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Quantum Break PC is a mess (non-native render, badly optimized, overpriced, etc)


No, they don't at all.
What I want is a "How to". Developer documentation explaining the process.
If I want to make a UWA right now, and distribute it via a webpage to the public in a manner that does not involve powershell security warnings or 'sideloading', how do I do that?

As far as I can tell, there is no way of doing that currently.
So can we please have a moratorium on just casually saying "third parties can totally distribute UWAs easily without going through the Windows Store" because there is literally zero information on how to do this available.

You clearly haven't bothered to watch either video. Why bother even replying to me before you have? You want official documentation? Wait a few months until the summer update which is when they'll likely update the MSDN documentation. As for the bolded, no, of course there isn't. Who said otherwise? All I've ever said is that it's possible with a few tricks. At Build MS said they'll be enabling that functionality in the summer update, they then showed it working and then went into great detail of how it all works in the sessions afterwards. What more do you want at this point? If you're not going to watch the session videos then all you can do is wait until the summer.

Yeah, let's say I fire up Visual Studio right now and write a simple hello world app with a small GUI. How do I turn that into a UWA that I can distribute freely by sending it to friends without going through the store?

Well if you absolutely must do it right now, then just do what I did here and here

You understandably don't want to do that? Fine, wait for the summer update.


As for the bolded, no, of course there isn't. Who said otherwise?

Well you replied to me directly quoting
Smh, Adobe doesn't have to use MS' store front... Where have you been? They can sell directly to their customers with UWP... They don't have to concede a single red cent to MS.
a statement in the present tense suggesting that that is currently possible.

If it isn't currently possible, then can we please stop saying it is and use the more honest wait for build the summer update

I'm wondering if discussion of UWA necessitates a seperate topic because despite Remedy implying otherwise in their own FAQ much of this is unrelated to QB.


Well you replied to me directly quoting

a statement in the present tense suggesting that that is currently possible.

If it isn't currently possible, then can we please stop saying it is and use the more honest wait for build the summer update

I'm wondering if discussion of UWA necessitates a seperate topic because despite Remedy implying otherwise in their own FAQ much of this is unrelated to QB.

Fair enough, but to be fair you replied to Trup1aya with:

Nobody still knows what this method specifically involves other than the vague on details statements given and a handwaving mention of certificate based authentication

Which isn't really true. Not now that Build has been and gone. Which is why I quoted you in the first place.

Also, I'll just say that it's a little funny you making a "Wait for Build" joke. Considering that when Build did come -- and gave you an opporitnity to actually learn about the UWP platform -- you seemingly barely paid any attention to it anyway.


you seemingly barely paid any attention to it anyway.

I followed the bullet points, but feel no need to watch the actual videos as Build is an infomercial for MS products and services, and much like I don't believe I'll have washboard abs in a week of using the abdomeniser 5000, I don't believe carefully prepared presentations regarding upcoming products are going to be as easy as demonstrated to implement and contain no hidden gotchas.
If they had had an MSDN page describing the process - which if it was ready to go they would have - that would be a different matter, as I could test for myself.


I followed the bullet points, but feel no need to watch the actual videos as Build is an infomercial for MS products and services, and much like I don't believe I'll have washboard abs in a week of using the abdomeniser 5000, I don't believe carefully prepared presentations regarding upcoming products are going to be as easy as demonstrated to implement and contain no hidden gotchas.
If they had had an MSDN page describing the process - which if it was ready to go they would have - that would be a different matter, as I could test for myself.

The keynote, yes. The sessions, no. If you actually think that then I can only assume you've never actually watched one. There's not many other places I can think of where you'll get to hear actual MS employees call their own software and ideas "stupid" and "dumb".
I was able to refund the game with XBOX online customer support chat, and that's with 1.5 hours of gameplay.

They wanted to remote access my computer to make sure that it was no longer installed....so silly.

But perhaps some encouragement for people who are amicable to customer support, you can get your money back.


I was able to refund the game with XBOX online customer support chat, and that's with 1.5 hours of gameplay.

They wanted to remote access my computer to make sure that it was no longer installed....so silly.

But perhaps some encouragement for people who are amicable to customer support, you can get your money back.
That's because it's a manual process, something origin and steam have built in the framework to remove titles from your account. UWP doesn't at this time.

Running this game on an 970m and nvidia drivers keep crashing, any ideas?


Hopefully by the summer or fall gsync and other features will be supported and I can dip into the back catalogue of XBW10 games. ROTR, Gears UE, and QB won't be bought until then.


I was able to refund the game with XBOX online customer support chat, and that's with 1.5 hours of gameplay.

They wanted to remote access my computer to make sure that it was no longer installed....so silly.

But perhaps some encouragement for people who are amicable to customer support, you can get your money back.
This is a joke, right?


