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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)

Boom!.....is what I would say if the same weren't true for Sony.
Let's Look at many of Sony's "First Party" Studios.....
Guerrilla Games - Killzone Series - Started out as a Multi-Platform Developer making Shellshock:Nam '67 on Xbox/PS2/PC - Bought by Sony
Insomniac Games - Ratchet and Clank - Not owned by Sony but responsible for 1 of Sony's longest running franchises
Naughty Dog - Uncharted, Jak and Daxter and Last of Us - Started as a 3DO developer. Remember Way of the Warrior?
Sucker Punch - Sly and Infamous - Started with a game called Rocket on N64 - acquired by Sony in 2011
Quantic Dream - Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls - Started out as a multiplatform developer making games like Omikron and Fahrenheit.
Evolution Studios - Drive Club - Acquired in 2007 by Sony - started as a PC developer but wanted to get into Playstation development.
Only Media Molecule and SSM are still prominent, and by your definition, proper First-party developers for Sony making AAA titles. I realize there are various smaller developers doing PSN games for Sony, but I haven't seen very many of them actually started by Sony.

I see Drek's post went completely over your head. It's not that the first party studios started somewhere else. It's that they continually flounder under the Xbox management with sub-par releases and endless sequels.


In Cboat, Shinobi and common sense we trust.
Woa I didn't expect GAF's reaction to be this big. I guess some people care more about TR than I do.

For sure buying exclusives is MS's strategy. It worked well for them last gen, at least for this first couple years. I remember Sony being asked about this when they weren't doing well. Their response (Kaz, I think) was that they would prefer to invest in their own first party studios. Ultimately, I think Sony have been proven right. Game development is getting too expensive. Consoles are becoming more like PCs, and therefore more like eachother. Its getting harder and harder to secure exclusives. All I hear about this gen now is 'exclusive content' which usually amounts to some special model skins and mabye a mission. Frankly, I don't think Titanfall or TR are as big of a deal as Gears of War, Bioshock or Elderscrolls IV. For that reason, I think MS is continuing to follow a loosing strategy.


Boom!.....is what I would say if the same weren't true for Sony.
Let's Look at many of Sony's "First Party" Studios.....
Guerrilla Games - Killzone Series - Started out as a Multi-Platform Developer making Shellshock:Nam '67 on Xbox/PS2/PC - Bought by Sony
Insomniac Games - Ratchet and Clank - Not owned by Sony but responsible for 1 of Sony's longest running franchises
Naughty Dog - Uncharted, Jak and Daxter and Last of Us - Started as a 3DO developer. Remember Way of the Warrior?
Sucker Punch - Sly and Infamous - Started with a game called Rocket on N64 - acquired by Sony in 2011
Quantic Dream - Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls - Started out as a multiplatform developer making games like Omikron and Fahrenheit.
Evolution Studios - Drive Club - Acquired in 2007 by Sony - started as a PC developer but wanted to get into Playstation development.
Only Media Molecule and SSM are still prominent, and by your definition, proper First-party developers for Sony making AAA titles. I realize there are various smaller developers doing PSN games for Sony, but I haven't seen very many of them actually started by Sony.

One more thing. Microsoft is in the videogame industry to make money. As is Sony and Nintendo.
It's ridiculous to think that Microsoft didn't bring anything to the table. They innovated by making broadband a standard. Bringing small studios into the industry by creating XBox Live. XNA was pretty cool and was less cost prohibitive than Sony's Net Yaroze.
The fact is, the gaming industry is better with more competition.
I understand the hatred for something like the Tomb Raider situation, but this is business. If Sony could afford it, they would do the same. MGS4 was only on PS3. There were previous ones on PC and Nintendo platforms. I know it's been said before, but Sony paid to keep Tomb Raider 2 off of the Saturn.
It's a Dog eat dog world and it sucks that we have to pay for it. But before you rail against one company, make sure it doesn't apply to the one you are essentially comparing it to.

Excellent post.


Yeah I think I'll do the same. I liked TR but I didn't buy it at full-price as well. I know it's business but being vague just to fool people to buy into the system because of the word "exclusive" is very shady and shitty practice. They should stick with "play it first on Xbone" or something.

I bought the PS4 version the day it was released, and was looking forward to the next one, as I enjoyed it more than Uncharted 2+3. That's why these kind of business practises piss me off. There better be some compensation, be it a cheaper price or more content, when/if it hits the other platforms later on.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Also, you completely missed the point of his post.
Also, no idea what you mean by 'Only Media Molecule and SSM are still prominent'.

