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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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Competing in a latte art throw down in Tampa.
Do you have any pics of your latte art on hand? I wanna see!
Very cute


So cool

Respectively. I love your style!

Also, I'm intrigued by this coffee art shenanigans. What does it entail? Are we talking smiley faces in the foam and stuff?

Eventually, I would like to open a thread to discuss the coffee scene because it isn't discussed much. In short though:

It involves the proper dosing, tamping, and extraction for espresso, followed by the proper micro-foaming of the milk, followed by the appropriate technique of pouring the milk into the crema of the espresso without burying it under the milk, which creates the designs on top :3


Eventually, I would like to open a thread to discuss the coffee scene because it isn't discussed much. In short though:

It involves the proper dosing, tamping, and extraction for espresso, followed by the proper micro-foaming of the milk, followed by the appropriate technique of pouring the milk into the crema of the espresso without burying it under the milk, which creates the designs on top :3

Cool that was going to be my next question. I've seen videos of people doing it before but never really understood the mechanics and nuance behind it.
Not to imply that I do now...

Must be kinda tricky, can you do anything to save a drawing if you make a mistake? Or do you just have to either live with it or start over?
Thank you so much (o/////o)

I've been practicing this the past 2 years.

I had zero work experience prior to learning this.
It's my first job and has become one of the biggest passions in my life.
Coffee is srs bsns ~


Okay so this is a selfie of me from a few months back. Its one of the few pictures of me that doesn't look like complete ass....

I apologize in advance for the wonky glasses(they weren't on straight or it was the camera angle, I honestly can't remember) and those eyes..... *shudder*


I've gotten a little self conscious as of late, so don't really feel like taking any recent selfies but going to be hitting the gym once again soon with my roommate so I'll probably show some updates.
I had no idea there was so much too being a barista!

Bento, one hazelnut cappuccino with a bear face please.

I didn't either til I began to learn all of this 2 years ago.

It's a separate form of science almost. There is SO much to it.

If you're ever in Florida, I'll make that for you. :p

I'm not a coffee person but seeing stuff like this always blows my mind. So cool.

I can do it with hot chocolate too :X

Cool that was going to be my next question. I've seen videos of people doing it before but never really understood the mechanics and nuance behind it.
Not to imply that I do now...

Must be kinda tricky, can you do anything to save a drawing if you make a mistake? Or do you just have to either live with it or start over?

Nope. If I fuck it up, I have to pour it all out then get a new cup, pull a new shot, steam new milk, and try again.

Needless to say, I have wasted a shit ton of milk/espresso in my days. :X


Haha, thanks Squiddy, I appreciate the compliment. :)

The pic is a few months old, I'm on that full hobo look right now, growing that beard and everything. :p

Yes. I know about tea as well ~

I think my heart skipped a beat. Can you Fed Ex tea lattes? We need to research this.


Yeah Squiddy has some serious lashes, dangerous as hell. Making GirlGAF jelly alright. Making the rest of us look bad at the same time. Damn. :p

Trimmed beard is best beard imo. Short to medium length.

Well I don't even know if I should call it a beard, its more of a scraggly long chin strap and a little soul patch. Also got that short handlebar stache.

I trim around it and I have an extension for my trimmer when I want to shorten the sides.

Other than that don't do much to maintain the facial hair.


So I guess I should post a very recent picture of me, so I took a selfie that I don't completely hate 5 minutes ago. For added legitness you can see my earlier post of myself on GAF in the background.


Sorry for the ass camera quality, I took it off my Galaxy S3. =(

edit; and yes thats a fan cooling my laptop, my laptop is really old and overheats insanely quick.
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