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["Rumor"] Final Fantasy XV Delayed to November 29 [Up: Photo evidence]

When will Final Fantasy XV release?

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*record scratch*
*freeze frame*

"Yup, that's me, Noctis. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation."


I don't know the NEO Specs but 1080p 30fps AA higher Textures would be fine.

Not sure if you guys knew this but a graphics programmer said they turned off Global illumination because the consoles couldn't handle it.

No problem, the lighting system they used for Duscae and the Platinum Demo is great enough. I'm quite satisfied with it!


What are your realistic expectations if we get to play FFXV on the NEO?

1080P 60 FPS?
4K 30FPS
1080P locked 30 FPS
900p 60 FPS
1080P / dynamic 900p 60 FPS.

Or unstable 30FPS better texture versions than regular PS4?

I mean, they apparently can't even get it running well on hardware that they've been working with for four years. On more powerful hardware they've had for a year that clearly won't be their priority? Probably just a slightly better framerate.


Don't expect a groundbreaking Neo version. Their current PC dev environment has been downgraded and adjusted to fit console specs. Like Tabata said, they're going to look into making a much better PC release after the initial release on consoles.

You are right about this, when they did that Tech Demo a few days ago that looked like the PC environment and when you compare it to something like (sorry to bring it up) Lost Soul Aside on UE4,
you notice how the consoles hinder Luminous.

That PC tech demo is probably close to what a NEO version would look like.


Can people stop thinking this game can run at 60fps on a Neo? It won't be able to. Don't set yourself up for disappointment.
Don't expect a groundbreaking Neo version. Their current PC dev environment has been downgraded and adjusted to fit console specs. Like Tabata said, they're going to look into making a much better PC release after the initial release on consoles.
That's true. As someone mentioned Global Illumination, this is something that can't be turned on/off with a simple option. The whole game will need to be designed around it by the artists, and well, it can't happen now since it was removed to some extent.

But despite that, I am not lying when I say that a fully unshackled FFXV will still look like one of the best looking open world game so far.


I mean, they apparently can't even get it running well on hardware that they've been working with for four years. On more powerful hardware they've had for a year that clearly won't be their priority? Probably just a slightly better framerate.

Pretty sure Tabata said the game is currently running at a pretty constant 30fps with minor dips, like with the titan demo (which didn't look rough at all in terms of performance.

What are your realistic expectations if we get to play FFXV on the NEO?

1080P 60 FPS?
4K 30FPS
1080P locked 30 FPS
900p 60 FPS
1080P / dynamic 900p 60 FPS.

Or unstable 30FPS better texture versions than regular PS4?

Since its currently dynamic 1080P30, I expect consistent 1080P locked 30 (locked 30 is more important to me than patchy 60) and better IQ or anti-aliasing.
It's odd how some footage looks really damn good, for example the one where they show lots of locations and other footage where we see low resolution textures on the rocks and stuff. But there was also footage where we saw the guys on Chocobos and that looked really good again. It's really a mixed bag. Things did look positive after E3 when DF explained that the boss battle video was a smooth 30fps. But that was just one small part in a gigantic world.


I don't know the NEO Specs but 1080p 30fps AA higher Textures would be fine.

Not sure if you guys knew this but a graphics programmer said they turned off Global illumination because the consoles couldn't handle it.

This isn't completely true. According to the SIGGRAPH presentation they stopped using Reflective Shadow Map based dynamic GI, but they still use a hybrid GI-system with static and dynamic elements.


Pretty sure Tabata said the game is currently running at a pretty constant 30fps with minor dips, like with the titan demo (which didn't look rough at all in terms of performance.

I'm making an assumption based on the fact it's been delayed by two months. Of course there could be a number of reasons for that. But the most probable is that they need that time to further optimise it, which means they haven't been able to get performing as they intended on current hardware in the timeframe they originally planned.


World is Epic details:
Was planned to be 3 games:

Game 1: Noctis and the gang, invasion/save capture Stella

Game 2: Gain power of old kings, take back the Kingdom

Game 3: King Noctis vs Gods.