Really? I understand full well what I am talking about. Sony closed many, MANY studios that started out with them as well. Remember Psygnosis, Zipper Interactive, Incognito Games, BigBig Studios and many others? Which, by the way, were all internal studios mostly acquired by Sony. Not started.
I understand the angst toward Microsoft and some of it's practices, but let's not pretend it's exclusive to them. If all of Sony's other divisions weren't failing so much, I guarantee that the Video game division wouldn't be as important to them, similar to Microsoft's position.
As far as the two studios I listed as still prominent, I meant them as examples of AAA studios started by Sony. I also should have included Polyphony as well.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Boom!.....is what I would say if the same weren't true for Sony.
Let's Look at many of Sony's "First Party" Studios.....
Guerrilla Games - Killzone Series - Started out as a Multi-Platform Developer making Shellshock:Nam '67 on Xbox/PS2/PC - Bought by Sony
Insomniac Games - Ratchet and Clank - Not owned by Sony but responsible for 1 of Sony's longest running franchises
Naughty Dog - Uncharted, Jak and Daxter and Last of Us - Started as a 3DO developer. Remember Way of the Warrior?
Sucker Punch - Sly and Infamous - Started with a game called Rocket on N64 - acquired by Sony in 2011
Quantic Dream - Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls - Started out as a multiplatform developer making games like Omikron and Fahrenheit.
Evolution Studios - Drive Club - Acquired in 2007 by Sony - started as a PC developer but wanted to get into Playstation development.
Only Media Molecule and SSM are still prominent, and by your definition, proper First-party developers for Sony making AAA titles. I realize there are various smaller developers doing PSN games for Sony, but I haven't seen very many of them actually started by Sony.

One more thing. Microsoft is in the videogame industry to make money. As is Sony and Nintendo.
It's ridiculous to think that Microsoft didn't bring anything to the table. They innovated by making broadband a standard. Bringing small studios into the industry by creating XBox Live. XNA was pretty cool and was less cost prohibitive than Sony's Net Yaroze.
The fact is, the gaming industry is better with more competition.
I understand the hatred for something like the Tomb Raider situation, but this is business. If Sony could afford it, they would do the same. MGS4 was only on PS3. There were previous ones on PC and Nintendo platforms. I know it's been said before, but Sony paid to keep Tomb Raider 2 off of the Saturn.
It's a Dog eat dog world and it sucks that we have to pay for it. But before you rail against one company, make sure it doesn't apply to the one you are essentially comparing it to.

Well said.

Thanks for missing the point. :)

Sony has a history of taking good studios that want to be a part of their 1st party and making them better. Just the opposite of Microsoft. Sony, also unlike Microsoft, don't aquire studios that don't want to be a part of their 1st party (see: Insomniac, ThatGameCompany, etc) and let them remain 2nd party. Subcontracting, if you want. And it is true that they've closed studios but that's sometimes a hard choice you have to make when an aspect of your business doesn't work out. No company ever in history hasn't been put in a situation where you had to make a decision like that. There's a difference between Sony and Microsoft, however, and that's what Drek tried to highlight.

I'm not clear on why Microsoft is in this game, to be honest. If I had to guess it's to carve out a market where they can sit back and make money from advertising, subscriptions and hosting a store where they take a cut from the sales while putting in as little effort as possible. Microsoft is pretty happy without Sony and don't like the competition. It'd probably just be cheaper to buy Sony and shut it down than continue the console war.
I see Drek's post went completely over your head. It's not that the first party studios started somewhere else. It's that they continually flounder under the Xbox management with sub-par releases and endless sequels.

You mean endless sequels like Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, God of War, Infamous, Little Big Planet, Gran Turismo, etc???
I see Drek's post went completely over your head. It's not that the first party studios started somewhere else. It's that they continually flounder under the Xbox management with sub-par releases and endless sequels.

Let's not pretend that Sony's first party line-up is solely made up of GOTYs.

AFAIK, Killzone 3 and Infamous SS both got pretty lukewarm-to-averageish reviews.
Honestly to me personally the cross-generation is worse than a exclusive window. So we are probably looking at another year of games being gimped for new generation. This is by far the most frustrating new generation ever.

Completely agree. There is less and less of a reason to own a "current gen" console with the prolonged death of previous gen.


