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Rumor: Bravely Second's "Tomahawk" class changed to a cowboy one (+ costume edit)


It's not a crossbow, it's a sniper rifle with an axe blade bayonet for some reason

I think the reasoning behind using a Native American for a job class is the same as using them for costumes in the states; they've been given a status similar to beings of legend because the US tried to eradicate them in the past. This game's aesthetic isn't the only mess

I actually agree with the sentiment that changing it to Cowboy (if true) is kind of fucked up. There are better names

Oh yeah I can kind of see in the picture a distinct receiver and stock. That whole job concept is totally incoherent lol.


Upset by what? The changing of the outfit or the outfit itself?

EDIT:Holy shit at that meltdown and holy cringe at that twitter page....

By the change. Should've made that more clear. And yeah, that Twitter page was the least surprising thing ever. Quite the martyr for the GG cause.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Tiz looks pretty badass like that.
No he does not

And seriously you're complaining about realism of the outfits? Are you new to gaming?
Making a quip = complaining now? Okay then! Or maybe I'm just pointing out a stupid and constant artistic trend in female representation. Nah, must be that I'm unfamiliar with stylization.

You got me, I started gaming yesterday, please explain it to me

oh god I'm in love.

dat fang.
I dunno, its kinda tacky for an entire race of people to be turned into a JRPG class.

I don't think I'd want to play a JRPG where there is a class called "mexican" or "african."
To be fair, all of those are from the 90s, when this sort of thing was much more commonplace. It seems like it started to die out after the 90s ended, and in recent years its started re-appearing as a common practice. Or maybe due to wide internet usage people are just noticing it more.

Half of those are actually from the '80s. Before the ERSB went in place in 1994, Nintendo of America used to curate the censorship in all games released on their console, because they were selling them in large toy store outlets like Toys R' Us. Back then, there was no rating system like movies, there were no warning labels on the game boxes, so they forced developers to remove anything that could look remotely offensive. After the induction of the ERSB in 1994, Nintendo actually gave up a lot of censorship control and let the ERSB handle censorship for them. Mortal Kombat II was the first Nintendo game with a rating label on the box.

Before the ERSB, there was the Videogame Rating Council which was operated by Sega of America. Sega tried to push this as the standard across all gaming platforms, but Nintendo was one company that refused to use it. Though the ERSB happened because of all the controversy around Sega's publishing policies of leaving games uncensored.


I dunno, its kinda tacky for an entire race of people to be turned into a JRPG class.

I don't think I'd want to play a JRPG where there is a class called "mexican" or "african."

Came here to post this exact thing. This is not a cut character but an interchangeable class.


But would you watch a mecha anime with a Mexican and African robot?



What is the deal with people avatar quoting on this site?
Because people like to criticize you if you like anime, especially if you have a picture of an animated kid or some design from a game. (magus gets picked because the best person isnt on here any more Holy Baikal, and usually because magus goes into the threads discussing certain topic matters which rustle some people's jimmies ) But generally its to downplay whatever someone says
Using anecdotal examples to assert your point is a thrilling way to neuter any sort of discussion and prove that you couldn't give two grand fucks about the discussion at hand.

If you're incapable of putting aside your own personal biases to have a discussion like, you know, a person then I genuinely don't believe you are approaching the discussion honestly. No one cares if your significant other cosigns your opinion because it does nothing to disprove, criticize or agree with the discussion.



I'm not from North America so I have a bit of a hard time understanding the issue here. Is the costume itself offensive or is there something else in the game that makes the costume offensive (like some racist character or something)?


Scary thought if this kind of censorship/edit gets more popular. Square Enix has been pretty hard with the edits on Bravely-series for some reason.
Original design looks really cool.


I think the OG design looks cool. The character too.


i am not a Native American and thus cannot speak on whether or not it is offensive to them. If it is, then the change is more than fine.
I'm still mad about the Bravo Bikini. All things considered though, I tapped out of the first game at Chapter 6 when I looked at the map. If this game has a similar gimmick to the first I may not even be the hype for it to begin with.


I dunno, its kinda tacky for an entire race of people to be turned into a JRPG class.

I don't think I'd want to play a JRPG where there is a class called "mexican" or "african."

It's even double-lame because the job name is "Tomahawk", which isn't even the name of a tribe or the name for a tribe's warriors (which would at least make it a "job"), but rather the name for a weapon, which the job class apparently doesn't even use(?).

At least go with "warrior" or "brave" or something. Or have in mind some actual prototype instead of just "Indians from Westerns as in Cowboys And"? Or just abandon the whole enterprise...

It'd be cool to come at it sidewise. Have like a "toy maker" job and take up a Hopi kachina doll aesthetic. Something less boring than warrior. Mix that shit up, you know? Like "pastry chef" is hardly an exclusively French thing but they went with a French aesthetic.


Because oppressing other people's niche hobby made their look legit. They learned that from the high school football players.


had to


Anyways, I have no strong feelings/attachments to the outfit so if it's changed I don't really care. I mean, if it's changed, it sucks, but I do think Native misrepresentation or under-representation is pretty brutal and worth being conscious about. I'm guessing doubling down on white-looking characters (none being dark-skinned themselves) wearing the outfits doesn't look too good. That said I do think a cowboy outfit can work; not like that Native design was very Native-y[?].

I also don't get why JRPGs really love the white-hair/dark skin design. It's really, really frequent. I mean, I guess it's for a pretty visual contrast, but...


