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Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer

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Ha I was reminded of Bloodborne.
this looks goddamn awesome. i'm not a JJ abrams fan and was lukewarm on the concept of the new trilogy, but am officially hyped now


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
actually looking at that gif of the lightclaymore... it looks better than first impressions.. looks like a REALLY long blade and the guard.. if he actually wields it like a claymore (with great stunt work and choreography) I think those saying "it doesn't look bad ass" will change their minds.. but we'll have to wait and see.
People arguing over practical shit in a Star Wars film?

What lol
I don't think anyone's actually doing that. People are just saying the lightsaber is silly because it looks goofy, not because it's impractical lol.

"My lightsaber is three lightsabers, you're going down!"


Aren't the clones supposed to have the physical appareance of Jango Fett? Are they gonna give an explanation (or was it given in previous movies) for him being another person now or JJ Abrams doesn't give a shit about continuity and coherence?

Maybe that's not a clone but he looked like one.

El Topo

Aren't the clones supposed to have the physical appareance of Jango Fett? Are they gonna give an explanation (or was it given in previous movies) for him being another person now or JJ Abrams doesn't give a shit about continuity and coherence?

Maybe that's not a clone but he looked like one.

I'm sure at some point they started recruiting people. I mean it's been decades since the clone wars.
Aren't the clones supposed to have the physical appareance of Jango Fett? Are they gonna give an explanation (or was it given in previous movies) for him being another person now or JJ Abrams doesn't give a shit about continuity and coherence?

Maybe that's not a clone but he looked like one.

It's 35 years later. Clones of Jango are dead probably.


I love Pokken!
Aren't the clones supposed to have the physical appareance of Jango Fett? Are they gonna give an explanation (or was it given in previous movies) for him being another person now or JJ Abrams doesn't give a shit about continuity and coherence?

Maybe that's not a clone but he looked like one.

Who are you talking about?


Aren't the clones supposed to have the physical appareance of Jango Fett? Are they gonna give an explanation (or was it given in previous movies) for him being another person now or JJ Abrams doesn't give a shit about continuity and coherence?

Maybe that's not a clone but he looked like one.

I don't think the original trilogy troopers were clones


I liked the look of that Lightsaber. I thought it looked pretty badass. Perhaps Dark Side and Light Side will have different looking Lightsabers rather than just different colors? Take notes, Bioware :p

Also, how do you name your movie "The Force Awakens" and then show no use of the Force in your teaser trailer?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
to those bitching about a claymore.... have you not seen the first 6 movies!?!?!?

With a claymore in hand, clearly a lot of folks in the OT would have actually KEPT their hands attached.

That jedi/sith has clearly seen what happens to the average lightsaber wielder with the traditional designs.. just saying.

I don't think the original trilogy troopers were clones
No.. canon is that once the Empire was born, Palpatine knew he'd need a bigger military than the clones would provide, so an actual recruitment/enlistment program began.

You see the training of teens and stuff in Rebels.


"That is the most ridiculous looking lightsaber I've ever seen. Isn't the whole point of a handguard to protect your hands? Looks like a real lightsaber could just cut those things right off and then whoever cut them off could say "There, now you have a real lightsaber".

Not excited in the least and this looks like a poorly made fan film at best."

Those youtube comments lol

I think it looks fantastic! Can't wait for a full trailer.


Well hopefully the fact that trailer was fairly dull and a bit crap means the final film will be good given that the first trailer for The Phantom Menace was so good and the film turned out to be shit.

Really feeling it's gonna be as rough as JJs Star Trek movies though. Very pretty but just dull and weak.

Myself I saw a fairly weak medieval lightsabre, the kind of showy shaky shot of Millenium Falcon I dislike next to clean shots with good composition, a dumber looking droid than even Lucas ever delivered and more JJ shacks cam shots of Storm Troopers.

After the prequels I'm keeping my expectations low and cutting Abrams little slack as I consider him a competent but dull director who puts "cool shots" ahead of internal logic and consistency. The fact this trailer showcases spaceships flying anywhere but space after he figured it made sense to stick the Enterprise underwater makes me more than a little nervous.


What possible value could the new lightsaber "side blades" have other than you potentially stabbing yourself accidentally with it?



-storm trooper stuff
-xwing stuff
- sith guy


- cheesy dialogue. Sounded close to the parody trailer from mega 64 iirc
- ball robot design
- cube block design
- light saber design. Things are on the side are pointless and look kind of dumb
- the millennium falcon looked too clean/cgi


Aren't the clones supposed to have the physical appareance of Jango Fett? Are they gonna give an explanation (or was it given in previous movies) for him being another person now or JJ Abrams doesn't give a shit about continuity and coherence?

Maybe that's not a clone but he looked like one.

Stormtroopers aren't clones.

Star Wars Episode VIII spoilers:

Exactly haha

Aren't the clones supposed to have the physical appareance of Jango Fett? Are they gonna give an explanation (or was it given in previous movies) for him being another person now or JJ Abrams doesn't give a shit about continuity and coherence?

Maybe that's not a clone but he looked like one.
Presumbably they started recruiting other people after a certain point. Clone troopers and storm troopers aren't the same thing. All of the storm troopers didn't sound like freaking Jango Fett haha.


Abrams could've released anything for a teaser and people would still complain. Look at this thread, lol.

Pretty much. Star Wars is such a big and controversial franchise that I don't think there'd be a way to make an episode 7 without people complaining

Still don't like the laser hilt though
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