you anyway but when its to build your grav with but you got 0 charge then feelsbad.

Every time, lol.

Zarya: Hey guys! Just made it back to the fight after respawning, what's happe...
Anna: You're powered up, get in there!
Zarya: Wait, I don't have any charge in my gun.
Anna: I said. Get. In. There.

Smash cut to "DEFEAT".


Worst group of 5 I have ever been paired up with while solo queueing.

Just yelling at each other the whole time and then even more loudly screaming at each other ABOUT screaming at each other during the match.
Every time, lol.

Zarya: Hey guys! Just made it back to the fight after respawning, what's happe...
Anna: You're powered up, get in there!
Zarya: Wait, I don't have any charge in my gun.
Anna: I said. Get. In. There.

Smash cut to "DEFEAT".

This is me as Roadhog, except I have no ult, so I get maybe 5 shots off before it wears off or I die because Ana players seem to like ulting me and then abandoning me.
First time I've played in roughly a month, immediately backlogged into the climactic music of an attack on eichenwalde so obviously I think, "oh hey welcome back, backfilling into a losing battle urrrgh"
Except I arrived at the finale of a push towards the finish line and got to just walk the thing in basically (while netting a gold objective kills just for turning up in time to get pot shots in).

Then there's the match with super snipers, on my team though, shit this Hanzo player I could swear had his dragons on cooldown instead of ult with the rate they were being fired out, two matches of my team covering each other, all of this in quick play.

I shut off the game afterwards because I wasn't risking ruining this moment with a salty match, what a pleasant surprise.


Worst group of 5 I have ever been paired up with while solo queueing.

Just yelling at each other the whole time and then even more loudly screaming at each other ABOUT screaming at each other during the match.

The stay as group button was a mistake
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