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That's what most fighting games have been, really, and most still are. The sprites/models and animations, the combat design, it's all a massive effort for a genre that is comparatively niche. So loooong before DLC was a thing, constant arcade and retail revisions were the name of the game.

You can't look to Skyrim or something and be like "LOOK SEASON PASS GETS YOU EVERYTHING AND THE GAME IS HUGE" because Skyrim is built on the premise that it is going to sell in the tens of millions.

If Guilty Gear is going to exist, they need a hell of a lot more than sixty bucks for 5-6 years. It's the same reason high end boardgames cost a big chunk of change for some cardboard and plastic. If you're spending years designing something and doing small print runs of it for your tiny audience it either costs more than fucking monopoly or it doesn't exist.

This is completely correct. People don't realize that fighting games are a niche genre and just because Street Fighter is a well known brand doesn't guarantee they are going to be multimillion sellers.

The heart of what makes Street Fighter Street Fighter doesn't have mass market appeal any longer. People gate the idea of playing games where they are going to lose to another human being unless they put a *lot* of effort into it. Some people won't even play multiplayer games due to competitive anxiety and others rather play team FPSes where random luck can net them a few kills and be carried by their better teammates.

So you can either try and cast a wide net and capture people who like singleplayer stuff by doing what SF and FGs do worse than almost every genre, story modes and other singleplayer content, or they can double down on the strength of the genre and hope by lowering the barrier of entry (price) they can get new blood who will buy costumes or whatever to fund the game.


I need to update my CFN list of who is still active and playing. I need people to teach me the ins and outs of the game still, even though I know the basics.


Junior Member
If that were the case, I'd have probably bought the CPT bundle.

But that'd be smart and consumer friendly -- things Capcom doesn't really factor into a lot of their decisions. :)
Supposedly they tried, but there were issues with how Sony & Valve handled their storefronts.


ok this is going to my last post in this thread. You people are either acting dumb intentionally or seriously don't understand what i'm trying to say. "Don't buy it" doesn't take into account the bigger picture. obviously i'm not going to buy it if it's garbage, that's not the point.

i'm an SF fan, i always have been. i would love to see them be successful. I didn't come here to "shitpost". i came here to say i'm not happy with the way they've managed this new series release. and i know i'm not the only one that isn't happy either. the few friends i have that were really into SF before don't like the new game either. but it's ok.. since some of you can't seem to take criticism i'll just stop. hopefully some capcom employees will see this and make some changes to improve the game

Boy oh boy where were you when Alex launched and the Ibuki delay happened, hell lots of people in this thread have had well documented grievances on how colour unlock process works, and bitching about survival mode, there are plenty of criticisms but the costumes is not one of them, unlike the SFIV model you're not locked out of future content, you can opt to not buy the extra costumes and still experience those stages and costumes of people who do buy them.


My biggest gripe with the DLC (Overpriced stage aside) is the fact you still have to grind out the colours for a sodding premium costume.

IV had the decency to unlock all the colours for the costumes you purchased, I have no idea why they did not keep to that model.


My biggest gripe with the DLC (Overpriced stage aside) is the fact you still have to grind out the colours for a sodding premium costume.

IV had the decency to unlock all the colours for the costumes you purchased, I have no idea why they did not keep to that model.

Colors and how they implemented you get them is one of the most egregious faults in this game. I have other problems, but that one is one that effects everyone no matter the skill level. It's fucking wack. I really hope they use common sense and do not charge a lot of FM or dollars for the skin unlocks.
Sounds like you guys had an eventful morning the last few pages...

Anyways I really hope they revisit their balance philosophy next year and do changes 2 times a year because having the DLC characters be weaker than the rest of the cast on purpose is a good way to not get people to even want to buy season passes or waste FM on characters that aren't as viable as the ones the game came with. Obviously this doesn't apply to casual players and character loyalists as much. Waiting roughly 1 year for Alex/Guile to get tools they need to help them become viable is dumb. At least the characters released towards the end of the season don't have to wait as long to see any changes.

I think having a balance schedule of 1 after EVO and 1 after CapCup would be best.
Supposedly they tried, but there were issues with how Sony & Valve handled their storefronts.