Just wanted to say this post reflects everything I feel about this subject. It's bad when it happens on Halloween and just as bad if it happens in a video game. Well said.

Yeah, that was a really solid post that covered this very well; my feelings are about the same.


The ONE screenshot doesn't say much, but at least the differences aren't that big...

Basically looks like:
It's even double-lame because the job name is "Tomahawk", which isn't even the name of a tribe or the name for a tribe's warriors (which would at least make it a "job"), but rather the name for a weapon, which the job class apparently doesn't even use(?).

At least go with "warrior" or "brave" or something. Or have in mind some actual prototype instead of just "Indians from Westerns as in Cowboys And"? Or just abandon the whole enterprise...

It'd be cool to come at it sidewise. Have like a "toy maker" job and take up a Hopi kachina doll aesthetic. Something less boring than warrior. Mix that shit up, you know? Like "pastry chef" is hardly an exclusively French thing but they went with a French aesthetic.

It's a ranged or "missile" class, that uses ranged weapons and attacks named after various missiles (as well as some classic FF abilities like Barrage). Tomahawk happens to be a missile as well, so they went with a native american motif for the class. Wordplay is hard.
It's even double-lame because the job name is "Tomahawk", which isn't even the name of a tribe or the name for a tribe's warriors (which would at least make it a "job"), but rather the name for a weapon, which the job class apparently doesn't even use(?).

At least go with "warrior" or "brave" or something. Or have in mind some actual prototype instead of just "Indians from Westerns as in Cowboys And"? Or just abandon the whole enterprise...

It'd be cool to come at it sidewise. Have like a "toy maker" job and take up a Hopi kachina doll aesthetic. Something less boring than warrior. Mix that shit up, you know? Like "pastry chef" is hardly an exclusively French thing but they went with a French aesthetic.

Honestly I'd see it as offensive if they did go for an actual name of a tribe.


Eh. I did like the original.

This is published by SE, not Nintendo, yes? So it was probably on them.

Makes me wonder which party was calling the shots with the censorship in the first game. Maybe we'll find out some day.
I think it's important we don't worry about "cultural appropriation" so much that we put culture completely in the past.

I grew up on a reservation. My Native friends hate the term Native American, and prefer the term Indian. They argue that I am a Native American just as much as they are. I don't like the term Indian, because I have Indian friends where I live now, making the terms very confusing; so I actually just like using Native.

My friends where I live now hate the term Indian. They really hate the term Indian taco. Whereas, back where I grew up, it would be heresy to call an Indian taco anything other than "Indian taco".

I have a t-shirt with an ink headdress on it. It's a shirt that reminds me of home. It's a shirt that reminds me of the culture of my home. Some of you here would call it cultural appropriation, but even though I'm not Native, it's part of my community and culture growing up. I associate the flag song just as closely as the national anthem with sporting events.

Hopefully my example can show where political correctness can go completely awry. If we worry about cultural appropriation too much, we risk sterilizing our world.

The name tomahawk for the class doesn't make a lot of sense. Plainsrunner would work fine.




I'm not from North America so I have a bit of a hard time understanding the issue here. Is the costume itself offensive or is there something else in the game that makes the costume offensive (like some racist character or something)?

I don't think most people would have found it offensive in the original form (although it is fucking weird as shit that it's called Tomahawk since the character is wielding a crossbow) but this change actually does make it offensive since it would be like if you took a Jew costume and changed it to a Nazi costume for Europe or something.
It's a ranged or "missile" class, that uses ranged weapons and attacks named after various missiles (as well as some classic FF abilities like Barrage). Tomahawk happens to be a missile as well, so they went with a native american motif for the class. Wordplay is hard.

Never noticed that before

Some job skills: Hawkeye, Sidewinder, Maverick, Condor, Hawkeye

This job is OP


never left the stone age
...I mean yea, in the U.S. that would be true. Read a bit on the concept of cultural appropriation.

Yeah I just did and I misunderstood the concept behind it, I had completely missed the fact that it was in regards to a cultural minority, which the average white american certainly isn't.

I mean in regards to turning it from someone who is offensive a stereotype of a native american to turning it into a group of people known for their wanton murder of native americans.

I don't really know what I was thinking when I replied to your post, it makes 100% sense now.

Don't do this.

Yeah it was dumb. I mean it's an American branch of a company mandating a change that they know could be offensive to a minority that can't really do much about it on their own. That's a positive


Tomahawks are primarily a gun class in Bravely Second.

The character with the Tomahawk class is a play on the western (western Japan) "gal" stereotype with tanned skin, blonde hair and tacky fashion.


I don't blame them, there's a lot of sensitivity over "cultural appropriation" with these groups. I understand the feelings but ultimately, I think this sort of sensitivity will do more damage to the culture than anything. Cultural export is power no matter how it's used in the end.


I think any sort of change sucks. The game's vision should be left as-is for better or worse.

If the missile-themed-native class came with the game and there was MASSIVE PUBLIC OUTCRY then the creators would know "maybe not do that thing"

But to change it in advance just in case is real lame. I feel this way about everything. Maybe I even like the changes sometimes. But I'd rather see the game as-is over someone else coming in and messing with it.

/shrug. I don't plan on playing this game, but censorship in general is real


I don't blame them, there's a lot of sensitivity over "cultural appropriation" with these groups. I understand the feelings but ultimately, I think this sort of sensitivity will do more damage to the culture than anything. Cultural export is power no matter how it's used in the end.
Who are "these groups"? Anyone who speaks up when they see an issue?
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