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Predict: 2016 in Gaming


The Last Guardian will release and be exactly what sensible people are expecting, a game like Ico.

No Man's Sky will be Spore 2.0. (disappointing)

VR will have a very slow start.


VR will bomb.

Mass Effect(if it comes out) and Zelda Wii U will get the most GOTY wins.

Persona 5 will be better than both( to me)

No Man's Sky will disappoint.

Another indie game will come out of virtually no where and impress.

NX will lauded as Nintendo's return to glory and then when it actually comes out it will disappoint like the Wii U.

TLG will not come out 2016.

People will continue to not care about Battleborn.

FFXV ends up great.(god i hope so)

Capcom announces new mainline Resident Evil and DMC.


This will be fun :).

PlayStation (PS4):
-PS VR will bomb hard at retail but still be the most successful VR unit compared to Oclus: Between high price and Sony poorly marketing the device, it will not do well. Hope it does well though.
-No Mans Sky will disappoint: game is too ambitious for itself and will only be a good game. Could the the game that sells people on VR though
-Uncharted 4 will be a GOTY Contender: Not much to say about this :).
-Gravity Rush Remastered will bomb at retail (EU) and digitally (NA): Tearaway Unfolded proved that Vita remasters just don't do well on PS4 and will be really surprised if GR Remastered sells well
-Ratchet & Clank PS4 will surprise people: This game is hyped but I feel it has a good shot at being a GOTY Contender or at the very least, be the strongest platformer released in 2016.
-Crash Bandicoot Returns, God of War IV and Ape Escape 4 announced at E3 2016: Three games that are either heavily rumored or suggested to appear. Crash Reborn will be the biggest announcement of the event and people will be surprised with the game when it comes out. God of War IV announced for March 2017 off the bat and people are lukewarm of the trailer. Ape Escape 4 will please everyone present.
-Final Fantasy XV, Persona 5, Last Guardian and a Demo for FFVII Remastered Part I will release in 2016.
-Final Fantasy XV will be a lot better than many expect it to be, Persona 5 will be many peoples GOTY, Last Guardian gets mixed reception and the demo of FFVII Remake Part I impresses
-Horizion Zero Dawn gets pushed to Feb. 2017 for polishing reasons and Uncharted 4 gets pushed into June 2016 for the same reason.

PlayStation Vita:
-More localization announced by NISA (Hero Must Die), Idea Factory (Neptuina vs. Sega Hard Girls), Sega (some Phantasy Star game, Project Diva, Fighting Climax Sequel/Add-On), Spike Chunsoft (Dangronmpa 3) and others
-Disney Infinity 3.0 gets a Vita version released early 2016 with the Marvel Battlegrounds playset and MCU Spider-Man figure
-Price Drop for Vita: $149 price point for the Vita 2000 and a small price drop on memory cards

-Star Fox Zero surprises people: Despite it not looking amazing visually, the level design, gameplay and other factors push the title to becoming one of the better Wii U games of 2016. Have a good feeling the delay was to add in online or some kind of MP mode.
-Zelda will get a compilation of the N64 games for Wii U and NX next year; OoT and MM 3D getting up-ported to both consoles with better visuals and released in a bundle
-Twilight Princes HD will get more improvements then expected and be a better remaster compared to Wind Walker HD
-NX is announced March 2016 and will be on the power level of the Xbox One. Controller uses touch screen within a traditional controller and two titles are shown off; Pikmin 4 and 3D Mario.
-E3 2016 Nintendo has press conference for the first time in years and uses this to announce more about NX; price, specs, games and more. Retro's new IP is a early 2017 release, Zelda U gets a NX version, Smash and Mario Kart 8 get definitive editions for NX and Wii U and JP third parties supporting the console with big titles (FFXV, Dragon Quest XI (JP first, NA/EU second), KH3, ect).
-Zelda U impresses people and will be better received than Skyward Sword. NX version impresses with its visual improvements and performance fixes from Wii U build
-Pokemon Z is a NX launch title and will also release on the 3DS
-Yo-Kai Watch 2 and Busters announced for localization
-Dragon Quest VII releases before E3 2016

