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Reddit troll apologizes for trump CNN gif/all those racist remarks

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
What a hill to die on.

One occupied by an obscenely racist Internet troll.

Once the alt-reich finishes nailing this guy to a cross they'll have enough heroes to make their own Justice League.
I haven't seen anyone in this thread endorsing that.

People in this thread are questioning CNN doing their totally legal and protected job while remaining silent about alt-right nut jobs lying about CNN's coverage, trying to get people to rally outside of CNN employees homes, and spreading their *actual* personal information of CNN employees.

The agenda is pretty obvious yo.


People in this thread are questioning CNN doing their totally legal and protected job while remaining silent about alt-right nut jobs lying about CNN's coverage, trying to get people to rally outside of CNN employees homes, and spreading their *actual* personal information of CNN employees.

The agenda is pretty obvious yo.

Am I one of the people that has an agenda because I questioned CNN's handling of this in the original article?
It's hard to not be amused by the racist defense force emphatically explaining the importance of why a community of racists needs a safe space and how any public consequences for their rhetoric is unfair. To which that racist community responds to the lifeline being thrown to them... by immediately doxing the journalists to jeopardize their safety and make sure they suffer for doing their job.

You guys carried all that water just so they could take a piss on you.
Am I one of the people that has an agenda because I questioned CNN's handling of this in the original article?

If you are more outraged at CNN *not* doxxing the guy and ignore that the reporter *was* doxxed, then yes.

If your chief concern is doxxing, your focus would be elsewhere.

If your chief concern is attacking the media, then congrats, you've picked the easier fight, and the wrong one.


If you continue to post without acknowledging it, yes.


It's unacceptable that journalists are being threatened and doxxed.

This however has absolutely nothing to do with my original point that CNN handled this poorly and those specific 2 paragraphs in the article seemed super strange. What 10 other things should I condemn to prove I don't have an agenda?

If you are more outraged at CNN *not* doxxing the guy and ignore that the reporter *was* doxxed, then yes.

If your chief concern is doxxing, your focus would be elsewhere.

If your chief concern is attacking the media, then congrats, you've picked the easier fight, and the wrong one.

I don't have any chief concerns. I don't think any members of the media should be harassed, threatened, doxxed, etc. I am just critiquing the original article. People are allowed to like CNN, respect the media, and be a card-carrying liberals, but still *gasp* think that the original article from CNN was strange.

It's unacceptable that journalists are being threatened and doxxed.

This however has absolutely nothing to do with my original point that CNN handled this poorly and those specific 2 paragraphs in the article seemed super strange. What 10 other things should I condemn to prove I don't have an agenda?

I don't have any chief concerns. I don't think any members of the media should be harassed, threatened, doxxed, etc. I am just critiquing the original article. People are allowed to like CNN, respect the media, and be a card-carrying liberals, but still *gasp* think that the original article from CNN was strange.

It was strange. And it's been eclipsed by an actual doxxing campaign that somehow isn't worth of your attention.



It's unacceptable that journalists are being threatened and doxxed.

This however has absolutely nothing to do with my original point that CNN handled this poorly and those specific 2 paragraphs in the article seemed super strange. What 10 other things should I condemn to prove I don't have an agenda?

I don't have any chief concerns. I don't think any members of the media should be harassed, threatened, doxxed, etc. I am just critiquing the original article. People are allowed to like CNN, respect the media, and be a card-carrying liberals, but still *gasp* think that the original article from CNN was strange.

Give us one good reason why your priorities are what they are and the thing that drew the most attention for you was "CNN handled it weird".


Give us one good reason why your priorities are what they are and the thing that drew the most attention for you was "CNN handled it weird".

My first thought was "Well, that was weird. What a strange way for them to phrase that. Comes off as threatening."

Posted my thoughts in here, got jumped on, equated to a gamergater, talked down to, etc. And that's that. I don't have a priorities list. I had a thought. The only reason I feel the need to stick around and defend it is because how aggressively I was railed against for having a seemingly innocuous opinion.


My first thought was "Well, that was weird. What a strange way for them to phrase that. Comes off as threatening."

