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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Discussion Thread 2 (read OP first)

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That sounds like ABE as DLC to me..or sony is upset with him for saying superbot didn't even bother to get back to them and they don't want to ruin their relationship with sony.

Hope it's the former


That is awesome, perfect translation of the earlier prerendered graphics.....pretty cool that we have surpassed early prerendered graphics in realtime
Superbot are just punishing us for all the early leaked info we have had. Now they are letting us believe there is nothing left to show

I hope


Aftershock LA
I find it interesting that what Superbot said was, "This is all of the launch characters."

Why people are taking that to mean that there will only be 20 characters in the game is beyond me. I took it to mean that, come November 20th, those 20 characters will be the ones that are on the disc. After November 20th, ie, the near future, there will be more characters added via DLC. Those DLC characters have yet to be announced, but will be in the future.

Also, that screenshot of Yorda could be anything. We've only seen two aspects of this game: The 20 launch characters, and the 14 stages. We have rumors and hints of the various game modes, and that one video that shows a menu that says "Unlockables" with a list of things like Belts, Taunts, Intros, etc.

We have absolutely no idea what else surrounds the game. Yorda could be a background character. She could be some kind of minion. She could be some kind of trophy you unlock and display in a "PlayStation Museum (like the trophies you unlock in Smash, and can display on your table in the game). We just don't know, and we are still 7 and a half weeks away from release. That's still plenty of time to talk about things like that prior to release to build up hype.

Why unveil all of these things 7 weeks before launch? If GAF is any indication of excitement, fever pitch hype for a game tends to kick in 2 weeks before launch, generally around the time the OT pops up.

The characters are only one aspect of this game. Now that that's out of the way, I'm curious about the rest, especially since Superbot has said, numerous times, that they are trying to pack a lot of content in this game. I didn't immediately think "content" meant 50 characters, but more like winks and nods and throwbacks to various things about PlayStation, and extra modes, unlocks, costumes, etc.

Still. 7.5 weeks away. That alone is starting to get me excited. I like that Sony announced this game 6 months from release. I hope they continue doing that. I think The Last Guardian, GT5, and others have taught them about announcing stuff too soon does more damage than good.



Yes. There are tons of info that have yet to see the light. We don't even have the slightest clue what the function of minions are, and capture the flag mode? So many people thinking it's the end of the world with the 20 characters, and it's just absurd. As it is, it's great, but we haven't even seen much of the content besides the core concept.


Aftershock LA
Yes. There are tons of info that have yet to see the light. We don't even have the slightest clue what the function of minions are, and capture the flag mode? So many people thinking it's the end of the world with the 20 characters, and it's just absurd. As it is, it's great, but we haven't even seen much of the content besides the core concept.

Exactly. There's still plenty of time left for more information about the game beyond characters.

Looking at how much we devoured the current information, if they just had a blowout of the rest of the stuff 7.5 weeks before launch, we'd be all, "Need MOAR or hype deflated!"

I think, at this point in time, Superbot is still working to keep hype alive by remaining vague, and teasing more information. I don't think they are BS'ing us about that information either. I think there's more to show us, but it's not character stuff.

Things I'd like to learn more about (without spoiling too much)

1) Featurette on the other game modes, whatever they may be.
2) Featurette on the soundtrack, and what they are doing with it. I haven't listened to the videos people have posted before with sound samples and audio clips, because I don't want to be completely spoiled with information before launch.
3) Featurette on functions like minions, belts, taunts, intros, etc.
4) More tip videos like they did with the 6 launch characters.

To me, that's plenty of stuff to talk about before launch. The game is a month and a half away!
1) Game mode trailers, with eventual full gameplay tailored to look intense as possible
2) The detailing of all the little tweaks that you can customize your game with (with trailers for game modes with custom settings)
3) Footage of The online features
4) Trailer for Challenge mode
5) Story mode trailer, at least giving us the backstory, with gameplay of the match types
6) Trailer of the statistical depth-- the ranking, unlocking, etc.
7) Tip videos
8) Beta stats-- how many supers were used, how many hit, most popular character, etc.