-Rare announces two new titles: Reboot/Sequel to old IP and a co-developed partnership for an older IP. Banjo retail game and Battletoads downloadable game seem to be the likely picks.
-Sea of Thieves is greatly received at launch and is the most successful game from the studio since Viva Pinata
-Gears 4 fails to impress, mirroring Gears Judgement
-Halo 5 gets Forge tools throughout the year
-Sunset Overdrive 2 gets announced at E3 2016 and Insomniac develops it
-Quatum Break gets mixed reception at launch; mirrors Order 1886 and Rise in terms of praise/reception. Gaming community loves it more than the mentioned games however.
-Crackdown 3 pushed into 2017 to better use the 'Cloud' and to flesh out the game
-Recore and Scalebound great successes for MS

3rd Party:
-Sonic Anniversary and Fire & Ice are great games: Anniversary is a 2D Classic Sonic game that makes everyone happy while Fire & Ice is a huge improvement over Shattered Crystal.
-Sonic Generations port or Modern Sonic Collection lands on PS4/X1/NX for Sonic's birthday next June
-Yooka-Laylee releases next year and its a huge hit on Nintendo platforms and PC.
-Mighty No. 9 releases on time and it gets mixed reception
-Shanate Half Genie Hero releases next year on time and people love it. Its success pushes the series to land on MS/Sony systems more often and leads to Pirates Curse and Risky's Revenge to land on PS4, Vita, and X1 sometime next year (latter is out for PS4 but not PS3/Vita).
-Sword Art Online Hollow Realization and Digimon Cyber Sleuth are very strong JRPG's and impress a lot of people.
-Neir 2 and TMNT: Mutians of Manhattan will be some of the years best games


Lotta predictions of VR bombing. What kind of year one sales constitutes bomb status?

Umm.....would 400k for PS VR and 200-300k for Oclus count?

I think it will do better then that (600k for PS VR and 400K for Oculus) but I have strong doubts for PS VR honestly :(.


Distinguished Air Superiority
- VR will take over
- NX will be comparable in power as a PS4
- FFVII remake won't be released in 2016
- Crash Bandicoot will be announced
- Hololens/Xbox hybrid will be announced
- PSVR will do well


Dark Souls III will be amazing. The Last Guardian will be released. VR will be good and sell well, but won't take over. It'll eventually become a lasting new space for entertainment, like arcades of yesterday and mobiles today.


- VR will take over
- NX will be comparable in power as a PS4
- FFVII remake won't be released in 2016
- Crash Bandicoot will be announced
- Hololens/Xbox hybrid will be announced
- PSVR will do well

the FFVII remake isn't planned for 2016.


Xbox One will open the "Windows Store" and a flurry of apps will come to the platform. A lot of PC indie games will be available for Xbox One. (This will happen in the later half of the year)


1) The broken games trend will continue.
2) Mass Effect 4 will be delayed to 2017.
3) The NX will be underpowered and have a super weird controller and will launch in November to Wii U level of sales.
4) PSVR will be the only VR system to actually provide quality games in 2016.
5) No Man's Sky finally comes out in the winter and will be kind of boring outside of seeing the randomly generated worlds.
6) Star Citizen releases in the fall and is good.
7) PS4 redesign and major price drop. Continues to sell insane amounts.
8) Final Fantasy XV will be delayed to Q1 2017.
- PSVR priced at $300
- Horizon delayed to 2017
- FFXV release summer 2016 and KH3release date set for 2017
- No Man Sky releases and is a buggy mess
- WII U Zelda announced for NX also
- Pikmin 4 is a NX launch title.
- No western 3rd party support for NX but plenty eastern 3rd party support
- we'll see Shenmue 3 gameplay at E3, if not next PSX
- New God Of War announced
1. No Man's Sky will be a PSVR launch game.
The reason why I think no official launch day for either has been announced is due to Sony making sure NMS is ready for VR.

