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Scalebound Gameplay Demo [extended IGN First demo in OP]

What game does Scalebound most remind you of?

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Looks great art/gfx wise but damn I can't stand the main dude, if anything I can see him being the biggest reason most won't like this game. Does his headphones give him extra power?

I'm more curious about the rpg mechanics though, if it's good it could make up for the horrible combat that was shown.


You know, after watching the extended gameplay a few more times now, I feel like this game could actually be something I'd enjoy. I'm willing to believe in Kamiya and that he can pull it off. Sure, I thought the combat looked bland at first but the game is still a ways off so there's plenty of room for polishing and improvement in the technical and gameplay aspects. Fix that running animation and, I don't know, improve the main character in some aspects.
It has a pretty nice BGM for certain areas as far as I am concerned

of course this is before he goes into a battle and then the music turns into a turd of dubstep





OMG, I love Platinum. They were the reason I bought my WiiU. They may be the reason I finally buy an Xbone.

This is Xbone exclusive, right?
Is it really necessary to show damage numbers every time you hit an enemy? Also yeah, the framerate isn't looking good at the moment, but regardless the game still looks good overall.

You don't ever doubt Kamiya - you just don't. Hopefully the combat can be as satisfying as it is in Dragon's Dogma.


This and Quantum Break will make me buy an Xbox One

The game looks a bit rough, though. But I see a lot of potential.

And I'm glad it's an action RPG instead of a boring action game like Vanquish and Rising.

BORING action game like Vanquish and Ri.....



Showing this off way too early, it's not hyping anyone in this unfinished state. Framerate and mechanics are slow janky clunky...all will be smoothed out, but Microsoft show have not panicked and shown this so soon. Next E3 would have been a much better time to flaunt this gem.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
It's not coming out until at least fall of next year, so it has a lot more time to develop but I think it looks great so far. It's just that we still don't know much as far as mechanics or how deep the systems are or will be. For instance, just judging by the co-op reveal in the extended trailer, it looked like it was part of the same world (so co-op could be drop-in, drop-out) and each player looked like they had a unique dragon. Interesting stuff.


There is truly a Platinum Cycle now.

Platinum is making a new game >wooooo hhhyyypppeee > gameplay is shown and is rough or not immediately obvious> waaat? this looks bad. do not want. Platinum has failed meeee > More videos come out > yo this is hype. That guy brings up some jank aspects of it > Game is released > GOTF. Praise Kamiya.

I'm not even the biggest fan of Platinum but seriously, how bout we let things play out this time.

As for the game, it looks early and there isn't much to go off of yet. But despite my own tempered feelings on them as devs, their track record speaks for itself and we will probably see the game explode into well...a Platinum game.


Technical performance was awful looking, but if they can iron it out it could be fun. Would prefer combat to be a little faster and the main character to not be so generic but I can deal.

Sky Chief

Watched the extended demo after seeing the live demo earlier and I didn't like it anymore. Does it bother anyone else that the starting cut scene is the main character flying on the dragon and then all the gameplay is him on foot with a shitty running animation? Why make a dragon game where you don't ride a dragon!? This game just isn't doing anything for me.


Ugh, I really don't want to buy a console for ONE game, but I just might have to. This looks really interesting to me! =O


Watched the extended demo after seeing the live demo earlier and I didn't like it anymore. Does it bother anyone else that the starting cut scene is the main character flying on the dragon and then all the gameplay is him on foot with a shitty running animation? Why make a dragon game where you don't ride a dragon!? This game just isn't doing anything for me.

I don't think we know yet that you can't ride the dragon.


Ha, my thoughts exactly. So many of the elaborate acrobatics and attacks look great, but they can't pull off a basic run cycle?

Bayonetta has a goofy looking run too. In fact, it looks like Scalebound is running just like her.

Is it really necessary to show damage numbers every time you hit an enemy? Also yeah, the framerate isn't looking good at the moment, but regardless the game still looks good overall.

You don't ever doubt Kamiya - you just don't. Hopefully the combat can be as satisfying as it is in Dragon's Dogma.

Yeah, exactly. Kamiya has earned a reputation as the king midas of action games, it would be shocking if the combat in this ends up being lackluster.


Are people seriously shitting on Rising and vanquish in here?


Look at this!

its AWESOME why do you need to shit on something else to make this look better?

Yeah, yup. Mmmm Hm. Im going to need an Xbone now.

Speaking of Mikami's Vanquish, does anyone else have the absurd urge to see the dragon take cover behind a giant boulder and smoke a cigarette to restore health?
Yeah guys. This pre alpha footage is what we'll play when it releases next holiday season.

Thanks for pointing out some thungd that may be part of an alpha build and not so obvious Lolololoololololol

No polish or advancements will take place in this game. Lolololololololololololololol

This will be marketed heavy with gears 4 next year. So get used to seeing a guy and his dragon on the commercials.

I bet if someone won the lottery the lot of negative ppl in here would say. "Taxes."

My goodness...

Im pretty excited to see the other characters. Since its 4player coop and each of them were different in that trailer.. I already know well get to pick and choos.
Anyone complaining about the framerate, it being an Action RPG or somehow looking like a non-PG game, can suck donkey dick for idiocy.

The game is INCOMPLETE.

