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Ratchet & Clank - Review Thread

I don't know about that, Ratchet & Clank is a pretty popular series and I'd gladly pay full price for a game of this type, I'm sure a lot of fans would too, especially when it's a game of this high quality.

Exactly, I don't think anyone expected this game would have trouble selling. It has a freakin' kids movie releasing alongside it for Christ's sake.

It really is sad that platformers have been few and far between after the 6th generation. I think the collapse of the licensed game market and the 7th gen focus on FPS killed the AAA studio interest in developing platformers. It's sad because I don't think the market or demand for these games ever went away, it's always been there and the fans just had to try to find their fix in the indie scene. Hopefully Yooka-Laylee's explosive success on Kickstarter and this Ratchet & Clank game will encourage studios to revive this genera.
USGAMER (Eurogamer's sister site for the US of A) gave it 4.5 stars out of 5. Add it OP.

To sum up this is what they thought:

'Ratchet and Clank is a terrific game that's a joy to play. It features exceptionally varied and interesting gameplay, from racing through dogfighting to puzzling - and, of course, plenty of platforming. Add to that an arsenal of truly entertaining weapons, excellent cutscenes, and superb graphics and sound, and you have a memorable game that represents a brilliant reboot for the series'


Overlooked website by the way. Has some of my favourite reviewers working there and regular interesting features / articles.
Honestly, I've always believed in this series, the team and perhaps just as importantly: it's fans.

This is the best reviewed Ratchet & Clank since A Crack in Time no? An entry that many regard as the definitive game in the series. That's got to be good for morale over at Insomniac.

Fady K


OK, who's gonna be the first shithead to break this run.

Polygon i reckon, guessing a seven? Maybe Giantbomb will give it a 3 stars. Those are the two i expect low scores from.
10-15 hours length, according to USGAMER btw. They added 'for veteran gamers' at the end of this estimate, so I suppose it will take longer for some.


Well, I had 20 bucks in reward certs for Best Buy that I was going to use on Uncharted, but this looks too good to pass up. It'll be my first ratchet game. Excited to finally play something colorful and bright.

Congrats Insomniac.


Honestly, I've always believed in this series, the team and perhaps just as importantly: it's fans.

Just wanted to say how much I loved Sunset Overdrive. It was the most fun I'd had with a game in a long time. I'm picking up R&C in 20 minutes and can't wait.


Really? Do they usually skip out on such titles?

They are highly selective in choosing which games to review. I don't think Ratchet and Clank makes the cut. If one of the staff feels it absolutely necessary to deliver a verdict after playing it we might see one, who knows. Hopefully Dan is the one leading the quicklook.

Fady K

They will probably have hard time finding someone to quick look this let alone review this.

They are highly selective in choosing which games to review. I don't think Ratchet and Clank makes the cut. If one of the staff feels it absolutely necessary to deliver a verdict after playing it we might see one, who knows. Hopefully Dan is the one leading the quicklook.

Ah, that's a sham, personally Ratchet and Clank looks like one of the most high profile games of the month, hence I expected it to get reviewed for sure.


Ah, that's a sham, personally Ratchet and Clank looks like one of the most high profile games of the month, hence I expected it to get reviewed for sure.

GB isn't really a site that cares about whether or not something is high profile. They review whatever they want to review.

Having said that, I'm sure either Dan or Brad will do a quick look of it.



OK, who's gonna be the first shithead to break this run.

edit: 5 mins after i post this some joker puts up a 2/10 in the user reviews. Screw you GAF'er, thats out of line.

Lol, if it makes you feel better, the two negative reviews are trolling . Every game gets them honestly.

Ran both through Google translation
Quantum Break BEST OF WORLD WORLD SUPER GIVE A PRIZE THAT HURTS ALL BY piperos ass SO MUCH AND I welt who can not eat PIPASasdasdasd dasadaqweaa

Game that did not deliver what was promised, inferior graphics to the Gamescom, runs at 720p, little action, much ado, a lot of video, not to mention that the game ip does not match the end game


Ah, that's a sham, personally Ratchet and Clank looks like one of the most high profile games of the month, hence I expected it to get reviewed for sure.

One of the unique and best things about Giant Bomb is that no-one is pressured to review anything if they don't want to.

Because with the 'bigger' sites people usually get assigned a review from up high and they sometimes have only a few days to blast through a game and put their thoughts on paper. Do that enough times and all fun and entertainment value is going to be stripped from playing games. At Giant Bomb, staff-members occasionally actively step aside from reviewing a highly anticipated game because they just want to cherish playing the game on their own time, at their own pace like everyone else.

So usually when GB does reviews, it's not done to hit a quota. It's done because they actually want to share their opinion on something. It's kind of a great system.


