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Reddit troll apologizes for trump CNN gif/all those racist remarks


So is CNN expected to report on crimes by just detailing what happened and not the perps name because it isn't 100% material to the crime committed?

"Area man arrested for murder. No other information will be provided."
Most arrests and charges become defacto public information through courts and other govmt agencies that publish them for anyone to see.


Junior Member
Funny since CNN does exactly what Philip does constantly by playing devil's advocate with the people they bring on for their panels.

Yup H3H3 and Philip will be talking about this. Hmm I wonder if Ethan is still facing that lawsuit and if his ad revenue ever returned. Any updates on his situation?
Yea, it's weird that Phil has so much contempt for CNN. But then again, its no secret that he wants to launch his own News Network, so he's probably vying for CNN's spot.

He claims to not let agenda drive his reporting, but it's so obvious that he takes any chance he gets to take shots at the media.

Who the hell are these people?

Big boys on Youtube, that looooooove pushing the "biased Mainstream Media" narrative, at the benefit of their own platform.

It's cute, when other journalistic youtubers get caught in a shitstorm, they handle the story with kiddie gloves (can't rock the narrative boat too hard), but when it's a MSM outlet they go for broke.


Funny since CNN does exactly what Philip does constantly by playing devil's advocate with the people they bring on for their panels.

Yup H3H3 and Philip will be talking about this. Hmm I wonder if Ethan is still facing that lawsuit and if his ad revenue ever returned. Any updates on his situation?

Not to derail but he was throwing Nazi salutes "in jest" to make fun of an insufferable YouTube BRO!!! who was throwing suspicious Dabs to throngs of 12 year olds in his latest video.

So it kind of seems like he's just given up on video monetization and is just going for larger brand recognition with his podcast ramping up etc.

The Kree

We know who he sourced his propaganda from and it's pretty edifying. His real identity doesnt add anything besides sate a lust for mob justice.

What do you think would be an appropriate consequence for his hateful comments and behavior?

Please answer.


If such a person were to escape and became more dangerous, why shouldn't the public be privy to his name? If they know who it is and his identity became relevant then I don't see the issue with such a statement

My point is just release the god damn name. Why put this caveat? "We have the name, won't release, unless..."
My point is just release the god damn name. Why put this caveat? "We have the name, won't release, unless..."

Because he deleted all his stuff and ask that they not release his name because he's regretful. They decided not to, explained why they came to that decision, but wanted to make it clear there was no real agreement or deal in place for why they decided not to and they reserve the right to at any time if they think it's part of the story.

It's really not that hard to understand.


Junior Member
My point is just release the god damn name. Why put this caveat? "We have the name, won't release, unless..."
Hindsight and all but yea, CNN would have been better off, either not even responding, or just going for it, and releasing the name.

This 'considerate' half-measure has really fucked them, optics-wise.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Hindsight and all but yea, CNN would have been better off, either not even responding, or just going for it, and releasing the name.

This 'considerate' half-measure has really fucked them, optics-wise.

I'd agree if the usual suspects weren't the ones trying to push good narrative and hard.
Hindsight and all but yea, CNN would have been better off, either not even responding, or just going for it, and releasing the name.

This 'considerate' half-measure has really fucked them, optics-wise.

If you think people wouldn't be losing their fucking mind over CNN releasing his name you should go back and look at how Reddit responded to the guy modding subreddits full of dead children and underage girls getting outed.


Not to derail but he was throwing Nazi salutes "in jest" to make fun of an insufferable YouTube BRO!!! who was throwing suspicious Dabs to throngs of 12 year olds in his latest video.

So it kind of seems like he's just given up on video monetization and is just going for larger brand recognition with his podcast ramping up etc.

Not to even further detail this thread, but Casey Neistat has also become a "both sides are the same" dude as of his latest vlog.

As far as on-topic is concerned, I'm surprised we haven't seen some "both sides-ing" from the usual suspects on this topic. Seems to be a whole lot of the Alt-Right doing the exact same thing they're championing against, which seems par for the course.


Why not? It's basically the agreement they made with the dude.

Because he deleted all his stuff and ask that they not release his name because he's regretful. They decided not to, explained why they came to that decision, but wanted to make it clear there was no real agreement or deal in place for why they decided not to and they reserve the right to at any time if they think it's part of the story.