2. Oculus Rift will be $150 more than PSVR
Sony will have the upper hand on price, mainly due to the size of the company and also they can sell at a cost.

3. Mass Effect: Andromeda will be delayed until 2017 but season pass will be announced
EA... just EA

4. PSVR will not sell more than 1 million units
I think anything close to 1 million is a good start.


The Division will be better than No Man's Sky in reception from press and consumers both. (just to be a contrarian to this thread)


Freedom of creators and creativity will be even more criticized and limited by whiners of both sides : those who will be agressive toward creators telling their sad stories related to discriminations and "first world problems, and those who will fight against games where tou can t be a woman, gay, transgender, all at the same time or consecutively because it absolutely makes sense and doesn t harm the game, whatever the creators want.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Not a lot of game suprises as the slate it already packed with announced games, games that got delayed until 2016 etc.

Agree that VR will underwhelm, at least for this year. It will be too pricey and have too little quality content to be worthwhile for most people for the first year or two.

I think the NX launches holiday 2016. No idea about form factor, or launch games, beyond Zelda U being cross platform. Nintendo just can't afford to languish further into irrlevancy in terms of sales any longer.
-Uncharted 4 will win GOTY on most websites

-No Man's Sky is this year's Destiny for most divisive game on NeoGAF. Some swear by it, others will think its manufactured hype and empty promises.

-Zelda is gonna be another boring open world game.

-CountBlackule will be ASS at SFV but will play it anyway

-Scalebound will be a Kamiya game for people who don't like Kamiya games. It will color within the lines to appeal to western AAA gamer taste and will show none of his personality. Open world, RPG elements, non-stylized artwork, inoffensive rock music, heavy online multiplayer element, casual combat system. Shinobi092 announces it as his favorite game of the year since Mass Effect got delayed.

-The Last Guardian does come out, but its some half-assed video game from 2008 with bad framerate, worse controls, and its like 4 hours or some shit.

-Dark Souls 3 is the best in the series.

-The NX will be some handheld/console hybrid/multiple form factor thing, meaning it will forever be held back development wise by its handheld tech. No more big 3D Zeldas, no Mario Galaxy, no big mature new IP from Retro Studios, nothing ambitious ever again. Just Amiibos, mobile, and games that translate well to handheld like Smash and Mario Kart. Animal Crossing NX announced at launch.


  • Persona 5 delayed to Fall 2016, special edition will be priced at $80
  • Final Fantasy 15 will be out summer 2016
  • Zelda U will remain exclusive to Wii U
  • Nintendo NX will be publicly revealed in March with a complete blowout in E3
  • Nintendo NX will release end of November
  • Nintendo NX will be about halfway between X1 and PS4 in strength and be about $299
  • Western 3rd parties will give it the charitable ports and then not come back, indies will once again pick up the slack
  • #FE will sell much better in the west :p
  • PSVR will be priced at $400
  • Summer Lesson will remain a tech demo or will be Japan only ;~;
  • DOAX3 suddenly announced for western release
  • Retro's game will be shown at E3, it will be a new IP
  • No Man's Sky will sell well but get middling reviews
  • God of War is back. With an Egyptian Kratos because we need angry characters.
  • The Last Guardian will be shown again at E3 but it will not have a release date on the trailer
  • The first episode of FFVII will be released and applauded for its grand visuals...and nothing else
  • Gravity Rush 2 released and it will be glorious
  • Dark Souls 3 will be well received and most reviews will say its like Bloodborne but better to which people online will say its not like Dark Souls enough


Xbox One will sell. PS4 will sell more. And despite being shown at E3 2016, the year will pass by without anyone actually knowing what the fuck the NX actually is.
After 223 post

Mainstream = Success Niche/HC = Entusiats/Slow Burn Hedging = maybe I don't know possibly For = I think it's going do well but I don't know, I like the tech Against = it will Bomb/Flop after the niche market no one else will buy

I tracked the PSVR predictions

Page 1
Mainstream - 7

Niche/HC - 8

Hedging their bets - 3

For VR 2

Against VR 4

Page 2

MainStream - 4

Niche/HC - 5

Hedging their bets - 6

For VR - 1

Against VR - 14


Dark Souls 3 will not win many GOTY awards and people will still be surprised that the souls series doesn't win many awards.

