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Resident Evil HD Remaster confirmed for PS3/PS4/360/XB1/PC


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'm happy about this in the sense that it's going "off Gamecube/Nintendo" and getting a redone rendered background. If the PC version is able to blow those up at higher (4K) resolutions it'll be pretty "future proof" for a while.

That said, I'm a little disappointed this isn't REbirth 2/3. People have been wanting a remake of Biohazard 2 for ages, Capcom. :/

Davey Cakes

Excited for this, but considering the last remake was GC exclusive its ridiculous that this won't be hitting Wii U.
Maybe the Wii U audience just isn't the target. It's unfortunate.

That said, Nintendo platforms haven't done much for Resident Evil. RE4 and Umbrella Chronicles did well. Darkside Chronicles tanked. Revelations did merely okay on 3DS and very poorly on Wii U.

It sucks that people have to play the sub-optimal Wii port on Wii U or nothing. This is one of the most revered RE games and the X360 and PS3 are seeing it so it's not a power issue.

Still nice that they're actually doing a remaster though. REmake has begged for it for years.
Sir, I have to pay money buying this game too. I have no reason to be excused for RE or Capcom. So yes, Capcom didn't save their asset. So what the choice? Re-build the whole game because they don't save asset and suddently want to release re-master version?

You don't have to rebuild an entire game because you don't have the original assets for the backgrounds anymore. They have the game, they have it designed and made, all they have to rebuild is the backgrounds and base them on the original. It would literally cost very little and could be done in under a year.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm happy about this in the sense that it's going "off Gamecube/Nintendo" and getting a redone rendered background. If the PC version is able to blow those up at higher (4K) resolutions it'll be pretty "future proof" for a while.

That said, I'm a little disappointed this isn't REbirth 2/3. People have been wanting a remake of Biohazard 2 for ages, Capcom. :/

Capcom said two years ago they would do a RE2 remake if their was fan support.

If they're re-releasing REmake for all modern platforms, I'd like to believe they are testing the waters.

Honestly I don't mind the way the game looks at all.. can't wait for the first direct screens from the PS4 version.


OMG, they put a photoshop filter on it and made it look worse and people are actually gonna buy it.

I can't even.

News Bot

Sir, I have to pay money buying this game too. I have no reason to be excused for RE or Capcom. So yes, Capcom didn't save their asset. So what the choice? Re-build the whole game because they don't save asset and suddently want to release re-master version?

Others have done just that without an issue. There's nothing stopping CAPCOM, especially given how many years they've had (fucking twelve). I know someone who's found about 90% of the original textures used in REmake solely from the Internet. That's one guy, from fully public sources. You're telling me a company can't do that?


You don't have to rebuild an entire game because you don't have the original assets for the backgrounds anymore. They have the game, they have it designed and made, all they have to rebuild is the backgrounds and base them on the original. It would literally cost very little and could be done in under a year.

What are you basing this on?

Yup. I'm glad I never gave him shit for it.

Well you can't exactly blame people for having been sceptical given his recent rumours.
Calling this a remaster is pretty ridiculous.
Just be honest and say that you're porting it to other systems.
Upscaling it and cropping the image to make it 16:9 isn't a remaster capcom.

I think that doing this would've gotten them a better reaction. People would be happy to just be able to play it on other systems, instead we're debating the insignificance of the "improvements" they made and rightfully so since they're trying to make us believe that this is somehow a fantastic achievement.
As someone who bought the Wii rerelease recently just to have the ability to play this on a current console, I am happy for this news.

REmake is the best RE game, but the Wii version is roughhhh. 4:3 aspect ratio, zero AA, etc. Unfortunately, since the backgrounds are prerendered, there's only so much that they can do. But, even AA would go a long, long way, especially since the models in the game is still excellent.


Whatever the complaints, I REALLY hope this sells to prove to Capcoms backward way of thinking people want a ground up REMake 2

Because if it doesn't sell due to being a lazy port, you know they're going to say "Durrrh people don't want this game due to it not being shooty-bang-bang RE6 style"

It's annoying that ND say the 'remaster' of TLOU took around six months in all and they got 1080p / 60p plus all DLC et al, plus a full retail release. But thems the breaks


Awesome news!!!! Day 1 for me!