It's really not that hard to understand.

This is not the type of behavior I expect out of a respected new organization. This is something that a parent would do. By acting parental and saying "If he's good from now on, we won't release his info" just seems like a threat. Even if it wasn't meant to be, it is just bad.


All they did was play nice because they could, because at the end of the day, he's just a little pissant who clearly can't afford for his professional name to be attached to his actual thoughts. It's whatever.

However, I pray to God that this informs them not to be so nice when these trolls get in the spotlight again, which is probably an inevitability considering they've been emboldened to crawl out and spread their bigotry. Like I said, fuck the right.
This is not the type of behavior I expect out of a respected new organization. This is something that a parent would do. By acting parental and saying "If he's good from now on, we won't release his info" just seems like a threat. Even if it wasn't meant to be, it is just bad.

Oh, well, the comparison is between someone acting unnecessarily parental versus a vile arch racist.

Don't defend the latter.
And you think it's appropriate for them to hold his information hostage on the contingency that he ceases hateful memeing?

I'm not one of the people screaming blackmail. I'm just someone criticizing the wording used by CNN. I'm just disappointed this is how they chose to present it. Seems bush league. This wording just adds fuel to the fire.

That is literally the only thing I've been saying, but I've been labeled a sympathizer, a gamergater, etc. I literally can't criticize something so obvious like "Man, CNN really shouldn't have phrased things that way. Super weird" without getting jumped all over.

Jesus people. All I've ever said in this whole thread is "that wording is weird and disappointing" but suddenly now I'm being asked to defend claims of blackmail.

I understand both of your points and exasperation. I'm stating that if a person used their newfound e-celebrity and continued as a reliable source of hateful propaganda for the most powerful person on the planet and/or his biggest fanclub, his identity would become newsworthy. CNN stating that isn't a threat, it's 100% true.

It's the Monica Lewinski phenomena repeated, as explained by Dave Chapelle, "The president is so famous, you can suck his dick, and then you're famous."

Donald Trump using social media as a bully pulpit can affect businesses, the stock market, Federal investigations, elections, the spread of conspiracy theories, and yes, the everyday lives of Joe Incognito when he retweets their hateful garbage. It's often mentioned as a joke, but that meme is going in the library of congress until the end of digitally recorded US history. R_thedonald and the rest of the hateful cesspools will continue on unabated, and we will continue to only see the rats run and scurry when the lights get turned on.

This is not the type of behavior I expect out of a respected new organization. This is something that a parent would do. By acting parental and saying "If he's good from now on, we won't release his info" just seems like a threat. Even if it wasn't meant to be, it is just bad.

Given that the reporter who broke the story is receiving death threats, CNN is factually being the bigger person here. Pointing out that they have no legal obligation to do so is actually more commendable, not less.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This is not the type of behavior I expect out of a respected new organization. This is something that a parent would do. By acting parental and saying "If he's good from now on, we won't release his info" just seems like a threat. Even if it wasn't meant to be, it is just bad.

So by explaining the agreement they made with the reddit poster they are treating him like a child. More like they're just explained what happened and you continued to spin it. Who even gives a shit if they are treating him like a child? I thought everyone was mad about blackmail and doxxing?


What do you think would be an appropriate consequence for his hateful comments and behavior?

Please answer.
I'm not against him getting a visit from law enforcement to talk about his threats and I'm not going to be upset if his name eventually gets leaked and he recieves some form of social censure but I dont think anyone deserves the full internet mob justice.
This is not the type of behavior I expect out of a respected new organization. This is something that a parent would do. By acting parental and saying "If he's good from now on, we won't release his info" just seems like a threat. Even if it wasn't meant to be, it is just bad.

You're still not looking at this the right way. He asked that they withheld his name from the story because he was doing x, y, and z. They decided that running his name wasn't something they wanted to do, but publicly withheld the right to do it in the future if they felt it was pertinent.

Like it's not a threat, it's not anything, it's them deciding not to run his name but making it clear they have the right to do so if they want to and no agreement between them and the anonymous individual was reached because that's what journalists do.


Oh, well, the comparison is between someone acting unnecessarily parental versus a vile arch racist.

Don't defend the latter.