Fall apart because they didn't have a concrete idea on how the games would be. Would the scale fully opened, kind of open, linear like 13. Should the games be 20 to 25 hours? Basically they have didn't know who to get from point A, to B, to C, only rough concepts.

Stella stuff from 2008 stuff was cut out very early on. Was mainly concepts Nomura was making and was cuts cuss it didn't fit in the new draft of the story/couldn't make it work. Not a lot of Stella, had very little.

Said while he felt bad for Nomura, though he may have taken more than he could chew. People need to stop having a romantize version of Versus (I think even the leaker called out Kagari over this or something else).

There was a 2010 demo behind closed doors, but it was poorly received, buggy and messy.

Typical Nomura.


Purple Drazi
XII was another one severely lacking in events and pacing for me, great in other ways of course!

It's been pretty much my biggest Square pipedream for a decade and counting for them to release an enhanced version of FFXII that includes a ton more cutscenes. Alas. >.<

Yup music is definitely vital too! I'm just assuming that will be there though based on what we've heard! My only concern right now is if shimomura will deliver on the mellow, restrained emotional tracks and the atmospheric melodic tracks. Everything sounds far too 'epic' atm! But everything revealed music wise has been for trailers so it would

I can appreciate that concern. Shimomura's done some nice atmospheric work in the past, though, so I'm optimistic!

Can we not do list wars... Thanks.

Good suggestion. Sorry I posted one... those conversations tend to be non-starters at best and awkwardly unnecessarily hostile otherwise.


Square-Enix are one of Sony's closest and biggest supporters. I'm expecting much more than that.

You really shouldn't though. There relationship with Sony means nothing when hey can't even hit their original release date for quality issues.


Don't expect a groundbreaking Neo version. Their current PC dev environment has been downgraded and adjusted to fit console specs. Like Tabata said, they're going to look into making a much better PC release after the initial release on consoles.

Why in the world wouldn't the dev environment match console specs from minute one?

Isn't that invitation to all sorts of performance shortfalls?
So,if they had from here till May 2017, you guys would expect FFXV to easily be running at 1080P 60 FPS?
2 months is not enough time to reoptimize it for the Neo.
Isn't Neo like twice as powerful as a PS4?

I don't expect them to have the Neo Patch ready in 2 months and I also don't think they delayed this game for it. My understand was that the games released after a certain point have to have a Neo patch eventually and not as soon as the games release. The problem with the whole Neo situation is that it still hasn't been announced yet. Things will be easier to figure out once it's announced and more information is available.

You really shouldn't though. There relationship with Sony means nothing when hey can't even hit their original release date for quality issues.

Don't set yourself up for disappointment. Maybe hope for a Neo with FFXV bundled in. Maybe.


Square-Enix are one of Sony's closest and biggest supporters. I'm expecting much more than that.

I expect more as well. Not only because SE and Sony are close, but Tabata also seems like someone who would want to use the additional power, same for the PC version he already commented on.
I didn't expect that at launch though, but in a later patch. With the delay it might be included from the beginning.


This isn't completely true. According to the SIGGRAPH presentation they stopped using Reflective Shadow Map based dynamic GI, but they still use a hybrid GI-system with static and dynamic elements.

"For the demo we disabled some already-implemented features such as light-propagation volumes in order to meet the 30-FPS cut-off, so already we have bigger and better graphics to show you all. But in order to strike the appropriate balance between performance and graphics quality these features are just sitting on the sidelines."

Take what you will from that
I don't expect them to have the Neo Patch ready in 2 months and I also don't think they delayed this game for it. My understand was that the games released after a certain point have to have a Neo patch eventually and not as soon as the games release.
If true that changes everything , this whole time I thought games after late Sep, had to be Neo ready that includes mandatory 1080P.


1080p is mandatory on neo, so no resolutions below that are possible.

I think a 1600-1800p with unlocked 30fps is possible. But they may lock it to 1440 or 1080p and be done with it.

1) TV's aren't going to display 1600-1800p cleanly, so that makes no sense.
2) Even PC's, which have been better than Neo's specs for a while now, need an SLI setup (2 or more GPU's) to smoothly output at 1440p+. Lower your expectations.


