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Spiderman (PS4 Exclusive) from Insomniac

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I wonder if we are going to see multiple villains. I really want smaller fights against the likes of Shocker and Vulture. And a gang system wouldn't be too bad either, seeing the different gangs fight it out for territory on the streets while swinging by.


I think Uncharted Collection? I think it's smart to just leave it for 3rd big titles, unless it's a completely different genre or Somehting like Gran Turismo which has its own lane.

If you launch early in the year or Summer you can market again for the Holiday season

thats what i mean: releasing big aaa titles in spring/summer has worked pretty damn well for sony. by fall/christmas, the games can get another push with a price drop, dlc and/or bundles.


I believe at one point God of War was rumored for Spring 2017, but that seems more like a fall release. It would make sense to have Spiderman come out in the summer. should know a lot more about spiderman this year yet. hoping for comic-con blowout


I believe at one point God of War was rumored for Spring 2017, but that seems more like a fall release. It would make sense to have Spiderman come out in the summer. should know a lot more about spiderman this year yet. hoping for comic-con blowout
God of war 3 came out in March. could see them doing the same thing for the new one. Spring 2018 is my guess.

I'm guessin spidey is summer 2017


Aftershock LA
I always imagined Peter Parker gameplay in a Spider-Man game would be something along the lines of what Michel Ancel did with Beyond Good & Evil: You'd be wandering around New York as Peter, cataloging things for Jonah (like "New York Daily Life!"), taking photos of people, workers, criminals, etc, and sending them to Jonah for money. That money would let you buy upgrades for either your camera (ie, upgrades to take higher quality pictures, better storage for you to store more pictures; hence, more to sell to the Bugle for more money), or upgrades for your Spidey stuff (better web cartridges, different movesets, etc, etc). As a player, you'd have to choose what you want to prioritize. Spend that $100 you just earned from Jonah for more camera upgrades, or better Spidey upgrades? The gameplay loop would revolve around trying to impress Jonah with cool pictures (thus earning a higher reward from him: do I take 10 pictures worth $10 each, or do I take 5 higher quality/riskier pictures, for $50 each?), thus earning money for upgrades for Peter or Spidey. There will always be a balancing act. Constantly taking lower quality pictures may have Jonah not give you assignments as much. Ignoring the Bugle completely could result in you not working there at all. You can't focus 100% on being Spidey from a gameplay perspective, thus emulating, in some way, the struggle that Peter in the comics goes through. How much game time do you devote to being Spidey, and how much do you devote to being Peter? There's risks/rewards for both approaches, but the balance is important.

Peter needs to have a subplot as well. Have a story revolving purely around Peter and his personal life. Taking MJ somewhere, keeping up with Aunt May, trying to make amends with Flash Thompson (depending on what era you'd set the game in), etc, etc. There is a lot of compelling gameplay to pull from the Peter Parker side of Spider-Man. It's not all just cutscene worthy. Just because Activision failed to make Peter a compelling character in their mediocre titles, doesn't mean that a talented developer like Insomniac couldn't do so.

It's a shame that Activision has been allowed to shape our perception of video game Spider-Man for as long as they have. The bar has been so insanely low that we're expecting Insomniac's game to be in the same ballpark as ATVI's shit.
I always imagined Peter Parker gameplay in a Spider-Man game would be something along the lines of what Michel Ancel did with Beyond Good & Evil: You'd be wandering around New York as Peter, cataloging things for Jonah (like "New York Daily Life!"), taking photos of people, workers, criminals, etc, and sending them to Jonah for money. That money would let you buy upgrades for either your camera (ie, upgrades to take higher quality pictures, better storage for you to store more pictures; hence, more to sell to the Bugle for more money), or upgrades for your Spidey stuff (better web cartridges, different movesets, etc, etc).

