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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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Felium Defensor
Yo Amir0x, you get any sleep last night? lol
Been following this thread the entire night at work like crazy. Sooo good.


I went to visit my ex-girlfriends family for Thanksgiving a few years back. It was there that I realized not all gamers are like us GAF gamers and that most casual gamers are, in fact, retarded. I shit you not, I walked in on her cousings playing COD Black Ops on PS3 with the bundled composite cables - running 480p on their 1080p capable 70+ inch LCD. They had been playing that way for over a year! I came back the next day with a spare HDMI cable and set them up right.

Moral of the story? We are the minority GAF. The sad truth is that the majority are impulse buying casual gaming blasphemers. #TruthFacts

It's already started , I mean we have guys telling us that 900p was a design choice rather than a hardware limitation.....

This is what Crytek themselves said though and with them being third party, why would they lie? It's not like they are beholden to MS to follow the party line...


This is actually a very good point. I guess we'll see how the generation infolds, but as I said it is worrying that the X1 is already showing a clear power gap to the PS4.

And I'm not sure Kinect is entirely to blame either, I feel this is more down to them losing the core team from the OG xbox and 360. That team were much more focused on creating a great and powerful games console first and it showed. Whereas the current team seem to have completely lost that focus now...or maybe they never had it?

I think that the inclusion of Kinect is most likely the reason for the weak/cheap hardware so they could keep the price as low as they could, in the first unveiling of the system it was really apparent the multimedia/Kinect/OS focus that they had with the system instead of it being first and foremost a gaming machine (as 360 and the OG Xbox were).

The worst thing though is not that the Xbone is weaker than the PS4 but that the Xbone is also much harder to develop for...Ghosts being a 720p title when technically it's one of the weakest games at launch is something unexpected and surprising IMO, they clearly need to improve their dev tools as much as they can as fast as they can especially if Ghosts is an indication of what the difference in multiplats will be between the two systems.


Neo Member
You can't tell with pictures that size. You'd have to see them on a 40' TV to see the difference.

It's not about size, it's about pixel mapping to a 1080p display. Pixels are pixels, if you can see it here you can see it on a TV. And if you can't see it here, you need a new display.


Clearly, CBoaT is Penello's alter-ego which is why he indirectly attacked himself to throw people off his trail. Very clever move, but I'm on to you. Just like a killer eager to see his handiwork by returning to the scene of the crime, you made a second account so you can closely examine how people react to your alter-ego and mess with them even further...

Can't fool me. I played L.A. Noire which pretty much makes me a detective!

On a serious note, I was definitely correct when I said we'd reach the next phase of this topic which is the "resolution doesn't matter anyway" phase even though it's an absurd thing to defend since there's literally no good to come from this news. I definitely think IW is to blame here as well considering we're talking about a game that doesn't exactly blow people away afterall, but it also gives us a glimpse of the future I think. Once developers learn the hardware, we might not see as MANY 720p games, but I do think the discrepancies between the consoles will be noticeable in some games depending on the developers. It's one thing to be weaker or just harder to develop for, but it's 1000x worse to be both harder to develop for AND weaker. That doesn't give people a lot of hope.

I just fear this means third party games might be held back in overall design due to the X1 and that's not me trying to hate on the console but a genuine fear of mine. I want both consoles to do well, but this is quite the sad news, especially in 2013. I play a mix of PC and console games and the new consoles were supposed to finally make me feel easier about image quality and 1080p gaming. It was expected on older hardware that no one thought would give us a lot of 1080p games, but it's another to be missing 1080p in 2013 when it's more prevalent now and expected from new hardware at that price.


Man these threads crack me up. Well done on the Nickelback gif.

I'm not going to convince anyone differently, but it's funny how people interpret the tweet as confirmation.

First - I don't know the resolution. I don't have more sophisticated tools than anyone else. I watch the game on a nice TV with the XBO set to 1080p for every game, there is no way for me to know what's native vs. upscaled unless I'm told.

Second, if I did know, it wouldn't be my place to say anything.

If the Ryse footage last week showed me anything, it's that you get a much more interesting discussion when you're looking at real footage.

So now I've seen the PS4 footage, and I've seen XBO running live. To me, they both look great.