They should start some of this already
It would be beautiful if Omar made an official statement like
"Yes, the 20 characters revealed so far are what you will be using come November 20th and are what we feel best represents Playstation."

"BUT... NOVEMBER 24TH since we didn't have time to finish everything, you will be able to download at no cost to you, CRASH MUTHAPHUCKING BANDICOOT, SNAKE, CLOUD, LARA CROFT, SPYRO, WANDER AND A NISSAN SYLINE!!!!!"
2 things

1. Superbot did not say all launch characters have revealed, that was Sid Shuman, playstation social media guy.

2. There are ways of handling DLC without affecting the community. The fact Omar mentioned a character like Crash would be a free character if he was in the game leads me to believe they will do free character dlc and force patch them in, so that anyone that wants to play online will gain the characters. That's how Starhawk and TTT2 are doing it.

Ran rp

It would be beautiful if Omar made an official statement like
"Yes, the 20 characters revealed so far are what you will be using come November 20th and are what we feel best represents Playstation."

"BUT... NOVEMBER 24TH since we didn't have time to finish everything, you will be able to download at no cost to you, CRASH MUTHAPHUCKING BANDICOOT, SNAKE, CLOUD, LARA CROFT, SPYRO, WANDER AND A NISSAN SYLINE!!!!!"

*drops mike*


Lost all credibility.
DLC being free of charge would be so good.
I could see it happening since the 3rd party characters we've seen already are helping to promote new releases. So maybe they'll keep with that theme for DLC, timing character updates with a new game from that franchise.


It would be beautiful if Omar made an official statement like
"Yes, the 20 characters revealed so far are what you will be using come November 20th and are what we feel best represents Playstation."

"BUT... NOVEMBER 24TH since we didn't have time to finish everything, you will be able to download at no cost to you, CRASH MUTHAPHUCKING BANDICOOT, SNAKE, CLOUD, LARA CROFT, SPYRO, WANDER AND A NISSAN SYLINE!!!!!"


Mr. Fix

It would be beautiful if Omar made an official statement like
"Yes, the 20 characters revealed so far are what you will be using come November 20th and are what we feel best represents Playstation."

"BUT... NOVEMBER 24TH since we didn't have time to finish everything, you will be able to download at no cost to you, CRASH MUTHAPHUCKING BANDICOOT, SNAKE, CLOUD, LARA CROFT, SPYRO, WANDER AND A NISSAN SYLINE!!!!!"

You're a cool dude, coolbgdog.

Seriously though guys, Ryu Hayabusa.


I find it interesting that what Superbot said was, "This is all of the launch characters."

Why people are taking that to mean that there will only be 20 characters in the game is beyond me. I took it to mean that, come November 20th, those 20 characters will be the ones that are on the disc. After November 20th, ie, the near future, there will be more characters added via DLC. Those DLC characters have yet to be announced, but will be in the future.

Also, that screenshot of Yorda could be anything. We've only seen two aspects of this game: The 20 launch characters, and the 14 stages. We have rumors and hints of the various game modes, and that one video that shows a menu that says "Unlockables" with a list of things like Belts, Taunts, Intros, etc.

We have absolutely no idea what else surrounds the game. Yorda could be a background character. She could be some kind of minion. She could be some kind of trophy you unlock and display in a "PlayStation Museum (like the trophies you unlock in Smash, and can display on your table in the game). We just don't know, and we are still 7 and a half weeks away from release. That's still plenty of time to talk about things like that prior to release to build up hype.

Why unveil all of these things 7 weeks before launch? If GAF is any indication of excitement, fever pitch hype for a game tends to kick in 2 weeks before launch, generally around the time the OT pops up.

The characters are only one aspect of this game. Now that that's out of the way, I'm curious about the rest, especially since Superbot has said, numerous times, that they are trying to pack a lot of content in this game. I didn't immediately think "content" meant 50 characters, but more like winks and nods and throwbacks to various things about PlayStation, and extra modes, unlocks, costumes, etc.