I personally think the whole photographer thing is played out. Even Marvel thought so. Peter's potential was completely underutilized. He worked at the Bugle in the Ultimate Universe, but was a web designer I think. In 616 he starting working at Horizon Labs for awhile designing tech, much of which had him creating some cool gadgets and suits for himself. I much prefer he be doing that.


I believe at one point God of War was rumored for Spring 2017, but that seems more like a fall release. It would make sense to have Spiderman come out in the summer. should know a lot more about spiderman this year yet. hoping for comic-con blowout
I think the rumor you're referring to was the one from OsirisBlack (about PS4K) which said GoW and Deep Down were launch games for a Q1 2017 launch and I really hope that's true but I doubt it. Though it would be completely normal for GoW to launch in the spring since all previous console GoW's launched in March.


Aftershock LA
I personally think the whole photographer thing is played out. Even Marvel thought so. Peter's potential was completely underutilized. He worked at the Bugle in the Ultimate Universe, but was a web designer I think. In 616 he starting working at Horizon Labs for awhile designing tech, much of which had him creating some cool gadgets and suits for himself. I much prefer he be doing that.

Considering how obsessed players are with Photo Mode in video games these days, I don't think photography is played out as a gameplay mechanic at all. Again, my post was trying to find ways to make Peter Parker gameplay fun and interesting for the player. I'm well aware of him having been a teacher, as well as running his new company in the comics, but I don't think either of those career would work too well as a gameplay mechanic. Him creating upgrades in a lab is great, but ultimately, it would just be you in a menu, selecting an upgrade to do. Not much involvement from Peter.

But actually having gameplay that revolves around you physically controlling Peter as he goes about his day to day, balancing between Spidey time, and Peter time, could be made into a very compelling gameplay mechanic would also serve to break the eventual monotony of swinging around the city as Spider-Man and beating up criminals.

Go to any photo thread here on GAF, and you'll see some amazing screenshots that people have spent time composing and sharing. The ability to take photos in a Spider-Man game, and having that tied to Peter's most iconic profession (down on his luck photographer for the Daily Bugle), would be not only fun for players that love taking screenshots and great compositions, but incredibly true to Peter Parker as a character. It's a win/win. I still think there should be a legit Photo Mode, but I don't see how it couldn't also be worked into an actual gameplay mechanic. You take photos, send them to Jonah, he gives you money.

Or, you can sell the photos to the Daily Prophet, who might pay more, but they're more underhanded than Jonah. You could also have a rivalry with Eddie Brock, who is also going around taking photos and selling them, thus pushing you to strive to provide better photos. This is assuming that Insomniac's game is closer to the older Spider-Man comics. I'm very interested in seeing what Insomniac is going to do with the world. Which Peter Parker this is. He's older and more experienced, as they've said, but I wonder how "down on his luck Parker," he's going to be. Does he work at Horizon Labs? Is he a teacher? I doubt he's still working for the Bugle as a freelance photographer, but that doesn't mean he can't be working at the Bugle as a full time employee, which could cause issues for his double life still.


Between "monotony" while webswinging or walking like a snail through New York I am pretty sure people prefer to webswing in the end.

You guys should all get your hype down, Insomniac knows that there are just a handfull people who want a fullfledged and detailed Peter Parker gameplay and millions and millions who just care for Spidey only.
You are all reading to much in that one quote.

I mean, you really put some thought into this all, but to be honest, I would hate it if I have to make photos all the time.
Its like putting a economy simulator at the top of Arkham City to finance Batmans Gadgets.


Aftershock LA
Between "monotony" while webswinging or walking like a snail through New York I am pretty sure people prefer to webswing in the end.

You guys should all get your hype down, Insomniac knows that there are just a handfull people who want a fullfledged and detailed Peter Parker gameplay and millions and millions who just care for Spidey only.
You are all reading to much in that one quote.

I mean, you really put some thought into this all, but to be honest, I would hate it if I have to make photos all the time.
Its like putting a economy simulator at the top of Arkham City to finance Batmans Gadgets.

