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PS4 surpasses 6 million units sold as of March 2nd

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eXeál;103122896 said:
Exactly, so until if fucking gets released, it's the best looking open world game ever made. Simple right?

You sound angry. How about we at least wait until after the release of Second Son before claiming something like this?


Don't worry guyz!!! Titanfall will move 3.5 million XB1's in March!!!
Do people still think titanfall is a system seller?

I know alot of people who I know wants to play it but Cant justify paying that much.

I'm excited for TF though. Titanready :D

You sound angry. How about we at least wait until after release of Second Son before claiming something like this?

that's why I ignored him. He's taking it way too personal.


Do people still think titanfall is a system seller?

I know alot of people who want a to play it but Cant justify paying that much.

I'm excited for TF though. Titanready :D

Of course TF is a system seller just not as big as MS fans want it to be be.
You must not know about computers that much... With $600+ you can get a decent pc which would way more powerful than the Xbox one or ps4. I could help u make a cheap economical gaming bundle for you.

My problem with this statement (and I am a majority PC gamer now) is that 1) while you can get a PC more powerful than the PS4 for $600, performance for the same set of features is another thing and 2) you're still talking >200$ more, which is like buying 1 1/2 PS4s.

As PC gamers we're desensitized to the higher quality graphics because we have seen them for a while and graphics of this caliber appear on PC years before console (This has been true since the OG Xbox). There's a tendency to ignore the fact that the consoles (Even XBOne though to a lesser degree) have a really nice package and performance for the price, mostly because of the development advantages.


My problem with this statement (and I am a majority PC gamer now) is that 1) while you can get a PC more powerful than the PS4 for $600, performance for the same set of features is another thing and 2) you're still talking >200$ more, which is like buying 1 1/2 PS4s.

As PC gamers we're desensitized to the higher quality graphics because we have seen them for a while and graphics of this caliber appear on PC years before console (This has been true since the OG Xbox). There's a tendency to ignore the fact that the consoles (Even XBOne though to a lesser degree) have a really nice package and performance for the price, mostly because of the development advantages.

That's absolutely true. But my arguement was that he said you'd have to waste $1,000 for a good PC in order to enjoy great games which it's clearly isn't true.
Only the PS2 and Wii have sold faster, right?
Wii. I think right now PS4 is actually trending ahead of PS2.

Anyhow, those are nice numbers for them. It'll be 2:1 WW in PS4's favor in two months, including this one. I think that's a very fair assumption to make at this point.


Well, I got my PS4 y'day as well in anticipation of infamous. I have to say, PS4 has no games. Resogun is nice, but otherwise it is a barren wasteland. Strange that so many million ppl are buying.
You should have researched if there were games you were interested in right now to spend $400 on a gaming system for.

You get no sympathy from me; there is the "internet" for these sort of things :S


Congrats to Sony! This thing is selling like crazy and I hope it keeps it up. Get these devs to fully move development to next gen only.
Wii. I think right now PS4 is actually trending ahead of PS2.

Anyhow, those are nice numbers for them. It'll be 2:1 WW in PS4's favor in two months, including this one. I think that's a very fair assumption to make at this point.

Only the PS2 and Wii have sold faster, right?

Nope. PS4 is trending ahead of both Wii and PS2.


The Boat

My problem with this statement (and I am a majority PC gamer now) is that 1) while you can get a PC more powerful than the PS4 for $600, performance for the same set of features is another thing and 2) you're still talking >200$ more, which is like buying 1 1/2 PS4s.
The thing is you save money with Steam sales and free online, this with a much bigger catalogue and a more versatile machine. To those that respond with PS+, you don't get these games, you rent a few games that you don't choose and you're held hostage by a subscription if you want to replay them or pay online.

It's a perfectly valid choice to choose a PS4 over a PC though, I have no problem with that, just saying.