Still. 7.5 weeks away. That alone is starting to get me excited. I like that Sony announced this game 6 months from release. I hope they continue doing that. I think The Last Guardian, GT5, and others have taught them about announcing stuff too soon does more damage than good.

Two issues I have with this:

1. I'll be upfront: I'm not thrilled about DLC characters in fighting games. In addition to immediately raising a (usually false, mind) perception that the user isn't getting the complete game with their initial purchase (see SFxT, MvC3 to UMvC3, every BB revision ever) and it can cause fragmentation among the playerbase and will inevitably raise the price for everyone who wants to get into the game competitively (since we can reasonably assume that the DLC won't be free). It's not a simple matter as "only buy the characters you care about", since you need to have the characters to know how to fight against them. This is, of course, without getting into the roster discussion that's been beaten to death, so I won't go into that.

2. I hate to bring Smash Bros into this yet again, but the reason the Smash Dojo was so succesful is that, 7.5 weeks away from the game being out, we knew a nice combination of roster, modes, features, items, etc without them having spoiled everything about the game. In comparison, we know the entire launch roster for PS All-Stars, but barely anything about everything else. The marketing team for the game simply hasn't done a very good job at this, and it shows with the amount of people that constantly beg for ANY info to be revealed at the next trade show.

Edit: I should really proof-read my stuff. I'm not quite at Figboy levels of typing yet. :(


Two issues I have with this:

1. I'll be upfront: I'm not thrilled about DLC characters in fighting games. In addition to immediately raising a (usually false, mind) perception that the user isn't getting the complete game with their initial purchase (see SFxT, MvC3 to UMvC3, every BB revision ever) and it can cause fragmentation among the playerbase and will inevitably raise the price for everyone who wants to get into the game competitively (since we can reasonably assume that the DLC won't be free). It's not a simple matter as "only buy the characters you care about", since you need to have the characters to know how to fight against them. This is, of course, without getting into the roster discussion that's been beaten to death, so I won't go into that.

2. I hate to bring Smash Bros into this yet again, but the reason the Smash Dojo was so succesful is that, 7.5 weeks away from the game being out, we knew a nice combination of roster, modes, features, items, etc without them having spoiled everything about the game. In comparison, we know the entire launch roster for PS All-Stars, but barely anything about everything else. The marketing team for the game simply hasn't done a very good job at this, and it shows with the amount of people that constantly beg for ANY info to be revealed at the next trade show.

Edit: I should really proof-read my stuff. I'm not quite at Figboy levels of typing yet. :(

Makes sense to me.

Thats why people are hoping for free dlc!


Aftershock LA
For this particular game, DLC seems to be the only way to include characters that couldn't be secured for launch. It's already been established that some publishers weren't eager to hop on board day one, so no Cloud, Crash, Spyro, Sora, Snake, and other character's who's names start with the letters "C" and "S", on day one.

I think most people, when seeing, say, Cloud, as a DLC character, whether paid or free, won't care that he wasn't on the disc. He's a highly sought after character, many fans of this game will want him.

As for learning how to fight against a DLC character, there have been a few MP games I've played where, even if you didn't own the Map, you could still play on it, you just couldn't host/create a match with that map.

I imagine that, if, for example, I have purchased Cloud, but you haven't, I'd still be able to fight you as Cloud, but you wouldn't be able to fight as him unless you got the DLC.

I'm not as hung up on DLC this generation as many others are, but then again, I don't plan on playing this game online as much as I know many of you are. I'll probably spend most of my time in single player, or playing couch matches with my friends. No offense to you NeoGaffers, but I don't have much desire to play you all in MP in this game. Nothing personal, I'm just a single player gamer first and foremost, and an MP gamer very, very low on that list. I probably do 95% of my gaming solo, with 5% online, and sporadically.

I enjoyed playing the beta with you guys, for sure, but I'd much rather play against people actually in my house. That was one of the things I loved about Smash the most.