Neo Member
Boom!.....is what I would say if the same weren't true for Sony.
Let's Look at many of Sony's "First Party" Studios.....
Guerrilla Games - Killzone Series - Started out as a Multi-Platform Developer making Shellshock:Nam '67 on Xbox/PS2/PC - Bought by Sony
Insomniac Games - Ratchet and Clank - Not owned by Sony but responsible for 1 of Sony's longest running franchises
Naughty Dog - Uncharted, Jak and Daxter and Last of Us - Started as a 3DO developer. Remember Way of the Warrior?
Sucker Punch - Sly and Infamous - Started with a game called Rocket on N64 - acquired by Sony in 2011
Quantic Dream - Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls - Started out as a multiplatform developer making games like Omikron and Fahrenheit.
Evolution Studios - Drive Club - Acquired in 2007 by Sony - started as a PC developer but wanted to get into Playstation development.
Only Media Molecule and SSM are still prominent, and by your definition, proper First-party developers for Sony making AAA titles. I realize there are various smaller developers doing PSN games for Sony, but I haven't seen very many of them actually started by Sony.

One more thing. Microsoft is in the videogame industry to make money. As is Sony and Nintendo.
It's ridiculous to think that Microsoft didn't bring anything to the table. They innovated by making broadband a standard. Bringing small studios into the industry by creating XBox Live. XNA was pretty cool and was less cost prohibitive than Sony's Net Yaroze.
The fact is, the gaming industry is better with more competition.
I understand the hatred for something like the Tomb Raider situation, but this is business. If Sony could afford it, they would do the same. MGS4 was only on PS3. There were previous ones on PC and Nintendo platforms. I know it's been said before, but Sony paid to keep Tomb Raider 2 off of the Saturn.
It's a Dog eat dog world and it sucks that we have to pay for it. But before you rail against one company, make sure it doesn't apply to the one you are essentially comparing it to.
And woosh, the point went way over this persons head ....


You mean endless sequels like Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, God of War, Infamous, Little Big Planet, Gran Turismo, etc???

You've suggested a bunch of games from developers who are off working on new IPs or have come from different ones in the past.

The exceptions being Gran Turismo (although I'd argue sporting games are exempt from iteration) and God Of War (which needs to either be canned or rebooted with brand new mythology - it's old now).

As such, you've re-enforced that Sony are continually looking to refresh their catalogue and diversify internally.


For the most crucial period of time.

True. But if Uncharted 4 is hitting PS4 holiday 2015 that evens things out. In my opinion that is the whole reason why this deal was done - Sony has Uncharted for holiday 2015, Microsoft wanted a comparable exclusive, Square probably saw Uncharted as competition on PS4, so the price was right.


Boom!.....is what I would say if the same weren't true for Sony.
Let's Look at many of Sony's "First Party" Studios.....
Guerrilla Games - Killzone Series - Started out as a Multi-Platform Developer making Shellshock:Nam '67 on Xbox/PS2/PC - Bought by Sony
Insomniac Games - Ratchet and Clank - Not owned by Sony but responsible for 1 of Sony's longest running franchises
Naughty Dog - Uncharted, Jak and Daxter and Last of Us - Started as a 3DO developer. Remember Way of the Warrior?
Sucker Punch - Sly and Infamous - Started with a game called Rocket on N64 - acquired by Sony in 2011
Quantic Dream - Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls - Started out as a multiplatform developer making games like Omikron and Fahrenheit.
Evolution Studios - Drive Club - Acquired in 2007 by Sony - started as a PC developer but wanted to get into Playstation development.
Only Media Molecule and SSM are still prominent, and by your definition, proper First-party developers for Sony making AAA titles. I realize there are various smaller developers doing PSN games for Sony, but I haven't seen very many of them actually started by Sony.

One more thing. Microsoft is in the videogame industry to make money. As is Sony and Nintendo.
It's ridiculous to think that Microsoft didn't bring anything to the table. They innovated by making broadband a standard. Bringing small studios into the industry by creating XBox Live. XNA was pretty cool and was less cost prohibitive than Sony's Net Yaroze.
The fact is, the gaming industry is better with more competition.
I understand the hatred for something like the Tomb Raider situation, but this is business. If Sony could afford it, they would do the same. MGS4 was only on PS3. There were previous ones on PC and Nintendo platforms. I know it's been said before, but Sony paid to keep Tomb Raider 2 off of the Saturn.
It's a Dog eat dog world and it sucks that we have to pay for it. But before you rail against one company, make sure it doesn't apply to the one you are essentially comparing it to.

