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Resident Evil HD Remaster confirmed for PS3/PS4/360/XB1/PC


I know someone who's found about 90% of the original textures used in REmake solely from the Internet. That's one guy, from fully public sources. You're telling me a company can't do that?

whoa holy shit really?

that is incredible. any link to this?
That said, I'm a little disappointed this isn't REbirth 2/3. People have been wanting a remake of Biohazard 2 for ages, Capcom. :/

Don't worry they'll eventually REmaster the ports of 2 and 3. RE4U HD already exists and the REmaster of 5 is probably set for its 10th anniversary.

I'm hoping after they're done remastering them all they release them in 1 big physical release.


I blame my Wii U brethren for shitting on RE:R. I'd have loved to see a "no pause" Gamepad mode. Hard to say which system I might get this on. Do I keep the collection together? Get PC for mods?


So a 2015 HD port of a 2002 gamecube remake of a 1996 PSX game.

Day fucking one.

Also how many copies do I have to buy for REmake 2 to happen CAPCPOM?


Or just put some, I dunno, effort, into a product they want us to buy? What, did you think we should just give them a pat on the head and encourage them to do better next time, like we aren't expected to put down a bunch of money to play the game?

Then what exactly is that afford? We are talking about limit option here. Do you have any other suggestion? I don't see they put more afford by not re-build the whole game. Better photoshop filter maybe?


How it would not be a complete remake to replace the image files. All the other work would still exist.

If they could use the original assets, they would. But as it stands, remaking them would take more time and effort than they're willing to put into what is likely going to be a $20 download-only title (outside Japan).

My guess? They lost the original assets and that is why we're stuck with what we have. It's unfortunate, but at least I don't have to play REmake on a Wii anymore.


Can we please hold our horses? The way I see it this won't release before 2015, so there is plenty of time for Capcom to polish it.

Reminds me of all the Evil Within threads. They just fill up with people bitching about the frame rate of an in-development game. Like yeah Bethesda is gonna release this big budget game with the frame rate in the single digits, that's totally gonna happen.
well this is basically the Wii version, you have essentially the same game if you play the Wii version on the WiiU.

You just get achievements/trophies and marginally better sound mix with this version? :D

but I thought that this is a high-res version of the game? The standard Wii version wasn't really true 480p I thought? Wouldn't a Wii U version bring it up to 720p at least?

Honestly I don't mind the way the game looks at all.. can't wait for the first direct screens from the PS4 version.

Some of the depth looks odd, but otherwise the shot here and
the lab
looks fine.

It's the candle-source lighting + filter they used that is really weird. Hall of Mirrors doesn't even look foreboding any more.


I might buy this if its between $6.99 and $9.99.

I think that's a fair price for basically just the privilege of playing the game on a Next Gen console, since they didn't bother much with improving the actual assets, for one reason or another.
Looks like the 16:9 ratio is done by resizing the camera view:

credits to lagrogne for the finding and the picture

As you can see, there's a loss in term of height... It might be a bit problematic depending on the scene. I guess that's why there's a 4:3 mode.

You can play the game in a widescreen 16:9 display ratio.

When Chris moves down... the screen will scroll to follow him.


Looks like the 16:9 ratio is done by resizing the camera view:

credits to lagrogne for the finding and the picture

As you can see, there's a loss in term of height... It might be a bit problematic depending on the scene. I guess that's why there's a 4:3 mode.

They have introduced screen scrolling. In 16:9 mode while you move around, the background camera follows and the screen scrolls in the direction you're moving to.


Replacing image files is not "rebuilding the whole game." They already had a fully 3D mansion for UC. The only thing they lacked was textures. Yet 90% of the original high-resolution images that were used for them can be found on the Internet, and it took only one person just a few months to find them.

So again, you're telling me a company can't do all of that?

So like my other reply. You are asking them to put more texture on the re-model UC. Extend that to cover full mansion. And re-build the rest of the stage. And re-render everything to 1080P.

Please. I'm not sure why do I need to argue here anymore.


Reminds me of all the Evil Within threads. They just fill up with people bitching about the frame rate of an in-development game. Like yeah Bethesda is gonna release this big budget game with the frame rate in the single digits, that's totally gonna happen.

You ever play a Beth.Softworks title before


From the comparison on the site, it looks like they took the original 3D files and re rendered them at 1080p. As long as they have the original source files, it should be easy to just change the resolution and re-render. EDIT - Upscaling wouldn't reveal the pockmarked texture on the candle holder, it would be a blurry mess.



Reminds me of all the Evil Within threads. They just fill up with people bitching about the frame rate of an in-development game. Like yeah Bethesda is gonna release this big budget game with the frame rate in the single digits, that's totally gonna happen.

Not the same situation at all, lol


I'm really shocked this is a real thing. Day one or sure.
However it's a shame there is no physical release for NA...as an enthusiast/collector it is a pretty big kick in the shins... I mean this is a dream come true game, nothing for my shelf or wall... damnit...


Capcom just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after seeing those upscaled backgrounds, is not going to want to purchase this "Remaster" for either system, nor will they purchase any of Capcom's "remasters". This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Capcom has alienated an entire market with this move.

