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PS4 surpasses 6 million units sold as of March 2nd

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Both PS4 and Xbone had much more stock availability for launch than any console in history. So yes, very front loaded in that regard.

MS problem is that they are already available in the key markets for them. Launching in Norway et al isn't going to do shit for their numbers.

Feb NPD number will be very interesting. I'm assuming people are expecting it to go down from the January number?

I think the Feb numbers may be the same or a tiny bit higher just due to all the promotions they are doing with Xbox. I'm sure those free game giveaways will help for this month. I don't thik it will help much longer though. I don't think much can stoke demand for them until after E3 entering this fall when new games hit the shelf.

They have to hit a grandslam at E3 and change our perceptions of them going into the holiday season. I expect a price cut (or just a 400 kinectless option), more bundles and lots of quality games being given away each month for their Xbox One Live Gold subscibers.

I think once they start giving out games for Xbox One owners, they will start out with a title that will grab attention simply because it offers more than what Sony has been giving away. I think they pretty much have to for that opening month. Call me crazy but I think that first month will see a launch window title being given away. After that, it may go back to offering free 15 or 10 dollar titles like Sony is doing but I really expect to see the first month start off with a bang.

Well, I got my PS4 y'day as well in anticipation of infamous. I have to say, PS4 has no games. Resogun is nice, but otherwise it is a barren wasteland. Strange that so many million ppl are buying.
People get too wrapped up in exclusives on forums. It's third party games that people really buy and what actually drives console sales, and games like Fifa, BF, COD, AC4 have all sold really well.




I'm still waiting for a new hardware revision. I want 5ghz wifi, 3d blu ray, DNLA, and a cooler/quieter machine.

I'm not sure if I'm going deaf or anything but gaming at 6 feet from the thing I hear nothing. I can hear my Gen 1 PS3 from the same distance.
After 5 hours of Killzone I checked the exhaust and it was cooler than my PC using stock cooling with an i7 2600k and a 670GT (and if your wondering about air flow, my case is an Antec Darkfleet something ).

I totally agree with you in the 5.2ghz and I assume 3d Blu-ray can be software patched (I really don't know)

Endo Punk

It seems more and more likely that they will hit 10 million by the end of Q2. The sales are there but now they need to deliver the games. SS is coming along well and hopefully DriveClub will arrive soon after. At E3 they need to show what they have in store for the fall because The Order just isn't enough.


I'm still waiting for a new hardware revision. I want 5ghz wifi, 3d blu ray, DNLA, and a cooler/quieter machine.

Blu ray and dnla are software based so no revision needed for that.

Also don't expect an external revision for at least 2 years.
People keep talking about no games, but I will continue to say that the streaming feature is selling the PS4, not streaming games but Playroom streaming you as the entertainment.

I believe it is helping also. The main reason? Doubt it. Texted some friends some videos of Playroom and they can't get enough of it. Asking me all sorts of questions. They will be over this weekend and I wouldn't doubt it will be at least +2 sales because of it. I told them stuff like this can easily be found on the net but the idea of watching it from the PS4 with a couple of button presses has them excited. Don't have the heart to tell them Sony will probably be forced to crack down on some of the shenanigans you are seeing now on there.
I'm not sure if I'm going deaf or anything but gaming at 6 feet from the thing I hear nothing. I can hear my Gen 1 PS3 from the same distance.
After 5 hours of Killzone I checked the exhaust and it was cooler than my PC using stock cooling with an i7 2600k and a 670GT (and if your wondering about air flow, my case is an Antec Darkfleet something ).

I totally agree with you in the 5.2ghz and I assume 3d Blu-ray can be software patched (I really don't know)
Hm... My buddies PS4 sounds like a jet engine after KZSF.

Blu ray and dnla are software based so no revision needed for that.

Also don't expect an external revision for at least 2 years.
I don't care for an external revision. Just an internal one.


Great number, but it really drives the idea home that all of these Japanese devs announcing PS3 exclusives that aren't releasing for another two years are absolute morons.

