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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Blade Dance 03

Est just pulled ahead of Claire by a wide margin, while Claire looks to be taking a fall. I'm not sure if it'll last for more than one episode, but when you have a white-haired girl who wants to call you her brother, that's a pretty strong contender for fan favorite girl. I'm never sure where to find popularity polls for these things, maybe Est is everyone's favorite. Either way, it remains solid. Not the best show this season, and definitely not the worst.


Just got these in.



Senran Kagura has reverse box art that is NSFW

Also Cajun the special episodes are indeed missing in the Senran Kagura set. I contacted RS to see if they can get a statement from Funimation.


I drop anime on regular basis, since I watch a lot of shows every seasons. There are always bad eggs.

GTO - Lesson 01

Jesus Christ, this show opens with a panty shot.
But I am enjoying the show so far. It's generally funny and sensei got a lot of guts outside the school, even if I am not a fan of perverts. Him torturing the the delinquents into good students was fun... which sound kind of wrong written down. Also the solution to Nanako's plot with him literally tearing down walls.

So, is this now a show where he travels through all of Japan and fixes every single school?

I seem to be slipping. Top 15? Pathetic.

Also I can't take certain peoples impressions of shows seriously when they say they leave the room while the show is playing.
Who does that? One can pause the show. This is disrespectful to the spirit of anime.
I think of AnimeGAF the same way I think of Rotten Tomatoes.... A collection of people who don't like anything.
cajun-sama loves lots and lots of things.
And well, a lot of people love cajun-sama.
Wow. Your going for complete domination here huh?
No, just for the sweetest sweeties.
hmmm, you seen Kokoro Connect?
Nice suggestion. Don't forget to include the OVA's tho.


As it seems there isn't much interest for it at the thread dedicated to 'J-Drama' on this forum, I'll continue pimping the Blue Flame live-action adaptation series here... because, for real, there are many Japanese animation elements people from here will truly appreciate. Just looking at the OP one is sure of that:

「アオイホノオ」 OP - YouTube

I mean, look at it; a 're-mastered' Hideaki Anno flip-book, all those homages to 'Kanada-style' cuts from Mr. Imaishi & Aninari with those poses, the research work in general and in particular that characterization with the added smugness from the graphic novel still intact... sublime overall!


Blade Dance 03

Est just pulled ahead of Claire by a wide margin, while Claire looks to be taking a fall. I'm not sure if it'll last for more than one episode, but when you have a white-haired girl who wants to call you her brother, that's a pretty strong contender for fan favorite girl. I'm never sure where to find popularity polls for these things, maybe Est is everyone's favorite. Either way, it remains solid. Not the best show this season, and definitely not the worst.

According to the light novel afterwords, Est is almost always the most popular in light novel questionnaires.
I drop anime on regular basis, since I watch a lot of shows every seasons. There are always bad eggs.

GTO - Lesson 01

Jesus Christ, this show opens with a panty shot.
But I am enjoying the show so far. It's generally funny and sensei got a lot of guts outside the school, even if I am not a fan of perverts. Him torturing the the delinquents into good students was fun... which sound kind of wrong written down. Also the solution to Nanako's plot with him literally tearing down walls.

Sensei is a pervert but the show isn't about that. It has so much heart that the scenes of him being perverted are forgiven because onizuka is that great of a character. It's a shame that the closest story to gto is that manga about the Otaku teacher who is a Gary su genius badass who everybody wants to bone. GTO is more about an idiot with a golden heart. Plus his face reactions are amazing.


WataMote is basically a good OP and a single funny moment in the entire show. The rest of it is just seething anger at how Tomoko continually fails and never improves over the course of the entire show.

Nah it was a fun show. tomoko is adorable and I saw a lot of how I used to be in her. I wants to hug her!

Just got these in.

Senran Kagura has reverse box art that is NSFW

Also Cajun the special episodes are indeed missing in the Senran Kagura set. I contacted RS to see if they can get a statement from Funimation.