This contains far too much logic and reason to be in this thread.
You mean endless sequels like Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, God of War, Infamous, Little Big Planet, Gran Turismo, etc???

Wow, you just listed a bunch of successful franchises; some from developers who have moved onto new IPs (which in Naughty Dog's case, quite successfully). Sony's first/second party sure is great.

Whereas Microsoft's first party has been successful with Forza and-

Well, you're good at listing stuff. I'll let you handle this one.


This whole thing is no surprise.

My first thought is that this may have something to do with sony selling their SE shares. I guarantee it.

The second is people are overreacting to this whole story. Shit like this has been a part of the industry for at least twenty years. Deals are made. End of story. We know the best hedge against this business structure is to buy gaming consoles if you like to play games rather than get hung up on behind the curtain deals and how games get made.

Who cares if Sony first party devs still make good games and Microsoft dump money and blah blah...

Games are being made. Do you want to play them or do you want to obsess about business models and acquisitions that aren't hurting anyone?

I see worse problems. Rehashing one year games is stupid. Cross gen games are stupid.

If there is one thing that is certain in this industry, it's that Square Enix will play every side, pissing off all their fans for every franchise in one way or another. I doubt it has anything to do with selling shares (in fact, pretty sure Square said that happened just because Sony was in a tight spot at that moment), it's just Square Enix being Square Enix.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
You mean endless sequels like Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, God of War, Infamous, Little Big Planet, Gran Turismo, etc???

Let's not pretend that Sony's first party line-up is solely made up of GOTYs.

AFAIK, Killzone 3 and Infamous SS both got pretty lukewarm-to-averageish reviews.

Okay, so Sony's studios have created original IPs and sequels, several of which have sold really well. This has been under Sony's supervision. Halo was Bungie, Gears of War was Epic, Call of Duty was Infinity Ward, Titanfall was Respawn, Mass Effect was Bioware, etc.

Drek's point was that out of all the games released by Microsoft under their supervision the only really succesful IP has been Turn10's Forza. Every other IP has had its origins outside of Microsoft and was only sequelised by them.


You mean endless sequels like Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, God of War, Infamous, Little Big Planet, Gran Turismo, etc???

Not sure if serious...

Ratchet & Clank isn't a first party title.
Killzone, God of War or inFamous don't have more than two titles per console... And Guerilla Games are on a new licence, while Santa Monica has been involved in a shit load of other different games.
Naughty Dog output is to most people mind the best way to handle a game studio, many new ambitious licence every generation... Hell people were begging for more Crash & Jak, and they went on with a new licence. And when we expected a new Uncharted, they did TLOU...
There were only two Little Big Planet before Mm started doing other things.

Maybe your post went over my head and was ironic I don't know.


Ok, we now know it's a timed exclusive.
The real takeaway here is that Microsoft is pretty unpopular amongst some people (I'm not judging, there's nothing to judge, just an observation). I'm wondering what they could do to change that.
Thanks for missing the point. :)

Sony has a history of taking good studios that want to be a part of their 1st party and making them better. Just the opposite of Microsoft. Sony, also unlike Microsoft, don't aquire studios that don't want to be a part of their 1st party (see: Insomniac, ThatGameCompany, etc) and let them remain 2nd party. Subcontracting, if you want. And it is true that they've closed studios but that's sometimes a hard choice you have to make when an aspect of your business doesn't work out. No company ever in history hasn't been put in a situation where you had to make a decision like that. There's a difference between Sony and Microsoft, however, and that's what Drek tried to highlight.

I'm not clear on why Microsoft is in this game, to be honest. If I had to guess it's to carve out a market where they can sit back and make money from advertising, subscriptions and hosting a store where they take a cut from the sales while putting in as little effort as possible. Microsoft is pretty happy without Sony and don't like the competition. It'd probably just be cheaper to buy Sony and shut it down than continue the console war.

That would probably rank as the worst business decision ever.

Also, no corporation likes competition, yep, not even Sony.

This thread has officially run its course, in light of the recent announcement by Phil Spencer.
Okay, so Sony's studios have created original IPs and sequels, several of which have sold really well. This has been under Sony's supervision. Halo was Bungie, Gears of War was Epic, Call of Duty was Infinity Ward, Titanfall was Respawn, Mass Effect was Bioware, etc.

