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Rumor: Bravely Second's "Tomahawk" class changed to a cowboy one (+ costume edit)


Dear Not-Native Americans,

Supporting the censorship of an outfit's design in a Japanese videogame isn't going to make up for the wiping out of an indigenous people.

But whatever makes you feel better about yourselves. Just know that your hand wringing and self flagellation puts up the feeblest pretense of progressive thought.

Get over yourselves you bunch of self-righteous twats.

P.S. The responses to PixyJunket here are disgraceful. Where do you get off dismissing someone's opinion just because you disagree with them? Who made you the fucking authority on this matter? If anyone should be the authority here it's the person who ACTUALLY HAS Native American blood.

Stop taking offense on behalf of minorities. We don't want your second-hand pity, it's fucking embarrassing.

This is the hill that I choose to die on, Neogaf. Now politely go fuck yourselves.

looking at your twitter i can only assume you're one of the gamer gate, probably pro MRA people, so no big loss


My grandmother was half Native American, where do I stand on the authority platform?
One person is not the be-all end-all of discussion, no matter what. I feel like PixyJunket was using the equivalence of the "I have a black friend" to shut down opinions that did not agree with him.

No, more like PixyJunket is the black friend (sorry Pixy, don't mean to speak for you). And the black guy's friend is getting offended on his behalf even though hes actually kinda ok with it.


Dear Not-Native Americans,

Supporting the censorship of an outfit's design in a Japanese videogame isn't going to make up for the wiping out of an indigenous people.

But whatever makes you feel better about yourselves. Just know that your hand wringing and self flagellation puts up the feeblest pretense of progressive thought.

Get over yourselves you bunch of self-righteous twats.

P.S. The responses to PixyJunket here are disgraceful. Where do you get off dismissing someone's opinion just because you disagree with them? Who made you the fucking authority on this matter? If anyone should be the authority here it's the person who ACTUALLY HAS Native American blood.

Stop taking offense on behalf of minorities. We don't want your second-hand pity, it's fucking embarrassing.

This is the hill that I choose to die on, Neogaf. Now politely go fuck yourselves.

What makes it pity though if we're respecting the wishes of another culture and what they want? I see it as understanding on what we're doing is wrong and offensive to their culture and important steps of self awareness that allow us all to better live in harmony with each other.

Should we continue to do nothing which causes more fighting or should we open up, listen and change because we're the ones being disrespectful?
No, more like PixyJunket is the black friend (sorry Pixy, don't mean to speak for you). And the black guy's friend is getting offended on his behalf even though hes actually kinda ok with it.

Pixy also said that his wife was fine with how revealing the costumes were, which is why I went for the "black friend" argument instead of something else.

Maybe a lot of people with Native American ancestry are okay with it, and some aren't. Do we bring in a full-blooded, culturally practicing Native American to be tiebreaker?


What makes it pity though if we're respecting the wishes of another culture and what they want? I see it as understanding on what we're doing is wrong and offensive to their culture and important steps of self awareness that allow us all to better live in harmony with each other.

Should we continue to do nothing which causes more fighting or should we open up, listen and change because we're the ones being disrespectful?

There's a line separating being disrespectful and admiration/respect for another culture. I think too much has moved into the territory of 'disrespectful' when it really isn't,.


Canada's been rolling with the term "First Nations" for a while now. I'm a fan of that. That "Indian" still appears anywhere in regards to peoples indigenous to the Americas is crazy to me.

Well, not crazy. Just dumb.

EDIT: I'd be all for the Top Gun thing. That's true localization for America!

First Nations is more referring to a specific group of indigenous people and not all those of Aboriginal descent in Canada. For example, Métis and Inuit are a part of Canada's Aboriginal population but do not fall under the term "First Nations". Either way, I agree that the use of "Indian" to describe the indigenous population of North America is jarring to see it used in 2015.


being liberal doesn't preclude you from being a delusional gamergate follower.

looking at your twitter i can only assume you're one of the gamer gate, probably pro MRA people, so no big loss

Assumptions... what a great way to be an ass, and dont be snooping into people's personal shit... its creepy, like the people who do it on twitter and are actually GGers who spy have spied on people.

Now on the topic on hand, I like the costume (but thats because i like lewd stuff) but yeah. I see how someone would be offended by it easily, and at least they are not getting rid of the class and abilities, just changing some stuff up... nothing gone = A-OK in my book.


Assumptions... what a great way to be an ass, and dont be snooping into people's personal shit... its creepy, like the people who do it on twitter and are actually GGers who spy have spied on people

the link was in his profile, no snooping required. and when someone flies off the handle like that you can only be so curious.
The opinions of Native American people (in whatever form they wish to be addressed as) is obviously important. In fact, it's the most important thing when it comes to this subject.