They're chasing the mythical "Japanese base" and killing themselves by not feeding the rest of the world that's eating up this console. If the Japanese devs want to continue to drive themselves into a wall made of bricks of cellphones, let them though, I'm getting to the point where I can't muster the energy enough to give a crap about the Japanese game devs anymore since they refuse to help themselves out of this mess.


I'm still waiting for a new hardware revision. I want 5ghz wifi, 3d blu ray, DNLA, and a cooler/quieter machine.

It must be just mine, but it's was so quiet(and pushing out such little hot air), I had to check to make sure the fan was actually working, which it was, while I could hear the blu-ray disks halfway across the room.
I actually think it runs hotter in the menu than it does in games

Id also rebuy for a wifi bump and a smaller redesign.
It seems more and more likely that they will hit 10 million by the end of Q2. The sales are there but now they need to deliver the games. SS is coming along well and hopefully DriveClub will arrive soon after. At E3 they need to show what they have in store for the fall because The Order just isn't enough.

I'm sure they will have plenty of games at E3 but this forum is expecting a ton of content due to what Sony said last E3. They tossed out a pretty large number that contained both small and big budget titles without telling us what they were. With the kind of momentum Sony is having, I think they will feel comfortable pushing back a few titles that we are currently unaware of. We will still see a pretty good number of releases from their first party, but I wouldn't be shocked if they release in 2014 less than what we were expecting when it comes to Triple A big budget titles. I'd rather they pile it on as a greedy gamer but I imagine they will want to spit shine some titles some more so they stand out more when released in early 2015. We already have seen them push back Driveclub for more polish.
OT but I don't want to start a thread just for two dumb questions:

I have 2 questions regarding PS4:

1. How do I delete DLC without deleting the whole game? I downloaded some of those football trials for Zen Pinball 2 but didn't realize they were all the same table (essentially). I can't figure out how to go in and just delete those trials.

2. Where is the Youtube app? Is Sony feuding with Google or something? I don't want to use the browser.


They were sparing out units for Japan. I doubt that Infamous could sell that many more systems. The franchise isnt such a huge seller until now.

That's the thing tbh, it's the biggest exclusive since the launch, it's the most beautiful open world game ever made, it's one of the most beautiful despite being open world, it looks fun, colorful, on a system where people want more new games, I don't see why it wouldn't appeal to people. But I'm just guessing
Don't read too much into it. /s

This is impressive given supply issues. Upcoming releases and exclusives should keep PS4's momentum going.

Some are assuming that because there's nothing that interests them in the launch line-ups everyone else feels the same. Clearly people are choosing to buy these systems for current AND future games. Releases in the next few months will add more and better options.


But we don't know how much MS paid for exclusivity, it could even be more than the potential PS4 version sales

it would also have to be more than potential PS3 version sales

either EA got fucked or Xbone owners got fucked if MS has paid assloads of money they could have spent making actual exclusives


eXeál;103120361 said:
That's the thing tbh, it's the biggest exclusive since the launch,it's the most beautiful open world game ever madeit's one of the most beautiful despite being open world, it looks fun, colorful, on a system where people want more new games, I don't see why it wouldn't appeal to people. But I'm just guessing

Rite.. you must not have heared of the witcher 3....


OT but I don't want to start a thread just for two dumb questions:

I have 2 questions regarding PS4:

1. How do I delete DLC without deleting the whole game? I downloaded some of those football trials for Zen Pinball 2 but didn't realize they were all the same table (essentially). I can't figure out how to go in and just delete those trials.

2. Where is the Youtube app? Is Sony feuding with Google or something? I don't want to use the browser.

1. Can't remember exactly but check Data Management under Settings
2. There is no youtube app for PS4 yet but its coming "soon"


Rite.. you must not have heared of the witcher 3....

God knows how much I hate the masterrace community. Do we know when W3 is gonna get released? Do we know whether it'll be as beautiful on console as it'll be on pc? Do the mass population who buys console care about pc gaming where you need $1,000 to enjoy something? Want a hint about the answer or you'll find it alone?


what is the thinking for a nice round 'announce at E3' number? 8m?

I'm guessing 7m by the end of March. So by June 10th you'd have to say 9m ish. Maybe more. I'm not familiar with how consoles sell better or worse seasonally.