Never played R+C games before, but the low price with GCU (or Prime) plus the reviews andddd not a whole lot else going on atm... sure! I'm in!
A lot of the positive user reviews on metacritic are probably not completely genuine either, to be fair.

Anyway, check out this negative Amazon review. Lol
Seriously, a osE ps2 remake and be can't still reach 60fps?!? I became so upset that I called 911 again due to anxiety and they may press charges now so thanks a lot.

People will down vote than this and that makes me sick of this world. Why would you defend such nonsense. I miss golf to throw eff at the sun in out!!!!!!


Wow great reviews. Good job, Insomniac! I don't have time to play this right now but will definitely pick it up at some point down the road.


Congratulations on all the great reviews, Insomniac! Well deserved, I'm sure! Can't wait to buy the game when it finally comes out here in the UK! :)

Hoping this might mean a similar re-imagining of Going Commando in the near future, one of my all time favourite games. Plus, that way you could re-introduce the character of Angela Cross in a way that wouldn't contradict the whole "Ratchet is the last lombax!" plotline from the Future games.


Honestly, I've always believed in this series, the team and perhaps just as importantly: it's fans.

You guys at Insomniac rock, as you keep the 3D platformer alive on consoles. Nintendo makes 3D Mario and Sonic is still making games, but very few bother to make 3D platformers. But from the PS3 generation to now with Ratchet PS4, you guys are trying hard to bring the genre back in a big way with Ratchet & Clank IP :). With more titles coming out in the future like Yooka-Laylee and A Hat in Time, its nice seeing my favorite game genre come back.

I can't get it now, as I don't own a PS4, but I intend for the game to be the very first game I play with my new PS4 this June. I love this series and I hope you continue making more Ratchet games post Ratchet PS4. Going to see the film day zero at my local theater though! I think it will be the best video game movie, next to Disney's 'Wreck It Ralph' :D.

Keep up the great work with you and the team at Insomniac and lets all go commando for the next blast with Ratchet & Clank :D!



A lot of the positive user reviews on metacritic are probably not completely genuine either, to be fair.

Anyway, check out this negative Amazon review. Lol

I honestly just ignore user reviews. I know people like the "everymans" view but there is just a lot of motives being pushed. You can usually weed some of those out though.


Just played the first hour or two
Basically wrapped it up for the evening where you have to save the mayor.
It's amazing. Gorgeous to look at, the combat is simple yet fun. The humor is a little hit and miss for me but I get that it is targeted at kids for the most part.
for those that have it, is there any form of photomode in the game?

Slightly disappointing if not, a missed opportunity for great shots.
I desperately want a game like this - I've never actually played R+C, though I have the collection for Vita on my shelf, unopened.

At forty bucks, it's a no-brainer. I bought Rayman Legends for that much, and it is still my favorite game of the generation.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Hard not to be 2/2 when it's a re-release of the PS2s greatest platformer.
Couple of things about that though:

First, with the way this industry's "professional" reviewers tend to review games, that could have just as easily turned this into a situation with a bunch of lazy, knee-jerk reviews claiming the game is just rehash with a new coat of paint.

Second, the first game doesn't necessarily age well, even just by the standards of the sequels that followed on the PS2. So if they really had just dolled up the original game with a new coat paint, you really couldn't have blamed any reviewer at that point for doing what I said in the first paragraph.

But Insomniac clearly put the time and effort into re-imagining the game beyond the visuals, and I wouldn't exactly call that an easy thing to do.

Fady K

GB isn't really a site that cares about whether or not something is high profile. They review whatever they want to review.

Having said that, I'm sure either Dan or Brad will do a quick look of it.

One of the unique and best things about Giant Bomb is that no-one is pressured to review anything if they don't want to.

Because with the 'bigger' sites people usually get assigned a review from up high and they sometimes have only a few days to blast through a game and put their thoughts on paper. Do that enough times and all fun and entertainment value is going to be stripped from playing games. At Giant Bomb, staff-members occasionally actively step aside from reviewing a highly anticipated game because they just want to cherish playing the game on their own time, at their own pace like everyone else.

So usually when GB does reviews, it's not done to hit a quota. It's done because they actually want to share their opinion on something. It's kind of a great system.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation guys. I'm not too familiar with how GB is set up in comparison to other gaming sites, but that makes sense. It does make them stand out in an interesting way.


Gold Member
I desperately want a game like this - I've never actually played R+C, though I have the collection for Vita on my shelf, unopened.

At forty bucks, it's a no-brainer. I bought Rayman Legends for that much, and it is still my favorite game of the generation.

i can never follow stuff like this. you 'desperately' want a game in a series that you already own a collection of that you've never played? :) ...


Gold Member
Picking this up and DS3 after work today, but playing Ratchet first!!!

These games are always such pure fun to play, and i can't wait for more!!!
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