Haha, yup. It could be better than Bloodborne, and it will assuredly get fewer awards than Bloodborne's already small amount.

I think TLOU 2 gets announced this year.
NX will disappoint.
Zelda will get fans excited but won't actually be that good.
No Man's Sky will crush dreams.
FFXV will release and will be better than people are daring to hope.
  1. GamerGate will lose all their relevance.
  2. Undertale will have a
    TON of influence on games, especially indie.
  3. There will be more debates over which is worse: Fallout 3 or Fallout 4.
  4. The NX will be seen as a Revolution the same way we saw with the Wii. Luckily, it will have a bigger library to back it up this time.
  5. More communities get strict against online harassment.
  6. Konami will go bankrupt and auction off their IP.
  7. Kojima will go to Kickstarter.
  8. Trails in the Sky SC will get more popular by word of mouth.
  9. More Western RPGs will be compared to Witcher 3, Xenoblade X and Divinity: Original Sin. Mostly Unfavorably.


Neo Member
phones become so powerful they stream to TV with Bluetooth controllers destroying the absolute purpose for a games console........hang on wait?


Gold Member
2016 in gaming you say? I predict I still will enjoy playing video games. :D

Dark Souls III will be the swan song of Miyazaki surpassing Dark Souls and maybe even Demon's.

Uncharted 4 will be great.

The Division will actually be a good game....(too many beta testers said they like it)

FFXV releases and we are all presently surprised its a good game.

The Last Guardian releases and while its critically acclaimed because "Team ICO" its not very good.

Destiny 2 is announced at E3, but is delayed until 2017.

Deus Ex is a great game.

Rainbow Six Siege becomes the official competitive shooter for consoles.


Judging by how my 2015 Predictions went this should be fun.

In PS4/Xbone/PC Corner:

1. Uncharted 4 takes GOTY from most media outlets. GAF and most others will see it as great but not as good as 2 or TLOU (because the two are obviously very comparable). 92 MC Score.

2. Deus Ex Mankind Divided will be the dark horse candidate for GOTY. Will be a great game that genuinely improves upon an already great predecessor. Won't win too many GOTY awards in the end but it'll make a lot of lists. That or it'll release broken. Hopefully the former. 91 MC

3. Gears 4 will release in October as Microsoft's big Holiday Game. It'll be pretty similar to Halo 5: Multiplayer is a step in the right direction, campaign is a bit of a let down and worse than the original trilogy, and the mutiplayer will probably be lacking content in the first few months. Knowing this gen, it may not even launch with Horde. Hopefully I'm wrong with that part. Overall, the Gears fanbase has for the most part moved on so it won't be the success that MS hopes it'll be.

4. Rockstar will come out of its hole and announce something. After the latest discovery online, I think we'll see some GTAV single player DLC by the end of the year.

Red Dead Revengeance will finally be announced as well. While I don't expect it until 2017, there may be a chance R* pulls a Bethesda and releases it by the end of the year, this would happen if they don't do any GTAV DLC. If this is the case, it will sweep every GOTY award.

5. Half Life 3 will still not be announced

6. AGENT will still be MIA but not confirmed cancelled

7. Crash Bandicoot will be unveiled by Sony at E3. Shawn Layden's shirt has me convinced. It won't be developed by Naughty Dog though which will lead to GAF complaints.

8. Dark Souls 3 will be dank af but not the best in the series. Souls fatigue will begin to become a thing and prevent it from getting the credit it deserves. Will be completely overlooked in the end of the year awards. 87 MC

9. Recore will release in August or something and not be the game anybody is expecting at all. It'll retail for around $40 and be greeted with skepticism at first but will end up finding its way onto end of the year lists.