The resolution will be what it will be. It will be known when Activision wants it to be known. The only thing I was curious about was if the games look different, and based on the assets available to me, they don't.

So I think when XBO footage comes out, and people can compare resolutions, effects, framerate and other things the debate will be more interesting.

All that doesn't come across in Twitter-sized bites.

This is why none of these PR people can be taken seriously. 720p or not, Call of Duty looks like shit. Stop claiming it looks great. If this thing looks great, what does that make the likes of Ryse and Killzone? Awesomestacular?


Lol. Did he just say that?

Mass Physics
Vegetation Physics
Volumetric lighting
64bit HDR
Open World Engine
Day/Night Cycle

It's runs at 540p, but hey that's the price to pay for having such an amazing technical feature set :/


The "720p is fine" crowd remind me a lot of the HD naysayers at the beginning of this generation.

Some food for thought;

854x480 (SD at 16:9) = 409,902 pixels
1280x720 = 921,600
1920x1080 = 2,073,600

The resolution difference between 720p and 1080p is nearly 3x higher than the difference between 720p and 480p at 16:9.

But hey, that's cool if you're fine with that.


Gold Member
Nothing in this world is objectively better than anything else. Everything is subjective. People have different wants and needs.

A $500 candy vs $400 candy

Let's not talk about how much tastier and yummier the $400 candy is.

Which one will you pick?

Let's make it simpler since you might like the $500 candy's flavor.

The same chocolate is being sold to you by your two friends but one is $10 cheaper than the other which one will you pick?

Let's make it even simpler since the one selling the $100 more expensive console *cough* $10 more expensive chocolate is your best friend so you might pick that one instead.

There are two stores selling the same gum. One sells at higher price than the other. Will you pick the more expensive one?

Now if you really want to buy the more expensive one, I don't know what to say anymore. Your tastes are simply different from mine and that's subjective.

The same is true with Ryse albeit it's a different game from KZ:SF. You might not care about their differences but objectively it is better.


I went to visit my ex-girlfriends family for Thanksgiving a few years back. It was there that I realized not all gamers are like us GAF gamers and that most casual gamers are, in fact, retarded. I shit you not, I walked in on her cousings playing COD Black Ops on PS3 with the bundled composite cables - running 480p on their 1080p capable 70+ inch LCD. They had been playing that way for over a year! I came back the next day with a spare HDMI cable and set them up right.

Moral of the story? We are the minority GAF. The sad truth is that the majority are impulse buying casual gaming blasphemers. #TruthFacts

So you helped them to play in still sub-HD instead of 480p. Now you should've kooked up a pc running the game at the tv's native res and watched what happens? Eyes bleeding from the awesome? Because of too angular graphics?
Man these threads crack me up. Well done on the Nickelback gif.

I'm not going to convince anyone differently, but it's funny how people interpret the tweet as confirmation.

First - I don't know the resolution. I don't have more sophisticated tools than anyone else. I watch the game on a nice TV with the XBO set to 1080p for every game, there is no way for me to know what's native vs. upscaled unless I'm told.

Second, if I did know, it wouldn't be my place to say anything.

If the Ryse footage last week showed me anything, it's that you get a much more interesting discussion when you're looking at real footage.

So now I've seen the PS4 footage, and I've seen XBO running live. To me, they both look great.

The resolution will be what it will be. It will be known when Activision wants it to be known. The only thing I was curious about was if the games look different, and based on the assets available to me, they don't.

So I think when XBO footage comes out, and people can compare resolutions, effects, framerate and other things the debate will be more interesting.

All that doesn't come across in Twitter-sized bites.
Albert, as one corporate guy to another, I really recommend you take the "We don't comment on rumour or speculation" line. Coming into the thread without an answer or a lame one which basically confirms the rumour is a bad idea as it will only serve to feed the sense of disappointment among loyal Xbox fans.


I think it also must be said: although we are saying Ghosts is 720p, there is still nothing to confirm that the PS4 version is 1080p except that Lowe from IGN said that was what the PS4 footage was at and a few others may have hinted at it.

It's perfectly possible the Xbox One version is 720p and they decided to go with PS4 at 720p to avoid just such a controversy, in which case we should be attacking Infinity Ward for gimping one version for the other.