Anyway, congrats to Sony, while it always irks me a bit to see a console with such a weak catalogue sell so much, Sony made tons of good moves and they paid off so far, everyone knows that marketing is what sells, so kudos for a job well done.
That's absolutely true. But my arguement was that he said you'd have to waste $1,000 for a good PC in order to enjoy great games which it's clearly isn't true.

Ah ok. I don't know what he's talking about

Hell you can get a <$400 PC and ENJOY the games. Graphics aren't everything :p And you can always evolve a cheap PC to a beast

The thing is you save money with Steam sales and free online, this with a much bigger catalogue and a more versatile machine. To those that respond with PS+, you don't get these games, you rent a few games that you don't choose and you're held hostage by a subscription if you want to replay them or pay online.

It's a perfectly valid choice to choose a PS4 over a PC though, I have no problem with that, just saying.

Anyway, congrats to Sony, while it always irks me a bit to see a console with such a weak catalogue sell so much, Sony made tons of good moves and they paid off so far, everyone knows that marketing is what sells, so kudos for a job well done.
I agree on having a bigger catalog (I mean, the PC has 20+ years of BC) and being a superior platform. But saving money on newer titles? That's situational. Retail price collapses happen on physical media just as fast as they do for bigger titles on Steam. Especially when there's more than 2-3 major outlets competing with each other and the second-hand market. PSN/XboxLive has transitioned from being just pay-for-online to a value-added service, but they have a little while to go before they're worth it for me (I'll continue to pay for them, however ;_;)


Of course TF is a system seller just not as big as MS fans want it to be be.

One thing I know. I'm freaking happy EA got screwed over by the Titanfall deal. Bet on the wrong horse and all that.

That's 6 million potential customers that they no longer have access to.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
My problem with this statement (and I am a majority PC gamer now) is that 1) while you can get a PC more powerful than the PS4 for $600, performance for the same set of features is another thing and 2) you're still talking >200$ more, which is like buying 1 1/2 PS4s.

True. However, that extra $200 gets you instant access to an enormous library of games both new and old. That and PC games in general tend to be much cheaper than their console counterparts, especially if you wait a year or so to buy. PC gaming may be more expensive to get into but it is far and away the most economical way to game today. By a very large margin. The better performance is only the gravy on the real meat.

That said, the PS4 is a wonderful design and execution, and the sales reflect that focus on a quality product for gamers. The Wii-U and Xbone are less focused, not to mention less powerful (and in the Xbox case even $100 more) and their sales also reflect that. Sony just hit a homerun while Microsoft is at first trying to steal second and Nintendo is attempting to bunt over and over again.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
To those that respond with PS+, you don't get these games, you rent a few games that you don't choose and you're held hostage by a subscription if you want to replay them or pay online.
There's a couple of things wrong with this statement. First, you certainly can choose what you download with PS+, it's just a smaller selection that you choose from. It's no different from saying that you don't get choose what games appear on the console in the first place though.

Second, PS+ is the kind of subscription that doesn't really feel much like being held hostage because for the money you plunk down annually, you get access to a lot more cost savings in the games you don't have to outright pay for. Many of the games you get for "free" on PS+ are at least $10-20 without the PS+ sub, so it only takes a few to compensate for the sub's cost and then everything else is gravy. In a year alone, PS+ probably gives me access to enough games that I want to play that would cost 2-3 yrs worth of PS+ subscription on their own.

Edit: Not to mention that if you ever to go off a PS+ sub, there's nothing stopping you from outright buying the games that you rented if you are still interested in playing them.


Tagged as I see fit
One thing I know. I'm freaking happy EA got screwed over by the Titanfall deal. Bet on the wrong horse and all that.

That's 6 million potential customers that they no longer have access to.

You could probably include the PS3 owners in that as well. Should be interesting to see how things go with Titanfall 2.


Junior Member
Hmmm. I wonder if revelations that Killzone multiplayer is not full HD 1080p, cancellation of exclusive, insensitive comments by David Jaffe, the lack of AF in thief, and The Order being revealed to be a sequel to Ryse impacts sales. IMO Sony should be very worried.

