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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)


SMH at the people who can't tell the difference between collaborating with and funding a developer for a new IP in exchange for making it exclusive to their platform and dropping a mountain of a cash on a developer and telling them to stop making their already in development sequel for other platforms and just put it on theirs.
It does make you wonder if those people are deliberately acting ignorant, or they actually are ignorant.
no point for MS to pay for a timed exclusive and let people know it's a timed exclusive, the correct response from CD is "no comment" "we have no plans for other platforms at this time". if it's an exclusive forever, they should have no problem saying "it's never coming on other platforms".


This whole thing is hilarious.

MS thinks this game will sell consoles? Lol

Square Enix thought this was a good idea? Lol

I bought and enjoyed the definitive edition on PS4, but they can get stuffed. One less game I have to worry about next year.


Wait, but what does |:< mean?

| is used in Unix systems to redirect output from one command to another for further processing.

Then there's < which tells a command to get the input from a disk file instead of getting it from the user.

Finally, the : is used as a delimiter for variables, usually path variables.

Something like "The input and output converge on the path"? Or... the path is in the middle of input and output?

Gah! I can't figure it out!

So to decode this message. |=1 :=2 <= less than

so less than 12 months. 2 ds on timedd. You only need half of those ds/ 1/2 of 12 months= 6 months.

the plot thickens....?
What's the source on this? Thanks.


Timed, thank goodness. Thanks cboat.
I'm still fucking pissed. I can't believe CD thought this would be a good idea, way to have lackluster sales when you limit your game to one console and the one with a much smaller install base at that.

Will wait for PS4 version.



This is pretty shitty.
So this is how he plans to sell consoles?
By confusion and not being honest?

Well because of the shady-ness about it all, I'm going to suspect its not exclusive, and its a timed exclusive, so I'm not buying on X1.
Timed lol, way to go Microsoft, you pissed off more people by doing this than gaining new potential xbox one owners.

In the wider range of gamers, I really doubt it will make that much difference, PS4/PC will have plenty to play and people will just pick it up when it releases later
SE didn't even like the sales of the first TR on last gen.... and now they are going to release a game which sells the most in Europe on system that also sells the most in Europe on another one?

This will hurts the game sales so much......

This sucks because even if it was time-exclusive and was released later on other systems the peaking time would have passed and won't get as much sales as it would have if it was released on all systems like it was planned from the start.

How can this serve the gamers and the fans of the series?



Thinking about it, it's kind of smart of SE, depending on how long the delay is. If it launched on the PS4 around the same time as Uncharted, sales would be hurt. But if they delay it a few months, let the sales of UC4 die off, competition wont be as high for it.

I still hate this though.


I don't remember but was there as big as a public uproar when Bloodborne was announced Playstation exclusive ?
Bloodborne is the spiritual successor to a PlayStation 3 exclusive game, Demon's Souls. That is a poor comparison.

Forgot that it's also being co-developed by Sony Japan. So there you go.
I don't remember but was there as big as a public uproar when Bloodborne was announced Playstation exclusive ?
Bloodborne is being co-developed by Sony Japan. It would be pretty silly for Sony to put out a game on their competitor's platforms, don't you think?


I don't remember but was there as big as a public uproar when Bloodborne was announced Playstation exclusive ?

No, probably because people would have more sense than that and would have realised that Sony Japan Studios are codeveloping and assisting in production.
I wonder if the same people butt-hurt/boycotting over this announcement will do the same when Sony announces a multi-plat is going PS4 exclusive tonight or in the future?


Bloodborne is the spiritual successor to a PlayStation 3 exclusive game, Demon's Souls. That is a poor comparison.

Yeah but I mean, everyone knew when it was shown that it's basically "the next souls games but not called souls". It's less of an IP (technically a "new" IP) than tomb raider so I guess i can kinda understand

EDIT: OH RIGHT ! I forgot it was co-edited by Japan Studio. Nevermind i'm dumb

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
LOL square enix fucked up, i don't think the money they got for exclusivity will be enough to cover the loss of sales. Rise is now guaranteed to sell less than the previous tomb raider considering Xbone has a lower install base than the PS4.


I don't remember but was there as big as a public uproar when Bloodborne was announced Playstation exclusive ?

Sony Studio Japan is helping with the development.

The it's a spiritual sequel to Demon's Souls, a Studio Japan developed Playstation exclusive.

It's apples and oranges.
If nothing else is coming out whenever this comes out holiday 2015 then fuck it I'll get it for my xbone. But if there are a lot of titles or I have a huge backlog then oh ho ho I'm waiting till its on ps4.
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