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Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer

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Dude, it's not just
old republic sith attire
it's fucking
Revan, man, and I don't recall any other sith wearing the same mask
I don't think it is, going by the leaked spoilers. It LOOKS like it is, but isn't. Unless the
grave robber is revan.


It's the Thanos spoiler hysteria all over again and again, it's starting to take over the conversation about a movie in production. It's like you want to be enslaved to the hype machine but don't want to talk about anything other than that which the corporate machine has allowed us to publicly see.

dude. as long as those who don't want to be spoiled are given the chance not to be, you can post links to images and freely discuss, as long as you mark it as spoilers.

There's a thread where you don't have to go through the hassle of blacking out half of your post.


this thread is about discussing this teaser and all the information officially released up until now, as well as speculation based on these informations.

a mask
that could be indicative of the origins of the main(?) villain of this movie is a spoiler. It might take the impact twist
i was born a thousand years ago!
away from people.

Whether you think it's not spoiling much or not, doesn't matter. People other than me clearly do, and it would just be nice if you refrained from posting stuff like that in THIS thread without TAGGING it.


What if the light saber has "layers" and those two protusions are just the first and there are others along the saber's length?
Definitely getting the feeling that it'll be hard to stay unspoiled on this movie for a whole year considering it sounds like there is already a whole lot out there.
That lightsaber looks retarded, moving on.
I'm sick of the uniform color of Tatooine, please leave the planet quickly and go somewhere more colorful.
The voiceover didn't sound groggy enough, but wasn't bad.
They've done a good job with the vehicles, they look properly aged.
From the several frame glimpse of the blaster rifles, I'm liking the new look of them.
That is all.


I'm confused about the current canon setup. If it's really
him, is it a rebooted character or what? How exactly does Revan fit into the pared down canon?

I think they
have the option of "canonizing" things from the EU at will though, nothing stopping them. I mean, it's a pretty big nod to Revan with that mask, I mean it's beyond a nod, it's a full blown copy



Nintendo, Disney... Rogue Squadron U


Battlefront is coming and should suffice.


formerly "chigiri"
I don't think it is, going by the leaked spoilers. It LOOKS like it is, but isn't. Unless the
grave robber is revan.

The supposed name of the character is
Darth Simi extra spaces
according from the same source as the concept art materialized from.


I think they
have the option of "canonizing" things from the EU at will though, nothing stopping them. I mean, it's a pretty big nod to Revan with that mask, I mean it's beyond a nod, it's a full blown copy

To me, it's kinda like Marvel comics and the MCU. They can pick and choose whatever they want to use if it suits their purpose. A tiny bit, some or all of
could be brought into the canon or
the mask
could just be a wink and nod for EU fans.


Well, looks like it's time for me to bail. Even with spoilers tagged, I don't want to risk impulsively looking at something.


The supposed name of the character is
Darth Simi extra spaces
according from the same source as the concept art materialized from.

Damnit, I'm reading spoilers. This from someone who closed his eyes and covered his ears in theaters, when RotS trailers were showing before the movie I was going to see.(and, yes I was a grown ass man back then). But I can't stop myself, someone help me!
Whether you think it's not spoiling much or not, doesn't matter. People other than me clearly do, and it would just be nice if you refrained from posting stuff like that in THIS thread without TAGGING it.

We get it man, whatever. Constantly posting about it helps nobody. People who don't want to be spoiled are now 'what, something was spoiled?' pages after the fact and people who don't care...still don't care.
I think they
have the option of "canonizing" things from the EU at will though, nothing stopping them. I mean, it's a pretty big nod to Revan with that mask, I mean it's beyond a nod, it's a full blown copy
How does that work then? They just decide, "We like this story/character" and then it's canon? I ask because it seems a bit confusing. If you canonize Revan, how much of the stuff surrounding him gets canonized? All of it? Or do they "canonize" it not by using the EU backstory, but rather by rebooting the character however they want? This is what confuses me about the entire setup now. I agree though, it looks like Revan for sure.


people whining about the lightsaber are silly. It's a hilt so his hand doesn't get chopped off. He's also a sith not some buffon he isn't going to twirl around and accidentally lop off his own hand

But for a lightsaber blade to stop another blade, the small defending beam would have to go all the way into the cross. That little gap between the main blade and the side blade is actually a weak point where an attacker could cut right through.
Yes yes yes yes yes good good good good.

That Sith claymore saber looks sick as booty butt cheeks. I look forward to understanding why it looks like that.

This is gonna be awesome. XD
How does that work then? They just decide, "We like this story/character" and then it's canon? I ask because it seems a bit confusing. If you canonize Revan, how much of the stuff surrounding him gets canonized? All of it? Or do they "canonize" it not by using the EU backstory, but rather by rebooting the character however they want? This is what confuses me about the entire setup now. I agree though, it looks like Revan for sure.

"Right now they're looking at using the basic descriptions of EU characters with different names," the site's unidentified source said. "Luke's wife will follow the same template as Shira Brie/Mara Jade. Red hair, Green eyes, attitude, etc. The same with the kids of the big three. Fans should not expect to see Kyle Katarn, Corran Horn or Cilghal, but characters who are very much like them."
But for a lightsaber blade to stop another blade, the small defending beam would have to go all the way into the cross. That little gap between the main blade and the side blade is actually a weak point where an attacker could cut right through.

Not to mention, it's just two small protrusions, a proper guard would go all the way around, and the bottom of it would likely have some metal or plastic to prevent the lopping off of one's hand just in case. It's a stupid design from every angle.


How does that work then? They just decide, "We like this story/character" and then it's canon? I ask because it seems a bit confusing. If you canonize Revan, how much of the stuff surrounding him gets canonized? All of it? Or do they "canonize" it not by using the EU backstory, but rather by rebooting the character however they want? This is what confuses me about the entire setup now. I agree though, it looks like Revan for sure.