Posted my thoughts in here, got jumped on, equated to a gamergater, talked down to, etc. And that's that. I don't have a priorities list. I had a thought. The only reason I feel the need to stick around and defend it is because how aggressively I was railed against for having a seemingly innocuous opinion.

Did you do any research at all into who CNN was "threatening"?
Why is it not worth my attention? I'm quite talented. I'm able to pay attention to more than 1 thing at a time. It's incredible.

I don't have any chief concerns. I don't think any members of the media should be harassed, threatened, doxxed, etc. I am just critiquing the original article. People are allowed to like CNN, respect the media, and be a card-carrying liberals, but still *gasp* think that the original article from CNN was strange.

I think that the original article had a problematic line about reserving the right to reveal his identity. That's it.

That's not on the same scale as what's actually happening now.

Want to go on about the article? What else do you have to say about it?
My first thought was "Well, that was weird. What a strange way for them to phrase that. Comes off as threatening."

Posted my thoughts in here, got jumped on, equated to a gamergater, talked down to, etc. And that's that. I don't have a priorities list. I had a thought. The only reason I feel the need to stick around and defend it is because how aggressively I was railed against for having a seemingly innocuous opinion.

Maybe cuz you're clearly just feeling yourself and posting too damn much without bringing anything new to the table. Saying something is "strange" isn't exactly insightful when people respond to you with a lot more than "yeah, that is strange".


Did you do any research at all into who CNN was "threatening"?

Yes but that was irrelevant. I'm not saying this guy doesn't deserve his identity revealed. I would love to live in a world where all these racist scumbags have to deal with the reality of their opinions/actions.

I regularly consume CNN's content, and I just think they handle that article poorly (independent of the individual involved). It gives fuel to the opposition, it seems threatening. Either dox the guy or don't. Don't put a weird ultimatum in there.

Maybe cuz you're clearly just feeling yourself and posting too damn much without bringing anything new to the table. Saying something is "strange" isn't exactly insightful when people respond to you with a lot more than "yeah, that is strange".

I've posted more detailed thoughts earlier but it just descends into this nonsense. I'll leave.


How dishonest can you be. The reason there was more discussion about the wording of the cnn article is because there was disagreement. Noone condones doxxing and harassment of journolists. Assuming a malicious agenda based on forum post ratio is some bad faith bullshit.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Guys I'm really hung up on that single line from that single part of this far larger story. It doesn't matter several new things have happened since then and even more information has come to light, that poor wording is all that mattered.
It's disgusting. Just read the replies to this tweet: https://twitter.com/KFILE/status/882429541981052928

I've already seen the reporters name, his wife's name, and their address posted. These people are utterly insane.

The reporter and his family don't deserve this.

The racist fuckface does. I don't give a shit anymore if I'm a hypocrite by saying this. Better than being always on some sort of middle path of nowhere, finding excuses for those shitheads.

Fucking doxx them all if it makes them to shut the fuck up.

I'm also pretty disgusted by moderates more and more. How the fuck are you staying center-ish moderate when one side drifts so far into insanity and fascism. Bunch of useless and spineless excuses for humans, need to find equivalents and excuses for everything the right does so they keep some sort of sick balance and moral high ground. (That crumbles with each new Trump story)


Guys I'm really hung up on that single line from that single part of this far larger story. It doesn't matter several new things have happened since then and even more information has come to light, that poor wording is all that mattered.

It's the only part that one half of the political spectrum read, and CNN is doing a worse job of defending themselves than GAF posters have.
Guys I'm really hung up on that single line from that single part of this far larger story. It doesn't matter several new things have happened since then and even more information has come to light, that poor wording is all that mattered.

I feel like we have one of these threads every few months and it's always the same. A few random posters getting hung up on some minute detail, ignoring the larger issue completely, and then acting victimized because they get dogpiled. All of this is so tiring and I'm sure we're just a few dumb Trump tweets away from the next thread.

So assuming he was between 13-19 years old when this happened. That would make him between 40-46 years old. Just a stupid kid making dumb mistakes on the internet.
So assuming he was between 13-19 years old when this happened. That would make him between 40-46 years old. Just a stupid kid making dumb mistakes on the internet.

