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I've got too much on my plate!



This is an infuriating experience. Battles in a row (not counting the garbage generic characters) that I'm super unfamiliar with and I find to be pretty slow vs fast characters.

Dhalsim vs Bison
FANG vs Rashid
Bison vs Chun

These are so unfun.

The AI constantly backdashing throws is pretty rage inducing too.
Well he's in vtrigger so if he lands one vskill he's no longer halfway across the screen.

I feel your pain. That fight is definitely easier if you manage to interrupt the v-skill with st.mk I think. The key to that one is zoning him out for sure. The Bison vs. Necalli where you don't even start with full health later on is a real pain in the ass. (See above for my posts about it.)

Saying we're being nickel & dimed (which we are, make no mistake, if you're referring to the CPT Bundle that is) when ignoring just where exactly that money is going and more importantly why its going there is just being obtuse to a fault. Its not just $10 for a stage - its $10 that you put towards the Capcom Cup pot, and you get a stage as a reward for doing so.

That's not confirmed yet -- we're still waiting for the haunts FAQ clarification on the subject. All that we know for sure is that part of the CPT bundle pack on PSN goes to the CPT pot. It's not been confirmed what percentage (and certainly there are doubts about 100%) and as far as I know, nobody has answered the question I asked as to whether buying pieces of that content are treated the same in terms of revenue for the CPT pot.

Is there a way to buy the entire CPT pack? Can't find a page for it on steam or on the store, but I saw that the whole thing was 25 dollars. Is there a discount in that price?

Welcome to being a second class citizen.
As a PC user, not only do you have to buy any of the CPT content you want separately (which would run you $21.97 at the moment, since you can't pre-order the mystery costume), but you also have no way to get the EX2 colors or titles included in said bundle on PC legitimately.

This is an infuriating experience. Battles in a row (not counting the garbage generic characters) that I'm super unfamiliar with and I find to be pretty slow vs fast characters.

Dhalsim vs Bison
FANG vs Rashid
Bison vs Chun

These are so unfun.

The AI constantly backdashing throws is pretty rage inducing too.

Never try to throw the AI on "extra" or hard/extreme. 99% of the time they will tech and react faster than you can so you will most likely eat a punish.
The catch is finding something the AI for a character has trouble with and exploiting it. However, some matchups are much harder to do this with.


No and no for you steam users.

Welcome to being a second class citizen.
As a PC user, not only do you have to buy any of the CPT content you want separately (which would run you $21.97 at the moment, since you can't pre-order the mystery costume), but you also have no way to get the EX2 colors or titles included in said bundle on PC legitimately.

Oof. Okay. Thanks for the answers!


rofl what

I'm on Vega vs Guile and I tried to do the Flying Barcelona Attack going over Guile. He jumped backwards and bodyblocked me from hitting the wall... we both just landed back in the corner.


This is what I'm waiting for. Ibuki's default is okay, but both her and Alex need their classics pretty bad.

I just want that coat for Alex.

Too predictable. I hope they throw us some curve balls for like Cody and Ingrid for season 2. Ingrid in particular could totally be season 2's Karin in terms of popularity and she'll give us another design that isn't major tits and ass.

I still think that Oro, Viper will be among the season 2 characters. Probably Sodom as well seeing as he almost made it to the initial roster. Plus, I really wanna see him again.

I feel the same way. Season 1 has been safe balance-wise and thus sort of disappointing. I'm hesitant to spend money on season 2 characters from the get-go if they're going to go with a design philosophy similar to season 1 again.

Eh, I think they'll alter their balance philosophy a bit by the next year.


S1 (including the base game) isn't really that balanced. It's a good first attempt, but without the experience of actually having the game in the wild, it's just too hard to get it right on the first pass.


I accidentally placed two aegis reflectors in the right spacing to watch Nash jump in to one and then bounce between the two until they both broke.

I meant to do it.


I just hit silver, finally. I don't play a ton of ranked, so I wasn't sure if I could pull it off. The jump from Super Bronze to Silver happened really quickly, actually.

But now in casuals and ranked, the challenge is way more real. I gotta step up my Laura ASAP to keep up with the higher Silver ranks I'm running into now. Any advice for what to focus on with her?

when you hit them with a heavy attack and cancel into V-Trigger, make it count.

Also this:

With Laura her she's mostly focused on momentum rather than a lot of mixups. Her go to mixup after a knockdown or when an lp Elbow connects is to use crouching medium punch (beats all non-invincible buttons), regular throw, a meaty lp elbow or command grab.
Crouching mp on hit leads to another elbow and more pressure. You will also catch jumps and backdashes. Best corner carry too. Probably the safest option.

Regular throw will beat armored moves and catch the slower buttons. A knockdown and pressure.

Meaty elbow is higher stun and on hit you can combo into standing lightkick and a light or ex elbow. Should also beat 3f armor moves like Mika's ex peach. Backdashes and jumps will escape. You have enough time to pursue them with a dash, standing mp anti air or hard punch elbow on whiff.

Command grab is a knockdown and lots of stun. Leaves you very vulnerable if they backdash or jump.