This isn't an either or proposition. I am by no means defending a racists.

So by explaining the agreement they made with the reddit poster they are treating him like a child. More like they're just explained what happened and you continued to spin it. Who even gives a shit if they are treating him like a child? I thought everyone was mad about blackmail and doxxing?

I'm saying they shouldn't have made that agreement in the first place. It just looks bad, during a time when the media is being scrutinized to the nth degree, doing something so bush league ends up creating a movement. It's such a dumb thing for them to do. Either release his name and let him eat shit for his actions, or don't. If you need to revisit it later, do so but don't put an 'OR ELSE' in your article.

Also, I haven't been talking about blackmailing or doxxing, but people in this thread like to treat everything like it's 1 side vs the other side and anytime someone disagrees with their side, they are painted with the same brush as everyone else on the 'other' side.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This isn't an either or proposition. I am by no means defending a racists.

I'm saying they shouldn't have made that agreement in the first place. It just looks bad, during a time when the media is being scrutinized to the nth degree, doing something so bush league ends up creating a movement. It's such a dumb thing for them to do. Either release his name and let him eat shit for his actions, or don't. If you need to revisit it later, do so but don't put an 'OR ELSE' in your article.

They were under scrutiny well before this story and will be well after its forgotten. Give me a break. Let's not pretend the media hasn't been getting shit over blatantly false and made up accusations for a long time now.
CNN should've just said something like:

"HanAssholeSolo better hope there are no "tapes" of him being a racist asshole in the future!"

bam. Instant non-blackmail right there.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
In the course or arguing about all this with a friend on Facebook, I spent about 5 minutes making this half-ass GIF as an example of what passes for "Presidential" caliber quality now. I figure I'd share slash post this so I could refer back to it later.

CNN should've just said something like:

"HanAssholeSolo better hope there are no "tapes" of him being a racist asshole in the future!"

bam. Instant non-blackmail right there.
Truly. This entire fiasco is amazing. I feel like there's no way to win against this troll army though. If you ignore them they claim victory and if you fight them they play the victims. What dark times we live in.

The Kree

I'm not against him getting a visit from law enforcement to talk about his threats and I'm not going to be upset if his name eventually gets leaked and he recieves some form of social censure but I dont think anyone deserves the full internet mob justice.

What does a visit from law enforcement and social censure look like exactly? You mean like the FBI tells him to not do it anymore? Should businesses refuse to employ him?

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Truly. This entire fiasco is amazing. I feel like there's no way to win against this troll army though. If you ignore them they claim victory and if you fight them they play the victims. What dark times we live in.
It's like a generation of Eric Cartmans grew up physically.
Truly. This entire fiasco is amazing. I feel like there's no way to win against this troll army though. If you ignore them they claim victory and if you fight them they play the victims. What dark times we live in.

You need people/organizations willing to play ball and attack back. I don't expect much from CNN; they are willing to have people on air defend insults thrown at them.


I'm not against him getting a visit from law enforcement to talk about his threats and I'm not going to be upset if his name eventually gets leaked and he recieves some form of social censure but I dont think anyone deserves the full internet mob justice.

Should nobody be held accountable online for the things they do or say because there is a fear of mob justice? Are we to protect racists and the worst offenders because of what could theoretically happen? If they put their information out there for anybody to find, is it on the person that looked it up and not on the person that made themselves a target? Also, am I supposed to care about this racist and what CNN "did" to him. Also, why do you?


Truly. This entire fiasco is amazing. I feel like there's no way to win against this troll army though. If you ignore them they claim victory and if you fight them they play the victims. What dark times we live in.

Them playing victims just makes them look insane. Nothing more, nothing less.


You need people/organizations willing to play ball and attack back. I don't expect much from CNN; they are willing to have people on air defend insults thrown at them.
The rise of the internet created a public space were everyone can say whatever they want without fear of repercussion. A lot of shit has to happen until legal consequences arise. Therein lies the problem.
The rise of the internet created a public space were everyone can say whatever they want without fear of repercussion. A lot of shit has to happen until legal consequences arise. Therein lies the problem.

Where everyone *thinks* they can say whatever they want without the fear of repercussion.


Can’t stump the diablos
People tweeting that CNN has the wrong guy.
Now this is Buzzfeed so take it with the largest grain of salt you can find.


