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PS4K information (~2x GPU power w/ clock+, new CPU, price, tent. Q1 2017)


I'd be in the dick
And those will be the people that EA, Ubisoft and many other developers will treat as 2nd rate customers, shoving down their throat half assed ports.

Already these devs dont seem to care much about proper optimization can you imagine what will happen when they have the excuse of a definitive version in the name of PS4K?

It will be savage. :p
Frostbite and Snowdrop look and run great on the current PS4. UE4 just got a bunch of PS4 specific optimizations yesterday. With more and more games using those engines (which are highly scaleable) and them being matured for the current PS4, I don't see much reason to worry on either end. The Xbox One still exists and PS4 still outspecs it.


Will drop this here as well:
AMD has been working on new SoCs since the launch of Xbox One/PS4 which either suggests it's just smaller more efficient versions of the existing SoCs or new and improved SoCs (Xbox 1.5/PS4K)

Or it just means they're working on the next generation. You can't really take anything from that resume.


Gold Member
You think Sony/MS already knew what the next generation was gonna be before they launched the current one? Highly doubtful.

I think they had a general idea/roadmap with x86/64, absolutely. It is has been established enough where you can project much easier than newly devised tech.
You think Sony/MS already knew what the next generation was gonna be before they launched the current one? Highly doubtful.

Ya most definitely. Almost none of those listings even set a time frame of when they did that role. Only one establishes a time frame of late 2013 they moved on to a new role. Guess what came out in late 2013? The PS4 was done at that point. Two of those listings has them starting after the release of the PS4. The others have them working well past the launch date of the PS4. So ya, you can't really infer anything. It could simply be referencing working on the PS5 at that point.


AMD has been working on new SoCs since the launch of Xbox One/PS4 which either suggests it's just smaller more efficient versions of the existing SoCs or new and improved SoCs (Xbox 1.5/PS4K)

Or it's for Nintendo.
Or for the next wave of consoles and has nothing to do with a PS4K/XB1.5. Etc.

Who knows. You can read anything you want into that.


4k gaming as games playing at native 4k or just upscaled to 4k? If you are reffering to the former, then you need to wake up because it's not going to happen.

If it's the latter, then your 4k TV already has internal upscaler and I believe it's going to be just as good as the PS4K upscaler.

Not up-scaled but up-rendered when the signal leave the PS4K it will be 8294400 different pixels not 2073600 different pixels scaled across 8294400 pixels.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
One things for sure. Devs that insist on console parity are going to have a hard time justifying it on PS4K.


Did Osiris ever post the additional info he referenced? It's not in the OP, but figured it might be somewhere buried in the thread.
Did Osiris ever post the additional info he referenced? It's not in the OP, but figured it might be somewhere buried in the thread.
From a few days back:

I do have more information but have decided not to post it. Boogz brought something to my attention last night and after sleeping on it, he is right. Also Diana of Themyscira is not sure who all has access to her information outside of Mr Wayne so I will not throw her under the bus.

The only thing I can add is that after checking around the date seems to be in question. Diana suggests the holiday 2016 date is not what she has heard and is early. Mr Wayne is sure that its holiday 2016. Her belief is that they wont even announce until after the holiday to try to get rid of as many OG units as possible during the holiday without the new sku interfering with the PSVR and OG sku sales.


Still I hope ps4.5 will be released in 2018. I lost my job yesterday and personal situation aside, I think it's too early for an upgrade.

It's not though. At worst they'll sell slow at first but even that doesn't matter, they will eventually drop in price and there will be a more expensive PS5. I think it's a great model where there could be 499 PS5, 399 ps4.5 and PS4 at 299 all playing some of the same games at least for a while. Something for everyone.
Sorry about your situation but just don't buy something you don't need. Like a PS4.5. I won't be for 6 Mos or so....


Warning, my technological knowledge isnvery limited.

So I have a few questions about this.

1. What does 4K graphics do for people with 1080p TVs? Does it down sample or whatever to make it look better (like on PC) or does it do use the TV's technology to downscale (like how the Xbone upscales)?

2. I don't think many people own a 4K TV because they are still expensive and lacking in content. Is PS4K meant to push enthusiasts to purchasing 4K? Or is this a signal that there will be a major push for 4K in the next few months and that PS4K is just a part of it?