Drek's point was that out of all the games released by Microsoft under their supervision the only really succesful IP has been Turn10's Forza. Every other IP has had its origins outside of Microsoft and was only sequelised by them.

Microsoft published Halo, Gears of War and the first Mass Effect. That would count as "their supervision" as well.
And woosh, the point went way over this persons head ....

ummm...no. I understand full well what the point of the post was. What I am saying is that the case can be made for Sony as well. Microsoft has funded many new IP's that have or are going to be successful. Just because they weren't as successful doesn't make them any less important to the industry. They've funded Alan Wake and Quantum Break from Remedy(not owned by MS). Sunset Overdrive from Insomniac(Not owned by MS) Dance Central Games from Harmonix(Not owned by MS) etc. They've had some issues, no question, but to just say they shouldn't be in the business and they have brought nothing to the table is naive and just plain ridiculous,


Everytime I read these comments complaining, I feel like this must be the first time people are witnessing console transitions.

Cross-gen through the end of the first holiday season is one thing and sucks, but is understandable. Cross-gen for a big holiday 2015 title sucks balls and it's easy to see why someone would be upset. Yay gotta design the game with the X360 & PS3's shittastic shitty-ass RAM (and everything else) in mind!


Such an outrage over a mediocre franchise either means the console wars is going strong or that it's currently pretty uneventful in the console world.
You mean endless sequels like Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, God of War, Infamous, Little Big Planet, Gran Turismo, etc???

Let's go down the list, shall we?

Guerrilla: Working on a new IP
Insomniac: Developed three separate IPs for Sony platforms
Naughty Dog: Ditto (+1)
Sucker Punch: One less IP than Insomniac, but to be fair they started on PlayStation a generation late
Media Molecule: Three games from two different IPs
SSM: Working with Ready at Dawn on The Order
Polyphony: One IP, but I think that's forgivable at this point.

Let's not pretend that Sony's first party line-up is solely made up of GOTYs.

More GOTY contenders than Microsoft's first party, that's for sure.


Not Banned from OT
Everytime I read these comments complaining, I feel like this must be the first time people are witnessing console transitions.

I have been there for every generation change. Care to point out all these generation changes that involved cross-generation for the first 3 holiday seasons. I would be challenged to find one that lasted more than 1 holiday season. The only exception would be yearly sports titles basically getting roster updates for the old generation.
Does not phase me.

Definitive Edition coming to PC/PS4 in 2016! I'll wait and buy it on sale for PC and then actually play it months (possibly years) after it's relevant anyway.
The Sony Brand is finally over. Maybe next decade!

It's over, period. Sony lost their last ace, and that's the end of their PS4 hopes and dreams.

It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for PS4. Sony has nothing left, nothing they can reveal today would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a PS4. Except if they want to play Bloodborne. Which will also come to XboxOne at some point.

The age of Sony is done.

I had to search to see if someone had posted this :lol
The way Microsoft and CD is playing this is bullshit.

The fact that they won't let us know how long the timing is and want to just play us for idiots makes me want to avoid this game forever.

Nice job guys.


The way Microsoft and CD is playing this is bullshit.

The fact that they won't let us know how long the timing is and want to just play us for idiots makes me want to avoid this game forever.

Nice job guys.

Are you new to video games? The way Microsoft and CD Handled it, is literally the way every platform holder in existence has handled it.
Let's go down the list, shall we?

Guerrilla: Working on a new IP
Insomniac: Developed three separate IPs for Sony platforms
Naughty Dog: Ditto (+1)
Sucker Punch: One less IP than Insomniac, but to be fair they started on PlayStation a generation late
Media Molecule: Three games from two different IPs
SSM: Working with Ready at Dawn on The Order
Polyphony: One IP, but I think that's forgivable at this point.

look, I'm not saying that Sony doesn't handle their properties better than MS. They obviously do. The point is that they both have their strengths and weaknesses and should be in the business. Their first and second party game philosophies are different, but that doesn't make any difference, when we get games like the ones mentioned above from Sony, or games like Halo, Gears, Forza, Alan Wake, etc from MS. I have purchased both systems from Sony and MS this gen and the 2 previous gens. I play games to have fun and both Sony and MS have fostered properties I play and love. I understand why this type of tactic gets under your skin, but they both are guilty of it now and in the past.


