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Reddit troll apologizes for trump CNN gif/all those racist remarks


He came out and took credit for the GIF is why and essentially became part of Trump's media team in that moment.

Because the user told everyone he did it and if it involves the President it's news. That's a really easy rule of thumb btw. If it involves the President, it's newsworthy.

Hanassholesolo outed himself as the source of the gif.

I was referring to CNN identifying his real name and reaching out to him.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Right, he posted to The_Donald celebrating how senpai noticed him. "Who posts to The_Donald" and "how do memes travel to the White House" are both worthwhile questions to ask.
Just gonna say but fuck Donald Trump, fuck his family, and fuck his supporters. Seriously. How the fuck is our country being run by a family full of idiots and hypocrites. It's the worst. Can't wait for those midterms.

I was referring to CNN identifying his real name and reaching out to him.
He posted a ton of info about himself online and they put 2 and 2 together.


Gold Member
A nuclear n. Korea has tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, and "We" (including the White House) are discussing the creation of memes....

Fuck it, we are done.


A nuclear n. Korea has tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, and "We" (including the White House) are discussing the creation of memes....

Fuck it, we are done.

The discussion is about how journalism works, privacy concerns, online bigotry, and the utility of being a moderate in this situation, but thanks for the hot take.


He posted a ton of info about himself online and they put 2 and 2 together.

I understand HOW they identified him. What I dont understand is why they wanted to identify him. CNN was wanting to know who made the GIF immediately after Trump posted it. Well before Hanassholesolo outed himself.


No, WH has discussed it. Trump asked if Kim has anything better to do in life than fire missiles.

Kim should just embrace the meme. Trump and him could fight on the same playing field.

I understand HOW they identified him. What I dont understand is why they wanted to identify him. CNN was wanting to know who made the GIF immediately after Trump posted it.

you wouldn't want to know what the white house considers to be an official form of communication from the president is sourcing its material?
I understand HOW they identified him. What I dont understand is why they wanted to identify him. CNN was wanting to know who made the GIF immediately after Trump posted it.

It was several days after, and who the President gets his material from is of course something to talk about. Even more so considering how often he's sourced content from white supremacists and racists. We're always talking about where Trump gets his ideas, whether it's what he reposts on Twitter or what he repeats from Fox & Friends.
I was referring to CNN identifying his real name and reaching out to him.

- Find out why he began to work for Trump's media machine
- Would he continue to work or take an actual job within the administration if offered
- Why he believes CNN is fake news beyond just repeating a Trump talking point
- What other sources he believes are fake news and what news he believes is worthwhile
- Ask if he believes such behavior is becoming of a world leader
- Ask why he's a bigot and anti-Semite
- Ask if he supports people like Richard Spencer as well

There's a multitude of reasons why a journalist would want to reach out to him for an official interview that would be more valuable if he couldn't hide behind a username.


I understand HOW they identified him. What I dont understand is why they wanted to identify him. CNN was wanting to know who made the GIF immediately after Trump posted it.

The President posted it. CNN wanted to know the source, as they should, because, sad as it is, the president made it news. It turns out it's good that they did because they discovered Donald is getting his material from racist POSs at that.

Yeah they were looking for a story, and they found one. They did their job.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I understand HOW they identified him. What I dont understand is why they wanted to identify him. CNN was wanting to know who made the GIF immediately after Trump posted it. Well before Hanassholesolo outed himself.
[Citation needed]


I understand HOW they identified him. What I dont understand is why they wanted to identify him. CNN was wanting to know who made the GIF immediately after Trump posted it. Well before Hanassholesolo outed himself.

Why wouldn't any journalist covering the presidency NOT want to know about the identity of the person he is retweeting? Considering the amount of bigoted hate he was spewing, identifying the source of Trump's retweet is all the more desirable because the POTUS is effectively supporting that kind of trash mentality.


It was several days after, and who the President gets his material from is of course something to talk about. Even more so considering how often he's sourced content from white supremacists and racists. We're always talking about where Trump gets his ideas, whether it's what he reposts on Twitter or what he repeats from Fox & Friends.

It was several minutes after Trump posted the Gif that CNN was looking for who made it.

I find it hard to see what News Story they could glean from a reddit troll that made a silly gif.


Why wouldn't any journalist covering the presidency NOT want to know about the identity of the person he is retweeting? Considering the amount of bigoted hate he was spewing, identifying the source of Trump's retweet is all the more desirable because the POTUS is effectively supporting that kind of trash mentality.

Yeah, for example, I sure would have liked to know if Obama was getting his memeing material from anti-White hate groups when he was President, wouldn't have you?


I understand HOW they identified him. What I dont understand is why they wanted to identify him. CNN was wanting to know who made the GIF immediately after Trump posted it. Well before Hanassholesolo outed himself.

Their job is to find sources and seek comment. So if for example, you became the new blinking white guy.meme and it became newsworthy, they would track you down if possible and try to seek comment.

There's a reason reporters are called news hounds
People still caping for the racist and pretending a news organization investigating is blackmailing?

Ok, just making sure

I get that you are just doing the ole' GAF status quo of shitting on anything that is not for your cause but come on, they threatened to release his name in the future if they deem it worthy themselves, that is blackmail.


There's been several news articles on Matt Furie, and you guys are wondering why the media would want to know about who created something the fucking President tweeted?


I get that you are just doing the ole' GAF status quo of shitting on anything that is not for your cause but come on, they threatened to release his name in the future if they deem it worthy themselves, that is blackmail.

Tell us more about what GAF does, please.