Media is incredibly slow at transitioning. Most channels are still in SD in 2016. I hope media companies and TV manufacturers come together to make 4K like Windows 10 (i.e. get everyone on the same page). This SD, 720p, 1080p and 4K shit all existing together is nuts.

From Digital foundry
Original PlayStation 2 titles ran at a range of pixel counts, but 512x448 and 640x448 were commonplace (God of War 2 even let you choose between the two). It's still early days in our analysis, but first impressions suggest that the emulator resolves a native resolution of 1292x896. Two black lines are added top and bottom to the image, before receiving a final upscale up to full 1080p. In effect, we're looking at around 4x the pixel count - possibly higher, depending on the title. Texture filtering also looks improved, but on close inspection we think that the increased quality is probably down to the extra resolution alone.


That's just a fancy name for a non-trivial upscaling algorithm. It's still the same thing. Most trivial upscaling would be blocks of 4 pixels all the same color, nothing gained. A bit better is bilinear, but that makes the image just blurry. Good upscaling can do nice things to image quality, still far from native rendering.


Gold Member
It's up rendered


I assume this is similar to how the X1 chip in Sony 4K TV's works? Since it appears to be a similar infograph, and could be why it gets rave reviews on how 'native' it comes off.


Top scale with grey arrow = conventional
Bottom scale with blue arrow = X1

Just neat seeing technologies blend.
That's just a fancy name for a non-trivial upscaling algorithm. It's still the same thing. Most trivial upscaling would be blocks of 4 pixels all the same color, nothing gained. A bit better is bilinear, but that makes the image just blurry. Good upscaling can do nice things to image quality, still far from native rendering.

Yup, The PS2 emulation is nice on PS4, but it's nowhere near the clarity of native 1080p pcsx2.


Warning, my technological knowledge isnvery limited.

So I have a few questions about this.

1. What does 4K graphics do for people with 1080p TVs? Does it down sample or whatever to make it look better (like on PC) or does it do use the TV's technology to downscale (like how the Xbone upscales)?

2. I don't think many people own a 4K TV because they are still expensive and lacking in content. Is PS4K meant to push enthusiasts to purchasing 4K? Or is this a signal that there will be a major push for 4K in the next few months and that PS4K is just a part of it?

Media is incredibly slow at transitioning. Most channels are still in SD in 2016. I hope media companies and TV manufacturers come together to make 4K like Windows 10 (i.e. get everyone on the same page). This SD, 720p, 1080p and 4K shit all existing together is nuts.

Don't forget 5K coming too baby! There's definitely a broader push going on this year with 4k Blu Ray and streaming. But I want to say the jury is still out in 4K gaming. I know Polaris is supposed to be a revolutionary jump in performance, I just don't see it being palatable to the console audience's price sensitivity.


I'd be in the dick
I assume this is similar to how the X1 chip in Sony 4K TV's works? Since it appears to be a similar infograph, and could be why it gets rave reviews on how 'native' it comes off.


Top scale with grey arrow = conventional
Bottom scale with blue arrow = X1

Just neat seeing technologies blend.
Hadn't seen this before. I expect this will be used here. I guess it's still just upscaling but the results are way better than standard methods.
Upscaling an image with the information of the sub-pixels is still upscaling. Calling it up-rendered doesn't change the nature of the process.

Do you think the PS4 outputting a 480p signal for PS2 games would look the same as what the current PS2/PS4 emulator is outputting?

Also think about how PC emulators for PSX games work, sure they apply better AA etc. but if the output was still 480p they would still look blurry.

PSX games would not look this sharp is they were simply upscaled: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yokHLHegvw
Do you think the PS4 outputting a 480p signal for PS2 games would look the same as what the current PS2/PS4 emulator is outputting?

Also think about how PC emulators for PSX games work, sure they apply better AA etc. but if the output was still 480p they would still look blurry.

Do you think PSX games would look this sharp is they were upscaled: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhnww9-ZbjQ
I thought emulators rendered them natively.
Anyone else worried that devs will make PS4k first priority over PS4, and they'll end up getting less attention and have technical issues?
Anyone else worried that devs will make PS4k first priority over PS4, and they'll end up getting less attention and have technical issues?

Just about everyone in here that doesn't like the idea is extremely worried about that. I personally plan to get a PS4K day one if what is being said turns out to be true so it is not really a concern for me.

If that did happen it would certainly would be a few years down the road when the PS4 should be getting phased out any way. It would not happen right away strictly based on install bases.
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