Boom!.....is what I would say if the same weren't true for Sony.
Let's Look at many of Sony's "First Party" Studios.....
Guerrilla Games - Killzone Series - Started out as a Multi-Platform Developer making Shellshock:Nam '67 on Xbox/PS2/PC - Bought by Sony
Insomniac Games - Ratchet and Clank - Not owned by Sony but responsible for 1 of Sony's longest running franchises
Naughty Dog - Uncharted, Jak and Daxter and Last of Us - Started as a 3DO developer. Remember Way of the Warrior?
Sucker Punch - Sly and Infamous - Started with a game called Rocket on N64 - acquired by Sony in 2011
Quantic Dream - Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls - Started out as a multiplatform developer making games like Omikron and Fahrenheit.
Evolution Studios - Drive Club - Acquired in 2007 by Sony - started as a PC developer but wanted to get into Playstation development.
Only Media Molecule and SSM are still prominent, and by your definition, proper First-party developers for Sony making AAA titles. I realize there are various smaller developers doing PSN games for Sony, but I haven't seen very many of them actually started by Sony.
Yes all of these studios are successful with multiple IPs and a number of them have gotten money to create lossleading but experimental new games. GG Sony I'd say.
One more thing. Microsoft is in the videogame industry to make money. As is Sony and Nintendo.
It's ridiculous to think that Microsoft didn't bring anything to the table. They innovated by making broadband a standard (bish whet). Bringing small studios into the industry by creating XBox Live. XNA was pretty cool and was less cost prohibitive than Sony's Net Yaroze.

The difference in outlook is that MS doesn't stimulate indie because they are interested in experimental games that shake up game design conventions. MS doesn't give a shit about those kinds of things. Self-publishing on their marketplace just means they get a bigger cut. MS doesn't care about games.
Nintendo has a vision about games. Digital play, healthy lifestyles, bringing families together. Sony stimulates artsy games, funds thatgamecompany to make games that break outside of regular game conventions. What vision MS had on games is long gone. They make safe stabs at greatest common denominator genres because they're only interested in quantities of people; they're not interested in games but in advertisements, licensing and subscriptions.
The fact is, the gaming industry is better with more competition.
I'd rather competition was between gaming philosophies, e.g. Sony and Nintendo.


Not sure if posted but this should be added to the IP.

Rise of the Tomb Raider Exclusivity Deal 'has a duration'

Here's our conversation:

"When people want me to say, can you tell us when or if it's coming to other platforms, it's not my job," Spencer told Eurogamer. "My job is not to talk about games I don't own. I have a certain relationship on this version of Tomb Raider, which we announced, and I feel really good about our long term relationship with Crystal and Square.

"I get the reaction I see. If I'm a PlayStation person all of a sudden I feel like, the franchise has gone. I didn't buy the IP. I didn't buy the studio. It's not mine. Where this thing will go over time, just like Dead Rising or Ryse, we'll see what happens with the game. I don't own every iteration of Tomb Raider.

"I don't own them building Tomb Raider on other platforms. I can't talk about the franchise that way. I can talk about the deal I have."

So, what, exactly, is that deal?

"I have Tomb Raider shipping next holiday exclusively on Xbox. It is Xbox 360 and Xbox One. I'm not trying to fake anybody out in terms of where this thing is. What they do with the franchise in the long run is not mine. I don't control it. So all I can talk about is the deal I have. I don't know where else Tomb Raider goes.

Is there a time limit on the exclusivity period?

"Yes, the deal has a duration. I didn't buy it. I don't own the franchise."

Can you tell us how long the duration is?

"No. It's not because I'm trying to be a headfake on anybody. It's a deal between us and the partner. People ask me how much did we pay. There are certain things I'm just not going to talk about because it's a business deal between us and then. Obviously the deal does have a duration. I didn't buy the IP in perpetuity."

Angry gamers have directed many of their comments towards Square Enix, accusing the publisher of selling out and alienating their PlayStation and PC owning customers.

"Our friends at Microsoft have always seen huge potential in Tomb Raider and have believed in our vision since our first unveil with them on their stage at E3 2011," wrote Darrell Gallagher on the Tomb Raider tumblr. "We know they will get behind this game more than any support we have had from them in the past - we believe this will be a step to really forging the Tomb Raider brand as one of the biggest in gaming, with the help, belief and backing of a major partner like Microsoft."



Most of this thread was people speculating on the nature of its exclusivity, and this is GAF, think how it comes across elsewhere.

People on the internet, including GAF, tend to jump to the (usually negative) conclusion and overreact. People should really learn to read between the lines, marketing speak has been used for ages in the gaming industry.
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