Thanks for checking for me.
Disappointing but expected. Still might get it later.
I was looking up Blood+ to see if it had been released on Blu-ray. Has the Japanese home video market pretty much stopped releasing upscales of SD content?

Paging ultimatemegax!

Being a Aniplex Inc., production means such release you mention could involve a long, costly and elaborate process...

Considering we're about to get the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist on BD from Aniplex, it's safe to say upscales are still around. I doubt Blood+ will get a box, but you never quite know. Given the glut of productions from 2002-2009-ish, there's a good chance we'll still be seeing upscales for a while.

At least be thankful it's not Toei, who is taking shows shot on film and upscaling video masters instead (likely why people are yelling at Viz for Sailor Moon video stuff).

On a separate note, the KyoAni Shop has announced its store bonus for purchasing the Tamako Love Story movie is a special booklet containing corrections from the animation directors and comments from the main staff in the form of love letters. It's a love letter collection from the staff.


As there isn't seem to be much interest at the thread dedicated to 'J-Drama' on this forum, I'll continue pimping the Blue Flame live-action adaptation series here... because, for real, there are many Japanese animation elements people from here will truly appreciate. Just looking at the OP one is sure of that:

「アオイホノオ」 OP - YouTube

I mean, look at it; a 're-mastered' Hideaki Anno flip-book, all those homages to 'Kanada-style' cuts from Mr. Imaishi & Aninari with those poses, the research work in general and in particular that characterization with the added smugness from the graphic novel still intact... sublime!
Was having trouble looking for info on this cause apparently the internet decided to call it Aoihonoo. Nice OP and the premise is something I like, but sadly no translations around for either the manga or the drama so far.


Sensei is a pervert but the show isn't about that. It has so much heart that the scenes of him being perverted are forgiven because onizuka is that great of a character. It's a shame that the closest story to gto is that manga about the Otaku teacher who is a Gary su genius badass who everybody wants to bone. GTO is more about an idiot with a golden heart. Plus his face reactions are amazing.
Ah, wonderful, that's good to hear. If the perv is just a secondary characters trait and not a plot enabler, I am think I will really like the show. His way of handling things is definitely great.

PK Gaming

Closing thoughts on Aku no Hana:

At its core, it was a show about a bunch of awkward teens going through a phase (of shiteaters/perverted nonsense). I loved that. After all, being a teen is hard since nobody understands you. But at the same time, I felt that Aku no Hana took things a bit too far in regards to "nobody understanding you" It was difficult to emphasize with the protagonist at a certain point in the narrative. I get the feeling of being indecisive and hopeless, but he had to make a choice between "choosing to be happy" or "throwing away his hope." The protagonist rejects the girl of his dreams, his friends, and his family. And for what? Nakamura?

"Saeki will find someone else, but Nakamura will always be alone! I have to be with her"

Let me make one thing clear here: Nakamura was the devil. I was hoping the last episode would shed light on her nature and give us a reason for her madness, but we didn't get much of anything. All we get is a journal entry with some light info: "She was sicko, alone in the world. Rotting away until she found a fellow sicko." I can't think of a character in recent memory that disgusted me as much as Nakamura. She spends most of the story raving on about Kasuga is a sicko that needs to take his mask off, but let's look at the facts:

She forced her toxic values on him.
She blackmailed him.
She pushed him into a corner.
She constantly abused him until her initial claim became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Of course he'd be a "sicko" after she did those things, she set it up that way. It was disappointing to see Kasuga lose completely himself to despair when he had so many other people trying to reach out to him. (And keep in mind, he's just goddamn teenager). Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate their relationship. Episodes 7 and 8 collectively are probably my favorite 2 anime episodes in recent memory, and Kasuga confessing that he's actually a pretentious loser in episode 11 was probably my favorite scene in the entire series. It was just legitimately just hard to watch the anime at times.