Capcom, publicly apologize and re-do those backgrounds properly or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Every time.
Reminds me of all the Evil Within threads. They just fill up with people bitching about the frame rate of an in-development game. Like yeah Bethesda is gonna release this big budget game with the frame rate in the single digits, that's totally gonna happen.
As time goes on you are only going to look more and more silly. This is coming from someone that's still going to buy this "remaster" lol.
* The detail of UC mansion can't even compete to original REmake render. Re-render that shit won't suddently give you a better picture. Let alone the whole game does not only stay in the mansion. So you are talking about extend the re-model version of UC and put more detail. And rebuild the rest of the stage. Then re-render everything into 1080P? Sounds like full blow re-build game to me.
That's why I said give it a new coat of paint. They would work off of the base of the Mansion and the other areas in UC and update it visually. It is a simple job.
* Rebuild all the backgrounds in real time for pretty cheap and short amount of time? I'm not sure you know what you are talking about any more.
The original CG isn't actually that amazing looking, you could remake it and have it run in real time on the PS4 and Xbone easily. It would also run just fine on the last gen systems at a lower res with lower quality textures, lighting and shadows
* I don't know about Halo CEA. But It wouldbe very interesting to know the detail what they have done with that game. For real. Not even sure it's the same circumstance as REmake re-master. You are talking about Full 3D game to 2D pre-rendered background game with no original asset available to be re-use.
They completely rebuilt the environments to look like a 2011 game in Halo CEA from scratch working only off of the basic geometry of the original game and they did it in 7 months on a tight budget. All of the collision data was exactly the same as it just ran as a new graphical layer over the top of the original Halo CE but the environments were all much higher poly.

The maps in REmake are prerendered images and videos overlayed on top of very simple untextured geometry which they could work from.


If this gets good marketing and sells well maybe Capcpom will make a new RE with similar style.

That's best case scenario but I won't hold my breath. I'm just happy we're getting this.

As time goes on you are only going to look more and more silly. This is coming from someone that's still going to buy this "remaster" lol.

Silly for what? Cause I'm buying this remaster or cause I know The Evil Within isn't going to run at 10 fps on PC?
From the comparison on the site, it looks like they took the original 3D files and re rendered them at 1080p. As long as they have the original source files, it should be easy to just change the resolution and re-render.
EDIT - Upscaling wouldn't reveal the pockmarked texture on the candle holder, it would be a blurry mess.


I don't know what some are upset about... the remaster really looking good so far :\





Looks like the 16:9 ratio is done by resizing the camera view:

credits to lagrogne for the finding and the picture

As you can see, there's a loss in term of height... It might be a bit problematic depending on the scene. I guess that's why there's a 4:3 mode.

Yeah, it's cropped, they confirmed it in Famitsu.
This isn't something that can be fixed with "polish".
Yeah, like Capcom will release ´the game with high res 1080p characters on a low res back ground.... This is a classic for gods sake. Capcom won't dare and so far we have nothing to indicate otherwise. The PR speaks for 1080p graphics all the screens we have so far are shitty scans as far as I can see.
Reminds me of all the Evil Within threads. They just fill up with people bitching about the frame rate of an in-development game. Like yeah Bethesda is gonna release this big budget game with the frame rate in the single digits, that's totally gonna happen.

You know that I'm an Evil Within hopeful, but The Evil Within has had a rough showing, and not just framerate. But I agree that a lot of people lose their minds over nothing.

With that said, this is a bit of a rough remaster that hopefully is nowhere near finished or gets a bit of a delay to rework some of the textures.


From a PAL perspective (i.e. GCN games are not 480p) is it better to get the GCN or Wii version? I feel this is one of those titles I should play and it's pretty bad that I haven't yet.
Wii version. It's a direct port but in 480p. If you have an old Wii with Gamecube support you can even play the Wii version with a Gamecube gamepad.
This new port might be a consideration, too with the updated controls.
From the comparison on the site, it looks like they took the original 3D files and re rendered them at 1080p. As long as they have the original source files, it should be easy to just change the resolution and re-render. EDIT - Upscaling wouldn't reveal the pockmarked texture on the candle holder, it would be a blurry mess.


We'll have to withhold judgement until we get direct feed screenshots of the next-gen versions.

But I'm not holding my breath, it's Crapcom we're talking about. Either way, dayone for me. I love this game so much.


I wanted REmake 2, not the first one AGAIN.

I'm not even sure I love what I'm seeing. Still a step in the right direction though.


From the comparison on the site, it looks like they took the original 3D files and re rendered them at 1080p. As long as they have the original source files, it should be easy to just change the resolution and re-render. EDIT - Upscaling wouldn't reveal the pockmarked texture on the candle holder, it would be a blurry mess.

I don't think there's any new detail there. Just more local contrast and a directional sharpening filter.
Yeah, like Capcom will release ´the game with high res 1080p characters on a low res back ground.... This is a classic for gods sake. Capcom won't dare and so far we have nothing to indicate otherwise. The PR speaks for 1080p graphics all the screens we have so far are shitty scans as far as I can see.

No, all the screens are officially released 720p shots.
Then what exactly is that afford? We are talking about limit option here. Do you have any other suggestion? I don't see they put more afford by not re-build the whole game. Better photoshop filter maybe?

Or maybe they could not charge $40 for something an intern probably farted out over a lunch break.
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