So, that part of the news still is awaiting confirmation one way or the other guys.

woke up now and this thread has grown exponentially. Did CBOAT confirm it?

Man, I updated the OP with all relevant info like at 2am! I always update my OPs with new info... :(

Yes, CBOAT confirmed. And he confirmed Titanfall is 720p too. the link is in the OP :)

This is why none of these PR people can be taken seriously. 720p or not, Call of Duty looks like shit. Stop claiming it looks great. If this thing looks great, what does that make the likes of Ryse and Killzone? Awesomestacular?

Forza 5, dude! It really IS 1080p and 60fps... the only next-gen flagship so far to be doing that all the time. It looks buttery smooth, very appealing. Much more attractive than Call of Duty: Ghosts.


This is what Crytek themselves said though and with them being third party, why would they lie? It's not like they are beholden to MS to follow the party line...

So explain to me why if hardware power isn't an issue you would choose 900p over 1080p.

And correct me if I am wrong, but Ryse is funded by MS, is it not ?

Don't be rediculous, Choices are made because of hardware limitations. It's about offering the best visual presentation, not about a checklist of technical specifications. Ryse looks better in 900p than in 1080p on the Xbone, therefor they chose to go with 900p.
And yet Crytek claim that hardware wasn't an issue, that they could have made the exact same game in 1080p, but they chose to make it 900p.


Yes people will absolutely not care about buying the much more expensive machine that provides a massively worse experience.


"Massively worse?" Come on...

And many who bought a PS2 after 2001 (the majority of PS2 owners) didn't seem to care about the PS2 being more expensive but weaker. As long as the console is an improvement over what they are playing on their old consoles visually and has compelling content, then people will get it.

This has been shown many times.


I'm really looking forward to the first 5 (6?) way IQ comparisons of multiplats. Way more entertaining than the console launch titles!
I think that the inclusion of Kinect is most likely the reason for the weak/cheap hardware so they could keep the price as low as they could, in the first unveiling of the system it was really apparent the multimedia/Kinect/OS focus that they had with the system instead of it being first and foremost a gaming machine (as 360 and the OG Xbox were).

The worst thing though is not that the Xbone is weaker than the PS4 but that the Xbone is also much harder to develop for...Ghosts being a 720p title when technically it's one of the weakest games at launch is something unexpected and surprising IMO, they clearly need to improve their dev tools as much as they can as fast as they can especially if Ghosts is an indication of what the difference in multiplats will be between the two systems.

Still amazes me that MS are in that position of having harder to develop for hardware and leads back to my point about the current having lost focus of why the OG and especially 360 were so well received.


Dreams in Digital
It's not about size, it's about pixel mapping to a 1080p display. Pixels are pixels, if you can see it here you can see it on a TV. And if you can't see it here, you need a new display.

I didn't say it wouldn't be noticeable. I'm saying to those people who think you can't see much of a difference that they will when it's displayed on their TVs.
A $500 candy vs $400 candy

Let's not talk about how much tastier and yummier the $400 candy is.

Which one will you pick?

Let's make it simpler since you might like the $500 candy's flavor.

The same chocolate is being sold to you by your two friends but one is $10 cheaper than the other which one will you pick?

Let's make it even simpler since the one selling the $100 more expensive console *cough* $10 more expensive chocolate is your best friend so you might pick that one instead.

There are two stores selling the same gum. One sells at higher price than the other. Will you pick the more expensive one?

Now if you really want to buy the more expensive one, I don't know what to say anymore. Your tastes are simply different from mine and that's subjective.

Is it weird that I stood up from my chair and clapped?


This is what Crytek themselves said though and with them being third party, why would they lie? It's not like they are beholden to MS to follow the party line...
We'll in a sense it is a design choice AND a hardware limitation...they had a vision for what they wanted the game to look like...that was simply not possible to achieve with a native resolution of 1080p...

When developing a game, you're not going to set out saying "let's make this one 900p because I like upscaling" instead they designed what they wanted from character models to textures to lighting and so on...and then got it running...and it needed to be 900p to do what they wanted...

On the flip side....GG set out looking to hit 1080p...so they have to design the rest of their assets with that in mind...two different philosophies at work here...