Usually these companies look for the easiest way to do things for them that will still make them money -- I once ended up talking with someone from Sony corporate about SSF4 DLC and how PSN was disabling customers who had a single piece of DLC from buying the bundled versions... what a fun time that was.

If Valve could make Steam/PSN cross-play a thing and other companies do this all the time with associating your console accounts with your email, they should've been able to make CFN IDs handle associating both a Steam ID and a PSN ID -- from there, it's just a matter of tracking unlocks like they already do, so it should definitely be possible.

The weirdest thing about all of it is that even when they were going to run their own "store" with the zenny concept, they weren't on board with this idea from what we know, right? A unified purchase mechanism and it still isn't shared between platforms.

Hell, when they decided not to do that, they could've at least offered a Steam version of the CPT bundle so PC users wouldn't pay more to miss out on the EX2 colors and some titles... but again, Capcom.

Good thing I generally like the core gameplay of SFV and the mod community is fantastic (have you seen this Ken head replacement yet?). pfunk is amazing.

I forgot I even had it until I was blazing through story mode extra for that 50k FM and fought as Ken and thought "he looks better, did they do something?". :D


Speaking of gameplay -- Ibuki vs. Boxer story mode extra... HOW?
Nobody is happy about the bad DLC prices. The rift is between people who don't let that sour them on the core game and those that do. I can't speak for everyone but I'm tired of hearing about how ruined this game is because of some dumb cosmetic shit. If you aren't interested enough in the core gameplay to get over it, why should anyone care what you think anyway?

Nah, actions during the games upkeep and it souring or numbing someone to the game is more than fine. Its tall tales and instigating video game class warfare is where the problem lies.


Good thing I generally like the core gameplay of SFV and the mod community is fantastic (have you seen this Ken head replacement yet?). pfunk is amazing.

That Ken mod gets posted frequently, and it's always met with the same response: It's ugly and looks way worse than his normal face.
That Ken mod gets posted frequently, and it's always met with the same response: It's ugly and looks way worse than his normal face.

I disagree completely (obviously, or I wouldn't have posted it; and I've never seen it in here, I only found it the other day when I was looking through the wiki over at /r/streetfightermods, hence my mentioning it). It's not as well animated as the original face, sure, but it's not nearly as goofy and it gets rid of the banana hair if you're not really a fan.

Then again, I think pfunk's 3S Alex is also great and people had problems with that too. :p
That Ken mod gets posted frequently, and it's always met with the same response: It's ugly and looks way worse than his normal face.


All they need to do to his current face is change the lighting, shadowing, and angle of the character select and I think it will look fine. It doesn't look half bad during actual matches. Maybe do a slight adjustment to his hair as well.



All they need to do to his current face is change the lighting, shadowing, and angle of the character select and I think it will look fine. It doesn't look half bad during actual matches. Maybe do a slight adjustment to his hair as well.

Yup. Story mode proved without a doubt that his actual face model looks good, it's just the character select angle/lighting that makes him look derpy.


They should change the character select to 2d images. There is a lot of clipping and bad angles and lighting for some characters on the current select screen.
I am not too thrilled with the background either, it is like the characters are in outer space.
ok this is going to my last post in this thread. You people are either acting dumb intentionally or seriously don't understand what i'm trying to say. "Don't buy it" doesn't take into account the bigger picture. obviously i'm not going to buy it if it's garbage, that's not the point.

i'm an SF fan, i always have been. i would love to see them be successful. I didn't come here to "shitpost". i came here to say i'm not happy with the way they've managed this new series release. and i know i'm not the only one that isn't happy either. the few friends i have that were really into SF before don't like the new game either. but it's ok.. since some of you can't seem to take criticism i'll just stop. hopefully some capcom employees will see this and make some changes to improve the game

No one from Capcom is going to read your individual post on here, and make changes to 'improve the game'. If that is your intention then I think you're on the wrong forum.

