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Rayman DLC leak for Super Smash Bros. Wii U [revealed fake]



However, it wasn't a copyright notice. It was "removed by the user".



I highly doubt the majority of the Rayman fanbase is on Nintendo consoles. Did Legends sell over half it's copies on Wii U?

Sold more on Wii U than any other platform, that we know. Not sure about exact figures especially after adding the PS4 and XB1 version to the mix. And Ubisoft was originally prepared to give the Wii U Legends as an exclusive to Wii U before it tanked so we know Origins sales must have been strong on Wii and then there's the Rabbids franchise success.

Again Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia are not apt comparisons because they are much bigger on other platforms. Modern Rayman is more associated with Nintendo.
Essentially this keeps us guessing since Nintendo would have removed the video if it were real.

Bit of a dick move since the account was obviously a throwaway. There was no reason to remove it as nintendo would have done so eventually. Not sure if the uploader did out of fear but like I said, it's a bit too late.


Bit of a dick move since the account was obviously a throwaway. There was no reason to remove it as nintendo would have done so eventually. Not sure if the uploader did out of fear but like I said, it's a bit too late.

Unless Nintendo have caught on to the fact that them terminating accounts basically confirms rumours, so contacted the uploader in private about it.

We may never know the truth though.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Looks real to me.

Plus there are no hardcore Rayman fans that would go through all that trouble to make all those fake screens. Not worth anyone's time to make a fake.


Looks real to me.

Plus there are no hardcore Rayman fans that would go through all that trouble to make all those fake screens. Not worth anyone's time to make a fake.

That's the weirdest part about all this.

I don't think anyone would jump through such extreme hoops, getting so many details right to spread a fake rumor about Rayman of all characters. There are so many other believable options out there. Rhythm Heaven (an easier option to fake artistically), old characters, New IPs, and yet a fake leaker with this much talent would try to prove... Rayman?

I dunno what to make of all this. It all looks distinctly real. Haven't managed to find anything wrong with it other than shady leak circumstances.
Video looks convincing, but who knows?

Ironically this is on the same level as the mercedes DLC for MK8 for me, in that I want it to be true simply for what it could entail.
Smash threads move like lightning! Good lord.

As far as the topic goes, it's always difficult to tell. Nintendo seems to be a bit more relaxed when it comes to leaks (compared to what we used to get - zero), so who knows.


the more I think about this the happier I am that Rayman could very well become playable. The one third party character I wanted that I never thought would actually get in.

I hope we get a really nice stage and a few remixes. Especially when it comes to stage locales, there's so much they can choose from.
will be a stage based off level 1 of Origins lol :|


Is it just me, or does the Rayman model look...off?
I mean, it looks good, but the body in particular doesn't look like a spruced up 3D model like the other character roster images. It looks digitally painted to me.

It could be due to how the pictures were taken, I dunno. But something just doesn't look right to my eyes.
New characters were always an extremely dangerous thing for Project M to get into and I recall saying as much when the Sami leak happened.

Nintendo looked the other way on alt. costumes and porting up older, removed characters, but, rightly or wrongly, they weren't going to be happy when it starts compromising their ability to sell future games. Even if they never, ever added Lyn, Knuckles, and Sami, if the possibility were there and people just went "What's the point? They're already in a free mod," they're losing money.

But I'm sure lots of people told them this and they decided to go through with it anyway and that's their call, not mine.
New characters were always an extremely dangerous thing for Project M to get into and I recall saying as much when the Sami leak happened.

Nintendo looked the other way on alt. costumes and porting up older, removed characters, but, rightly or wrongly, they weren't going to be happy when it starts compromising their ability to sell future games. Even if they never, ever added Lyn, Knuckles, and Sami, if the possibility were there and people just went "What's the point? They're already in a free mod," they're losing money.

But I'm sure lots of people told them this and they decided to go through with it anyway and that's their call, not mine.

I'm definitely iffy about it, but also pretty excited. While it technically takes away from Smash U for me, the big problem was that I didn't super dig the engine and some of the characters I was excited for were not as fun as I'd hoped.


A while back, yeah.


Shows gameplay of
Knuckles and Lyn
. shows
on the select screen, and
Sami from Advance Wars
was a part of a text leak that leaked the previous three.

That looks rad as hell. I might have to give PM a try once they release that, since Japan isn't going to give us
anytime soon. How does PM work again? I just download the mod to an SD card I put in my Wii?


Depending on tracability it might have been a smart idea to remove the video. Its no secret that the ESRB leakers got totally fucked over. Upload a leak as low key as possible, keep it floating for just long enough that people catch on, then remove before Nintendo ninjas take note and start retracing the steps.

At least thats the mindset I imagine an amateur leaker would have. It ought to be easy to locate the originator if YouTube would be involved.
I'm definitely iffy about it, but also pretty excited. While it technically takes away from Smash U for me, the big problem was that I didn't super dig the engine and some of the characters I was excited for were not as fun as I'd hoped.

Trying to be as dispassionate as possible (there are some characters I'd love to play that I wish Smash 4 added), looking at it purely from a "What doesn't get us Nintendo's attention?" perspective, that was the golden idol they tried to exchange for a cloth bag that caused the boulder to come down on them.

Though who knows how it will shake out in the long run. Nintendo's not going after them legally, just in terms of popularity, so it might totally backfire.
For what it's worth, I uploaded a mirror of the first rayman video leak to my channel, just in case.

I don't plan to remove it, so if it gets removed, it WILL be because of Nintendo.

Kinda surprised they haven't been taken down yet though. how long did it take for the esrb leak videos to get taken down?

EDIT: Guess I'd better put the link here even if it's a bit redundant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMr9Vl31awM

So if that other link fails, but mine doesn't, it's the user. If BOTH are taken down, then it was Nintendo and it means the DLC is 98% real.

Dr. Buni

So the leak is most likely real, huh? I hope Sea of Serendipity plays in the Rayman stage, then. I also hope Inkling is the next DLC to be leaked :)
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