I get that you are just doing the ole' GAF status quo of shitting on anything that is not for your cause but come on, they threatened to release his name in the future if they deem it worthy themselves, that is blackmail.

at least you didn't accuse him of hivemind. lmao

c'mon dude. the dude even said he never felt threatened by CNN. motherfucker said he wished he could kill various POC. if it were someone other than a white dude, they would have published his name in no time flat.


I get that you are just doing the ole' GAF status quo of shitting on anything that is not for your cause but come on, they threatened to release his name in the future if they deem it worthy themselves, that is blackmail.
Blackmailing him to... not post racist shit on reddit that he is afraid to publicly stand behind saying?


Yeah, for example, I sure would have liked to know if Obama was getting his memeing material from anti-White hate groups when he was President, wouldn't have you?

Obama didn't really meme tho. Part of why this is (or could be) interesting is that our idiot President engages in, what he calls, "modern presidential" behavior. Trump constantly insists that his Twitter account is important and significant. Well, people are going to treat it that way and try to understand it.
at least you didn't accuse him of hivemind. lmao

c'mon dude. the dude even said he never felt threatened by CNN. motherfucker said he wished he could kill various POC. if it were someone other than a white dude, they would have published his name in no time flat.

Where can i read that the meme poster did not feel threatened? All i read was a CNN journalist, the one who wrote the original say that, not going to trust him.


They should release his name and get it over with. After all, where's the harm in attaching his name to his own set of personal beliefs?

Oh what's that? Being a racist piece of shit is a bad thing that has real life consequences?

Who knew, eh?


I get that you are just doing the ole' GAF status quo of shitting on anything that is not for your cause but come on, they threatened to release his name in the future if they deem it worthy themselves, that is blackmail.

It very much is, and it's kinda sad how much is deemed ok just because people don't like someone. "Whatever he's a racist who cares" thankfully isn't how the world works.

If all CNN did was find the person and reach out for a quote they'd be totally fine here, but the whole threat at the end was way too much and hugely unprofessional. It also makes it way easier to paint the bullshit fakenews narrative and they should be rightly held accountable for that.


Tagged as I see fit
I get that you are just doing the ole' GAF status quo of shitting on anything that is not for your cause but come on, they threatened to release his name in the future if they deem it worthy themselves, that is blackmail.

They...blackmailed him into being a decent person?????


Not being a horrible racist person is a "cause" now???

Sure thing sport

Condescending reply, GAF you don't disappoint me at all. Come at me with a real reply instead of trying to dog pile me. I can guarantee you that the standard dog pile in progress will not deter me from giving my opinion nor will it run me out of this thread, i did nothing wrong but state the truth.
I get that you are just doing the ole' GAF status quo of shitting on anything that is not for your cause but come on, they threatened to release his name in the future if they deem it worthy themselves, that is blackmail.

They're a news organization. They're under no legal obligation to not report his name in the event he's involved in some future story. Stating that declaratively isn't a threat.
Condescending reply, GAF you don't disappoint me at all. Come at me with a real reply instead of trying to dog pile me. I can guarantee you that the standard dog pile in progress will not deter me from giving my opinion nor will it run me out of this thread, i did nothing wrong but state the truth.

sure thing martyr sport

oh, and I'm only one guy, not all of Gaf


It very much is, and it's kinda sad how much is deemed ok just because people don't like someone. "Whatever he's a racist who cares" thankfully isn't how the world works.

If all CNN did was find the person and reach out for a quote they'd be totally fine here, but the whole threat at the end was way too much and hugely unprofessional. It also makes it way easier to paint the bullshit fakenews narrative and they should be rightly held accountable for that.
What are they blackmailing him to do, though?
Condescending reply, GAF you don't disappoint me at all. Come at me with a real reply instead of trying to dog pile me. I can guarantee you that the standard dog pile in progress will not deter me from giving my opinion nor will it run me out of this thread, i did nothing wrong but state the truth.

You didn't state the truth because it isn't blackmail. There is no trade-off particularly since even CNN knows he can just start a new Reddit account from scratch and return to the same order of business.




Gold Member
The discussion is about how journalism works, privacy concerns, online bigotry, and the utility of being a moderate in this situation, but thanks for the hot take.

You are welcome for the hot take....Its also a take to keep in mind.

If there was a N. Korea thread on the first page of off-topic, then i likely wouldn't have posted this in this thread, but there wasn't.


What are they blackmailing him to do, though?

You mean to say the ominous threat to release his name in the future is ok? What dictates whether they do or not? How is it ok for a professional news organization to hold something like that over someone's head?

So he's an asshole and racist, who cares a lot of people are horrible human beings on the internet that doesn't mean they deserve to be doxxed by CNN of all places.

You can't just dictate people behave in a certain way or you'll doxx them. That's super shitty.
Condescending reply, GAF you don't disappoint me at all. Come at me with a real reply instead of trying to dog pile me. I can guarantee you that the standard dog pile in progress will not deter me from giving my opinion nor will it run me out of this thread, i did nothing wrong but state the truth.

You don't know what blackmail is and should stop talking about it.


The only thing I see coming of this is the trolls at the Donald are going to begin shitposting exclusively under burner accounts used only for that sub.

Which I thought would have been the case already.
You mean to say the ominous threat to release his name in the future is ok? What dictates whether they do or not? How is it ok for a professional news organization to hold something like that over someone's head?

If he continues to act like a vile racist in a public forum, CNN is free to report on it and they'll actually identify the subject of the report next time.

Maybe he shouldn't be a racist in a public forum. I dunno. Ever think "not being a racist" is the choice to run with here?

No, of course you didn't.
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