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PS4 Firmware 2.50 (Yukimura) coming March 26


It should since all games are fully installed on the hd. The drive only is used to authenticate at boot so that would have already been done.

Reading between the lines, I think he may be asking what happens if you suspend the game, take out the disc and then resume. (assumign you are quick enough to hit the eject button before it powers down)


What will happen when you get a trophy if the game you are playing doesn't allow to take a screenshot. You will see a "You can't take a screen here" popup along with a trophy popup?
Awesome, a day early birthday present!
I've never run into a spot I couldn't take a screenshot.

Do you mean with this update, or in general? There are more than a few portions of games where the share features are blocked, usually cutscenes that the developer/publisher are worried might be considered spoilers. There's an option to tell the player when blocking has occured, and that's what Gacha-pin is referring to. And I wouldn't expect many blocked cutscenes to also trigger screenshots, but it is possible. In that case, I would guess that the PS4 would indeed give you two popups, one letting you know you got a trophy, and one saying that you can't take a screenshot.

I think the blocking is kind of clunky and annoying anyways, but that would be especially disruptive.

It's great they've finally gotten Suspend and Resume, although I probably will give it a week for people to make sure there are no critical bugs. I still have to wonder what is taking them so long to implement DLNA features the PS3 has, as well as allowing custom themes or at least just custom wallpapers and more than 7 colors. Also, folders. In 3.00 Yoshitsune, maybe?
Awesome, a day early birthday present!

Do you mean with this update, or in general? There are more than a few portions of games where the share features are blocked, usually cutscenes that the developer/publisher are worried might be considered spoilers. There's an option to tell the player when blocking has occured, and that's what Gacha-pin is referring to. And I wouldn't expect many blocked cutscenes to also trigger screenshots, but it is possible. In that case, I would guess that the PS4 would indeed give you two popups, one letting you know you got a trophy, and one saying that you can't take a screenshot.

I think the blocking is kind of clunky and annoying anyways, but that would be especially disruptive.

I've seen the blocked cutscenes before but AFAIK it only prevented recording, not screenshots. Haven't really tested it though.

That said - I haven't seen any recent game use that recording block feature, it only seems to have been the early PS4 titles
Quick question. I'm going to be buying a new 2TB HD next week, and I'm wondering with this new firmware if I can transfer my game downloads over to the new drive. I don't really wanna download all of this stuff again.
What about a decent Twitch app for the PS4??

So that I have to suspend my game every time I want to watch a stream? No way. I like the way it is now - it allows me to easily and instantly switch between game and stream with a double tap of the PS button.
That said, it would be nice to view non-PS streams.. but that kinda defeats the purpose of it being called "Live from PlayStation".


It'll probably still be ok. Pretty sure it does a number of verification tasks before during and after

Im not going to test it out though :)

Almost every managed download program nowadays checks a hash of the local download and compares it to a hash of the download on the server. If the hashes don't match, they know it messed up and need to download again. Good stuff. I bet even the older gen consoles did this. (This is when you generally see text like "verifying download")


It'll probably still be ok. Pretty sure it does a number of verification tasks before during and after

Im not going to test it out though :)

It works fine. Early PS3 models had two 128MB flash to make sure there was always a working one, then they moved it to the HDD itself and the system only keeps basic code in a 16MB NAND. If the HDD install somehow gets corrupted you can easily fix it by putting the firmware in a pendrive.


Back-Up and Restore HDD to USB — Back-up and restore your hard disc drive data associated with users on your PS4, including settings, saved data, screenshots and video clips as well as games, patches and download data, to and from an external USB drive.

Yay! Time to upgrade my HDD, what does GAF suggest? I was thinking a 2TB SSHD.

Quick question. I'm going to be buying a new 2TB HD next week, and I'm wondering with this new firmware if I can transfer my game downloads over to the new drive. I don't really wanna download all of this stuff again.

It looks like it yep, see bold in my quote above.
Why would geographical location make any difference?
Because both the center of the industry and the majority of Sony's user base are in the west. A team based in Japan is not going to have a proper understanding of western culture and the needs of western consumers to create an ecosystem that can properly fulfill those needs.

