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Splatoon 2 introduces Pearl and Marina, Icecream vs. Icrecream Splatfest


popularity leads to intimacy also is a bit of a downside anyway as we can see anyway since it results in a lot more kidsquids around for experienced players, who will be getting more games in, to crush


Anyone here preordered the game on amazon? If yes, does it show the estimate delivery day? I bought it there and need it on the 21 because I travel the next day.
So i played the full Splatfest and as a 'n00b' as i never played the original. However, i did watch some matches on Twitch this week to get me prepared and give me an idea on what i should be doing.

It seemed to have worked. Even though i was a total noob i thought i would get wrecked. But i felt i won about %75 of the matches i was in. Beginners luck? I even made it to max rank 'Ice Cream King'

I have to say, i loved this! I wish i picked up the original. I felt for the first time in a while in a multiplayer game that even when i wasnt killing people, i was feeling useful trying to cover the map. Never felt like a detriment to my team like i have in some multiplayer games which im just average at best.

My only nitpicks were i wish i could choose my loadouts when im in a lobby. Also, i got booted from from lobbies a few times. Not a huge deal as getting into matches is fast. But still a small nuisance.

I tried all the loadouts. Liked the default gun the most, with the duelies next. And personally, i barely saw any Team Cake people at all. I think myabe in total 5 times in 4 hours?

Anyway, had a lot of fun. Totally picking this up!
I wish Amazon had knocked down the price of Splatoon 2 a bit, £50 is sooooo expensive.

Though saying that, I'll probably play it more than any other game I buy this year.
Also, that 'Moray Towers' map was hard as hell to control. I hated it at first. I eventually warmed up to it a bit. But definitely not my fav that i played on.


I wish Amazon had knocked down the price of Splatoon 2 a bit, £50 is sooooo expensive.

Though saying that, I'll probably play it more than any other game I buy this year.

Yeah it is, i preordered from Nintendo store though for same price and it comes with a t-shirt or cap.

They don't look like gamer gear either so you can actually wear it.


I give no shits about the idols, I'll pick based on the choice.
Same. What's the point if we don't. There's basically none. You stick with a character's choice.they should straight up say the purpose is to support a girl.

It's too early to say that Pearl will never win a splatfest. Ice cream was always going to win, no matter who had it.
That's what I was talking about. It makes no sense to me. I dont see why ice cream was supposed to win.
I never heard that people liked that so much more than cakes.
Since when has that been "common knowledge" ?
Or is just because "it's summer" ? Seems like a reason far too simple.

Not that it's important but it is said with so much confidence I feel like I'm living in a different world.

I'm probably going to like the main game much more than this silly situation.
I hope the winning team for these festivals doesn't get special prizes. It would be very unfair since popularity is such a deciding factor.


I also saw lots of team cake messages, saw a few Kirby drawings next to cake too

It's not really weird at all. Let's say their are 50 surfaces where team messages can be placed. You just pull 25 out of the 500k Ice Cream posts, and 25 of the 32 Cake posts. :p

But then why not just have a vote, without any battles at all?

I mean.. how is this even a question? It may as well be a Twitter poll otherwise.


I'm not sure what you'll get this time around for being on the winning side. You used to get super sea snails to let you reroll gear bonuses but with the new changes not sure how that will pan out.

The choices are fun anyway and you get to see some weird differences. I be new the internet was a cat place but splatoon was ridiculously overwhelming with that one

How do you check the likes on your miiverse post now, anyway


I got a lot of Cake vs. Cake last night too so I'm not sure what's up with that. Also: way more disconnects than with Splatoon 1. I hope this isn't a problem with the final game.
Never played the original so I knew I would suck but man is the game fun even if your a noob. Mainly used the dualies and the roller just to get used to the gameplay but the game still has a good learning curve which I appreciate.

I got better towards the end of the splatfest but that was when I turned off motion controls with my pro controller even though I read the good pros use motion because it's closest thing to M+KB? I guess I might have to get used to motion controls then when game is out.

Either way super stoked to get this. Got eshop credits ready for digital download.

This upcoming week is gonna be awesome with Destiny 2 beta Tueaday and then Splatoon 2 Friday!
Same. What's the point if we don't. There's basically none. You stick with a character's choice.they should straight up say the purpose is to support a girl.

That's what I was talking about. It makes no sense to me. I dont see why ice cream was supposed to win.
I never heard that people liked that so much more than cakes.
Since when has that been "common knowledge" ?
Or is just because "it's summer" ? Seems like a reason far too simple.

Not that it's important but it is said with so much confidence I feel like I'm living in a different world.

I'm probably going to like the main game much more than this silly situation.
I hope the winning team for these festivals doesn't get special prizes. It would be very unfair since popularity is such a deciding factor.
More people clearly recognise Ice Creams now legally enforced superiority. Like three times as many people picked ice cream... so it shouldn't be that hard to understand why people had a general sense before the splat fest that there's be way more people on team ice cream.