The ADL did an examination of his account a day or two before the CNN thing and estimated that he was a middle aged veteran who had kids.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
It's the only part that one half of the political spectrum read, and CNN is doing a worse job of defending themselves than GAF posters have.

Yeah and is moved well beyond that one stupid line in lightning speed. It feels people are hung up on a single sentence more than what's actually happening beyond that. And let's be real the people going in hard on CNN do so at a moments notice over blatantly made up bull shit from Breitbart so I'm not really concerned about them or what they think is worthwhile to be concerned over.
Even if we assume that CNN is being malicious here (which they aren't) and they are threatening him, all he has to do is not be a racist fuckhead.
Saw this bullshit when I was updating my Tumblr:

Redditor is now a kid who was just memeing to too many people instead of a racist who was pretty much ready to become a bigoted unofficial media man for Trump in the eyes of too many imbeciles. I don't blame CNN as much as I blame the continued preservation of Trump's unpaid spin machine that people continue to allow to exist like Kill Your Masters mentions:

I'm also pretty disgusted by moderates more and more. How the fuck are you staying center-ish moderate when one side drifts so far into insanity and fascism. Bunch of useless and spineless excuses for humans, need to find equivalents and excuses for everything the right does so they keep some sort of sick balance and moral high ground. (That crumbles with each new Trump story)

I've stopped believing that people on the fence or people who still buy into the "We go high" bs at this moment are anything but self-absorbed and beyond naive. Bigots, racist, sexists, xenophobes all congregate and form the fake news, propagate bullshit statistics, and in all are a well-oiled machine that does nothing but create and support efforts that harm minorities and talk about actually harming minorities in their down time. They create dangerous propaganda and share tales about raping, killing and committing genocide against minorities and "liberal elitists". And as a minority, I can't even trust that someone who seems level headed and claims their on my side honestly will be. People continue to excuse it and shame me and others like me for being brutally unsympathetic to such individuals and communities. I HATE the idea that there are "two sides" who are "both doing harm". That is no longer true and to earnestly believe it is to not only look ignorant but to just be outright malicious toward marginalized people and make them feel all the more hopeless. People are more than willing to say "oh well that's wrong" without actually believing it deserves an equivalent consequence in response. Rather such heinous individuals like this Redditor will continue to thrive knowing that not only will they be forgiven by putting on an internet equivalent of puppy dog eyes but the people still angry at being the targets of such enormous hatred are made to feel like they're the source of strife for even wanting a bit of punishment.

I'm just so fucking tired of this shit. I'm tired of hearing "both sides". I'm tired of hearing about "giving them a platform". I'm tired of hearing about how I'll "become the monster I claim to hate". I'm just tired of people claiming they have empathy or claiming that there should be justice and equality without actually backing that up with firm principles.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Wow. What happened lol. 30 pages already?
"Consider the feelings of the racist. Consider this hypothetical that in no way shape or form represents reality and/or consider this situation that is not comparable in anyway shape or form, how you feel then?"


Even if we assume that CNN is being malicious here (which they aren't) and they are threatening him, all he has to do is not be a racist fuckhead.


What if they reveal the troll is black? Or Jewish?

It's obviously some middle aged white guy, but it would be interesting to see everyone scramble.
Where the hell did that 15 year old shit come from? Now THAT is fake news, spreading like a goddamn virus

4chan -> Reddit -> Alt-right favorite Twitter posters -> White House.

Like all fake news.

Why did CNN go looking for the source of the GIF?

Because the user told everyone he did it and if it involves the President it's news. That's a really easy rule of thumb btw. If it involves the President, it's newsworthy.
So assuming he was between 13-19 years old when this happened. That would make him between 40-46 years old. Just a stupid kid making dumb mistakes on the internet.

Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr

So I guess they weren't effective threatening the admin so they go after & bully a 15 y/o? Seems in line w their "standards


Wow. What happened lol. 30 pages already?

CNN just went too far this time, by choosing to not release the guy's name, but indicating they still could if they choose too. Donny Jr tweeting out the lie that the man is 15, and now the alt-right, the same side screaming foul over CNN NOT "doxxing" the man but being mean about it , is now doxxing the reporter. Fun times.
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