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Rayman DLC leak for Super Smash Bros. Wii U [revealed fake]


You do realize that there's already an Ubisoft/Nintendo collaboration in the game, right? Rayman characters are already in the game.

Well, okay. But that was at least before they started dumping on Nintendo further. After all, Kerfluffle was in development for fucking ever. Even if there was going to be a Rayman DLC after the fact, I think the whole Legends thing and ransoming would have burnt that bridge completely.


Incredible fake. But jesus man, put those talents to good use! Trolling an entire fan base isnt necessarily the best use of your talents or time.

Then again, I bet this got him a lot of subs on YT. So maybe it worked out after all..

Lesson learned though. There is always someone willing to go to that extra mile just to make a fake leak.


Still wondering what that Ubisoft comment meant. It could be that Rayman is still happening, or just that some rep for Ubisoft didn't know what was going on with that and just wanted to wait until after the weekend to make a definitive statement.


I had a feeling when I saw everything was just art based. That voice in the back of my head was saying "Why not select Rayman and get the announcer?" Fantastic job.

It makes sense too because I remember someone around here saying they heard Ubi wanted Rayman in before the trophy reveal, and Sakurai saying no. Sakurai doesn't change his mind so soon, you gotta wait until the next game.
I don't know if I should be impressed that the guy could fake this with tons of detail, or pissed that he did this at all.

That was real, albeit early in development.

Seriously, it's talented as fuck. Everything I said in my previous post is an incredible level of dedication to have to go through.

But fuck that guy.

Pretty much how I feel. It's REALLY impressive all around. I mean DAMN! He's really set a new bar for fakes that'll be remembered when the next Smash is being made.

But at the same time it's like ARGH! Why you gotta play with our hearts like that dude?

I guess it's good he came forward really quickly.


Well, they sure fooled me! Probably the best fake for Smash Bros I've seen. I'm not a big Rayman fan though, so I'm fine with this.
I gotta say, I'm really thankful the guy came up to it already. He could've just left us in Smash limbo for god knows how long and that's something I wasn't ready to handle, lol


He did it for publicity?

Can't really respect that at all. :/

He got some publicity. He went and did everything he could to make it look crazy legit. From emulating the style of the game to trying to "repeat" the last leak.

I wonder why Ubisoft claimed to be making a comment on Tuesday, though...or is that bogus, too?


Incredible fake. But jesus man, put those talents to good use! Trolling an entire fan base isnt necessarily the best use of your talents or time.

Then again, I bet this got him a lot of subs on YT. So maybe it worked out after all..

Lesson learned though. There is always someone willing to go to that extra mile just to make a fake leak.

The publicity alone will make for some good resume/portfolio material, and it gets more attention to his old and new stuff. I'd say he's putting his talents to good use for sure.

And yeah I was skeptical but was starting to lean #teamreal.

Very impressive fake.


He literally put more work on a fake leak than all the other fakes added up
even if you include the Palutena one

But then.. wtf is Ubi planning to say?


Junior Member
He literally put more work on a fake leak than all the other fakes added up
even if you include the Palutena one

But then.. wtf is Ubi planning to say?

Seriously, what is Ubi planning?
It'd be amazing if Rayman is actually being made as dlc o_O


I had a feeling when I saw everything was just art based. That voice in the back of my head was saying "Why not select Rayman and get the announcer?" Fantastic job.

It makes sense too because I remember someone around here saying they heard Ubi wanted Rayman in before the trophy reveal, and Sakurai saying no. Sakurai doesn't change his mind so soon, you gotta wait until the next game.

Im honestly surprised that he didnt record a VO of him announcing "RAYY MANNN" and editing it in.

I mean, would that have been that much extra work considering how much time he put into it already?


Kinda disappointed about this. Hopefully Nintendo is watching the reactions and puts him in as a third party rep in the next game at least.
For all the effort he put in, why didn't he make a unique NEWCOMER card? Rayman joins the battle is generic, and all other characters got personalized taglines.


Aaahhh....nothing better than a nice plate of crow in the morning, amirite, #Teamreal? :p
You guys should have known that Smash fans are dedicated as fuck. Don't believe anything without gameplay.
Some posts in this thread are hilarious to read now haha.


The ESRB leak had gameplay.

Not at first though. The actual gameplay came days after. In retrospect, the ESRB leak is much more credible due to the sheer amount of new character models we saw. It's relatively easier to fake a single character.

Also for the Mewtwo render, he just took the trophy and barely changed it. C'mon detectives, that should have been an easy find.

Just be lucky he didn't milk this for days if not weeks if Ubi said nothing of interest on Tuesday. He could have had us by the balls for a long time if he wanted to.
It would be amazing if Ubi was going to comment on Tuesday because they were actually putting Rayman in, and the leak was so good they thought it was for real.
This guy is a fuckboy for deliberately posting fakes just for attention, honestly.

Like, finding out it was fake is ok, but knowing some duck wanted to be noticed for his dedicated work on his leak is another. He deserves whatever flak people are giving him right now.


Im honestly surprised that he didnt record a VO of him announcing "RAYY MANNN" and editing it in.

I mean, would that have been that much extra work considering how much time he put into it already?

I have a feeling people would have figured it out immediately. You can fake an image, but it's hard as hell to fake a voice. There are very few who can imitate a voice spot on.
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