Those opinions obviously shouldn't be discounted. But similarly, one person of Native American heritage being okay with it doesn't become a get out of jail free card. That's the logic that leads people to saying "Well, I asked my black friend and he said it was cool". There are millions of people out there, all with their own views that can't easily be reduced down to one sentence. It's even the same with things like the football team, where you'll always hear from some Native American people who say that they like it.

Square Enix has decided that this would possibly offend more people than it would people who found it honoring, and they've decided to change it. I think they are probably correct in that view, although I think this was unlikely to attract much controversy either way given the comparatively low profile of the game.



Luchadores > rancheros, though.

Holy heck, that was awesome.

To many have forgotten how to have a discussion and see everything in black or white instead of admitting the world comes in many different shades of grey :(

If you are banned EXIE take care. I have enjoyed many of your posts prior to this even if I did not always see it from your perspective it has been interesting.

PS. I still see the problem with it. Now to be fair it isn't an elders headdress but marks of courage that may actually be justifiable so yeah anyone shouldn't feel bad for liking it but at the same time people should admit that it can pose a problem for some. It's nearly never black and white people.

Maybe a lot of people with Native American ancestry are okay with it, and some aren't. Do we bring in a full-blooded, culturally practicing Native American to be tiebreaker?

yeah shades of grey again. Or everything is basically opinion. We will never be one hive with one thought but we can get educated. Or we could build a Thunderdome.

"Well, I asked my black friend and he said it was cool"

Yeah that's rather stupid. That just means it was ok with THAT friend.

Velcro Fly

I mean you can disagree in a respectful manner and still get your point across. Being combative and insulting to make a scene isn't really a good tool for arguing your point, no matter how much merit it does or doesn't have.

I feel bad for thinking the outfit looked cool when I first saw it when it was revealed. I still think it looks cool but it's mostly the BD art style and the quickly changeable costume sort of deal.

But this whole thing makes me think of Code Name STEAM and the cast of characters in that game and how well done and diverse a group that was with basically zero focus on their backgrounds other than what you knew outside of the game.
tbh im not sure which way is worst.

Taking them out completely (im sure some would want to be represented)

or the skimpy native class called tomahawk

Couldnt they just rework it?
That's not... The same thing. The representation of demons is not against any Christian dogma or belief (those who are offended by Harry Potter should read the Bible one more time at least) - the misrepresentation of one of the most prominent members of the Christian clergy might be totally seen as offensive since it's a cultural exploitation of a figure towards whom people show respect.

This is how Tiz looks like, by the way (quoted for the new page):


This is the original artwork of the character who owns the Tomahawk asterisk:

i think they look dope. Cool as hell


The character job in question was about as embarrassing and poorly-thought-out an example of cultural appropriation as you can get these days. It doesn't even have the excuse of being called something like "Warrior" and just using a Native style; it's literally named something intended to convey this idea of a magical Indian warrior to an audience that doesn't know anything about indigenous American people beyond offensive 50s-era movie stereotypes. It is, to be blunt, hot garbage.

Now when Nintendo sits down to bring over this game to the US -- the country where the people being stereotyped here actually live, and a country where awareness of how shit these stereotypes are and how widely misused they are has grown dramatically in the last couple decades -- they're stuck looking at the fact that while the rest of the content in the game might be just fine, this costume is going to be offensive (and just disruptive to the experience) for a big part of their audience. And not for any particular reason -- this isn't a major storyline point that might be offensive to some but nonetheless is central to the narrative, or a callback to some external reference that people are expecting to see, it's just the video game equivalent of the Sexy Indian Squaw costumes shitty people wear to Halloween parties.

Given all that, making this choice is a slam dunk. If you keep it, you give actual, real offense to people who are a part of your audience, just to preserve something minor and unimportant in the game; if you get rid of it, the only people you offend are the ones working themselves up into an artificial froth over how any and every localization change is "censorship." The former is a real concern for an actual; business reliant on long term customer dedication for success; the latter is an audience you're better off actively pissing off early on in the hopes that you don't have to hear about it from them every time you do your job.

Also, these statements from the article quoted in the OP are outlandishly foolish:

The former reads like something someone who doesn't actually understand what people are complaining about in these situations trying to imagine how being offended works, and the second one is a bullshit excuse given disingenuously by people who never wanted to include minority characters in the first place.
Nailed it.


Not exactly the best reworking, but at least kinda fixes the racist problem.

Still much to work on the gross objectification of SD characters

Yeah, when someone randomly tears into me on Reddit, I almost always go digging to see if they're just shitty all the time.

I was actualy curious to see if there was any pic ... twitter was boring, but linked to youtube and it was much more interesting xD


Why did she had a crossbow I don't understand.