First off, what Trump tweeted was a video and has audio. Specifically, it has audio from this 2007 WrestleMania clip.

Also, HanAssholeSolo’s original GIF was shorter, had a different aspect ratio, and had a WWE logo in the corner.

Here’s a screenshot from the video that Trump tweeted. Not even the colors are being processed the same way.

HanAssholeSolo’s GIF has a NTSC aspect ratio, because it was cut directly from a taping of analog Westlemania footage. Trump’s video has an aspect ratio of 16:9.

There’s also the matter of length. In HanAssholeSolo’s original GIF, it goes through the wrestling match once and then, because it’s a GIF, loops itself. The video version doesn’t loop. It has a splice that starts around 12 seconds and then the video starts again.
People tweeting that CNN has the wrong guy.
Now this is Buzzfeed so take it with the largest grain of salt you can find.


Yeah. That's the funniest thing about the whole "It only took him 7 seconds to retweet" defense.

Clearly someone at least downloaded the video, resync'd the audio and put the new hashtag that Trump was trying to make happen (FraudNewsNetwork?)

It took a lot of effort; wasn't on a whim.
People tweeting that CNN has the wrong guy.
Now this is Buzzfeed so take it with the largest grain of salt you can find.


That article doesn't mean what you think it means. They're saying that the gif was the original source that someone downloaded and formatted/synced up the sound for Trump to post directly from his phone. The user is still the original source of the GIF.

Someone downloaded the GIF that HanAssholeSolo originally posted to Reddit. Then that person cropped it to better fit a video player like Facebook or YouTube. Then they went through the effort of syncing it back up with audio from the original clip. Then that person put it somewhere where Trump or one of Trump's people could see it and download it. Then whoever found the video version had to get it to Trump's phone.
That article doesn't mean what you think it means. They're saying that the gif was the original source that someone downloaded and formatted/synced up the sound for Trump to post directly from his phone. The user is still the original source of the GIF.

He also took credit for it but whatever.

The extra editing was likely done by Scavino, his media guy.


People tweeting that CNN has the wrong guy.
Now this is Buzzfeed so take it with the largest grain of salt you can find.


He's never been claimed to be the source of the video version, just the original GIF, and he claimed credit for all of it anyway.

Doesn't the_d abuse bots for this though? It seems like they can instantly upvote bomb any content they see fit.

Their strategy was to sticky a post and get everyone to upvote it. Reddit eventually made it so stickying a thread basically removes it from being able to get to the front page of Reddit. t_d forced Reddit to fix a lot of their vote exploits faster than they usually would have.


Should nobody be held accountable online for the things they do or say because there is a fear of mob justice? Are we to protect racists and the worst offenders because of what could theoretically happen? If they put their information out there for anybody to find, is it on the person that looked it up and not on the person that made themselves a target? Also, am I supposed to care about this racist and what CNN "did" to him. Also, why do you?
I don't think there is a way to reliably and fairly hold people accountable for the things they say on the internet especially when it gains national attention. I'm not sad if an asshole gets outed, but if the internet mob's response has any proportionality it's by chance and not by virtue of the mob.
I don't care about this particular racist. I care that the national media bases thier ethical decisions about naming private individuals on probative value to a story in the public interest and not things like whether they approved of an apology.


I'm assuming his point is that people think you can get away and have no repercussion but history has shown that is false, and it is not too difficult to identify people.
No matter if that was benicillin´s point, in some edge cases something actually happens, like in this case.
In millions uppon millions of other cases, nothing happens. Look at /pol/ and t_d every day for examples.
I don't think there is a way to reliably and fairly hold people accountable for the things they say on the internet especially when it gains national attention. I'm not sad if an asshole gets outed, but if the internet mob's response has any proportionality it's by chance and not by virtue of the mob.
I don't care about this particular racist. I care that the national media bases thier ethical decisions about naming private individuals on probative value to a story in the public interest and not things like whether they approved of an apology.

But now you have the internet mob going after CNN and it's employees instead.


When you're attacked you punch back harder, right? Under that assumption cnn has the right to punch back until this guy is homeless and never gets the ability to access the internet ever again. According to the Presidential Punch Back Act of 20cuckingteen.
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