Not buying it if it's garbage is the point, as if it wasn't what people wanted, or what people didn't see value in, then Capcom would not make a sufficient amount of money from the content. That goes for the base game as well, and I think to a degree people did speak with their wallet quite considerably in that regard. The game launched with lots of pending content and people didn't like that, both sales figures and the games critical reception were poor in comparison to other titles in the series.

You haven't even made it clear what you actually want though, other than stating that aspects of the game that 'should have been free' are now on sale. Did you think that things like skins should have been free? Why? Did you want a really packed roster? Did you want free stages? It's not really clear in what way you feel short changed. You talk about 'improving the game' but what changes would you like to see.

Also, what is the point in posting in a discussion and then telling everyone that this is going to be your last post? You are aware that this isn't somewhere that Capcom are likely to read, and take your feedback, right? The primary purpose of this board and this thread is to discuss the game between members... it doesn't make much sense to me to make drive by posts where you're explicitly unwilling to continue the discussion with a reply.


They should change the character select to 2d images. There is a lot of clipping and bad angles and lighting for some characters on the current select screen.
I am not too thrilled with the background either, it is like the characters are in outer space.

3D models are actually really good, because you can see what the costumes and skins look like, also the globe makes sense, it's Street Fighter, the World Warriors and everything.


3D models are actually really good, because you can see what the costumes and skins look like, also the globe makes sense, it's Street Fighter, the World Warriors and everything.

I also like the majority of the models but if you are going to have them zoomed so much in our faces you better make sure they are as polished as possible.
I hope they do something different for season 2.
React. Play on the defense and punish whiffed moves/blocked moves.

Yeah, I've been doing that... hopefully it'll make my overall defense better, but it still doesn't help that basically I may get a counterpoke cr.mp or something and then I slip up once and half my life is gone.

Necalli's AI will always walk forward into buttons, wait for him to move, press a button.

Are any of Dictator's normals better for this?

I slip up once and he pulls some EVO level combo on me and 75% of my life is gone. My unfamiliarity with SFV Dictator and the lack of a psycho crusher is really screwing me over here.
what do you mean? i haven't posted here in months..

Perhaps you should've kept it that way.

Saying we're being nickel & dimed (which we are, make no mistake, if you're referring to the CPT Bundle that is) when ignoring just where exactly that money is going and more importantly why its going there is just being obtuse to a fault. Its not just $10 for a stage - its $10 that you put towards the Capcom Cup pot, and you get a stage as a reward for doing so.

It's both a nice gesture for those who both enjoy seeing & fostering the competitive scene of the game, as well as getting a reward for doing so. I get it, you want all content for free forever, while building up arbitrary paywalls for SF which absolutely continued to sub-divide its community just cause people had to shell out for a gameplay update, and was easily the biggest complaint the fanbase had going into SFV.

ok this is going to my last post in this thread. You people are either acting dumb intentionally or seriously don't understand what i'm trying to say. "Don't buy it" doesn't take into account the bigger picture. obviously i'm not going to buy it if it's garbage, that's not the point.

i'm an SF fan, i always have been. i would love to see them be successful. I didn't come here to "shitpost". i came here to say i'm not happy with the way they've managed this new series release. and i know i'm not the only one that isn't happy either. the few friends i have that were really into SF before don't like the new game either. but it's ok.. since some of you can't seem to take criticism i'll just stop. hopefully some capcom employees will see this and make some changes to improve the game

You don't post in here for months, then come in here & immediately shitpost, and say you didn't come here to shitpost.


The thing is, nothing you're offering is in anyway constructive criticism. Saying 'things are too pricey' or 'can't believe a stage is $10', while choosing to ignore the larger picture of that one particular stage, or ignoring that tons of content & gameplay updates will be added for free to the base game (something Capcom has both repeatedly stated and has made good on to varying degrees of satisfaction in the last 6 months) is you ignoring the reality that is SFV & instead just iterating "I don't like this thing for reasons I don't quite understand".