Sounds like I had way more cake vs ice cream games than most people on team cream. I wonder Why? Seemed about 50:50 to me over the four hours.


Also, that 'Moray Towers' map was hard as hell to control. I hated it at first. I eventually warmed up to it a bit. But definitely not my fav that i played on.
Opposite for me. I loved it. It was the stage I like the most. Lots of paths and verticality. And I say that even if I had the ke pack which was really not useful. Would have been great if I thought of switching for the dual gun.
I mean.. how is this even a question? It may as well be a Twitter poll otherwise.

err yeah, that was my point too. My comment was in response to someone saying that the entire point of Splatfests was the popularity contest. And I was saying, well, what's the point in having the battles if all you want is a popularity contest!

I was implying that the battles should be the most important aspect. I don't think popularity should play into it at all tbh.


I'm kinda new to splatoon, I had the first one but barely played it. Love how beginner friendly this is. My 5 year old daughter's team won a lot, she focuses on just painting and that's good enough to help the team. I'm so use to shooting people constantly...This is refreshing.


I'm kinda new to splatoon, I had the first one but barely played it. Love how beginner friendly this is. My 5 year old daughter's team won a lot, she focuses on just painting and that's good enough to help the team. I'm so use to shooting people constantly...This is refreshing.

As frantic as matches can get, it's still a surprisingly relaxing and stress free experience. And yeah, Splatoon offers a nice reprieve from the various murder simulators that dominate my multiplayer gaming.


I have to say, i loved this! I wish i picked up the original. I felt for the first time in a while in a multiplayer game that even when i wasnt killing people, i was feeling useful trying to cover the map. Never felt like a detriment to my team like i have in some multiplayer games which im just average at best.

Yeah that's been the appeal of Splatoon for me as well. How good you are at shooting opponents is a bit secondary to how well you're able to ink the ground and take advantage of any openings in your opponents' positions on the map. Plus, the rounds are short and often have a lot of back and forth all the way up to the end that the final map shot is a photo finish. Even losing can be fun as long as it wasn't a complete stomping.
Opposite for me. I loved it. It was the stage I like the most. Lots of paths and verticality. And I say that even if I had the ke pack which was really not useful. Would have been great if I thought of switching for the dual gun.

As i said, i warmed up to it after a bunch of rounds. But those initial first few, the verticality really threw me off and i found the matches were quite chaotic. Once i established a sense of direction things calmed down.


As i said, i warmed up to it after a bunch of rounds. But those initial first few, the verticality really threw me off and i found the matches were quite chaotic. Once i established a sense of direction things calmed down.
I guess at first it can be overwhelming. I fell a few times before understanding the layout and how far I had to jump.


As i said, i warmed up to it after a bunch of rounds. But those initial first few, the verticality really threw me off and i found the matches were quite chaotic. Once i established a sense of direction things calmed down.

The addition of Ink Rails really helps the map be less garbage.

In the original, especially in ranked modes, it was sniper haven with no alternate routes or ways to flank.
The addition of Ink Rails really helps the map be less garbage.

In the original, especially in ranked modes, it was sniper haven with no alternate routes or ways to flank.

Totally this! Once i found out about the rails, i was able to position myself better. One of my fav moments came on Moray Towers actually. There was a sniper taking out my team, and i happened to sneak to a rail and shoot up behind him and take him out.


Also, that 'Moray Towers' map was hard as hell to control. I hated it at first. I eventually warmed up to it a bit. But definitely not my fav that i played on.

I dunno, I find Moray Towers fairly easy to dominate.

Just book it like hell to the opponents side and get up as high as you can. Like 7 out of 10 times they will have been rushing to the middle or down the towers. So you can ink their whole side and then when they die, just pick them off as they are coming out of the spawn.

After a few times of this, as your team is inking the map and you are repeatedly killing the opponents like sitting ducks, the map is yours.
I was team cake, and all my matches were cake vs. icecream. Shame we lost. Oh well.
So. Did anybody notice how Pearl and Marina Cloths (her shorts) would light up/ react to the music?


Anyone know how voice chat will work with this game yet?

I'm going to connect headphones to my iPhone and voice chat that way, but how will I be able to hear ingame sounds?
But then why not just have a vote, without any battles at all?

Ok, I don't think I worded that correctly. The driving force behind the event is the popularity, and that it should have proper weight in the outcome.

Granted, I'm not really too keen on the system they used for this Splatfest. I liked how the first game used the percentages to calculate an overall score.


Anyone know how voice chat will work with this game yet?

I'm going to connect headphones to my iPhone and voice chat that way, but how will I be able to hear ingame sounds?

I think to hear ingame sounds in your headphones while using voice chat you need a splitter (think this is what that thing is called), just like the one that comes with the official headset.

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