What Neo will be able to do is get a solid 1080p output, maybe a more stable framerate, and if you're lucky, maybe the draw distance and some other graphical effects will be turned up a little.

But if you're looking for some "definitive" version, we only have to look at some of their dev screenshots to see that the eventual PC version will allow people to go nuts and bring their desktops to their knees.


So,if they had from here till May 2017, you guys would expect FFXV to easily be running at 1080P 60 FPS?
2 months is not enough time to reoptimize it for the Neo.
Isn't Neo like twice as powerful as a PS4?

Its not like the NEO is a whole new code base or something. Its pretty much just different PC parts. Like the equivalent of developing a game that works on a mid-tear and high end PC, i would assume. It takes time, but not nearly as much as you might think.

I'm making an assumption based on the fact it's been delayed by two months. Of course there could be a number of reasons for that. But the most probable is that they need that time to further optimise it, which means they haven't been able to get performing as they intended on current hardware in the timeframe they originally planned.

I'm honestly thinking that the delay could be 1 of 2 things. Either they really need 2 more months to work on it, or they found some bug or something, need a bit more time but that time goes over the Sony NEO mandate and so they decided to have a longer delay to implement the NEO mode and to not have a discrepancy between the ps4 and xbox one release dates. I course this is just me thinking out my ass, so who knows what the real reason is :p

1) TV's aren't going to display 1600-1800p cleanly, so that makes no sense.
2) Even PC's, which have been better than Neo's specs for a while now, need an SLI setup (2 or more GPU's) to smoothly output at 1440p+. Lower your expectations.

The reason he brought up 1800P is because of the slides that leaked about the neo and how sony would ask for "4k content" to be at least 1800P so that it would upscale better to 4k.


My understand was that the games released after a certain point have to have a Neo patch eventually and not as soon as the games release.

Nope. Neo mode has to ship with the game from October onwards otherwise you'd end up with a sub-1080p game on PS4K/Neo which is not permitted.


Since its currently dynamic 1080P30, I expect consistent 1080P locked 30 (locked 30 is more important to me than patchy 60) and better IQ or anti-aliasing.

1080p / 30fps, AA and unlock the Luminous features that have been disabled for the current console builds. That should do it and the game will look great.
Nope. Neo mode has to ship with the game from October onwards otherwise you'd end up with a sub-1080p game on PS4K/Neo which is not permitted.

Ah alright, information is all over the place thanks to it STILL not being announced. Heard plenty of people throwing around the word "eventually" in regards to neo patches with various games. My apologies.

Don't know what you mean by that...

They might be referring to stuff like the Global Illumination stuff Chozen was talking about on the last page.


"For the demo we disabled some already-implemented features such as light-propagation volumes in order to meet the 30-FPS cut-off, so already we have bigger and better graphics to show you all. But in order to strike the appropriate balance between performance and graphics quality these features are just sitting on the sidelines."

Take what you will from that

Yes, they had two technologies for dynamic GI, "Light Propagation Volumes" and their own internal "Virtual Spherical Gaussian Lights" which both were disabled. They still use a form of Global Illumination, it's just not completely dynamic/real-time.
Let me add that if FFXV is not 1080P 60FPS , is not what Tabata preached about at E3 concerning FFXV
3 major motos,most advanced tech available or something along those lines.Maybe someone else remembers what he said.
But yeah I'm talking about the Neo version.


Ah alright, information is all over the place thanks to it STILL not being announced. Heard plenty of people throwing around the word "eventually" in regards to neo patches with various games. My apologies.

They might be referring to stuff like the Global Illumination stuff Chozen was talking about on the last page.

Luminous can do some advanced stuff (related to lighting, global illumination, etc) that's just not going to work with PS4 / XB1 because they lack performance.

Oh okay, I see what you mean.


I'm okay with this.

Yeah a perfect 30 fps for an action-RPG would be fine by me. Shadow of Mordor for example felt really good to play, if they can achieve this + a good IQ I'll be happy.

I was oddly relieved when the rumors about the delay first popped up. I've been worried about how unpolished this game looked and felt for a few months now. Both demos just weren't there technically so I'm all for them releasing it when it feels done, even if it makes them look bad for delaying it so close to release.
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