Jack cw

eXeál;103120361 said:
That's the thing tbh, it's the biggest exclusive since the launch, it's the most beautiful open world game ever made, it's one of the most beautiful despite being open world, it looks fun, colorful, on a system where people want more new games, I don't see why it wouldn't appeal to people. But I'm just guessing

It will undeniably sell, and might sell very well and I hope for Sony that it moves systems, as Infmaous is a hilariously underrated series but I its two predecessors couldnt do much, thats why I'm a bit reserved when it comes to Second Sons systemseller qualities.


As a gamer who owns every major console out there and has no allegiance to any corporate entity this is fantastic news. We the gamer win here as it means there is incentive for MS to step things up, which in turn makes Sony to continue to step things up, and the cycle continues.
Competition is a very good thing when all is said and done. It forces companies to bring their A game to the table.
Oh look, someone who understands how competition works. It's refreshing to see around here.


Insane MS didn't move heaven and earth to get a game like Kinect Sports Rivals at launch.

Kinect is a $100 chain around XB1's neck which no games to justify its existance.....but why?

At any rate, that bad decision helped cause the current situation of beast mode sony
It will undeniably sell, And might sell very well and I hope for Sony that it moves systems, as Infmaous is a hilariously underrated series but I its two predecessors couldnt do much, thats why I'm a bit reserved when it comes to Second Sons systemseller qualities.
Damn Muller, you're a lot more optimistic usually. :S


Aftershock LA

Well, I got my PS4 y'day as well in anticipation of infamous. I have to say, PS4 has no games. Resogun is nice, but otherwise it is a barren wasteland. Strange that so many million ppl are buying.

PS4 doesn't have games that interest YOU. That's quite a difference from PS4 not having games. I personally own a nice amount of games for it, and I bought it for Killzone SF, Resogun, inFAMOUS, and the promise of Uncharted and God of War PS4, among otjer games. I also boughtultiplats like ACIV and LEGO Marvel for PS4 because I knew they'd look and perform better on it.

People are buying the console for a lot of reasons, including the launch software, even if they aren't your cup of tea. I'm sorry you don't have anything else to play on your system besides Resogun.
1. Can't remember exactly but check Data Management under Settings

I looked there but it only gave me the option to delete the whole game. I did not see a way to "drill down" to individual DLC packages. I was hoping there was some undocumented key press or something I would need to do it. It appears to me my only options are to waste the HD space or delete the whole game and then redownload it and all the DLC I actually want again.

It could just be an issue with Zen Pinball 2, I suppose. I didn't try looking under other games.


It will undeniably sell, and might sell very well and I hope for Sony that it moves systems, as Infmaous is a hilariously underrated series but I its two predecessors couldnt do much, thats why I'm a bit reserved when it comes to Second Sons systemseller qualities.

Yea, I'm also reserved but I want to believe, this series deserve much more recognition and Sucker Punch does too. I hope they get it this time around.


eXeál;103121336 said:
God knows how much I hate the masterrace community. Do we know when W3 is gonna get released? Do we know whether it'll be as beautiful on console as it'll be on pc? Do the mass population who buys console care about pc gaming where you need $1,000 to enjoy something? Want a hint about the answer or you'll find it alone?

"Do we know when the witcher 3 is gonna release?"

Sometime in 2014... So?

"do we know whether it'll be as beautiful on console as it'll be on pc?"

Ps4 in game footage, it shows some gameplay.


"Do the mass population who buys console care about pc gaming where you need $1,000 to enjoy something?"

You must not know about computers that much... With $600+ you can get a decent pc which would way more powerful than the Xbox one or ps4. I could help u make a cheap economical gaming bundle for you.


I don't expect Second Son to be a system seller, but I do expect a really solid game that I have a ton of fun with. It'll sell respectable numbers, and may sell more now given that people are hungry for something to play.


I don't expect Second Son to be a system seller, but I do expect a really solid game that I have a ton of fun with. It'll sell respectable numbers, and may sell more now given that people are hungry for something to play.

Given that PS4 is still selling pretty well worldwide without any new AAA titles, I see inFamous giving PS4 a nice boost in March, at least 60% boost.
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