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Star Wars Battlefront Beta Thread: He’s holding a thermal detonator!

Update?? Why on earth would DICE roll out an update if the beta is going offline in seven hours? o_O

Didnt they say that the final hours of testing would be more extreme and players might see some weird stuff? That might be why. Testing some other stuff out behind the scenes.

"Man knows no greater pleasure than storming down the hallways of the Rebel Base as Darth Vader on the Hoth, forcing choking rebels and generally feeling like a bad-ass" -William Shakespeare.

-Michael Scott
It was very smooth on the PS4. Stable frame rate, good controls, and the servers were pretty stable for me with a few exceptions (some rubberbanding going on).

It was completely smooth on the PS4 and I rarely had lag issues. It is also very pretty. The only bug I ran into was that the sound was choppy when the map was loading. Once the match began the sound was fine.

Ive played on all.

PC and PS4 ran fine for me. Very smooth.

XboxOne version wasnt as good as the other because of the Performance issues i had. But this was mostly because of the New Dashboard which is unfinished and very buggy by itself.

Ok cool, thanks guys. I have the new dashboard on the xbox one too and I was curious if that might be the reason for the performance problems. Either way, it's not worth chancing it. I'll go ahead and pick it up on the ps4.
Wow. Just saved an orbital strike until the attack phase. The thing does 70%+ it looked like. If people just held onto those i'd make rebel victories a lot easier, maybe almost too easy.

The BETA has been a blast. Really looking forward to release.
Worst match of the beta for me so far, every time I went to grab a power up someone else would swoop in, use it and die near instantly because the other team was much better, and I feel like maybe I could have done more if I had a chance to fly something.


Also fuck the people who grab a timed power up and then never use it.
Sadly, the beta is over now. But, at least you can now read my review, so there's at least that.

Star Wars Battlefront Beta Review
This is the game I've been waiting almost a decade to play! Battlefront 2 landed on Xbox in 2005. I played that thing religiously for months. Making it BC on the X360 was a joyous occasion, until they cut the power to Xbox Live. Even after a RRoD wiped out my BF2 DLC permanently and I could no longer play online, I would still fire the game up now and then to relive the fun. But, it just wasn't the same.

This is the game I waited all of last gen for. Watching every leaked video, anticipating an announcement at every E3 only to be let down, scouring the message boards for any glint of hope that this game might be reborn.

Even though only 3 game types and 3 maps were present in this Beta, and almost no customization, I still had so many memorable moments.

One time, I reached the summit of a snowy hill on Hoth only to see Luke Skywalker running towards Darth Vader. Snowtroopers on my side were firing wildly at Luke and Rebels on the other hill were firing at Vader. They only clashed for a brief time, probably due to the amount of blaster fire they were taking in the back, but seeing them duel with laser blasts everywhere sent chills down my spine.

Another game, I was running across the snowy field and in front of me I witnessed an A-wing ricochet off of an exploding Tie Fighter, spiral out of control and explode, leaving a trail of black smoke behind it. It wasn't much, but I had to stop and marvel at how awesome that sight was.

Last night, while running towards a downed pod on Sullust, a sniper in the distance grazed me. I couldn't advance any farther without dying. But, luckily I had an orbital strike packed away. I hid just out of site, targeted the entire hill he was perched on and rained down green fire to clear the area. Watching him/her trying to jetpack out of the blast only to be consumed was so gratifying.

And that's what this game is—a series of moments in every match that stick in your memory. To have 19 other people on your team, each having their own battles whether it be on the ground or in the sky or as an iconic hero, and 20 people on the other side also helping cause these epic moments.

I sucked all weekend long. It wasn't until last night that the game finally clicked for me and I wasn't absolute gutter trash. But even while losing, I was still having fun. Destiny does a lot of things right, but vehicles is not one of them and Big Team Battle isn't even in their vocabulary. This is the game that will fill that void, while offering additional unique experiences for the FPS fan, the TPS fan, the dog-fighting fan and the Star Wars fan.

My ONLY 2 complaints with this game are the melee system, it just seems weak and unreliable, and the party system. You can't just take a party into a game once you've set one up. There is no party leader. So one person just begins the game and everyone else has to join their game. It's pretty cumbersome and not intuitive. It was just me and my brother trying to get on the same team last night and it took us about 5 minutes to figure out how to do it. This could be done better. But I can definitely see a group of 6 or 8 of us teaming up and wrecking fools when this game comes out next month.