I'm pretty sure that Insomniac's comments about Peter have to do with his involvement in the story, not gameplay related. My posts were in response to people thinking that Peter gameplay would be boring.

With that said, Peter is still Spider-Man. What exactly would be keeping you from using his Spider-Man powers while in Peter mode? I'd have something like the Uncharted or MGS awareness thing. If you're doing too much Spider-Man stuff as Peter in front of people, a meter fills up. If that meter reaches max, it's some kind of fail state (maybe not a game over, but some kind of negative to goofing off with your powers as Peter). Basically, don't climb on walls when you're on street level, but you can still swing around high above the sky scrapers or stay on rooftops. Most people wouldn't recognize Peter Parker anyway. "Hey, I saw Spider-Man's face!" "Really? What did he look like?!" "Well, he was white, and had brown hair. Kind of...average looking?"

There have been plenty of times where Peter has had to do some web-slinging in civilian garb. Activision is the one that set the precedent for Peter Parker gameplay segments revolving around you walking around slow as fucking molasses, doing absolutely nothing important. Insomniac isn't Beenox or Treyarch, and Sony isn't Activision. I know that if Insomniac wanted to include Peter on the gameplay side, they'd find a way to make it fun and engaging.

My thoughts are that Peter is just going to have focus in the story, but all of the gameplay will be in constume as Spider-Man. I'm fine with that.

EDIT: Why would there need to be a finance system in a Batman game, though? Bruce Wayne is rich, sure, but he's already R&D'd his Batman stuff. And the way they implement him upgrading his gadgets works for Batman in the Arkham games. He doesn't get money for beating up thugs. Peter Parker actually does, and he can in turn use that money to finance his upgrades to his web tech, or upgrading his camera to take better, more valuable pictures, which in turn lets him upgrade even more. Taking photos is part of Peter's DNA. A big part of his life has been taking photos of Spider-Man for the Bugle. It wouldn't be out of place to have that mechanic in the game. It wouldn't have to be a forced, mandated gameplay mechanic, especially if there are other ways to level up your Spidey gear, but it's a gameplay mechanic that could be fun, as well as being true to the character.


Considering how obsessed players are with Photo Mode in video games these days, I don't think photography is played out as a gameplay mechanic at all. Again, my post was trying to find ways to make Peter Parker gameplay fun and interesting for the player. I'm well aware of him having been a teacher, as well as running his new company in the comics, but I don't think either of those career would work too well as a gameplay mechanic. Him creating upgrades in a lab is great, but ultimately, it would just be you in a menu, selecting an upgrade to do. Not much involvement from Peter.

But actually having gameplay that revolves around you physically controlling Peter as he goes about his day to day, balancing between Spidey time, and Peter time, could be made into a very compelling gameplay mechanic would also serve to break the eventual monotony of swinging around the city as Spider-Man and beating up criminals.

Go to any photo thread here on GAF, and you'll see some amazing screenshots that people have spent time composing and sharing. The ability to take photos in a Spider-Man game, and having that tied to Peter's most iconic profession (down on his luck photographer for the Daily Bugle), would be not only fun for players that love taking screenshots and great compositions, but incredibly true to Peter Parker as a character. It's a win/win. I still think there should be a legit Photo Mode, but I don't see how it couldn't also be worked into an actual gameplay mechanic. You take photos, send them to Jonah, he gives you money.

Or, you can sell the photos to the Daily Prophet, who might pay more, but they're more underhanded than Jonah. You could also have a rivalry with Eddie Brock, who is also going around taking photos and selling them, thus pushing you to strive to provide better photos. This is assuming that Insomniac's game is closer to the older Spider-Man comics. I'm very interested in seeing what Insomniac is going to do with the world. Which Peter Parker this is. He's older and more experienced, as they've said, but I wonder how "down on his luck Parker," he's going to be. Does he work at Horizon Labs? Is he a teacher? I doubt he's still working for the Bugle as a freelance photographer, but that doesn't mean he can't be working at the Bugle as a full time employee, which could cause issues for his double life still.