I don't think comparing two totally different games like Ryse and Killzone is really helpful to the debate.

If the story is true then the question will be is X1 version 720p because of late tools and time or is it really the GPU? Since COD is hardly a graphical masterpiece I suspect it is the former, but for now MS has some explaining to do.
This is why none of these PR people can be taken seriously. 720p or not, Call of Duty looks like shit. Stop claiming it looks great. If this thing looks great, what does that make the likes of Ryse and Killzone? Awesomestacular?

PR is useful for PR stuff. It's unrealistic to expect an MS employee to say "well, this certainly isn't looking nextgen but hey, at least we look almost as good as the competitor, eh?"

PR can be useful for clarifying a limited amount of things for the userbase, and it's certainly not useful for some of the more aggressive communities like gaf.

I think the onus is on the gamer to filter pr talk and take away the gist of the message.

PR is a job like any other where you have to mix a certain level of bs with the truth.
Yes, OBJECTIVELY it would be better in most ways because it's pushing WAY more pixels...and achieving similar results in the other areas...you can't measure how something "looks" objectively....that's subjective...if we're going to argue OBJECTIVELY then you have to go on hard facts....

BUT YOURE WRONG! lol....1080p doesn't look "better for them" then improving other areas...but it's a technical bullet point they wanted to hit...so they had to sacrifice in other areas...

But this is the point you're completely missing...I'm going to over simplify things for you so maybe you'll get it...I'm gonna give a numbered "level" rating to a couple categories here...

Game 1
Frame rate: 30fps
Textures: 7
Particle effects: 7
Lighting: 7
Shadows: 7

Resolution: 900p
Frame rate: 30fps
Particle effects: 7
Lighting: 7
Shadows: 7

Now...the "end result" of these two games will be very similar...it's on equal footing in almost all categories as you've said Ryae and KZ are...

- which hardware is more powerful?
- if I lowered the resolution of Game 1...could I push the "levels" of the other categories to 8's? Maybe even 9's?

If I upped the resolution of Game 2 what happens to the textures? The lighting? Are they still "on par?"

but you're on a very technically inclined enthusiast forum trying to convince people that these things don't matter...the fact remains...Ryae only looks as good as it does because they sacrificed resolution to get there

I'm just saying it doesn't matter for how the end user sees the game, they're very relevant for discussion, just not for the point which I was trying to make, which is, you can't say the Xbox One is being "left behind" when Ryse arguably looks just as good as KZ:SF. When these technical specs start causing a huge gulf in graphics, then we should start talking about them in this context.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The "720p is fine" crowd remind me a lot of the HD naysayers at the beginning of this generation.

Some food for thought;

854x480 (SD at 16:9) = 409,902 pixels
1280x720 = 921,600
1920x1080 = 2,073,600

The resolution difference between 720p and 1080p is nearly 3x higher than the difference between 720p and 480p at 16:9.

But hey, that's cool if you're fine with that.
You're wrong on the SD resolution. TVs didn't accept 854x480. 480p is 720x480 but most games used 640x480 or less.


"Massively worse?" Come on...

And many who bought a PS2 after 2001 (the majority of PS2 owners) didn't seem to care about the PS2 being more expensive but weaker. As long as the console is an improvement over what they are playing on their old consoles visually and has compelling content, then people will get it.

This has been shown many times.

720p v 1080p is horrendous, especially when you factor in that you have to pay more for the 720p experience.

Its laughable it really is.


Guys why are you trying to spin 900p the report is 720p and that is not acceptable for a next gen cobsole PERIOD.It has to be the esram not able to hand a big enough frame buffer to do 1080p@60fps in the 32mb.. to ACHIEVE 60FPS they gotta downscale the resolution..cod wont accept 30fps...Only reason forza got 1080p was prob due to baked effects and no AAAll other x1 games are 720p or 900p .. sonits prob a choicenof 720@60fps or 900p @ 30fps... dunno how they squeeze in AA
So explain to me why if hardware power isn't an issue you would choose 900p over 1080p.

And correct me if I am wrong, but Ryse is funded by MS, is it not ?

That's something that goes above my head but and it's something for Crytek to answer in detail, but they've made their position clear in that it was a design decision and I see no reason to doubt them or call them liars just yet...
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