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Resident Evil 4, 5, 6 – Announce Trailer (PS4/Xbox One)


I would imagine the release schedule is the way it is because of ease of development. Easiest to port to hardest to port, but that is just a guess.


Has a price been announced yet? Can I jump in the series starting at 4 and be fine?

4 is the best starting point.

Story barely matters, and 5 and 6 practicaly assume knowledge of 4 before you get started.

Also, Resident Evil 4 is an all-time great videogame. Up there with Zelda OoT, SM64, Silent Hill 2, Max Payne 2, MGS3, The Last of Us, The Witcher 3, etc, etc

5 and 6 are both fucking brilliant, but 4 is a special experience.
Like what exactly is better? O.O

I tried the game for the first time a few months ago and thought it was shit. And I really wanted to like it too.

Combat mechanics.

A more indepth melee system, the ability to move and fire, quickshot, more mobility and evasion options (roll/slide/crawl etc.).

Your partner doesn't consume ammo.


Hmm, might get 4 if it receives some technical upgrades from the PS3 port.

5 and 6 are dogshit in my opinion so I'm glad it's not a collection.


IMO, RE6's mechanics are noticably better than 5's.

Yes the RE6 mechanics are the best in the whole series, although the campaign doesn't do it justice, but Mercenaries Mode made it shine. It just sucks that most of the mechanics isn't explained ingame and you needed to look it up online.


How remarkable. If this RE4 port is based off of the HD port for PC (which it probably is, given the x86 and all), then it is a port of a port of a port of a port.

Gamecube -> PS2 -> 360/PS3 -> PC (Ultimate Edition) -> PS4/XB1.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
RE6 is a hundred times better than RE5 in every way.

Good level design, enemy encounters, and pacing are concepts RE6 is completely devoid of.

The Leon gutter section, the Jake snowstorm section, and the Chris europe boss fight on the city street are some of the most atrocious, tedious, and unfun sections I've ever played. Absolutely terrible game design.


I just realized that after the RE2 remake, all mainline series RE will be available this gen... kind of awesome

EDIT: awww no.. RE3 is still missing
I've never played 5 or 6 and the only version of 4 I have is the GameCube one, so a disc version with all 3 is probably something I'd end up getting.
Sàmban;196653326 said:
Experience the slow decline of the RE series in full 1080p

So... after all, Capcom is cleaver to release their worst Resident Evil, followed by one game without identity and good coop and after that the best game in the series. It'll be like a evolution of the series!!!!
Sorry guys but having a bunch of unnecessarily complicated moves doesn't make the gameplay any better. In fact you will need a few upgrades to have better aiming and shit.

How is having more options a bad thing? The ability to do all those things open up new tactics.

And are you thinking of Evil Within? Cause I'm pretty certain RE6 have no upgrades, only perks.


Like what exactly is better? O.O

I tried the game for the first time a few months ago and thought it was shit. And I really wanted to like it too.

Well, it's personal preference, but I think the gameplay is more satisfying. 5 felt like it was in an awkward phase of RE wanting to be an action game (what with the partner system & plentiful ammo/items), while still trying to retain some of that RE4 fear-around-every-corner tension with its camera system. What I felt was left was a stilted TPS in an era where we already had Gears & the like. RE6 may have been worse in presentation & exuding an RE-atmosphere, but at least it embraced playing like the full-action TPS title its predecessor seemingly wanted to be.


RE6 is a hundred times better than RE5 in every way.
I wouldn't say a hundred times better, but yeah, I prefer RE6. It's way more inconsistent than RE5, that's for sure, but the gameplay mechanics are just too good. Both are great though, so it's cool that both are coming.

RE6 is all over the place, but the combat system is one of the best in any TPS.
Yep, the combat system is sublime, the best in its genre IMO (yes, even above Vanquish)


Sorry guys but having a bunch of unnecessarily complicated moves doesn't make the gameplay any better. In fact you will need a few upgrades to have better aiming and shit.

While it is your opinion and it's alright for everyone to have one, you are trying to invalidate his opinion by claiming they are unnecessary and that's not going to work when it's generally accepted that, no matter how many faults RE6 has, atleast when it comes to the actual combat mechanics RE6 is one of the best out there as far as TPS games go.

And the reason why it isn't unnecessary is because the entire gameplay is structured around these moves and you managing your stamina bar whilst you do that. Claiming these are unnecessary because the game can be played as a simple cover shooter is akin to claiming that all the mechanics in a game like Vanquish are unecessary since you can play it as a cover shooter.

This is because, RE6 directly lifts off this style of gameplay from Vanquish. Both games revolve around moving around the map while managing your stamina, which you can quickly refill if you go into cover.


Sorry guys but having a bunch of unnecessarily complicated moves doesn't make the gameplay any better. In fact you will need a few upgrades to have better aiming and shit.

Having a nuanced one with options does.

Which re6 has

It however has ass level design. Its a sandwhich with bad bread.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
You are trying to invalidate his opinion by claiming they are unnecessary and that's not going to work when it's generally accepted that, no matter how many faults RE6 has, atleast when it comes to the actual combat mechanics RE6 is one of the best out there as far as TPS games go.

And the reason why it isn't unnecessary is because the entire gameplay is structured around these moves and you managing your stamina bar whilst you do that. Claiming these are unnecessary because the game can be played as a simple cover shooter is akin to claiming that all the mechanics in a game like Vanquish are unecessary since you can play it as a cover shooter.

This is because, RE6 directly lifts off this style of gameplay from Vanquish. Both games revolve around moving around the map while managing your stamina, which you can quickly refill if you go into cover.

Don't insult Vanquish by comparing it with RE6. The only thing they have in common is the slide that RE6 jacked and even that was half assed like the rest of the game.
Don't insult Vanquish by comparing it with RE6. The only thing they have in common is the slide that RE6 jacked and even that was half assed like the rest of the game.

If you had read his post a bit more instead of stopping at that one line you'll understand that he's referring to the comparison of the stamina management of RE6 with the 'energy' management of Vanquish.


Seriously this is getting a little ridiculous Capcom. Unless Resident Evil 4 runs at 120 FPS/1080p or with VR support what is the reason behind a new port every generation. The game is not that good.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
If you had read his post a bit more instead of stopping at that one line you'll understand that he's referring to the comparison of the stamina management of RE6 with the 'energy' management of Vanquish.

I read the whole post and its nothing new. People have been trying to make that comparison for years in the hopes that people will see RE6 in a more positive light when spoken next to Vanquish.


Seriously this is getting a little ridiculous Capcom. Unless Resident Evil 4 runs at 120 FPS/1080p or with VR support what is the reason behind a new port every generation. The game is not that good.

Sure it is and it will sell plenty... again. Besides, it is not hurting you anyway.

Venom Fox

Pretty much what the Uncharted Remaster if you break it down per game. However these do not seem to have sales as often, if at all yet.
Yeah, the UC 1,2+3 Remasters were definitely worth the price! Each game had been lovingly remastered to perfection.

I meant it on a per game basis though, this isn't a bundle so £15.99 per game is a steal in my eyes.


Gold Member
Yeah, the UC 1,2+3 Remasters were definitely worth the price! Each game had been lovingly remastered to perfection.

I meant it on a per game basis though, this isn't a bundle so £15.99 per game is a steal in my eyes.

Agreed. Great pricing for what you get.
Don't seem to be remastering them much at all, these graphics look terrible.

Don't seem to be remastering them much at all, these graphics look terrible.

Well everything from Capcom lately seems to be made in a mobile budget so I wouldn't be surprised.

I wonder if it's time to start worrying about their financial situation. Is MH not enough to prop them up anymore?
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