And of course you can block or backsash on wakeup if you think they're going to dp or use an armored reversal.

On a hard knockdown you can try some mixups with a charged or ex fireball and some side switch stuff with the overhead.

If an ex fireball hits you can do a lot of dash mixups but they're very vulnerable to buttons and shoryukens.

In certain matchups I mostlynhand back and when I get a hit I go for corner carry. I usually use crouching mp > ex fireball > lp elbow tomget max corner carry with a bit of frame advantage.

Oh yeah, I forgot about another one. Forward heavy punch. The first hit connecting lets you combo into standing light kick > lp or ex elbow. On counter hit you can combow crouching medium punch. It leaves you -1 on block if meaty and -2 if not. Crushes armor if timed right. Can also throw/command throw after on hit since you're +4/5. Sets up big frame traps with standing heavy punch(beats all 4 frame and higher buttons) on hit. Easy hit confirm for a v-trigger combos too.

After a v-trigger ex fireball hits you can dash > standing mp > overhead and you can combo after it with standing jab > lp elbow. I think it's the only way to make the overhead safe on block as well


Are other bronze level players spending FM on all the new characters? Like I can barely play guile... Feel like it'd be a waste of FM to buy Ibuki.

How much do you get for easy/normal survival?

I thought about just saving it up for stages, but I see most of them in online matches anyway.


Are other bronze level players spending FM on all the new characters? Like I can barely play guile... Feel like it'd be a waste of FM to buy Ibuki.

How much do you get for easy/normal survival?

I thought about just saving it up for stages, but I see most of them in online matches anyway.
Just buy the pass when it inevitably goes on sale and spend FM on stages/costumes.
Been playing story mode Urien a lot lately. He's so good. Nash-esque giant pokes, far-reaching cancelable normals, aimable 2-hit meterless fireballs, meterless armored specials. Aegis traps.

Can't wait to play this guy for real. He's really fun. No crossup kinda sucks.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";210994653]Been playing story mode Urien a lot lately. He's so good. Nash-esque giant pokes, far-reaching cancelable normals, aimable 2-hit meterless fireballs, meterless armored specials. Aegis traps.

Can't wait to play this guy for real. He's really fun. No crossup kinda sucks.[/QUOTE]

So...he's likely gonna be a beast?


I saw people complaining about fighting Santamu on Extra, idk if was the Guile fight they were talking to but if they were, I got lucky, beat it first try.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";210994653]Been playing story mode Urien a lot lately. He's so good. Nash-esque giant pokes, far-reaching cancelable normals, aimable 2-hit meterless fireballs, meterless armored specials. Aegis traps.

Can't wait to play this guy for real. He's really fun. No crossup kinda sucks.[/QUOTE]

Hold on , which ones meterless armor move? Are you talking about after using V Skill?

And yea noway they would give him a cross up , Can you imagine blocking that with Aegis out. lol.


It dawned on me that if SF4 had SF5's business model I would have spent $60 on that game instead of the $130 I spent upgrading SF4 to USF4. To be fair, I would probably would have spent $72 total if the DLC costumes were handled and priced the same way as SF5 (I bought three for Dudley) but I'm still saving $58.
It dawned on me that if SF4 had SF5's business model I would have spent $60 on that game instead of the $130 I spent upgrading SF4 to USF4. To be fair, I would probably would have spent $72 total if the DLC costumes were handled and priced the same way as SF5 (I bought three for Dudley) but I'm still saving $58.

Yeah I bought vanilla on 360, vanilla on pc, super on 360, AE on pc and upgraded to ultra on pc.
That's 215 euros (I also bought some costumes but don't remember how much).

For SF5 if I didn't buy the season pass, I still would've gotten all the characters for free because I've earned like 700/800k FM so far, and even if I didn't I wouldn't be seperated from the userbase because of no paid balance updates.

I'm also in a bit more fortunate position because I've only spent ~38€ on SF5 so far.


I know we complain about Ken not looking too great, but we have it lucky:

...Is that supposed to be Blue Beetle?

It dawned on me that if SF4 had SF5's business model I would have spent $60 on that game instead of the $130 I spent upgrading SF4 to USF4. To be fair, I would probably would have spent $72 total if the DLC costumes were handled and priced the same way as SF5 (I bought three for Dudley) but I'm still saving $58.

Yeah, it's one of the reasons why I had dropped SF4.


I just hit silver, finally. I don't play a ton of ranked, so I wasn't sure if I could pull it off. The jump from Super Bronze to Silver happened really quickly, actually.

But now in casuals and ranked, the challenge is way more real. I gotta step up my Laura ASAP to keep up with the higher Silver ranks I'm running into now. Any advice for what to focus on with her?

Once you hit Super/Ultra Silver shit gets real. I just got to Gold on my PC account, I feel like there's no where for me to go from here. The challenge is too real and I need to work out my clutch muscle.
So...he's likely gonna be a beast?

I saw people complaining about fighting Santamu on Extra, idk if was the Guile fight they were talking to but if they were, I got lucky, beat it first try.

Yeah, I didn't find that fight too bad... it's one of those "you have a projectile, spam it" fights.