10. Next CoD will be a sequel to Ghosts, though it may not have the Ghosts branding given the horrible reception of that entry, despite the high sales. It will surprise many by having the best campaign the series has seen in years, thanks to all the new talent IW brought in since Ghosts. Multiplayer will be much better received than Ghosts and tone down on all the future stuff. IW will be seen as a good developer again.

11. Battefield 5 will be futuristic Battlefield, though not with Titanfall jumping and wall running. GAF will be pissed that it isn't Bad Company 3. It'll work just fine at release. Campaign will be mediocre at best.

12. Destiny 2 will be announced by the end of March and released in September. It'll feature some of the content we initially thought would be in 1 like New Chicago, Mercury, Europa, and Saturn. It'll obviously be a better game than 1 but it won't have many improvements from The Taken King. It'll just be more Destiny and you can import your Guardian from the previous game.

13. Ubisoft will push Assassin's Creed hard next year. The new one will be set in Japan and released in November. It'll be among the better releases of the series. They will also release a remastered Ezio Collection to coincide with the movie. The Division will bomb but won't get bad reviews. The community will be very small by the end of the year and many will forget about the game entirely. Primal will be ok but will also end up completely forgotten by the end of the year.

14. Watch Dogs 2 is announced for a 2017 release. New protagonist and new city. Ubi promises that it'll be much better than its predecessor by working more on the graphics than anything else.

15. Final Fantasy XV will release in either June or September. The media will love it but GAF will be underwhelmed.

Delays: Horizon to March 2017, Mass Effect Andromeda to March 2017, Either Halo Wars 2 or Scalebound to Spring 2017, Crackdown to 2017 (maybe fall), The Last Guardian to 2017 (lol), Dishonored 2 to 2017

In the Nintendo Corner:

1. The new Zelda will be the MGSV of 2016. Critics will praise the open world yet fans of the franchise will hate it. In a sense, it'll be ALBW but with a much bigger world. People will complain that the world is empty despite looking nice. Will release on both Wii U and NX. Like all Nintendo games after Galaxy 1 it won't win many GOTY awards.

2. NX will release the weekend before Thanksgiving. It'll be some sort of console/handheld hybrid and the main controller may not even have buttons. Sales will be the usual for a new console launch (but not surpass PS4 or even Xbone). System will be less powerful than the Xbone.

3. Pikmin 4 will release at launch of the system

4. Nintendo will embrace the Remaster trend once they realize their games won't be ready when they want them to be and 3rd parties continue to shove them to the side despite supporting them in the first month. Smash 4 Ultimate Edition and Xenoblade Chronicles X will be among them. The system will probably have Backwards Compatibility yet the remasters will be pushed.

5. A new 3D Mario will be announced for 2017

6. Metroid Prime 4 will be teased for a release some time before the end of the world
- No Man's Sky: huge opening but becomes another Spore/GTA 4 months later, once you've seen 20 planets, you start to see the same patterns
-VR: big opening for all, PSVR selling the best, Vive flop, but bad legs for VR in the long run
-NX unveiled, lukewarm reception, lukewarm sales
-Year of Dreams continue, more games or spiritual successors coming back, more good news from Japan
-games people naively think are 2016 are announced for 2017, plus inevitable delays
-People will proclaim 2017 THE BEST YEAR IN GAMING
-2018 will be the year of Kickstarters Shenmue 3, Psychonaut 2 and Yooka Laylee.

Funny thing is that this is probably what would have happened if they had stuck with console games like fans wanted.

Thats why MGS sold millions, broke even days after release and Silent Hills being one of the most anticipated games of the gen.

If they were going to reinvigorate their business like SE and Namco are doing by providing what people want, they'd be ok if not reclaiming former glory.

Mobile gaming is a fickle business, Konami will be more at risk if they put all their eggs in that basket and if the hits don't keep coming it could be over and out pretty quick. Predicting Konami's share prices falling off the cliff in the next few years.