Action RPG ... have y'all even played a PG game ever, especially one with Kamiya involved????

It looks like Devil May Cry's baby with dragons for pets. Day 1.
Yeah guys. This pre alpha footage is what we'll play when it releases next holiday season.

Thanks for pointing out some thungd that may be part of an alpha build and not so obvious Lolololoololololol

No polish or advancements will take place in this game. Lolololololololololololololol

This will be marketed heavy with gears 4 next year. So get used to seeing a guy and his dragon on the commercials.

I bet if someone won the lottery the lot of negative ppl in here would say. "Taxes."

My goodness...

Im pretty excited to see the other characters. Since its 4player coop and each of them were different in that trailer.. I already know well get to pick and choos.
Shut it down people. No criticism allowed.
Yeah guys. This pre alpha footage is what we'll play when it releases next holiday season.

Thanks for pointing out some thungd that may be part of an alpha build and not so obvious Lolololoololololol

No polish or advancements will take place in this game. Lolololololololololololololol

This will be marketed heavy with gears 4 next year. So get used to seeing a guy and his dragon on the commercials.

I bet if someone won the lottery the lot of negative ppl in here would say. "Taxes."

My goodness...

Im pretty excited to see the other characters. Since its 4player coop and each of them were different in that trailer.. I already know well get to pick and choos.
lmao this is funny.. but true.


Kamiya said on the stage that you will freely explore vast mysterious world on foot or on the back of a majestic dragon.

Oh wow, that makes me all the more excited!!
My cousin saw the trailer with me (he is super casual), and it caught his attention big time. I think MS is really gonna help Platinum sell some games for once. Even though it is only on Xbone, the user base should be around 26-30M (speculation) if it is indeed a Holiday launch, so I think it could do quite well with sales as long as it reviews well.


Game seems really hard to pin down on what it is.

Despite the jokes it does seem like it has some Monster Hunter qualities with breaking off monster parts, but it doesn't seem like killing giant monsters is the core thing. There's also the grapple qualities which isn't explicitly monster hunter. I see what looks like some stingers and Nero's Combo B YpauseY in there. You also seem to have durability for your sword which is real strange to me at least. There's also the weird crates you can open for what look to be just consumables. Not really sure if that's just Devil Trigger or not going on either. I hope the hint of other weapons at the end pays off with them showing off some other sick movesets later on.

I also really like they included an animation of him taking the headphones off when the music ends.

I assume most of the other grievances people have like running animations, framerate, and whatever else will get taken care of considering this game is a year away from releasing. I trust Platinum and will be buying this day one.


Showing this off way too early, it's not hyping anyone in this unfinished state. Framerate and mechanics are slow janky clunky...all will be smoothed out, but Microsoft show have not panicked and shown this so soon. Next E3 would have been a much better time to flaunt this gem.

It is. I'm hyped! Super hyped!

I am not unrealistically expecting it to look exactly the same on release... I expect it to change some lighting aspects, some effects and the frame rate to be smoother, but this trailer has hyped me as much as the reveal of some of the biggest new IPs this gen, such as Bloodborne.

Graphics looks great, the character is no worse than other typical Platinum games characters such as Dante and Nero (and actually I like all of them). Also there's the fact that this is most certainly an early section in the game, and you will face many other giant and stronger enemies with lots of new abilities! And even being early footage in an early section is already looking dope!

And, in the final gameplay scene it shows different dragons and different character skins in a co-op section. Thats enough: I'm legitimately hyped!
I thought it looked fine beyond the dodgy framerate at times and the combat being surprisingly slow.

I doubted W101 before launch and that bit me in the ass, so I feel like I owe Scalebound the benefit of the doubt regardless.


Dunno about this. The combat vs the big creature looked fun (and maybe that's what the majority of the game is). But the combat vs the soldiers and small creatures looked dull. Just spam a button, dies in a hit or two.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
That framerate looks rough. Or maybe I've just been playing too many PC games lately.

To be fair, the game is a year out. At least. Looks in pretty good shape all things being equal. Id like to believe they'll stabilise the frame rate over the course of 12 months.
Dunno about this. The combat vs the big creature looked fun (and maybe that's what the majority of the game is). But the combat vs the soldiers and small creatures looked dull. Just spam a button, dies in a hit or two.
I'm hoping that was just your typical "press conference god mode" enabled.


Should have waited a few more months with that trailer. Those animations were rough. Especially those of the dragon's tail stood out, tail just teleported to starting position after each animation cycle.


The 8 min video sold me... Although I hate the douchy protagonist, Platinum could have made a better choice or at least allowed for some customization (dare to dream).


Liked this a lot. Terrible voice over, but that's a given. Not too excited about the non-monster portions, but it seems like the boss fights will be fun


Considering how this game would "re-define" what an action game is they better have some big guns hiding up their sleeves because this gameplay video wasn't it. I thought commanding a big dragon around is cool but the combat seemed painfully boring and the UI just looks plain and uninspired. Let's hope Kamiya is really hiding things about this game that we are all unaware of. Either way I don't own an Xbox One but I still maybe get one down the road if this game delivers. As of right now, I'm not liking the look and feel of it. And yeah the main character looks stupid and annoying, it's like they went into a meeting about his character design and just took all the shitty ideas and made it into a character. Come on Platinum, not like this.
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