If you have problems with the gameplay, thats fine, complain away. I'm sure thats the kind of feedback Capcom, and some of us in here, would enjoy reading about & hearing. The one thing I don't think you'll see anyone here agree on is that SFV is in anyway a perfect game - as a packaged release, it has a ton of flaws & issues. Gameplay wise, SFV is absolutely superb (both to me, and to the large majority who have spent time playing the game as well). But obviously Capcom still has a ways to go in order to rectify some of the issues they had in regards to missing SP content. On the other hand, Capcom has absolutely done a far better job at both communicating with the community (hi Haunts! Thanks for the updates & more noticeable effort) & at being a bit more transparent with regards to all aspects of SFV.

I'm sorry if the game isn't to you & your friends' liking - its a real shame. However, the DLC model for this game is far, FAR better for everyone involved (free gameplay updates). I have a ton of constructive feedback I would LOVE to drop on Haunts so that he could relay to the team (both from my perspective as a game dev who has experience in UE4, as well as someone who has worked on service-based games in the past), but I feel like i'd be preaching to the choir. Although, Haunts, I will say this - for Season 2 premium costume DLC, PLEASE tell the team to budget a little bit more towards giving each costume custom animation intros & win animations - this is going to go a long, long way in helping justify the high cost of these items. If you can, tell the team to think about creating costume specific FX for some of the costumes as well. Really take a look at how League really spares no expense when creating their custom skins for their characters - I feel SFV can totally incorporate those more luxury features into their premium skins.

See Phrostb, that last paragraph is actual constructive feedback. Not shitposting.


No one from Capcom is going to read your individual post on here, and make changes to 'improve the game'. If that is your intention then I think you're on the wrong forum.

Not buying it if it's garbage is the point, as if it wasn't what people wanted, or what people didn't see value in, then Capcom would not make a sufficient amount of money from the content. That goes for the base game as well, and I think to a degree people did speak with their wallet quite considerably in that regard. The game launched with lots of pending content and people didn't like that, both sales figures and the games critical reception were poor in comparison to other titles in the series.

You haven't even made it clear what you actually want though, other than stating that aspects of the game that 'should have been free' are now on sale. Did you think that things like skins should have been free? Why? Did you want a really packed roster? Did you want free stages? It's not really clear in what way you feel short changed. You talk about 'improving the game' but what changes would you like to see.

Also, what is the point in posting in a discussion and then telling everyone that this is going to be your last post? You are aware that this isn't somewhere that Capcom are likely to read, and take your feedback, right? The primary purpose of this board and this thread is to discuss the game between members... it doesn't make much sense to me to make drive by posts where you're explicitly unwilling to continue the discussion with a reply.

Haunts (Capcom employee) posted on reddit that he does read NeoGaf for feedback:
I did want to jump in here and let everyone know that we are listening to you guys and your feedback is really important. We actually use this subreddit as one of our main resources for gathering feedback so making threads here is a great way to make your voice heard. We also look at EventHubs and NeoGaf comments as well.


Is there a way to buy the entire CPT pack? Can't find a page for it on steam or on the store, but I saw that the whole thing was 25 dollars. Is there a discount in that price?


If FChamp's slip of the tongue earlier this year is correct, a 2nd v-system selection per character is coming next year.

I remember when FChamp repeatedly said a patch for Ultimate Marvel was coming. Good times :).

I need to update my CFN list of who is still active and playing. I need people to teach me the ins and outs of the game still, even though I know the basics.

Bizazedo, now and forever! Bison only main, though.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Boy this thread gets worse and worse and im just here playing sfv.
Is there a way to buy the entire CPT pack? Can't find a page for it on steam or on the store, but I saw that the whole thing was 25 dollars. Is there a discount in that price?
No and no for you steam users.
I remember when FChamp repeatedly said a patch for Ultimate Marvel was coming. Good times :).

Honestly, going by some of the wording from the devs at UMvC3 & how the license for Marvel fell through, I imagine that some community guys were brought in to play a patch for UMvC3 at some point, and then things fell through either due to budget, licensing disagreements, or both.

Remember, back then, issuing a patch for a game also required a fee be paid to 1st party. It could be that there were also additional costs associated with patching the game that Marvel required due to the nature of their license. It honestly sounds like UMvC3's patch never got released due to cost, in all honesty.