I don't understand why people want this w/ the size of friend lists these days it would be extremely annoying, and left out of the Xbox One and PS4 UI's for a reason. Just message your friend when you're online if you're meeting up to play a game, literally no hassle?
Maybe because the vast majority of people don't have 100's of people in their friends list?

They already have that useless and annoying notification that alerts you when a friend joins a party so why the hell can't they simply add a notification that alerts you when a friend logs on?

They can even make it optional for those super social butterflies that have a billion people on their friends list.

I don't know about that. PS4 did less out of the box at launch than PS3 did.
You must have not had a PS3 at launch because that thing was straight up anemic.
Yay! Time to upgrade my HDD, what does GAF suggest? I was thinking a 2TB SSHD.

It looks like it yep, see bold in my quote above.

IIRC there are no 2TB SSHDs, your only options are 1TB Seagate SSHD, 2TB 5400 or 750GB 7200.

Well SSDs too but cost of entry is high.
It didn't even have a store lol

Yes it did, it had a shitty webpage that would take 5 minutes to load.

But yeah, saying the PS4 has less features than the PS3 at launch only makes sense if you spent $600 on a console to watch videos/blurays/dvds, listen to music and look at photos. For actual game related stuff, it was trash. No in-game XMB, PSN was feature-less and held together with a string, the store was a shitty webpage, etc.
Yes it did, it had a shitty webpage that would take 5 minutes to load.

But yeah, saying the PS4 has less features than the PS3 at launch only makes sense if you spent $600 on a console to watch videos/blurays/dvds, listen to music and look at photos. For actual game related stuff, it was trash. No in-game XMB, PSN was feature-less and held together with a string, the store was a shitty webpage, etc.

No background downloading.

For anything.

Deft Beck

It sucks that I chose to upgrade my hard drive just before this update's release date was announced.

Oh, well. Everything is almost done re-downloading, anyway.


For those upset with how trophy deletion is being handled, I feel it's important to understand how the trophy system works across Sony's consoles:

The PS3 and Vita save trophy data locally and on the PSN servers. This means both consoles have an "Offline Mode," which allows you to view the system's respective trophies. In other words, if you view your trophies in Offline Mode on PS3, you'll only see the PS3 trophy data saved on your console; Vita and PS4 games won't appear because that data isn't stored locally.

The PS4, on the other hand, appears to only save trophy data server-side. If your PS4 isn't connected to the Internet, you can't even view your trophy collection. If you delete a trophy list from your PS4, you're deleting the data saved on PSN servers. The problem with this is that the trophy data is still saved locally on the PS3 and Vita.

What does this mean? Well, I'm guessing that if this data is still saved locally on your consoles, that means every time you sync your trophies from your PS3/Vita, the 0% lists will be re-added to your trophy list. As well, it would likely mean that if you were to format your PS3/Vita, then delete the 0% lists from your PS4, and then sync trophies again, the trophy sets would disappear forever. Of course, if you don't sync your PS3/Vita beforehand, you'd also lose any trophies that have yet to be saved server-side.

Essentially, Sony would also need to update the PS3 and Vita to allow users to delete trophy lists saved locally.

Of course, I could be misinformed about how trophy deletion works on PS4, as I wasn't in the beta test. If anyone with more information would like to correct me, that'd be great; but based on my experience with trophies I think this information is accurate.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Anybody want to test load times for Bloodborne once the firmware releases?

i can say that fw 2.50 does not do anything to impact loading times

So is the Store tile going to be a permanent fixture there like the What's New tile?

Because I spent over a minute last night trying to find my Live From Playstation app which ended up running off my cross bar and I had to hunt around for it in the crappily organized Library.

Yeah. Its even worse now. Not only does PS Store have a tile so does PS Now which you can't remove. There should be less fixed tiles not more. They're going in the wrong direction with this UI


Speaking of PS3, yeah the first firmware was pretty barren. As a day 1 owner from Japanese unit it's really amazing how far the OS changed from the beginning.
(And of course know-hows Sony has collected must have contributed to PS4).


Even though 2.50 was tested extensively compared to other versions it may trigger some issues for some people I'm afraid.
..and we can start waiting for stability updates
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