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Rayman DLC leak for Super Smash Bros. Wii U [revealed fake]

my reaction when I realized the leak was fake

L Thammy

Wonder if Ubisoft genuinely didnt know and believed it and thats why they're waiting till tuesday to find out.
"Wait, Rayman is in smash!? We didn't allow that did we? Look at the video, Nintendo clearly put him in! We got to ask what the hells going on!"

This would be great.

"Yeah, sorry guys. We were just wondering what happened, but I guess it's fake? Jim, you said it's a fake, right? There was a video or something? Okay, statement cancelled."
This is the most anyone has ever cared about Rayman.

Fantastic editing. I enjoyed watching that video.

Let this be a lesson: only believe if there is gameplay.


Welp, we're now at that point where people have the skills to make stuff that looks as good as the real thing. Too bad they waste them trying to trick people on the internet.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I believe Rayman was planned to be part of the cast and got rejected after the legends episode. No other good reason not to see this character, while Sonic, Pacman and Megaman are in.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
And this is why it doesn't affect me. Because confirmed or not, it still isn't Wolf.


*looks up to nighty sky*


Now I can more comfortably stand by my opinion that Rayman is not nearly important enough to be a third-party character in Smash Bros. I'm glad he isn't in the game, but now I'm kind of worried that Mewtwo will be the only DLC character.


Welp, we're now at that point where people have the skills to make stuff that looks as good as the real thing. Too bad they waste them trying to trick people on the internet.

It's not that surprising, honestly. The game has been out for two months. He had all the time in the world to study how to make a convincing fake. He has all the material and he just took advantage of people who wanted to see DLC stuff.


Junior Member
Definitely a bummer that this was a fake. Rayman would have been a great addition to the roster.

That being said, we still know DLC is coming since Mewtwo is confirmed as one of them. I'm excited to see who else we get.


Junior Member
Now I can more comfortably stand by my opinion that Rayman is not nearly important enough to be a third-party character in Smash Bros. I'm glad he isn't in the game, but now I'm kind of worried that Mewtwo will be the only DLC character.
Don't worry, have faith in Spainkiller.


Now I can more comfortably stand by my opinion that Rayman is not nearly important enough to be a third-party character in Smash Bros. I'm glad he isn't in the game, but now I'm kind of worried that Mewtwo will be the only DLC character.

Hmm well I think it was said theres a "space mising" in the top and bottom rows, so if they wanted to make a perfect rectangle of characters, they'd need two more characters to put on the top/bottom row, so...maybe one more. I remember rhythm paradise characters being rumoured, so maybe him. I also remember snake being rumoured too though, so I don't know.

L Thammy

Imagine what amazing fake leaks we're going to get in the future. We're going to have to nitpick game announcements to see if they're real or not.


Stuff stolen from his Deviantart page. He also did that old Klonoa render.

That's the thing, none of those other renders look nearly as believable. They're good attempts but nothing as good as the Rayman one.

But hey maybe I just feel that way because of how he paired the render with this video. I dunno.


Why would anyone even expect an Ubi/Ninty collaboration when Ubi is actively taking a shit on them whenever possible? They're even holding that shitty party game for ransom. Nintendo wouldn't let that fly while actively including a property of theirs in one of their best selling games.


provides useful feedback
I'm not even mad. I just watched the "How I did it" videos (both for the video and for drawing the Rayman "render") and I'm just floored by his skill.

He said he did it to get publicity, and, well, he got a subscription from me. So I guess it worked!
The fact that Ubisoft's so-called statement and that Nintendo's investor meeting were both on Tuesday was really some coincidence. He said his main goal was to trick Etika(?) to talk about it but it kind of blew up. I still think he should have just posted the time lapse video to his channel from the start but oh well.

L Thammy

Why would anyone even expect an Ubi/Ninty collaboration when Ubi is actively taking a shit on them whenever possible? They're even holding that shitty party game for ransom. Nintendo wouldn't let that fly while actively including a property of theirs in one of their best selling games.

You do realize that there's already an Ubisoft/Nintendo collaboration in the game, right? Rayman characters are already in the game.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I dunno, I liked his Klonoa render more than the Rayman. But then again Rayman has some odd quirks that aren't consistent.


This is why I thought Shulk was fake at first. There are extremely talented people out there trying to build their portfolios and this is how they go about it.


As in "Heathcliff"
Now I can more comfortably stand by my opinion that Rayman is not nearly important enough to be a third-party character in Smash Bros. I'm glad he isn't in the game, but now I'm kind of worried that Mewtwo will be the only DLC character.

If E3 2015 didn't announce any DLC characters for Smash 5 (Other than Mewtwo) then it's pretty much confirmed that we wouldn't get any dlc characters for Smash 4.

It would make it easier for everyone to just move on. I already expected that Mewtwo is going to be only one dlc character for Smash 4. That's best way we could go with.
Impressed by the quality of his fake, but why go through all of that work just to troll a playerbase? I'm sure he could have found a better way to spend his time, but congrats, I guess?
I'm not even mad. I just watched the "How I did it" videos (both for the video and for drawing the Rayman "render") and I'm just floored by his skill.

He said he did it to get publicity, and, well, he got a subscription from me. So I guess it worked!

Yup. Followed on Twitter/Facebook. Nice work.
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