GOTY: Zelda U. Uncharted 4 will also win its share.

Painful delays: Final Fantasy XV, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Mass Effect - but they will all be very good eventually.

No Man's Sky will be impressive, but can't live up to the hype. Neither will Star Citizen.

CoD and Assassin's Creed will decline in sales.

NX will be announced, and Nintendo intended to release it in 2016, but it gets delayed to around April 2017.

VR will have a vocal base of support, but won't set the world on fire. Playstation VR does the best initially because the PS4 is doing so well and the brand has a lot of fans.
Persona 5 is great
And will be released on PC in 2017

VR is underwhelming and fails miserably.

NX is great for Nintendo enthusiast but doesn't attract anyone outside of that market and ended up being like Wii U a somewhat failed family console.

The year will have more remasters or remakes announced/released to fully exploit the nostalgia bubble that other industries are already exploiting.
1. That Game Company's game revealed. Multiplatform. Releases 2016
2. Amy Henig's Star Wars game revealed. 2017
3. Oculus, Vive, and PSVR - Not one of them will have sales reach 8 3 million units by the end of 2016 (updated prediction. 8 was a bit high)
4. NX: fall 2016. $350. Zelda and Minecraft are launch titles
5. Xbox One and PS4 permanent drop to $299
6. Games *not* delayed(only predicting because lots of people have mentioned in various threads they expect a delay): Mass Effect, ReCore, TLG, Scalebound - edit: Scalebound delayed to 2017 http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=191187744&posted=1#post191187744
7. Bethesda does not hold an E3 conference
8. Sony skips Gamescom again
9. Xbox One BC with original Xbox games announced at E3
10. Xbox Slim fall 2016
11. More Hololens news, but won't released until 2017
12. Titanfall 2 announced at E3, spring 2017
13. Destiny "2" announced at Sony E3. Current gen only (no PS3/360); progress and items carry over
14. Hellblade launches on PS4. Ninja Theory has a second game they're working on, announced at MS's E3 2016 conference.
15. Kojima on stage at Sony's E3 2016 conference. Talks partnership and shows concept art/footage, "working" title.
16. A 3rd Forza franchise is announced, releasing fall 2016. Forza Horizon 3 in 2017 is a fully fledged tie in with Fast and Furious 8

PlayStation Elite Controller will happen
I don't see that happening.


In 2015 we have:
- Nintendo owners: playing
- Sony and MS owners waiting for the year's end.

2016 will be the inverse.


2-3 months after No Man's Sky releases there will be a thread entitled...

"Is it just me or does No Man's Sky get a little boring after a while?"


1. We will finally see a legit English version of a Persona 5 trailer at E3, introduced by Adam Boyes on stage during Sony's press conference.


New revision of each console will be announced such as slimmer models.

Microsoft will get a new IP and it will take the gaming world by storm and win multiple awards.

Sony will try and fail to make an elite controller themselves or something of the sort, much like the dildo move controller.

NX will leak MUCH earlier than planned.

PS+ and GwG will continue to get much worse, to the point where they give away nothing at all, and you are left to pay a sub just for the online.


- ReCore will surprise a lot of people. Retail for $40 and end up on a lot of GOTY lists.
- Horizon will delay to 2017
- Crackdown will delay to 2017
- Alan Wake 2 is announced @ E3, 2017 release date. Releases in 2018.
- Quantum Break reviews very well, sells okay.
- Rockstar announces next Red Dead game for 2017. Agent announced for fall 2016, Xbox One and PS4.
- Battletoads reboot officially announced. Not by Rare.
- MS buys popular franchise and announces at E3. Not Silent Hills, but something that will piss off a lot of people.
- Xbox One slim announced, Fall 2016 release for Holiday. No Kintect, 2TB HD, Elite Controller and Halo 5 bundled with each.
- Phantom Dust re-announced. Platinum Games is working on it. Spring 2017 release date. Gameplay shown looks wonderful.
- Xbox One buys Play Dead studio and announces new game Exclusive to Xbox One.
- Far Cry Primal review poorly. Too much of same, just reskin and sells okay.