If I could just fucking use RTSS this would be very playable. I could look past so much with decent framepacing. The core game is fun as hell, but you got to deal with sooo much jank. X1 version looks superior from a playing perspective. If had a Xbox there'd be no question what version I'd be playing right now.


I was able to refund the game with XBOX online customer support chat, and that's with 1.5 hours of gameplay.

They wanted to remote access my computer to make sure that it was no longer installed....so silly.

But perhaps some encouragement for people who are amicable to customer support, you can get your money back.

I have seen shit man but this takes the cake by all of it...


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
That's your idea of pc gaming. I have 980ti sli @ 1500 and i7 4790k @ 4.6 ghz and 16 gigs of ram. My Idea of pc gaming is enjoying lovely graphics and IQ with nice fps and great gameplay. I'm also pretty sure I remember reading something about mods being supported to a certain extent. I don't think games like skyrim would have a problem. Though I bet skyrim did have a problem with piracy. I can go download skyrim right now and have a blast with all those great mods and not pay a single dime for any of it. Those great pc perks.

And my idea of lovely graphics and IQ includes supersampling and consistent frame pacing.


And my idea of lovely graphics and IQ includes supersampling and consistent frame pacing.
You ain't getting it here

I had to drop to 900p and medium setting a on a 970m just for fixing frame pacing

And it crashes the display driver constantly, no other game has


Well you replied to me directly quoting

a statement in the present tense suggesting that that is currently possible.

If it isn't currently possible, then can we please stop saying it is and use the more honest wait for build the summer update

I'm wondering if discussion of UWA necessitates a seperate topic because despite Remedy implying otherwise in their own FAQ much of this is unrelated to QB.

Yeah that was me. "Will be able to" instead of "can". I thought it was understood that we are waiting on an update.

I followed the bullet points, but feel no need to watch the actual videos as Build is an infomercial for MS products and services, and much like I don't believe I'll have washboard abs in a week of using the abdomeniser 5000, I don't believe carefully prepared presentations regarding upcoming products are going to be as easy as demonstrated to implement and contain no hidden gotchas.
If they had had an MSDN page describing the process - which if it was ready to go they would have - that would be a different matter, as I could test for myself.

Build is hardly an infomercial. They aren't just advertising their productions and services. They are actually educating developers on how to use the platform.

Are you seriously suggesting that , they at a developer conference, demonstrated UWP being installed outside of the Win10 store, then announced these methods will be available with an OS date, but really don't actually intend to allow developers to do this?


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

Please think before you start bitching about people caring for tech in a tech related thread.


So a Xbox One is still required to really enjoy these games i guess.
And this Win10 exc. nonsense shows that Microsoft really didn't learnanything from GFWL disaster, they are still just pushing it with Windows store thing.This will surely hurt their PC sales.


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

The game is (here) more expensive then almost all other pc games and the port is of much lower quality then almost all pc games. I think there are plenty of legitimate reasons to Bitch.


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

I'm with you man, i'm loving the game on Xbox One and for sure i'll enjoy a second playthrough on PC when i'll receive my code, don't care if the PC version doesn't look that much better than the Xbox ones being just a simple port, also cause it already look awesome as it is.
Though that's a thread about PC version performaces so, even though i don't agree, let them spending all the time they want discussing about native resolution, grain filter etc instead of enjoying a great game.


I'm with you man, i'm loving the game on Xbox One and for sure i'll enjoy a second playthrough on PC when i'll receive my code, don't care if the PC version doesn't look that much better than the Xbox ones being just a simple port, also cause it already look awesome as it is.
Though that's a thread about PC version performaces so, even though i don't agree, let them spending all the time they want discussing about native resolution, grain filter etc instead of enjoying a great game.

Nothing great about sub 1080p upscaled new games on PC in 2016, sorry.


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

Another junior talking like this? Shouldn't suprise me I guess.


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.
I don't think it's good to accept a sub-standard port just because it plays well. I really like Arkham Knight but if somebody asked me if they should get it for the PC I'd say absolutely not.
The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

Posts like this can get you banned... just FYI. This thread is regarding the technical aspects of the PC port. It is perfectly valid to be in disagreement with what has been delivered on that front.


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.
Sorry that I won't spend 70€ on a pretty shitty version of a game I guess? I've been looking forward to QB for quite some time and I'm sure it's fun and well executed. Doesn't mean that the complaints are invalid and shouldn't be voiced.


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

Totally sure you're playing this on PC.


Are you seriously suggesting that , they at a developer conference, demonstrated UWP being installed outside of the Win10 store, then announced these methods will be available with an OS date, but really don't actually intend to allow developers to do this?

We don't know what restrictions, limitations or caveats they will place on this.

Much like how they announced that "Every Xbox One is now a devkit" and then only after did it become clear that there were significant restrictions, limitations and caveats to make it far far far less useful than they'd suggested it would be.