However, FChamp is a giant troll. So take everything I said with a grain of salt.


benevolent sexism
They should change the character select to 2d images. There is a lot of clipping and bad angles and lighting for some characters on the current select screen.
I am not too thrilled with the background either, it is like the characters are in outer space.

Normally I'd agree with you but have you seen the 2D art in this game?

I'm never gonna beat Necalli with Dhalsim on Extra.

I thought the same but then I stopped trying to learn how to play Dhalsim and just hit HP and HK at random intervals. Beat him immediately.\\
I actually hate Ken in this game, his design is garbage in every way

And yet somehow that mod makes him worse

Outside of 3rd Strike this is the best Ken has ever looked, even with banana hair. Know why? Because bananas are better than He-Man dogshit or a pony tail with straight bangs.

His outfit also animates well thanks in large part to the half-gi situation.


Normally I'd agree with you but have you seen the 2D art in this game?

I thought the same but then I stopped trying to learn how to play Dhalsim and just hit HP and HK at random intervals. Beat him immediately.

Its basically what I've been doing he's just been blocking absolutely everything.


I'm never gonna beat Necalli with Dhalsim on Extra.

Have you tried zoning him out with HP and MK?

He can't conbo you to death if he's half way across the screen.

Its basically what I've been doing he's just been blocking absolutely everything.

Just keep lamiming him out with those attacks and build up grey health, he'll eventually run into your attack or when he's close grab him and cash out on the grey health damage.


He seriously just CC'd my s.HK three times in a how with his s.HK.

Finally, still almost lost despite getting the stun. Its seriously one touch from any part of the screen and he's on you instantly.
Yeah, it really seems that way. Shame too, since I still love his design and he's pretty fun to play.
They really nailed it with some of his changes like EX power bomb, EX slash elbow (super armor!), Stun Gun becoming a special, his V-Trigger including parry and his f.HP becoming so much more useful. Unfortunately his V-Skill is too specialized in use, his CA loses a lot of impact from scaling, his overhead game is far weaker and his stomps have been severely nerfed. He needs a bit more forward momentum in the overhead department and more unique properties for his EX stomps/stun guns.
Modders already beat Capcom to a Blanka Laura mod
I know I shouldn't click this, but I will eventually and I'll regret doing it.
Man, charging FM or real money for colors as a solution to the hideous Survival grind is obstinate as fuck.

It definitely makes it hard for me to appreciate the core game when everything surrounding it has been such a shit show. And i *do* like the core gameplay. I just can't help feeling like a rube. Capcom is so cynical and opportunistic with their fanbase.
They should at least not charge for colors 1-10 on costumes people need to buy. Capcom has no compassion.
Yeah gamers are very fickle and entitled unfortunately. It's actually the worst part of being in this community for me because some of them tend to be impatient manbois that ruin the atmosphere with their own selfish agenda.
I learned a lot from MvC3 and SG's development. Developers have it hard and as I fan I try to be more lenient, but Capcom has definitely made it hard to sympathize with them on some issues regarding SFV. Still, I try to be patient because it feels like their fighting game vision really could be on it's last legs with SFV.

Karin>Ibuki>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else
Any news on the 3s costumes?
C'mon Capcom, give me 3S Alex costume, pls!
This is what I'm waiting for. Ibuki's default is okay, but both her and Alex need their classics pretty bad.
I feel Oro is a lock. Sagat, C.Viper and Sakura too. If we're going for eight characters (6 returning, two new) then my list is:

New Character
Too predictable. I hope they throw us some curve balls for like Cody and Ingrid for season 2. Ingrid in particular could totally be season 2's Karin in terms of popularity and she'll give us another design that isn't major tits and ass.

I really just wanna get good with her and troll people by winning online. Karin and Mika already do this, but not well enough.
Although revealing all the S1 characters at once was exciting, I hope they do it one by one from now on. Keep the curiosity hanging.
No thanks

I don't need that teasing and I need a good reason to actually buy one of their season passes. Sagat and Akuma aren't going to do it for me, but if I might jump in if I knew ahead of time that Ingrid, Makoto, Q or Cody are in.
I'd rather they work on tuning the characters already in game while working on the S2 characters for next year.