Now Capcom please do a RE2 Re(make+master)HD++ with online "coop", with each char having his/her stages meeting in some places to solve puzzles and/or fighting bosses!


Junior Member
First of all it's pretty telling that the PS360 versions aren't 1080p too.

But they should offer the original low-res 'backgrounds' with a variety of realtime upscale filters, original and updated 3D models, an optional filter for the 3D models to blend them with the backgrounds better.. and completely remove the black crush and bloom bullshit.

AFAICT the only good option they've offered is 4:3/16:9.


Yes, ignore the fact that I've called REmake a classic at least 5 times in this thread and am complaining that they butchered the visuals of said classic multiple times because I like a different game that is also great. Sure, that makes sense.

Yes, I am.

Ignore the fact that the mansion was remade in Umbrella Chronicles and they could give that a new coat of paint. Ignore the fact that they could easily redo all the backgrounds in real time for pretty cheap and in a short amount of time. Ignore that other teams have done even bigger things in 7 months like Halo CEA.

* The detail of UC mansion can't even compete to original REmake render. Re-render that shit won't suddently give you a better picture. Let alone the whole game does not only stay in the mansion. So you are talking about extend the re-model version of UC and put more detail. And rebuild the rest of the stage. Then re-render everything into 1080P? Sounds like full blow re-build game to me.

* Rebuild all the backgrounds in real time for pretty cheap and short amount of time? I'm not sure you know what you are talking about any more.

* I don't know about Halo CEA. But It wouldbe very interesting to know the detail what they have done with that game. For real. Not even sure it's the same circumstance as REmake re-master. You are talking about Full 3D game to 2D pre-rendered background game with no original asset available to be re-use.


Impressive how the game held up. Enjoyed playing CV / RE4 HD on PS3, have been waiting to replay this one for a long time. Hopefully shows they are interested in returning to RE's roots for the future installments.
LMAO @ the thread title change and the subsequent image comparisons. Capcom needs to take some lessons from Microsoft.

They went from Capcpom to CapGOD and right back to good old Capcom. If we're lucky we might get a RE0 "remaster" with online co-op and if the planets align we might get an all new RE2Make they can't cheap out on. This "remaster" is going to be downright painful at 1080p. I'm glad I'll only play this on the laptop.

True REREMake in 2020 with real 1080 backgrounds confirmed.
It's really sad seeing people come in here and post things like this having not seen the screens. :(
I was so hyped I couldn't stop repeating "oh my god" for at least 60 seconds. Coming down from that was like coming down from a gallon's worth of LSD.

Now I know how Mr.Popo felt.
I'm not putting in more effort into the title than Capcom did in this release. :p
Haha, Capcom releasing something that is regularly done via Dolphin and calling it the "latest resolution enhancement and 3D model technology" when it's really just an up-res and with some new textures. The marketing bollocks is insultingly strong with this one. And I guarantee you that they'll be lazy with the new textures, too. They were with RE4, which is a mess that the famed Albert and Cris now have to clean up

I cannot help but laugh at the cheaply HQX-filtered, gamma-adjusted backgrounds (the telltale sign is the massive, roundish pixel smoothing of the interpolation algorithm). The original-resolution assets are either gone, which would indicate terrible archiving practices, or they're too lazy (no way was that the original resolution of the assets the artists drew them in). Now watch them simply press the auto-remix button for fake 5.1 audio. I would not be surprised. Throw in some of the easiest-to-program, most standard features around and you're good to go.

Looks like Capcom's history of lazy HD ports continues. I would hope, though, that they're merely using this to gauge interest in a REmade RE2 and RE3.
Damn, that RE4 improvement is how it's done. Too bad Capcom's horrible archiving practices screwed any chance of that happening.
If this does well, does it mean we might get zero hd remastered as well? With online co-op? That would be amazing. *cries*
Yeah, this is about the best case scenario and the only thing that would justify this "remaster".
How in the fuck is that possible for one of the biggest gaming companies in the world? Even my local company keeps more than one backup of each file, texture, 3dmodel, script, etc...

I refuse to believe that capcom doesn't have the textures or the 3d models used to render the mansion, come the fuck on :(
Wasn't there a time Square requested all of a game's code in fax form? Some JP game companies have weird ways.