Because that is routine behavior for Microsoft.
Though that's a thread about PC version performaces so, even though i don't agree, let them spending all the time they want discussing about native resolution, grain filter etc instead of enjoying a great game.

You're in a thread about how much of a trainwreck the PC release is, so you'll naturally be hearing about that.

And yes, there are valid reasons to be irate about this. This game isn't able to perform at the level of other comparable PC releases on hardware much more powerful than that of the Xbox One.

And yes, the bare minimum of effort was put into this port since it can't properly display the resolution a player chooses.


You're in a thread about how much of a trainwreck the PC release is, so you'll naturally be hearing about that.

And yes, there are valid reasons to be irate about this. This game isn't able to perform at the level of other comparable PC releases on hardware much more powerful than that of the Xbox One.

And yes, the bare minimum of effort was put into this port since it can't properly display the resolution a player chooses.
The worst I've found is the stuttering tv show
I have a 200/200 connection but I've had it buffer quite madly


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

The fuck

I'm with you man, i'm loving the game on Xbox One and for sure i'll enjoy a second playthrough on PC when i'll receive my code, don't care if the PC version doesn't look that much better than the Xbox ones being just a simple port, also cause it already look awesome as it is.
Though that's a thread about PC version performaces so, even though i don't agree, let them spending all the time they want discussing about native resolution, grain filter etc instead of enjoying a great game.

The fuck??????


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

... yes. Let's not complain about frames and other issues and pretend the game is perfect.
The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

When I'm forced to spend 70€ on a game while I can find every other AAA PC game in the market for up to 45€, I absolutely demand a premium experience for such a premium price. MS is not delivering.

The whole resolution thing is the same situation as Dark Souls, but this time we have UWA stopping any kind of QBFix from being made! At least Dark Souls ran well, QB also comes with the Arkham Knight problem of running like shit.

Did Arkham Knight PC performance threads get many random people jumping in and saying "hey it's not that bad, you should enjoy the game"?


Hopefully by the summer or fall gsync and other features will be supported and I can dip into the back catalogue of XBW10 games. ROTR, Gears UE, and QB won't be bought until then.
RoTR isn't a Win10 game, it's available in Steam right now, no need to wait for anything.
GearsUE has been patched several times and is in a pretty good condition at the moment. Gsync should be working there, vsync patch should come in May, DSR isn't really needed as there's a built-in supersampling option.
QB is basically the only WinStore game which needs fixing at the moment.
There's no fix coming.

The lack of communication and the lack of addressing or setting up a time table admitting to problems in the FAQ makes me think that this is wholly possible. It probably is not selling well if every outlet out there is saying "dear god, do not buy this!".


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.
You know that QB issues make the game unenjoyable for many people, right?

I'm with you man, i'm loving the game on Xbox One and for sure i'll enjoy a second playthrough on PC when i'll receive my code, don't care if the PC version doesn't look that much better than the Xbox ones being just a simple port, also cause it already look awesome as it is.
Though that's a thread about PC version performaces so, even though i don't agree, let them spending all the time they want discussing about native resolution, grain filter etc instead of enjoying a great game.

Oh fuck off Genio!

This probably gonna get me banned, but you do this MS defence every fucking time, and this time I just couldn't take it. Not when you imply we're a bunch of spoiled gamers with no legitimate complaints.


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

I'm with you man, i'm loving the game on Xbox One and for sure i'll enjoy a second playthrough on PC when i'll receive my code, don't care if the PC version doesn't look that much better than the Xbox ones being just a simple port, also cause it already look awesome as it is.
Though that's a thread about PC version performaces so, even though i don't agree, let them spending all the time they want discussing about native resolution, grain filter etc instead of enjoying a great game.

Some people really can't help themselves it seems. What's it with UWP threads that bring out these posts? Do people just see "Microsoft" and lose all self control?

We don't know what restrictions, limitations or caveats they will place on this.

Much like how they announced that "Every Xbox One is now a devkit" and then only after did it become clear that there were significant restrictions, limitations and caveats to make it far far far less useful than they'd suggested it would be.

Because that is routine behavior for Microsoft.

Yeah, pretty much everything they've done shows to me that there is absolutely no reason to take their word on their promises to fix these issues, so I'm not buying the "Just stop complaining and wait, fixes will come!" rhetoric. Both their decade+ of bad will towards PC gaming and their misleading PR over the past 5 years or so is an indicator to me that when they're promising all will be fine, there's a good chance it won't. So I'm not treating this like they've already solved all these problems until they've actually solved them.


Oh fuck off Genio!

This probably gonna get me banned, but you do this MS defence every fucking time, and this time I just couldn't take it. Not when you imply we're a bunch of spoiled gamers with no legitimate complaints.

I think he secretly faking as a MS fans, trying to sabotage real MS fans image.
I mean it's just too obvious, all the logo on that avatar.