I don't think I'd like to be forced to take photos as Peter like that, but I do think that photography would be the best choice for a gameplay mechanic for the Peter Parker side of the character. Can't really do much with teaching and inventing stuff. But yeah, I do spend a crazy amount of time with Photo Mode in the games that have it, so that would make plenty of sense. It would be restricted because it's not the game's camera but Peter's, but still. It could be fun.

I like the idea of setting up the shots yourself, though, for when you're swinging around as Spidey. I just hope that if they do something like that, it won't be tedious. I trust Insomniac in not making it tedious, though. I haven't played it because I don't have an Xbox, but Sunset Overdrive just screamed "Fun!"



I'm really curious how this is gonna work from a gameplay perspective. Like, what do players have to do to make Spidey do flips like that and breaking through windows? Will we have the option not to? Or is this just something like Assassin's Creed III's (or was it Black Flag? Or Unity?) going in though one side of a building then coming out the other side. This is so much ruder if it's that, though. Tsk, tsk, Spidey.

But man, the game is just looking absolutely amazing! I'm such a sucker for good lighting, and it's just beautiful here.


I'm really curious how this is gonna work from a gameplay perspective. Like, what do players have to do to make Spidey do flips like that and breaking through windows? Will we have the option not to? Or is this just something like Assassin's Creed III's (or was it Black Flag? Or Unity?) going in though one side of a building then coming out the other side. This is so much ruder if it's that, though. Tsk, tsk, Spidey.

But man, the game is just looking absolutely amazing! I'm such a sucker for good lighting, and it's just beautiful here.
It's hard to say but I'm leaning towards it being more like going through buildings in AC3.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I'm really curious how this is gonna work from a gameplay perspective. Like, what do players have to do to make Spidey do flips like that and breaking through windows? Will we have the option not to? Or is this just something like Assassin's Creed III's (or was it Black Flag? Or Unity?) going in though one side of a building then coming out the other side. This is so much ruder if it's that, though. Tsk, tsk, Spidey.

But man, the game is just looking absolutely amazing! I'm such a sucker for good lighting, and it's just beautiful here.

I think its just part of this spidermans style when pushing jump much like the ultimate spideman game, when swinging and jumping he would do flips and aerobatics in the air randomly just to provide some flare to the character


I think the rumor you're referring to was the one from OsirisBlack (about PS4K) which said GoW and Deep Down were launch games for a Q1 2017 launch and I really hope that's true but I doubt it. Though it would be completely normal for GoW to launch in the spring since all previous console GoW's launched in March.
yes that was the rumor i was thinking of.

with all of the teasing they're doing with the "We'll have a lot more stuff to talk about in the coming months." talk and the fact that this is a new spiderman and in the game he is more experienced. what are the chances that there's a comic or graphic novel tie in that will lead up to the events in the game?


I'm really curious how this is gonna work from a gameplay perspective. Like, what do players have to do to make Spidey do flips like that and breaking through windows? Will we have the option not to? Or is this just something like Assassin's Creed III's (or was it Black Flag? Or Unity?) going in though one side of a building then coming out the other side. This is so much ruder if it's that, though. Tsk, tsk, Spidey.

But man, the game is just looking absolutely amazing! I'm such a sucker for good lighting, and it's just beautiful here.

My guess is that there will be a traversal button to hold or something along the lines of assassin's creed that makes you do cool shit like this. I can't imagine there being a button combination that does all this, sans the burst through the window.


It's hard to say but I'm leaning towards it being more like going through buildings in AC3.
I think its just part of this Spider-Man's style when pushing jump much like the Ultimate Spider-Man game, when swinging and jumping he would do flips and aerobatics in the air randomly just to provide some flare to the character
My guess is that there will be a traversal button to hold or something along the lines of assassin's creed that makes you do cool shit like this. I can't imagine there being a button combination that does all this, sans the burst through the window.