TL;DR: Aku no Hana was enjoyable and frustrating to watch at the same time. The atmosphere, OST and art direction were amazing. Really powerful stuff.

Going to read through the manga soon.
Ah, wonderful, that's good to hear. If the perv is just a secondary characters trait and not a plot enabler, I am think I will really like the show. His way of handling things is definitely great.
The whole show is about his way of dealing with troubled students and once in a while he will say a perverted comment or have a perverted thought. But the topics it covers such as bullying and abuse are pretty serious.

I'm pretty anti lewd brigade and this is in my top 10 anime/manga of all time. Plus second OP is my fucking jam.


Was having trouble looking for info on this cause apparently the internet decided to call it Aoihonoo. Nice OP and the premise is something I like, but sadly no translations around for either the manga or the drama so far.
The clues are there on my post links... ;-)


Lol I can't wait until Captain Earth has a more satisfying ending than Star Driver. The salt will be great.

edit: Bookmark this post in case I have to eat crow later.


Slow catch-up is slow.

Nozaki-kun 4

This was the weakest episode for me so far. The gags felt very stretched out - either that or I just saw them coming too easily. The difficulty with having one-joke characters in a comedy is that they always react as you expect them to, so the shorter jokes (like Mashima taking Mikorin's place at the mixer) aren't funny because the punchline is so obvious. The longer jokes were fine but the dating game half of the episode in particular was very predictable.

I don't want this to come across as hyperbolic hatred - it's still a pleasant enough show by all means. I just don't find it especially funny, is all.

Tokyo Ghoul 1

This is a bit ridiculous. The tone is all wrong - it's like whoever's doing the actual animation and colouring is at odds with the editor and the sound direction. It LOOKS like a dark action show, and a frequently "beautiful" one at that, but the pacing is off and the lead actor is going so totally over the top that the tone is lost entirely. Plus whoever thought it would be a good idea to have Rise's breasts "boing" in the otherwise beautiful undersea hallucination sequence should be shot.

My understanding from this thread is that it remains ridiculous. I hope I think better of it.

Space Dandy Yuasa ep

I haven't watched much of Space Dandy as I didn't really like the first couple of episodes (I did like the zombie episode, though) - I only watched this one because of Yuasa. I should probably rectify that, as this seemed a world away from the irritations of those first episodes in tone.

This felt and looked a little like a lost episode of Kaiba, probably my favourite Yuasa work, from the scenes at the "Asian" market and then on the fish planet. That sort of vibrant visual world building is definitely something I associate with the best parts of Yuasa's work - and that's even leaving aside the obvious Ohira cut in the animation which was a lovely bonus but not what I enjoyed the most about the episode. Surprisingly, it also lacked the juvenile sense of humour that often characterises Yuasa and which has been one of the things that I have liked least about the bits of Space Dandy I've watched.

There wasn't really anything I disliked about this episode save the relative lack of QT, but otherwise it was a nice little one-shot episode with some great animation and an entertaining story. I still find it a little surprising that BONES, of all studios - a studio that to my mind is almost renowned for its consistent style and lack of obvious auteurism despite the quality of their work - should be animating a show that's as much of a free for all in terms of narrative and aesthetic as this. I'd have been less surprised if MAPPA had done Space Dandy and Watanabe had taken Terror in Resonance to BONES.
Who does that? One can pause the show. This is disrespectful to the spirit of anime.
No, just for the sweetest sweeties.

Some people on the first pages of this thread said they were doing that with certain shows. In particular Glasslip.

I never watch bet you, I just watched Clannad of my own volition. :p

I don't think I've ever actually done a watch bet.

My memory must be really slipping. First it was Blast of Tempest quotes and now this. Sigh.

More people should be like you and watch Clannad of their own volition. :,)


Man, going in between the manga and the anime, Tokyo Ghoul's adaption has been shit.

Anime dropped and sticking with the manga.