Gamers follow the games. Because Crysis isn't big enough to have a Ryse sequel ready this year, we will see a lot of gamers jump ship to the PS4 to get the spiritual sequel.

It's all about the games.
I hate you guys. You made me choke on my water.


One thing I know. I'm freaking happy EA got screwed over by the Titanfall deal. Bet on the wrong horse and all that.

That's 6 million potential customers that they no longer have access to.

I'm sure they were paid handsomely to ignore the 80m+ PS3 install base. If the deal made sense leaving that userbase out I'm sure the PS4 exceeding expectations is not going to completely bust their numbers. It just makes it harder for MS to purchase exclusivity for future iterations.


Junior Member
"Do we know when the witcher 3 is gonna release?"

Sometime in 2014... So?

"do we know whether it'll be as beautiful on console as it'll be on pc?"

Ps4 in game footage, it shows some gameplay.


"Do the mass population who buys console care about pc gaming where you need $1,000 to enjoy something?"

You must not know about computers that much... With $600+ you can get a decent pc which would way more powerful than the Xbox one or ps4. I could help u make a cheap economical gaming bundle for you.
i didn't know you can play video games directly off a card!
Of course TF is a system seller just not as big as MS fans want it to be be.

It's on two other platforms, I sincerely doubt it will move the numbers much. People seem to think that when Titanfall is released somehow it will be this wave of Xbone buyers, but it just doesn't work that way. People have known Titanfall is coming to the Xbone, if they were really interested in playing it on the new Xbox don't you think they would have bought in already?

The Boat

There's a couple of things wrong with this statement. First, you certainly can choose what you download with PS+, it's just a smaller selection that you choose from. It's no different from saying that you don't get choose what games appear on the console in the first place though.

Second, PS+ is the kind of subscription that doesn't really feel much like being held hostage because for the money you plunk down annually, you get access to a lot more cost savings in the games you don't have to outright pay for. Many of the games you get for "free" on PS+ are at least $10-20 without the PS+ sub, so it only takes a few to compensate for the sub's cost and then everything else is gravy. In a year alone, PS+ probably gives me access to enough games that I want to play that would cost 2-3 yrs worth of PS+ subscription on their own.

Are you serious? You're given a choice of a few games every month and you neve know for sure what games will pop up, are you seriously comparing that with the choice from an entire catalogue of a console?

Look, I like PS+, I think it's a great service and Sony managed it very well, and it provides great value, especially if you don't mind not owning the games, but that's the thing, you don't own then and you are hostage to a subscription. Especially on PS4, want to play online? Got to pay. Want to play the games you got when you had plus? Got to pay. If you only play once in a while, the value greatly decreases. If that's not being held hostage, I don't know what is. That's Ok (the games part, the paying for online sucks), I'm not expecting them tong I've out games, but compared to Steam and bundle sales, it's a world of difference.

I don't mean to bash or attack ps4 or plus, or saying it's a stupid buy, not at all, I was just mentioning the savings you get on PC and anticipating that someone would say PS+ gives you free games.


It's on two other platforms, I sincerely doubt it will move the numbers much. People seem to think that when Titanfall is released somehow it will be this wave of Xbone buyers, but it just doesn't work that way. People have known Titanfall is coming to the Xbone, if they were really interested in playing it on the new Xbox don't you think they would have bought in already?

Not to mention if you go to various retailers best selling video games section, the Xbone/Titanfall bundle is way down the list. (#15ish on GameStop while PS4/Infamous bundle is #1)
It does? Thats quite a leap. Can publishers sell 2-3 million copies of their games to break even to this 6 million install base?
Fuck those guys. If they could control their budgets and marketing, they'd have no problem with a 6 mil install base especially since most of those 6 mil would buy their sort of games anyway.

Nope. PS4 is trending ahead of both Wii and PS2.

That is impressive.