I hope it's not the Assassin's Creed buildings thing, because I'd like to be able to pull off cool shit like this myself. A dedicated "traversal button" would work well, I think. It could be like Saints Row: The Third's "awesome button." That would make more sense than simply automatically having Spider-Man do flips and shit with regular jumps and movements, because if that's the case then he won't ever be doing normal jumps and movements.
Mmm. Yes. Although, I think this was a given. What superhero game doesn't have upgrades? (sort of legit question, just in case there are any, because it's not like I've played every single superhero game ever made) Being an older, more experienced Spider-Man, I hope that Peter has developed some new tech, too. Aside from his webbing. I can imagine some upgrades for his goggles to allow for a "Detective Vision" kind of thing. It could tune in to his Spider-Sense. That would be a good explanation for why we're getting "Detective Vision" in yet another game.

I hope that they'll release some info even before SDCC or wherever it is that they'll release their next big info or trailer.


Side note: I'm pretty new here, and I've never been in an online forum as big as GAF before, so it breaks my heart to see so many people repeatedly misspell "Spider-Man." </3


Gold Member
I wonder if we are going to see multiple villains. I really want smaller fights against the likes of Shocker and Vulture. And a gang system wouldn't be too bad either, seeing the different gangs fight it out for territory on the streets while swinging by.

In one of their interviews they said they've got a huge cast of characters, so I'm super excited to see who shows up :D I agree, it's fun seeing known characters randomly, like Shocker trying to rob an armored car or something. Doesn't need to be a huge part of the story.

Just the thought of a Spider-man game with Insomniac-brand humor makes me giddy.



I'm really curious how this is gonna work from a gameplay perspective. Like, what do players have to do to make Spidey do flips like that and breaking through windows? Will we have the option not to? Or is this just something like Assassin's Creed III's (or was it Black Flag? Or Unity?) going in though one side of a building then coming out the other side. This is so much ruder if it's that, though. Tsk, tsk, Spidey.

But man, the game is just looking absolutely amazing! I'm such a sucker for good lighting, and it's just beautiful here.

I am curious how any of the scenes shown are going to work as gameplay. They all look like non interactive bits or cutscenes unless the entire game is a series of QTEs.


God of war 3 came out in March. could see them doing the same thing for the new one. Spring 2018 is my guess.

I'm guessin spidey is summer 2017

If the new God of War is not releasing in Spring 2017 (like all the other mainline God of War games), it will most likely be delayed to Spring 2018 like you said. No way Sony are releasing during fall or the Holidays. Holidays are mostly for Third-parties now... :p


If the new God of War is not releasing in Spring 2017 (like all the other mainline God of War games), it will most likely be delayed to Spring 2018 like you said. No way Sony are releasing during fall or the Holidays. Holidays are mostly for Third-parties now... :p

totally agree. Sony likes to let 3rd party multi-plats shine in the fall and its worked out well so far
Upgrades are a given. What would be a real chrisprattomg.gif-worthy bit of info would be if web-slinging actually connected to parts of the environment.

SM2's swinging looked great and played so well, both in spite of and as a result of the webs connecting to buildings. Still took some deftness of control, but as functional as the swinging of any Spider-Man game since. As time moves forward, the web-slinging of 2 gets more impressive.


less than that. but still a fair while

Oh, that's a little disappointing. Guess that makes a 2017 release less likely then. Well, as long as the game turns out to be the best it can be, I'm all for waiting.
I thought he already said that was part of the parkour system they were creating

Any chance you can remember when or where this was said? Not that I don't trust you, haha. Now I'm just curious how exactly this parkour system would work. I'd like something like holding down a single button and then moving around, I suppose. Off the top of my head, anyway.


If this game is Spring 2018 then they revealed it way too early. Here I was thinking it would release before next summer to coincide with the new movie.
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