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Quantum Break Gameplay (Gamescom 2015)

I think last years trailer showed a more varied look at the time manipulation. It was used for combat but also for keeping airborne objects in the air for platforming and traversal. Very cool looking game, probably my most anticipated "next-gen" title since the consoles where revealed.

Check the platforming at around 11:30


What are we doing in this game when we're not shooting guys? Have they talked about that at all?

I guess we'll be solving time puzzles, but is there an actual world to explore in-between firefights like Alan Wake had?

Check out the video I posted above.
i love all the generic 3rd person shooter comments. this looks way better than any 3rd person shooter i've ever seen with lots of new and unique gameplay. really not sure how this gets shit on while other 3rd person shooters (wont name names) get no such backlash.

<3 remedy

Fair enough. Honestly while it looks visually unique, in gameplay terms I just see this as an extension of what Remedy did with Max Payne. Now we can freeze and manipulate time rather than just slow it down. Gameplay looking the best ever, well I wouldnt be so quick to jump the gun. I thought the mechanics in Alan Wake were pretty terrible. Really disliked the combat in that game.


This game looks simply stunning...

That last scene in the warehouse... Wow... Usually I can't stand sitting through cutscenes, especially scenes without action... but the effects had me gripped in tight...

I think this one will be worth the wait!

loved the atmosphere.


Watch Fringe.


I wish they did live demos so you got a sense of what the game play would be like in real situations. It looked way too easy. Freeze everyone, kill them, teleport all over, melee kill, freeze everyone and truck, jump over them. If it stays like this I think reviews will kill it like The Order.
Yeah this game blew me away. The time mechanics look solid and fighting against AI enemies that have time mechanics in the game also look great.

Also its Jake from Animorphs so thats by default cool.

I am hyped. I wonder if there will be a special edition.


What really impresses me is that wave effect that distorts the environment. Wonder if the geometry is actually reacting to it or it's just a cool trick. Either way, it's pretty awesome.


god damn... loving that cinematic gameplay, the cuts, the time bending and knowing remedy, the story should be on point

those damn special effects... shiiit
This game looks incredible, and I'm surprised how far it's come graphically from last year's showing. Hard to say the XB1 isn't capable after seeing this game. The story sounds better than I thought it would be, too (Remedy usually does well here, though). I think the delay did this game well.


I kinda fucking hate that I gotta play as Shawn Ashmore. I liked the old jack joyce look and him being an unknown actor like Alan Wake

I guess its cool theyre getting a decent cast for the show tho


Clearly they are playing in god mode... You won't be able to spam time powers like this W/O consequence...

It's not just without consequence, there's no indication of danger or difficulty at all. It's almost like watching a QTE sequence.


Am I the only one that thought it was weird he murdered all those guys?

I mean, the two time-shifter guys were clearly a threat and needed to be dealt with, but the rest... why didn't he just keep running?


That cast. It's getting weird seeing all there high profile actors starring in video games. Can't say I'm complaining though.

On another note, this looks dope as hell; really hope it makes it to PC.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I think last years trailer showed a more varied look at the time manipulation. It was used for combat but also for keeping airborne objects in the air for platforming and traversal. Very cool looking game, probably my most anticipated "next-gen" title since the consoles where revealed.

Check the platforming at around 11:30


Check out the video I posted above.

wonder if we'll get an extended demo of this section in the coming weeks last last years demo which originally ended before all the platforming bits
Few notes.

Story seems to have reworked significantly, unless we're going to playing as multiple characters.

Where's the live action sections? Safe to assume those have been canned in favour of using in game assets to tell the story?

Gameplay looks much tighter than it during the last demo.

Really hope the detective mechanic isn't gone. It almost feels like the sections where time basically stops is those sections reworked.

I don't like the slo-mo zoom on some kills. Not a fan, hope it can be turned off.

Visuals look good. Damn good.


It looks like fun and I am really impressed with the level of production. It's clear why it was delayed and I appreciate it. MS is investing a lot in this IP and Remedy to make this game everything it can be.


Few notes.