I just finished story extra and got my 50k. Good luck in the rest of your journey through it and let me know if you need a hand.

Yep. Just announced for Injustice 2.

Oh, btw, he's meant to be a teenager in the game :p

Hahaha, and here I thought it was someone from KI.

NRS lost all good will with me after the way they handled MKX on PC. I didn't really like Injustice much, so Injustice 2 isn't even on my radar at this point.

Staring to regret not buying the CPT bundle now instead of just the costumes.. I want that stage dammit.

You still can! Drop the $10 or, y'know, just buy the bundle to give another % of $25 to the CPT. ;)


Didn't L.I. Joe say that Urien was weak and he wouldn't be switching? Seems contrary to your analysis.

He still isn't finished though so I think LI Joe was saying that at the moment he was just okay. I think it's hard to really know until the character is finished and been out for at least a month. People say characters suck all the time and then someone proves the opposite soon after.
I'd rather wait for a potential sale. Wish they'd let us buy it with FM like every other stage in the shop.

but it's not like every other stage in the shop, since it's to support CPT (and maybe even some s2 stuff if we go by haunts' post).
Buyable with FM doesn't support anything.


He still isn't finished though so I think LI Joe was saying that at the moment he was just okay. I think it's hard to really know until the character is finished and been out for at least a month. People say characters suck all the time and then someone proves the opposite soon after.

LI Joe made a point of saying that his absolute favourite character in SF4 wasn't Sagat, Balrog, or anybody anyone guessed, but was in fact Rolento.

But he never used him bc his play did not suit his style. He then said that if Urien didn't fit right for him on release he would stick with Nash.


LI Joe made a point of saying that his absolute favourite character in SF4 wasn't Sagat, Balrog, or anybody anyone guessed, but was in fact Rolento.

But he never used him bc his play did not suit his style. He then said that if Urien didn't fit right for him on release he would stick with Nash.

Yeah I think he just didn't like how Rolento played in SF IV. It's hard to drop a character you're very comfortable with. I feel super comfy with R. Mika at the moment but I really would like to switch to Juri because I think she's also a cool character. Though if I feel that I can't fully unleash my potential with her I'll just stick with Mika.
He still isn't finished though so I think LI Joe was saying that at the moment he was just okay. I think it's hard to really know until the character is finished and been out for at least a month. People say characters suck all the time and then someone proves the opposite soon after.

That's true, but in the same way, you have God's Beard doing the opposite of the L.I. Joe. :)

I'd rather wait for a potential sale. Wish they'd let us buy it with FM like every other stage in the shop.

Me too. But I wouldn't hold my breath for either of those things. :)

First, it's a CPT stage, so since they're supposedly doing it to raise the money (at least partially or in some capacity) for the CPT pot, so FM wouldn't help them do that, especially since there's no way to exchange real money for FM.

Beyond that, given the way that Capcom has chosen to implement their DLC transaction system (for lack of a better term... meaning that there's no way to purchase the content through Steam or PSN directly [outside of the CPT bundle]), this means they have an absolute stranglehold on pricing and promotions and unless they've indicated intentions to do otherwise, I do not see them ever offering in-game shop discounts on anything, let alone paid content. They could have a bundle for the original 16 premium battle costumes already, but they're not even doing that -- it's just "give us $4/$6" per costume and we're happy with the sales.


LI Joe made a point of saying that his absolute favourite character in SF4 wasn't Sagat, Balrog, or anybody anyone guessed, but was in fact Rolento.

But he never used him bc his play did not suit his style. He then said that if Urien didn't fit right for him on release he would stick with Nash.

Yea Rolento just didnt seem right in SFIV , he is supposed to be highly mobile character with long pokes like Nash. But even though they tried doing this to him in SFIV he still doesnt feel as fluid as how Nash does in SFV.

I think if Rolento comes to SFV he would feel closer to his Alpha incarnate.
Haunts (Capcom employee) posted on reddit that he does read NeoGaf for feedback:

I said no one is going to read his, as in, him as an individual, and improve the game, as in, make changes to the game based on his individual feedback. You you only took half of what I said.

Maybe if as the result of his discussion, it seemed like the collective opinion was in agreement with him or it developed into an insightful perspective on the game, but as he's just performing drive by posts on here in order to send messages to Capcom, it's unlikely that kind of level of discussion is liable to develop.
ibuki is kinda annoying as guile. if i don't lame it out she will stuff my shit close up and show me her teeth. feels like i'm constantly moving backwards.

Beyond that, given the way that Capcom has chosen to implement their DLC transaction system (for lack of a better term... meaning that there's no way to purchase the content through Steam or PSN directly [outside of the CPT bundle]), this means they have an absolute stranglehold on pricing and promotions and unless they've indicated intentions to do otherwise, I do not see them ever offering in-game shop discounts on anything, let alone paid content. They could have a bundle for the original 16 premium battle costumes already, but they're not even doing that -- it's just "give us $4/$6" per costume and we're happy with the sales.

that's a good point. too bad this stuff is so expensive. i checked the eu store and people gave the cpt pack 5 stars :eek: what will dissappear after the sales period. just the colors or the stage as well? or was it just the whole pack bonus?
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