- ReCore will surprise a lot of people. Retail for $40 and end up on a lot of GOTY lists.
- Horizon will delay to 2017
- Crackdown will delay to 2017
- Alan Wake 2 is announced @ E3, 2017 release date. Releases in 2018.
- Quantum Break reviews very well, sells okay.
- Rockstar announces next Red Dead game for 2017. Agent announced for fall 2016, Xbox One and PS4.
- Battletoads reboot officially announced. Not by Rare.
- MS buys popular franchise and announces at E3. Not Silent Hills, but something that will piss off a lot of people.
- Xbox One slim announced, Fall 2016 release for Holiday. No Kintect, 2TB HD, Elite Controller and Halo 5 bundled with each.
- Phantom Dust re-announced. Platinum Games is working on it. Spring 2017 release date. Gameplay shown looks wonderful.
- Xbox One buys Play Dead studio and announces new game Exclusive to Xbox One.
- Far Cry Primal review poorly. Too much of same, just reskin and sells okay.

I wish but na ain't happening
1. Xbox One will win 3 out of the 12 months in hardware sales
During the slow months, I feel like MS will be able to win some of the months in sales, however software sales will continue to lead on PS4.

2. No Man's Sky will sell 2 million copies on PS4 by the end of the calendar year.
The hype is real! Everyone loves NMS, and VR integration will also help push PSVR units during the holiday season.

3. Both PS4 and XBox One will each see a slim version released, including standard 1TB HDD for the holiday season, including a permanent price cut, with each costing $299 MSRP.
This one might be more of a stretch because we've already seen price cuts in the first two years of each console's lifecycle, and slim versions might even a bigger stretch (not to mention the inclusion of 1TB HDDs) because the push for VR/AR might take precident. But, one can only hope!
-Final Fantasy 15 will be a big disappointment, world of FF will be the better game.
-Naughty Dog is gonna sweep up all the awards again.
-Uncharted 4 will do better then Halo 5 in WW sales.
-Keji Inafune does another kickstarter and its even shadier then previous ones.
-No Kojima at E3
-Sony announces partnership with another big time developer.
-Crash is coming back developed by a small group of Naughty Dog veterans and Mark Cerny.
-NX will turn out to be a regular console no hybrid.
-Steam customer service continues to suck.
-Persona 5 will be the highest rated jrpg of the year followed by project Setsuna.
-Konami continues to suck.
-God of War:reboot finally gets announced new protagonist set in egyptian mythos.
-Horizon Zero Dawn gets delayed. :(
-WiiU edition of the new Zelda gets cancelled.
1. Uncharted 4 will be the best game released from ND, will garner great reviews, and will win a majority of the GOTY awards. Will be called "overrated" by many.

2. VR will get a lot of attention, but sales will initially be low. I'm expecting VR to be successful in the long run; just not in 2016.

3. Qauntum Break will release with similar reviews to Alan Wake. Some great ideas but the game will ultimately fall short and be an overal mediocre experience. Will have a decent cult following.

4. Titanfall 2 will be announced. Everyone will say it's shitty. Everyone will play it.

5. Destiny 2 will be released. It'll be much better than the first, but it's sales will be much lower due to the poor reception of the first.

6. Dark Souls 3 will be more the same. It'll still be amazing, but I think people are starting to get bored of the Souls formula.

7. Banjo Threeie will be announced.

8. Crash will come back.

9. We get a title and description for Kojimas next game. Maybe a short teaser.

10. The Last Gaurdian is released. Itll be great, but it'll feel a little dated.

11. Horizon: Zero Dawn will get a show stopping demo. It'll also be delayed to 2017.

12. God of War IV will be announced, but not until PSX.

13. Unravel will be this years Ori. Big publishers small "indie game" will be emotional, critically acclaimed, and everyone will fall in love with it.

14. Nintendo will Nintendo.

15. 2016 will be considered a lengendary year for gaming.
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