And I cannot wait to see Endor.

Star Wars Battlefront Beta: 793/800

Now for my wishlist (since we know that 4 expansions are coming via the Season Pass).

1. Space Battles - My favorite part of the Hoth battle is actually flying above it, dog-fighting and it has really made me miss the space battles of Battlefront 2. This would be easy since everything is in the game. Just push the battles to space and have fighter ships attack larger ships for the win.

2. Clones vs. Droids - New armies. This would include planets from the prequels like Geonosis and Kamino. This is a long shot, since it would require scanning in new vehicles and character models. But, Geonosis was one of my favorites and I'd love to see it again. So at the very least, make a Prequel Planet pack.

3. Episode 7 planet pack. I have no idea what would be in this. We know this has to happen though.

4. Single Player Story Mode. Also a long shot.


Why does my personal shield always say "10" yet I can only use it when I go pick up that lighting symbol? Same with the ion shot thing for guns.
Has anyone played on all three systems? How was the performance for each?

I played around five hours on the xbox one and came away pretty disappointed with the performance. It wasn't anything major, but there was either framerate issues, lag, clunky controls or something that was throwing off a completely smooth experience. I then played on my pc last night for about 30 minutes and it felt like a completely different game. It was extremely smooth and preformed quite well. I'm now seriously considering picking it up on pc.

My main question is, how is the performance on the ps4? I'm getting one in November (thanks Taco Bell!) and I was thinking about picking up Battlefront for the ps4. If the gameplay isn't smooth I don't want it. For those who have played on pc and ps4, how is the performance on the ps4 version compared to the pc. For those who played on ps4 and xbox one, did you noticed performance issues with the xbox one compared to the ps4?

I played on both PC and PS4. Game runs really well on PC. I have a gtx 770 with a mix of high and ultra settings. No problem. On PS4, I played online co-op mission and 40 man Hoth. Both mission and Hoth were buttery smooth. The card system is well mapped to the controller. At a 12 feet TV distance, the mission looked just like PC graphics to me. On Hoth, it looked just as good. I experienced no hiccups or any noticeable slow downs, but I was also constantly dieing because I suck at playing Battlefield games with a controller. Too hard to shoot guys at a distance without a mouse.


Had a lot of fun with this beta. But the maps and modes got boring quick, like real quick. The lack of guns and weapon mods to play around with probably added to getting bored so fast... or maybe i didn't rank up high enough to unlock more guns, weapon attachments. Idk, but i just hope its not 4 weapons per class and nothing else.


The proximity mines and thermal imploders do a lot of damage if you can get close to the AT AT
The one time I tried to use a thermal imploder on an AT-AT I blew myself up :]
Last three matches of the Beta.
Imperial Victory
Overwhelming Rebel Victory
Overwhelming Imperial victory

Finished with ~27 credits. I guess I enjoyed the Beta.
I hope they fix the trait thing. Don't know why it always unequipped after every match.
Why does my personal shield always say "10" yet I can only use it when I go pick up that lighting symbol? Same with the ion shot thing for guns.
Bug. Even worse is that if you buy more the counter will reset after you pick one up in-game. Hopefully it will be fixed.


Cripes, some people. Had a chance to win again as the Alliance. There was a dude hiding in a bubble instead of unloading on the last AT AT. It was down to a sliver of health. Could have made the difference. Three off us did great damage in the air, on the first uplink bombing run, both were down to 50%. I got shot down a little afterwards.

Guy/Gal prolly saving K/D ratio. WhoTF knows?

They should change the stats shown during that mode - instead of K/D, alliance players should get xp for dmg done to the ATAT and holding/defending the stations.


Console Market Analyst
Why does my personal shield always say "10" yet I can only use it when I go pick up that lighting symbol? Same with the ion shot thing for guns.


I hate this charge system. If they want to limit the use of these power cards, just give them a longer cool down. But then, they wouldn't get mad money from everyone who will buy credits to replenish them... EDIT (was just told there won't be microtransactions, so this system is even more of a head scratcher)


I feel like the people who call this game boring really only played it for a couple hours or less. At first, I thought it was mediocre and shallow.

But instead of getting bored, it started to grow on me. By yesterday, I was straight up loving it and am now stoked for release. Playing it with friends helps a lot too of course.
I feel like the people who call this game boring really only played it for a couple hours or less. At first, I thought it was mediocre and shallow.