Story seems to have reworked significantly, unless we're going to playing as multiple characters.

Where's the live action sections? Safe to assume those have been canned in favour of using in game assets to tell the story?

Story seems the same as it's always been. 2 guys involved in a time related explosion. One bad, one good. There is, apparently, 1 female character you get to play as during certain sections. Maybe the cop we see in the trailer.

There was never live action scenes intertwined in the game. It was always a TV show that you have to watch seperately.
The actual gameplay bits look boring, especially the shooting. They're obviously covering it up with those crazy graphical effects, but I'm not buying the gameplay until they show a few more regular fights, and not some "I'll outpower you" The Flash fighting.
Some be like "cover-based third person shooter, eeehh" and I'm like, it's fucking Remedy, shut up. Doesn't matter what they do, their games tend to always end up feeling distinct, be it through tone, writing, visuals, gameplay or whatever. And it doesn't matter what anyone says, y'all know time manipulation powers will forever be a fun thing in video games. And Remedy knows how to beef that shit up real nice.

The one question mark about it is how the live action stuff will fit in. That's still a weird thing that I don't really have a grasp of. They got some cool actor peeps though. Although I'm sad they apparently couldn't get Schwarzenegger on board. That would've been cool.
This game looked so good, it's easily my fave of gamescon .

I will have an xb1 for this game.

Action and beauty and gameplay?

The holy Trifecta of gaming.


I generally love Remedy's games, but I just can't get excited for this, I really do feel generic is the word here, it looks so bland and unfun. It looks impressive from a technical standpoint, but that means absolutely zero if I don't have a good reason to want to play this. Max Payne had the noir-ish setting and comic book stylings that worked like a charm. Alan Wake had the small-time Americana/ Twin Peaks vibe going on which I love, this just looks drab and bland to me, sorry.


I kinda fucking hate that I gotta play as Shawn Ashmore. I liked the old jack joyce look and him being an unknown actor like Alan Wake

I guess its cool theyre getting a decent cast for the show tho
I have faith Remedy can do the gameplay but I think it was smart to just stack the cast with known actors, especially if they're doing a live action portion that's supposed to connect to the game.


Combat looks sooooo questionable. I know it's all for demo purposes foe this but the MC was just spamming powers through that segment and never seemed to be in much danger. I'm more curious to see how this actually plays in reality because that demo was straight up nonsense.
I think after a while the game play will get a bit boring unless they spice it up and have tons of variation.The game play reminds me of a movie starring jet li ( was it the one?)
also not liking Ice man as main character,I would love if the guy had a powerslide and was able to perform acrobatics, because he seems to slow.

I guess I want a vanquish sequel now :(


I'm a PC-only gamer these days, but I have to say I'm impressed. Never thought it could possibly end up appearing as potentially intriguing as this.
Story seems the same as it's always been. 2 guys involved in a time related explosion. One bad, one good. There is, apparently, 1 female character you get to play as during certain sections. Maybe the cop we see in the trailer.

There was never live action scenes intertwined in the game. It was always a TV show that you have to watch seperately.

Well, this implies there's a brother which wasn't the case in the original vision (based on what we saw). It was a time cop against a time travelling villain.

Weren't the live action sections supposed to play at the end of each episode/chapter and mirror what was happening in the game/progress the story?

The game seem to have undergone a huge reworking, not for the better in terms of story and characters.We'll see is the detective aspect is still in, but I'm not hopeful based on what we've seen of the new QB.
Story seems the same as it's always been. 2 guys involved in a time related explosion. One bad, one good. There is, apparently, 1 female character you get to play as during certain sections. Maybe the cop we see in the trailer.

There was never live action scenes intertwined in the game. It was always a TV show that you have to watch seperately.


I didn't even know this part. I thought the live action would be sort of like the cutscenes of the story portion.


Wow, this game looks as fantastic as ever. I always loved Alan Wake for its atmosphere, and QB looks to be no slouch for that either. Although not sure I'm digging the recast of the main protagonist. (Although Littlefinger is aight). Either way, i'll hold judgment until I actually play the game. Looks great.
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