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Rayman DLC leak for Super Smash Bros. Wii U [revealed fake]


I'm just glad this wasn't Ridley. Imagine the meltdowns that would be occurring right now if it was him.

It is pretty hard to make a convincing Ridley leak though. Part of what made me doubt this leak at first was that Rayman isn't a hard character to make a convincing render for.


Most people just draw up fan art for the fun of it. If I was talented enough to actually have people believe my stuff was real, I'd probably take the internet for a ruse cruise too.

By the way, there's still something I don't get. What exactly was the symbol behind Rayman?


If a disney character gets into smash, it should be mickey effing mouse. With an oswald alt with full voicing

Hmm is Sora even slightly owned by Disney though? Not quite sure how ownership is shared between SE/Disney for KH.
Definitely would be ecstatic for Sora or anything KH to get into SSB though really.
You're missing the point. He did it to prove that his drawings are so realistic that people confuse them for the real thing. He wanted to see how far he could go.

And he did so at the expense of fans who are heavily invested in the character. He could have just uploaded the render of Rayman straight to his Deviantart page, but he obviously had more nefarious intentions.


Most people just draw up fan art for the fun of it. If I was talented enough to actually have people believe my stuff was real, I'd probably take the internet for a ruse cruise too.

By the way, there's still something I don't get. What exactly was the symbol behind Rayman?

A Bum.

ScrewAttack reported this morning, after speaking to an Ubisoft rep, they were told that Ubisoft will be making a statement about it on Tuesday -- which is the same day as Nintendo's investor meeting.

This was before the Rayman leak is fake video was uploaded.

Ah, thank you. Weird. Unless ScrewAttack was in on it or something. And wasn't there a reliable Nintendo/Ubisoft guy here earlier in this thread who said "This could be happening" too?

I'd find it HILARIOUS if this turned out to be like the Palutena "leak". Fake leak, but real character addition. I REALLY hope Mewtwo isn't the only DLC character.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Can't ubi just move it to monday to get this over with? pretty pointless now that we know what's up
Wait its been confirmed fake or are people just saying its fake just cause? If its confirmed fake that sucks, don't care for ray man but knowing we'd get more characters besides mewtwo was just hype


Hmm is Sora even slightly owned by Disney though? Not quite sure how ownership is shared between SE/Disney for KH.
Definitely would be ecstatic for Sora or anything KH to get into SSB though really.
Sora is completely owned by Disney. Square owns 0% of him.
What's sad about what is now easily the most impressive part of his portfolio? That he dared toy with the hearts of the Rayman fanbase? Lol

He specifically made it a leak instead of a "I can make art!" I know that all of the Rayman detractors are going to come out of the woodwork and rub it in, but you can't deny that this was a dick move.

Bamboo Boy

Neo Member
Call me crazy, but I still believe that Rayman can be a DLC character.

The reactions of the official reps and insiders here is something that has to be explained
Wasn't really attached to the idea, and I enjoyed the video of him explaining how he did it. All in all feel bad for the Rayman fans who got onto the hypetrain that never was.


Hot damn, that is incredible.

Kinda wish he'd done this with Bayonetta though, but I guess he knew Ubiosoft wouldn't immediately debunk it like Platinum might.


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And he did so at the expense of fans who are heavily invested in the character. He could have just uploaded the render of Rayman straight to his Deviantart page, but he obviously had more nefarious intentions.

Lol, flexing his skills in order to create a very convincing fake is "nefarious" now? Come on, you need to really chill out.

Mory Dunz

That was.....pretty impressive.
Had me fooled.

I'm surprised he already revealed himself. I figured he would wait a week or two to let it simmer.


Can't ubi just move it to monday to get this over with? pretty pointless now that we know what's up

They were probably just gonna say the equivalent of "no comment." After the weekend and President's Day (I dunno which branch of Ubi was supposedly gonna comment but that may be the reason for Tuesday).


Oh man.

The more I watch this video the more my mind is blown.


I'm laughing right now, this is too good. Guys like these run the internet.


Yeah, this guys an asshole. Not even mad though since I in no way want Rayman.
I don't know if nefarious is the right word, but it's a dick move.

He specifically made it a leak instead of a "I can make art!" I know that all of the Rayman detractors are going to come out of the woodwork and rub it in, but you can't deny that this was a dick move.

And he did so at the expense of fans who are heavily invested in the character. He could have just uploaded the render of Rayman straight to his Deviantart page, but he obviously had more nefarious intentions.

Faking something for attention is the very definition of pathetic. I feel bad for all of the hardcore Rayman fans.

You'd think he would have picked a more popular character. This is by far the most impressive fake I've ever seen, but it's pretty pathetic that somebody would waste their time doing this for a few minutes of fame. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

I don't get the purpose of making fake leaks.
At least this guy isn't trying to use this leak as a lesson, like that GameFaqs guy who made the Ridley select screen but messed up his pixels. That guy was the worst.


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I don't know if nefarious is the right word, but it's a dick move.

Nefarious and pathetic are terms I'd use to describe, I dunno, the people who keep making those skinny pill adverts, or duping vulnerable souls into buying homegrown medicines that cure cancer and running off with their money leaving them to die. But that's just me!

Was it a dick move? Maybe, but based on his responses over Twitter he seems genuinely apologetic for getting certain people's hopes up about it and letting it run out of hand, so I really can't be made at him. You don't have any kind of control over a thing online once it really reaches "out there" land.
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