But instead of getting bored, it started to grow on me. By yesterday, I was straight up loving it and am now stoked for release. Playing it with friends helps a lot too of course.

DICE didn't really explain walker assault very well to be honest.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Just got booted out of Drop Zone on PS4, looks like that's it. Gonna miss this beta. :(
Just got into a game on xbone only to have my dreams crushed. Too late for me meow. Goodbye for now battlefront. * A single tear slowly leaves defeated eyes.


DICE didn't really explain walker assault very well to be honest.

Very true, and I am still puzzled as to why for this demo they went with a somewhat convoluted game mode instead of whatever the Conquest equivalent is called in this game. I guess you can't get more iconic than Hoth when it comes to a Star Wars land-based battle, so perhaps that's the reason.

But even the drop pod game mode was a blast to play for me last night. I think the shooting and particularly the difference between guns is more deep than people are giving it credit for.
If you pre order the digital Ultimate Edition on PS4 you will get $15 back because of the promo through 11/3, making it essentially $105 opposed to $120. Funny because $105 still sounds crazy for just about any game, but this is Star Wars and DICE Season Passes have been phenomenal.


I did not think I would be able to play any more matches this morning but booted it up anyway. Servers were still on so I got to enjoy the beta for another 30 minutes, with my team winning both matches. It only got better for me, and I don't play online MP games.


And now it's down on PS4. I had two minutes left and I was winning that match dammit.

Same here but as Imperials. I guess Y Wings bomb anyway? They never kept the uplink activated long enough to have the Y Wings icon go red. It was always gray.

meansparten I think you are correct. Can't kill shit with the other blasters and tried them all. I use the dlt 40 (is it?) and can actually pull off some long range kills at times. I thought they were questionable in the beginning of the beta. They're not.

Objective based play is a great gameplay mode for people like myself, who aren't skillled as other players but can absolutely contribute to the cause. Makes it more fun for me. (Although for some reason in BF4 obliteration my k/d ratio goes way up from .53 or so to just over 1.) Other than that, allow me to join or start SCRUBGaf. Anybody else? lol


Console Market Analyst
If you pre order the digital Ultimate Edition on PS4 you will get $15 back because of the promo through 11/3, making it essentially $105 opposed to $120. Funny because $105 still sounds crazy for just about any game, but this is Star Wars and DICE Season Passes have been phenomenal.

I'd recommend getting the standard version and season pass separately to save another $10. You'll only miss out on a few exclusive emotes.
Very true, and I am still puzzled as to why they went with a somewhat convoluted game mode over whatever the Conquest equivalent is called for this Demo. I guess you can't get more iconic than Hoth when it comes to a Star Wars land-based battle, so perhaps that.

But even the drop pod game mode was a blast to play for me last night. I think the shooting and particularly the difference between guns is more deep than people are giving it credit for.
I imagine it'll play out better after launch. For a lot of people, including myself, first several matches where just about taking in the authenticity without much care for win or lose.
I'd recommend getting the standard version and season pass separately to save another $10. You'll only miss out on a few exclusive emotes.
Or get BestBuy Gamer Club Unlocked and save $12-$14 bucks and get $10 back later.

I'm getting the deluxe edition and I'll be buying the season pass after Thanksgiving. In addition to the 20% ($14) I save off the bat, I also have a $5 certificate from points, and I'll get a $10 certificate from preordering SWBF. So I'll only spend $51 on the deluxe edition and only $40 on the season pass. $91 for the whole package. Not too bad.

I could also use the $10 I'm getting from Fallout 4 as well too if I wanted.


If you pre order the digital Ultimate Edition on PS4 you will get $15 back because of the promo through 11/3, making it essentially $105 opposed to $120. Funny because $105 still sounds crazy for just about any game, but this is Star Wars and DICE Season Passes have been phenomenal.

Is the Ultimate Edition only digital? Can't see it at retailers in europe


Is it over? I was hoping I might get the chance to sneak in a couple games after work. :(

It's dead Jim. Unless the servers magically came back up. Ended at noon EST.

Edit - I also only just played it today and had a blast. I should pay more attention to BETA release dates,


Shit, still on the fence on this. Just wish there was a small campaign. Still though, I'm leaning heavy on the purchase side of the fence. Season pass is also a concern. I really don't mind paying for things done right in my eyes. I was really disgusted with myself, purchased BF4 digitally and didn't go for premium version. *Yoda voice* "Part of the problem, are you."
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