Congrats for Sony. I still can't talk myself into buying one though as there are no games selling me on it.
MS should have kept Titanfall to an Xbox1 only exclusive to sell Xbox1 units. I own a PS4 and plan on buying Titanfall on PC. I'm sure, since there is an incredibly large install base on Xbox360, it will sell more there.


MS should have kept Titanfall to an Xbox1 only exclusive to sell Xbox1 units. I own a PS4 and plan on buying Titanfall on PC. I'm sure, since there is an incredibly large install base on Xbox360, it will sell more there.

The cost to pay EA to miss out on the 360 market as well would have been huge.

EA want a COD like franchise and that's not going to happen launching on one platform 3 months after launch.
3.235 million as of the end of January NPD. A calculated estimate based on Jan NPD & NPD:ROTW ratio for 2013.

If Xbone sells 159k in February NPD then it will be approx 3.5m for worldwide.

Wow, so the gap seems to be widening. No wonder MS seems a bit worried. WW LTD sales will probably be 2:1 by E3.


Yeah, I think the mistake MS made with Titanfall was the fact they made it available on the 360 as well as PC.

Sure there will be the passionate fanbase that has already bought an Xbox One for Titanfall. However in releasing like this, it allows consumers to say "well, Ill play it on 360 or PC", get the experience, then buy a Ps4.


Sony has another PS2 on their hands. The PS4 is just what Sony needed! So much for all that bankruptcy talk.


The big question is 'how many of those systems Titanfall would sell are in the 3.5 million already sold?'


This is something many are not thinking about ................ I predict a lot of the X1 sales that TF would be responsible for where already bought.

It been the main battle cry of MS since E3 ......... " Have you seen TitanFall?"


MS should have kept Titanfall to an Xbox1 only exclusive to sell Xbox1 units. I own a PS4 and plan on buying Titanfall on PC. I'm sure, since there is an incredibly large install base on Xbox360, it will sell more there.
Hands down; If Titanfall wasn't on the PC i would've picked up a Bone to go alongside my PS4, now, no way.



This is something many are not thinking about ................ I predict a lot of the X1 sales that TF would be responsible for where already bought.

It been the main battle cry of MS since E3 ......... " Have you seen TitanFall?"

This is my opinion too, I think most people would have thought "well If I'm going to upgrade for next gen titanfall in march I might aswell upgrade for next gen CoD and BF in November/December"

I can't see too many people being pushed to next gen now for titanfall that wouldn't have been pushed by the bigger releases in Nov. Sure there will be some but I feel the Majority is likely there already.


Tell me why EA can't ask Respawn to do the following:
Create 1 new map, not sold as TF DLC.
Package all the TF maps + DLC + new map, sell it as TF2. Maybe also work in improving the graphics a little, release it by xmas.

This is something many are not thinking about ................ I predict a lot of the X1 sales that TF would be responsible for where already bought.

It been the main battle cry of MS since E3 ......... " Have you seen TitanFall?"

The issue with that is, EA + Respawn would never allow it. 3.5 million consoles isn't a big enough install base for them to make money off of.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Hm... My buddies PS4 sounds like a jet engine after KZSF.

does your buddy have his PS4 sitting in a closed wooden crate? I suppose disc-based games are a LITTLE louder.. but nothing unbearable.. and digital games (which is almost all what I play) I swear I've never actually heard the system.


Anyone else sense Sony is going to drop some news to try and steal attention away from the TitanFall launch?

Nothing big (saved for E3 ) ............ possibly GTAV for next gen exclusive to PS4.


Tell me why EA can't ask Respawn to do the following:
Create 1 new map, not sold as TF DLC.
Package all the TF maps + DLC + new map, sell it as TF2. Maybe also work in improving the graphics a little, release it by xmas.

they probably could but it would likely damage relationships with MS and EA have received a boat load of money from MS already this gen.

If there going to do something like that I think they'll wait til mid-2015 and will release a full TF2 and a separate TF1 DLC map pack.
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