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Resident Evil HD Remaster confirmed for PS3/PS4/360/XB1/PC


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch

HD v


From the comparison on the site, it looks like they took the original 3D files and re rendered them at 1080p. As long as they have the original source files, it should be easy to just change the resolution and re-render. EDIT - Upscaling wouldn't reveal the pockmarked texture on the candle holder, it would be a blurry mess.


Will buy if its re-rendered at a higher resolution, it would be perfect if they render internally at 4k and downscale!


The baby is finally coming home.

Excited for this, but considering the last remake was GC exclusive its ridiculous that this won't be hitting Wii U.

Well, that's just it. The Nintendo folk already got to experience it, and it sold only ~1.35 million copies on GC.

News Bot

From a PAL perspective (i.e. GCN games are not 480p) is it better to get the GCN or Wii version? I feel this is one of those titles I should play and it's pretty bad that I haven't yet.

REmake never had a 480p option on the GameCube (RE4 did). So go for the Wii.

Some of the depth looks odd, but otherwise the shot here and
the lab
looks fine.

It's the candle-source lighting + filter they used that is really weird.

The depth is off because about 30% of the background is gone when in "16:9" mode. They compensate with scrolling, but the depth remains goofed because that's not how the background's perspective was drawn.

So like my other reply. You are asking them to put more texture on the re-model UC. Extend that to cover full mansion. And re-build the rest of the stage. And re-render everything to 1080P.

Please. I'm not sure why do I need to argue here anymore.

None of that is even remotely hard. An amateur can do it quite easily and within a month (and that's being generous). I don't think you really know what you're talking about.


As someone who played the original PSX version and loved REmake on the GameCube but no longer owns a GC or Wii, I'm very happy with this.

I am seeing the criticism of it looking a bit more of a port than something like the FFX remaster which was painstakingly redone from the ground up, but either way I'm just delighted I'm going to be able to play this again probably 10 years after I last did so.

Day 1 on PS4 for me.


From the comparison on the site, it looks like they took the original 3D files and re rendered them at 1080p. As long as they have the original source files, it should be easy to just change the resolution and re-render. EDIT - Upscaling wouldn't reveal the pockmarked texture on the candle holder, it would be a blurry mess.


Actually it is entirely possible to bring out the detail in even the most blurry and damaged mess of original images. Videos about Avisynth restorations opened my eyes to this years ago.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Others have done just that without an issue. There's nothing stopping CAPCOM, especially given how many years they've had (fucking twelve). I know someone who's found about 90% of the original textures used in REmake solely from the Internet. That's one guy, from fully public sources. You're telling me a company can't do that?
Someone uncovered the original assets used to create the pre-rendered backgrounds? Or simply the textures they used when creating the original models for those backgrounds?

This I have to see.


The work on the backgrounds seems good enough considering what they would have had to do for true HD. Which would have easily made this more than 20. Though perhaps if it had been bundled with zero as a retail title for 20 it could have recouped those losses?
Silly for what? Cause I'm buying this remaster or cause I know The Evil Within isn't going to run at 10 fps on PC?
It's a dumb comparison.
Yeah, like Capcom will release ´the game with high res 1080p characters on a low res back ground.... This is a classic for gods sake. Capcom won't dare and so far we have nothing to indicate otherwise. The PR speaks for 1080p graphics all the screens we have so far are shitty scans as far as I can see.
You don't just "polish" 480p pre rendered backgrounds into 1080p ones without the original files. I'm a layman gamer with little to no technical knowledge and even I can tell you that. If they had true1080p backgrounds to show with the updated 1080p character models they would have shown it.


I don't think there's any new detail there. Just more local contrast and a directional sharpening filter.

It's hard to tell on such a small photo, but the painting reflected on the floor seems to have more detail to it. Plus I can't make out any filtering artifacts, anyway I'll hoping, it'll be done properly.

News Bot

Someone uncovered the original assets used to create the pre-rendered backgrounds? Or simply the textures they used when creating the original models for those backgrounds?

This I have to see.

The original textures used to create the original models for the backgrounds. From there it's not much of a task to render them in 3D and mimic the original backgrounds, particularly when UC already provided a fully 3D mansion. I should get him to do an example sometime. I know a similar project was done with the mansion in 3D during a daylight setting that was positively beautiful.

He's doing the same for BIO2's backgrounds right now. They only exist in 320x240 but he's rebuilding them from the ground-up in HD. They're 1:1 with the originals in pretty much every way.