Others have done just that without an issue. There's nothing stopping CAPCOM, especially given how many years they've had (fucking twelve). I know someone who's found about 90% of the original textures used in REmake solely from the Internet. That's one guy, from fully public sources. You're telling me a company can't do that?

So you are asking them to re-build the whole game?
that's pretty debatable tbh. looks like a photoshop action to me...i see no reason to believe they hand filtered each screen...lol i mean, it is capcom we're talking about here.

Some look good, some don't IMO. Chris in
the labs
and Jill in the kitchen looks pretty good, but the cutscene with the first zombie, the main hall, and the hall of mirrors don't look quite right. Maybe it has to do with the color tone (first are grey, the other set is browns/yellows) or with light source (candlelight vs harsh bulbs).
Wait...I thought the whole reason this never happened before was that Nintendo inked some type of deal that prevented ports to non-Nintendo systems? (kinda like RARE's GoldenEye situation)

Still shocked in not seeing that Wii U port. Maybe cause the Wii port is still in print/backwards compatible?"

It's been more or less confirmed that was not the case for a while now.

There's two likely reasons why it hasn't happened:

  • Poor sales of the original REmake. While this was likely due to the low install base of the Gamecube combined with the clashing, mature nature of the title to the expected family-friendly output of the system, Capcom still took the sales as an indication that the franchise could no longer find the necessary success in that format; a thought that was vindicated by the success of RE4 and its subsequent installments.
  • The loss of original art assets, of which the consequences of which...well, look at this thread.

And yes, I would suspect that REmake on Wii makes for a strong case on an excuse on Capcom's part on not to make a Wii U remaster/port.

The timing now is a bit interesting in what it could indicate not only what Capcom intends to do with Resident Evil as a franchise, but how they will move forward as a company. It's probably too late for there to be any real indication on the nature of Resident Evil 7, since I'm sure that's been underway for a little while.


Yet its clear they've taken the 2D assets and applied filters. How exactly could it look better on the new gen consoles if they've used the same tricks?
PS360 = upscale to 720 + filter
PS4/X1 = upscale to 1080 + filter

It would probably look even worse on PS4/X1

This is the definition of butchered. They put a horrible sharpening filter on it and an oil painting filter and crushed the blacks. Other screens show that lots of detail is completely gone now because of this.

No, they should ignore this trash port and buy either the gamecube version or the Wii version.
Stop trying to be clever, you are really annoying.

Hey, if he likes having Capcom jam their sour testicles into his mouth, that's his prerogative. Who are you to judge? :/
So you are asking them to re-build the whole game?

Or just put some, I dunno, effort, into a product they want us to buy? What, did you think we should just give them a pat on the head and encourage them to do better next time, like we aren't expected to put down a bunch of money to play the game?

News Bot

So you are asking them to re-build the whole game?

Replacing image files is not "rebuilding the whole game." They already had a fully 3D mansion for UC. The only thing they lacked was textures. Yet 90% of the original high-resolution images that were used for them can be found on the Internet, and it took only one person just a few months to find them.

So again, you're telling me a company can't do all of that?


Seems like a poor effort, fake 16:9 with screen scrolling, the backgrounds have not been re-rendered and to conceil the low resolution they have applied a shitty filter to get rid of blockiness.
No wonder they're not even bothering with a retail release, this seems like their Code Veronica PS3 remaster in terms of effort taken.
Still, at a cheap price, it will be a way to play the classic game again on new consoles.
Looks like the 16:9 ratio is done by resizing the camera view:

credits to lagrogne for the finding and the picture

As you can see, there's a loss in term of height... It might be a bit problematic depending on the scene. I guess that's why there's a 4:3 mode.
LMAO @ the thread title change and the subsequent image comparisons. Capcom needs to take some lessons from Microsoft.

They went from Capcpom to CapGOD and right back to good old Capcom. If we're lucky we might get a RE0 "remaster" with online co-op and if the planets align we might get an all new RE2Make they can't cheap out on. This "remaster" is going to be downright painful at 1080p. I'm glad I'll only play this on the laptop.
Can we please hold our horses? The way I see it this won't release before 2015, so there is plenty of time for Capcom to polish it.


Maturity, bitches.
From a PAL perspective (i.e. GCN games are not 480p) is it better to get the GCN or Wii version? I feel this is one of those titles I should play and it's pretty bad that I haven't yet.
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