Yeah, no clue how that would work, I guess they can pick and choose however they want, so probably not full back story. No clue, but that mask... omg EXCITE!

But for a lightsaber blade to stop another blade, the small defending beam would have to go all the way into the cross. That little gap between the main blade and the side blade is actually a weak point where an attacker could cut right through.

There are materials that can withstand lightsabers, the gab/cross could be out of such a material. I think it's the 4:th or 5:th time I've posted that in this thread, but yeah, no such materials have ever been presented in the movie canon, but that could be a thing they bring in from EU.


How does that work then? They just decide, "We like this story/character" and then it's canon? I ask because it seems a bit confusing. If you canonize Revan, how much of the stuff surrounding him gets canonized? All of it? Or do they "canonize" it not by using the EU backstory, but rather by rebooting the character however they want? This is what confuses me about the entire setup now. I agree though, it looks like Revan for sure.

I think going forward it's only what's put on screen in a movie or TV show or sanctioned book, comic or game. If they just say there was a
sith named Revan and here's his mask
in the movie, then that's it until otherwise stated.


How does that work then? They just decide, "We like this story/character" and then it's canon? I ask because it seems a bit confusing. If you canonize Revan, how much of the stuff surrounding him gets canonized? All of it? Or do they "canonize" it not by using the EU backstory, but rather by rebooting the character however they want? This is what confuses me about the entire setup now. I agree though, it looks like Revan for sure.

i see two possibilities

eu spoilers
They follow the decided canon for both KoTOR games, and TOR. Redemption end, going off into unknown space, and whatever happened in the first Revan Mission, then they end the upcoming Revan expansion in a way that he is able to return 3.5k years later. why he chooses then? no idea.

or the (leak spoilers and some eu)
graverobber is just that, a robber of graves in tune with the dark side. as someone said, searching for artifacts, the lightclaymore, and Revan's Mask. Revans mask depending on how you view it represents a balance in the force,as one who has walked the line of light and dark, and it will hold his essence. potential is there do to the awakening of the Darkside and the like according to the voiceover.
lightsabers, the gab/cross could be out of such a material. I think it's the 4:th or 5:th time I've posted that in this thread, but yeah, no such materials have ever been presented in the movie canon, but that could be a thing they bring in from EU.
a vibrohilt would be genius, honestly

Bold One

Great teaser.

really highlights the lack technical flair of the prequels. Although I really enjoyed 'Revenge of the Sith'

Really happy for John, hope he nails the lead role.

As for the lightsabre, I think it looks fine, adds that little bit of omph to the regular plain red evil laser sword
Light sabre - The light sabre in the SW mythology is said to be a reflection of the person who wields it. They gather the parts, the force crystal and build it themselves as part of their journey in the Force. The sabre becomes a part of who the wielder is. In that regard, the cross sabre is definitely unique and a reflection of the builder.

That was only true in the EU novels (particularly I, Jedi IIRC) - in the prequels, a Jedi who lost their lightsaber would just be thrown a spare.
The Lucasfilm Story Group has said they have no problems raiding non-canon old EU stuff and repurposing it if they think it'll work with what the writers/directors want to do in their new movies.

So if you see something that looks like it could be sourced back to the EU, it probably is. But that doesn't mean that thing is now canon. It just means they're either going to riff on it for their own purposes, or they're going to reintroduce that element as a completely new thing in the actual canon.

(basic reminder that canonicity really doesn't matter as the whole fuckin' thing is complete fiction so it's up to you to choose what fake stories that never happened are going to "count")


aka Mannny
can you guys take that spoiler tag shit into the other thread please???? a lot of us are on a blackout that obviously only involves the teaser and/or ensuing trailers.


can you guys take that spoiler tag shit into the other thread please???? a lot of us are on a blackout that obviously only involves the teaser and/or ensuing trailers.

Yeah, sorry about that. But so was I until about 20 minutes ago, now I'm in the rabbit hole... damn it.
Is this canon though? Where is this explained?

Sounds like expanded universe shit which is NOT canon. According to Lucas, there are both clones and non-clones. Direct quote from the creator of all things himself:

The idea is that over time, there were new clone strains introduced, and then they even conscripted guys to be Storm Troopers. So it’s not just purely clones: It started out as clones, but then it got diluted over the years as they found out they could shanghai guys more cheaply than they could build clones.

And when asked if that means Boba Fett would have seen his father's face on a Stormtrooper he said:
Well, there’s like a 50/50 chance. Not necessarily — he could be anybody, he could be the Mock 2 or the Mock 3, or he could just be some poor guy who got shanghaied.


There are absolutely still clones in the original universe as far as Lucas is concerned. He has always said what is in his movies is all that exists as far as he's concerned when it comes to canon. There are the movies, then there is everything else. Of course, things can change now that Disney owns it. But, they have officially scrapped everything Expanded Universe any way, so that shit still doesn't matter.


Lightsaber looks cool, but hella impractical. The point of a crossguard is to protect the wielder's hand. You obviously can't have the blades touching the hand, but the metal part provides no protection when an opponent's blade slides down, since it'll just be cut through. The improvements in this thread all fix this issue and look just as cool.

Also, it's a bit weird how they're still using X-Wings, TIE Fighters, Stormtrooper armor, etc. in the future. I did like the new speeder bike; it's very Star Wars-y and the odd shape reminds me of how they came up with bizarre shapes for ships in the original trilogy (The Millennium Falcon is a burger with a pickle next to it).


The lightsaber looks dumb as fuck and the voiceover was pretty bad, but otherwise I like the aesthetic.

Cautiously pessimistic.
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