Unconfirmed Member
Given Capcom's reputation lately, I came into this thread thinking that they upped the resolution of the original RE game, which would have made sense because they're out of touch lately, but then I see it's actually REmake, and just as quickly as my interest is piqued it is also withered because once again, they are out of touch. But regardless, I will be buying this because I am a sheep.


That's untrue. They put in plenty of effort, and kept working on it well after it came out.


I dunno man; most of what's listed there looks like stuff that should've been in the game and fixed before it was released. I'm glad they didn't leave those things broken, but in my eyes, that's not that big of an effort, especially when you consider what the two dudes working on the RE4HD project were able to accomplish.


The baby is finally coming home.

Well, that's just it. The Nintendo folk already got to experience it, and it sold only ~1.35 million copies on GC.
What in the hell is this? So everyone that bought a GC bought a Wii u and you are inferring that because they supposedly bought it already they are not allowed to to play it again on Wii u?

Please tell me I am miss understanding you.


Awesome. All over that PS3 CE/LE. It better get a retail version unlike RE 4 HD which is download only.

Also, I hope they remake 2 and 3 now.


I wasn't able to play the original so this is exciting to me. Is there any word on if the West release is digital only? I can't see this costing more than say $20 for a digital copy which would be OK.


Junior Member
PS360 = upscale to 720 + filter
PS4/X1 = upscale to 1080 + filter

It would probably look even worse on PS4/X1
If you're playing on a 1080p+ display it's getting upscaled beyond 720p anyway. Better to have one clean upscale handled by the game renderer, with native res 3D, and then filter the 3D to match the pre-rendered art better.


None of that is even remotely hard. An amateur can do it quite easily and within a month (and that's being generous). I don't think you really know what you're talking about.

Haha ok. I don't think I know what I'm talking about anymore if you confirm that those things can be done in within a month. I will back off :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The original textures used to create the original models for the backgrounds. From there it's not much of a task to render them in 3D and mimic the original backgrounds. I should get him to do an example sometime. I know a similar project was done with the mansion in 3D during a daylight setting that was positively beautiful.
I'd like to see that.

Would have been best if they simply attempted to re-create the backgrounds in real-time. They wouldn't be able to nail it completely, I'm sure, but I suspect it would be quite possible to produce a close facsimile. At least it could have used a dynamic camera.

He's doing the same for BIO2's backgrounds right now. They only exist in 320x240 but he's rebuilding them from the ground-up in HD. They're 1:1 with the originals in pretty much every way.
Is there any of this work on the internet anywhere? I'd love to see what he's working on.


That's neat that they actually went bank and re-rendered the CGI, It's amazing it took them this long to decide to make this. I wonder if the 16:9 version will just be cropped, and just how well are the backgrounds going to hold up these days at 1080p.

edit: yeah they're cropped, if I'm looking at the famitsu website correctly.


and this is the best example how companies dont give a fuck.

why is the ps3 only receiving IN JAPAN a retail release!??!?

i want a retail version of the 360/ps4/x1. instead, once again there is a game i wont support due the lack of a retail version. what is wrong these days!?!?!
Posting again:

Guys, I'm going to remaster Citizen Kane!

Click to see in 1080p
Don't mind the visuals, I didn't have the original reels to work from, I did the best I could. Just be happy that more people will have a chance to watch this movie.


Maturity, bitches.
Wii version. It's a direct port but in 480p. If you have an old Wii with Gamecube support you can even play the Wii version with a Gamecube gamepad.
This new port might be a consideration, too with the updated controls.

REmake never had a 480p option on the GameCube (RE4 did). So go for the Wii.
Thanks for the answers. I see it supports the Classic Controller so I should be fine playing it on Wii U.

Actually it is entirely possible to bring out the detail in even the most blurry and damaged mess of original images. Videos about Avisynth restorations opened my eyes to this years ago.
Hopefully they give us the option to choose standard 480p at 4:3 without filters. I'd gladly play that or slightly larger on my laptop. I would actually prefer it.
You're buying this because you like good games.

Which is okay, hell... it's great. More people should experience REMake.
I'm not seeing anything wrong with the screenshots...? (Repositioned 16:9 camera aside) The game looks fine to me. *shrug*

I prefer tank controls for RE, but nice to see that they gave an option for analog controls for those that prefer that. Didn't the N64 version of RE2 have that option, too?

Awesome. All over that PS3 CE/LE. It better get a retail version unlike RE 4 HD which is download only.

Also, I hope they remake 2 and 3 now.

Pretty sure the retail PS3 release is Japan only, just like the RE4/Code Veronica HD ports.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Ok bummer, they definitely cropped away the top and bottom portion here.

I have resized and overlayed the HD screenshot (HD screenshot inside the red lines)
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