I really do hope that the audience takes the game seriously. I was at Eurogamer Expo early on the first day of the event so I have not seen the full extent of how many people were playing the game. But it does seem as if it is the biggest 1st party title in SCEs line up this year!
Sony focus this year is on this game,Wonerbook and Littlebigplanet Karting.
This has gotten way past the point of being stupid. If this guy knows something, either spill the beans or GTFO. He's nothing to me -- and, I suspect, many of us -- until he verifies anything he's hinting at. My patience has run out after all the Sony misdirection/fake PR/Paul Gale bullshit.
The game was immensely popular at PAX

And it was the same story at Eurogamer Expo, because -- shock, horror -- it's a lot of fun. People can bitch and moan all they like about it being a "rip-off" or the character's not being popular enough, but put the controller in their hands and it all becomes irrelevant. Do I expect it to be the best game of the generation? Of course not. But it's clear from the moment you get your hands on the game, that this is a thoughtfully crafted title with a stack of interesting personalities in it.

I don't expect it to set the world alight from a sales perspective, but I do think it's going to be remembered fondly -- even if the reviews are unnecessarily critical (which they will be).

Also, you guys should really stop following these cryptic "leaks". Unless someone's actually sharing screenshots or videos, I wouldn't give it the time of day.


And it was the same story at Eurogamer Expo, because -- shock, horror -- it's a lot of fun. People can bitch and moan all they like about it being a "rip-off" or the character's not being popular enough, but put the controller in their hands and it all becomes irrelevant. Do I expect it to be the best game of the generation? Of course not. But it's clear from the moment you get your hands on the game, that this is a thoughtfully crafted title with a stack of interesting personalities in it.

I don't expect it to set the world alight from a sales perspective, but I do think it's going to be remembered fondly -- even if the reviews are unnecessarily critical (which they will be).

Also, you guys should really stop following these cryptic "leaks". Unless someone's actually sharing screenshots or videos, I wouldn't give it the time of day.

Good to hear. I really want this game to be successful.

Man, I would stop following the cryptic leaks if Superbot gave me something to feed on. For now, it's all we got.

Maybe this game isn't real at all! It's all an illusion.
Don't say that. I might go insane!


This has gotten way past the point of being stupid. If this guy knows something, either spill the beans or GTFO. He's nothing to me -- and, I suspect, many of us -- until he verifies anything he's hinting at. My patience has run out after all the Sony misdirection/fake PR/Paul Gale bullshit.
What is you deal seriously?

That guy post alot of awesome sound videos.
This has gotten way past the point of being stupid. If this guy knows something, either spill the beans or GTFO. He's nothing to me -- and, I suspect, many of us -- until he verifies anything he's hinting at. My patience has run out after all the Sony misdirection/fake PR/Paul Gale bullshit.

Guys like Gale stretched out and glorified the hints, made them insanely vague, and profited off of all this. This guy has provided modest leaks that are 100% legit, and is cryptically hinting at leasst, Snake. Personally, I dont think he's doing much wrong here-- if he did know something, he may very well not want to screw it for Superbot out of his own will. How many of us would spread the leaks if we found them ourselves knowing they would harm Superbot? I wouldn't. I don't find it a stretch to think Snake will be in this game as he is the biggest third party title yet the easiest one Sony can get their hands on, nor do I have a problem with the way he is hinting at it, considering this guy's past history of delivering modest leaks. Not hard to imagine he found sound files for Snake, and for more stages.
So what, is Snake in the game now? :p

What else could be inferred from the videos?

Just Snake, as far as I can tell. He is clearly hinting at Snake without flat out telling us it is Snake, nor is he leaving much room for predicting some other character because he isn't being vague and pointless. Either it's Snake, or a giant tease
Just Snake, as far as I can tell. He is clearly hinting at Snake without flat out telling us it is Snake, nor is he leaving much room for predicting some other character because he isn't being vague and pointless. Either it's Snake, or a giant tease

Remember what happened with Gale hints? It's probably Otacon.
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