Also it's a "job" system right? It's weird for a list of "jobs" to include mages and merchants and ... "I dunno like an Indian I guess?".

This game's aesthetic is such a mess.


Why did she had a crossbow I don't understand.

Also it's a "job" system right? It's weird for a list of "jobs" to include mages and merchants and ... "I dunno like an Indian I guess?".

This game's aesthetic is such a mess.

Its apparently a gun/sniper class. which makes even less sense but hey at least its cowboy now
Why did she had a crossbow I don't understand.

Also it's a "job" system right? It's weird for a list of "jobs" to include mages and merchants and ... "I dunno like an Indian I guess?".

This game's aesthetic is such a mess.

It's not a crossbow, it's a sniper rifle with an axe blade bayonet for some reason

I think the reasoning behind using a Native American for a job class is the same as using them for costumes in the states; they've been given a status similar to beings of legend because the US tried to eradicate them in the past. This game's aesthetic isn't the only mess

I actually agree with the sentiment that changing it to Cowboy (if true) is kind of fucked up. There are better names

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I don't even understand the mindset of people who get upset by something like this.
Upset by what? The changing of the outfit or the outfit itself?

EDIT:Holy shit at that meltdown and holy cringe at that twitter page....


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
How do you replace a Native American with a Cowboy? That's like, the complete opposite isn't it?

Isn't that even more offensive than just keeping the Native American? Its like those shitty old 40 and 50s cartoons that didn't have the time period sense to understand that the imperial forces were not good for killing the Natives and taking their land


When will people stop crying censorship every time something is changed in a game? This changes nothing about the game except the aesthetic of one class.

I super duper hardly believe most people are upset because the change implies some sort of Western domination of native Americans. More likely, as is per usual, people are upset that something scantily clad in an anime video game is going to be somewhat less scantily clad when it makes it to US shores.


Anyway really interesting to see more from other mods here. Always assumed besada and YB was in a class of their own. They aren't :) Thanks for being educational.
But to point, remember that it's ok to wear someone else's shoes for a while. Not saying you should find a "side". Those shouldn't* exist but varying perspectives do. So instead of being a dick try talking to someone :)

*I try my best to be a good person but it's hard. I still haven't figured out how to speak to misogynist and racists without dissolving into a machine gun of insults and building a 10m high wall have never helped a person. It only keeps them alone. People who are alone do stupid shit and often go deeper into their own pile of...questionable things.

Now to either play FFXII or watch someone stream it ^^


Its apparently a gun/sniper class. which makes even less sense but hey at least its cowboy now

I just looked up a list of classes for Bravely Second and it includes "Chariot" as a job which apparently means "centaur-interpretation of Cú Chulainn". So in the job list we're mashing up "just a regular Indian but it has a crossbow for some reason" with Irish Folklore Hero Made Even More Mystical with Pastry Chef.

Gotta give them credit for just throwing the whole pot of spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks I guess. I'm really looking forward to this game but man I can already tell I am I going to be rolling eyes a lot.


did you do some snooping?

I looked when some poster said his youtube was interesting.... i'm a dead cat(curiosity) and a hypocrite too :/ I wouldn't call him out on it during an argument. I only argue with what i see, bringing up posts or other stuff relating to the person is irrelevant. But I will take back the " shouldnt assume he a gg" cause damn is he a GG, but being GG had nothing to do with the argument which should never have been brought up.


When will people stop crying censorship every time something is changed in a game? This changes nothing about the game except the aesthetic of one class.

I super duper hardly believe most people are upset because the change implies some sort of Western domination of native Americans. More likely, as is per usual, people are upset that something scantily clad in an anime video game is going to be somewhat less scantily clad when it makes it to US shores.

Its not even less scantily clad tho...

They legit just added a hat.

I don't think it is a bad change (outside of the name) considering the cultural differences. I think some of the ones often upset about these changes are mad because they want the game in as close to it's "natural" state as possible (I say close to because of the obvious language differences so the "then just import it trololool" statements don't pop up") and to see it changed upsets them. In this case, it is a cultural reason for the change so its fine...but to change something because it doesn't appeal to some's taste is what generally gets people up in arms. And considering this has become a recent thing ,i get why some are upset. Not in this case but I still understand it in general.


I looked when some poster said his youtube was interesting.... i'm a dead cat(curiosity) and a hypocrite too :/ I wouldn't call him out on it during an argument. I only argue with what i see, bringing up posts or other stuff relating to the person is irrelevant. But I will take back the " shouldnt assume he a gg" cause damn is he a GG, but being GG had nothing to do with the argument which should never have been brought up.

while it's probably best to put it to rest since they're banned anyways, he never posited an argument in the first place. showing that he was a gamergate supporter was to just put his diatribe into perspective.
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