I'd also rather take 3 months of getting new modes and QoL fixes waaaaay before we get even more characters, though I wouldn't be opposed to a character stealth releasing after Capcom Cup.
My man
In those 3 months I hope we get Daily Challenges,Arcade Mode,RQ fix and a Revamped Survival mode.

If these are done , hopefully by the time Season 2 DLC comes out the negativity surrounding the game should be gone. But hey I think Capcom will just spam us with more costumes during those 3 months.
15+ Chun alts incoming by October?
I'd be very happy with this.

Enjoy SFV while you can folks, this is the lowest point in time we'll have to deal with the Shoto Army before they start rolling out a bunch more.
Can't get much worse than it is already. Ryu and Ken make up like 60% of the online playerbase even on the most diverse days.
I am willing to bet we wont get Decapre as S2 character.

Remember Capcom does not want repeated movesets or similar designs. They even went as far as to not put ridiculously popular characters like Akuma and Sagat because of that.

Being in story mode doesnt mean much , we even have freaking Peter in there lmao.
S2 will have a good balance just like Capcom mentioned. Fan Favorites, Unique styles not yet represented ( Rekka character pretty much confirmed ) and some Birdie-type odd balls ( Sodom?Oro? ).
I hope you are right. Following the story specifically would make release choices too predictable.
I really do hope they add extra game mechanics. Capcom was really hesitant to add new mechanics in SF4. Besides Vanilla characters getting an extra Ultra we didn't really see new game mechanics until the 5th and final version of SF4.

What I'd really like to see is a new V Trigger for every character. A 2nd super for every character would be nice as well but different V Triggers can really change the way match ups are played so that's what I'm hoping for.
I'd rather see them fixing current lackluster V-Skills (here's looking at you Alex) and V-Triggers. Besides, animating new V-Skills and V-Triggers just takes time away from new characters.
3rd Strike nailed it. The supers look awesome but they don't take forever.
Supers were better before camera pan and zoom became a thing.
You don't need costume DLC to enjoy a fighting game -_-
You do if you play SFV Alex. Ibuki's school default is okay.
Here's a high quality image of Akiman's Chun-Li costumes.


This whole time I thought the three costumes in the back were just prototypes not to be released yet. Apparently Chun is getting four costumes?

Sounds like you guys had an eventful morning the last few pages...

Anyways I really hope they revisit their balance philosophy next year and do changes 2 times a year because having the DLC characters be weaker than the rest of the cast on purpose is a good way to not get people to even want to buy season passes or waste FM on characters that aren't as viable as the ones the game came with. Obviously this doesn't apply to casual players and character loyalists as much. Waiting roughly 1 year for Alex/Guile to get tools they need to help them become viable is dumb. At least the characters released towards the end of the season don't have to wait as long to see any changes.

I think having a balance schedule of 1 after EVO and 1 after CapCup would be best.
I feel the same way. Season 1 has been safe balance-wise and thus sort of disappointing. I'm hesitant to spend money on season 2 characters from the get-go if they're going to go with a design philosophy similar to season 1 again.


Are any of Dictator's normals better for this?

I slip up once and he pulls some EVO level combo on me and 75% of my life is gone. My unfamiliarity with SFV Dictator and the lack of a psycho crusher is really screwing me over here.

I used MP xx L.Scissors all the time. Kept doing this until I got the CA and ended up hitting him and killing.

And I am not a Bison player. Though it's useful to know where Necalli's frame traps are.

I'm never gonna beat Necalli with Dhalsim on Extra.

Keep away. He will jump use an anti air. If he's too close try to teleport and hit him

This whole time I thought the three costumes in the back were just prototypes not to be released yet. Apparently Chun is getting four costumes?


When the creator of said character is spitting out the equivalent of hot fire in art form, you just make a 3D mesh of said work & put it up for sale. People love their Chun alts.
So, uhh.. I'm not gonna be playing SF5 for quite a while because I just got a PS3 and like 20 games, with 8-9 more to get so I think I'm literally set for like a year in terms of new games. Might pop back in for Juri but other than that, I've got too much on my plate!
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