We don't know what restrictions, limitations or caveats they will place on this.

Much like how they announced that "Every Xbox One is now a devkit" and then only after did it become clear that there were significant restrictions, limitations and caveats to make it far far far less useful than they'd suggested it would be.

Because that is routine behavior for Microsoft.

It's routine behavior for Microsoft to demonstrate things, in live session at Build, then not allow developers to do those things?

This isn't a trade show with lofty aspirations. It's a developer conference.


It's routine behavior for Microsoft to demonstrate things, in live session at Build, then not allow developers to do those things?

This isn't a trade show with lofty aspirations. It's a developer conference.

Their initial showing of Hololens is generally considered by most to be misleading (due to FOV issues for example) and it was revealed at build, right?

For the record, I own a Surface book, used to own a windows phone and up until last week owned an Xbox One, and Visual Studio is my preferred IDE, so I'm not really blanket trashing MS. I'd rather they make their services better than they just die off. But their current implementation leaves a lot to be desired.


Some people really can't help themselves it seems. What's it with UWP threads that bring out these posts? Do people just see "Microsoft" and lose all self control?

Console gaming fosters a tribalistic "us versus them" mentality and duality of thinking, so people in one 'tribe' can find it difficult to comprehend that other people also in that 'tribe' (because all Windows gamers are also MS customers) are at best ambivalent to that tribes 'god', if not outright hostile to it.
Which is where you see people rushing with non-sequiturs about what Apple / Google / Sony / Nintendo are doing.

It's routine behavior for Microsoft to demonstrate things, in live session at Build, then not allow developers to do those things?

The aphorism "The devils in the details" doesn't hold less true in software development than in any other sphere.


Their initial showing of Hololens is generally considered by most to be misleading (due to FOV issues for example) and it was revealed at build, right?

For the record, I own a Surface book, used to own a windows phone and up until last week owned an Xbox One, and Visual Studio is my preferred IDE, so I'm not really blanket trashing MS. I'd rather they make their services better than they just die off. But their current implementation leaves a lot to be desired.

Again, your talking about a press conference designed to impress the public vs a developer session designed to inform the developer community on how to use their software.

There's literally no benefit in telling developers they can distribute their products in such a manner, then not allowing them to distribute in said manner


It's routine behavior for Microsoft to demonstrate things, in live session at Build, then not allow developers to do those things?

This isn't a trade show with lofty aspirations. It's a developer conference.

The specific example I cited was one of them doing exactly that. At this year's Build. The same time that they talked about fixing UWP.


The specific example I cited was one of them doing exactly that. At this year's Build. The same time that they talked about fixing UWP.

It was at a trade show where MS announced that retail units will function as dev kits.

At build they expressed in detail exactly how developers will be able to use their Xboxes at dev kits.

Your only proving the point that the developer conference provides the tangible information and guidance, not just plans and aspirations.


Unconfirmed Member
The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.
If the game was free, you may have a point. Since it isn't, people have all the right in the world to complain and not spend their money on something they consider a subpar product. If you don't care about people complaining, why don't you go play the game right now instead of reading that criticism here?


The game is not perfect. But name a game that is... Quantum break is an absolutely great game.

Stop complaining about resolution / frames. Instead, play the game and you are going to have a great time. I really can't get this. Every time a game gets out there are groups of people who instead of playing the game and judging it afterwards, they watch a couple of tech videos that show the performance and start bitching around about the game without playing it.

I'm with you man, i'm loving the game on Xbox One and for sure i'll enjoy a second playthrough on PC when i'll receive my code, don't care if the PC version doesn't look that much better than the Xbox ones being just a simple port, also cause it already look awesome as it is.
Though that's a thread about PC version performaces so, even though i don't agree, let them spending all the time they want discussing about native resolution, grain filter etc instead of enjoying a great game.

These posts man... Do you guys think before you type?

There is a whole other thread labelled the Quantum Break OT where you can discuss how the game is and how much you like it. What did you think you would achieve by coming into this thread (where the purpose is to discuss and raise awareness of the current issues of the PC version) posting what you have? Why even bother?

You don't see any of us who are discussing the problems and hand going into the OT and shitting up that thread do you?

These posts man... Do you guys think before you type?

There is a whole other thread labelled the Quantum Break OT where you can discuss how the game is and how much you like it. What did you think you would achieve by coming into this thread (where the purpose is to discuss and raise awareness of the current issues of the PC version) posting what you have? Why even bother?

You don't see any of us who are discussing the problems and hand going into the OT and shitting up that thread do you?

I'm assuming that's a rhetorical question? :p

This whole kerfuffle about UWP is mildly annoying though, I'm building a PC (just missing the dedicated Gpu at the moment) and this was potentially a chance to play some of the XBOX exclusives since chances are I'll never buy an XBox.
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