Blade Dance 03

Est just pulled ahead of Claire by a wide margin, while Claire looks to be taking a fall. I'm not sure if it'll last for more than one episode, but when you have a white-haired girl who wants to call you her brother, that's a pretty strong contender for fan favorite girl. I'm never sure where to find popularity polls for these things, maybe Est is everyone's favorite. Either way, it remains solid. Not the best show this season, and definitely not the worst.

And I thought before this episode it was very much like dragonrar, but with wizards instead of dragon riders. Definitely not a fan of Est, not that I liked Claire either.
Sabagebu 1

This seems to be a funnier Stella Women's Academy C3. It even seems to follow the same plot line and story structure. I like the support characters way more in C3 but Momoka is way better than the C3 MC. Both MC's even have the same "imaginary power". I really liked C3 so naturally I would adore this.
Considering we're about to get the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist on BD from Aniplex, it's safe to say upscales are still around. I doubt Blood+ will get a box, but you never quite know. Given the glut of productions from 2002-2009-ish, there's a good chance we'll still be seeing upscales for a while.
Ah, that's good. I'm currently attempting to browse Amazon Japan to see what's coming out in the future. (With limited success.)
At least be thankful it's not Toei, who is taking shows shot on film and upscaling video masters instead (likely why people are yelling at Viz for Sailor Moon video stuff).
Toei is pretty awful, seeing as how Funimation had to pay for Dragon Ball Z to be remastered initially.


Sabagebu 1

This seems to be a funnier Stella Women's Academy C3. It even seems to follow the same plot line and story structure. I like the support characters way more in C3 but Momoka is way better than the C3 MC. Both MC's even have the same "imaginary power". I really liked C3 so naturally I would adore this.

nailed it.
But thats even selling it short. It is soooooooo much better!


Some people on the first pages of this thread said they were doing that with certain shows. In particular Glasslip.
Disgusting behavior.

Kingdom 4
I feel pretty bad for the mountain people. Getting betrayed by Qin the moment their king died.
The cruelty of politics and predjustice :(
Sabagebu 1

This seems to be a funnier Stella Women's Academy C3. It even seems to follow the same plot line and story structure. I like the support characters way more in C3 but Momoka is way better than the C3 MC. Both MC's even have the same "imaginary power". I really liked C3 so naturally I would adore this.
This is just a punch into the new Gainax face. Without Trigger they're not worth a dime.
Puchimas! S2 04-06

They went from doing TV shows to midnight radio. Their popularity must be waning then. :p
They are still doing TV show , it's just that they can't do THE BIG TV SHOW with all the idols at the same time thanks to the various schedules everyone has.

Don't worry whenever the show wants substance they'll show you another grimdark scene of like a homeless boy getting his fanny smacked by a whip of a man who is missing his eyes because his wife was murdered in front of him and he clawed them out. Of course with flashback scene and everything we need to be reminded how edgy this world is.

HUmf ..you haven't even remotely seen how edgy this world is yet.


Makes me sad. Gainax used to be legendary.
Yes, but Trigger has the potential to become legendary themselves. The showed that they can do mindless fun with Inferno Cop and a coherent story in LWA and Kill La Kill is at least known a success. I can't wait what they do with a bigger budget and proper planning.

Everyone's eager to cross the 500 post threshold for future banning of course.
If it banns me to cajun-samas side, it will be a pleasure.
nailed it.
But thats even selling it short. It is soooooooo much better!

Well it's good but that's not to say C3 was bad. I really liked C3. Got a little weird at the end but I really liked that show.

Disgusting behavior.

This is just a punch into the new Gainax face. Without Trigger they're not worth a dime.

Wasn't saying that at all. C3 doesn't rest on its comedy. It has an actual plot progression. C3 is a Comedy/Drama. Sabagebu is a comedy. While both are eerily similar one focuses on comedy and the other focuses on character progression.


Yes, but Trigger has the potential to become legendary themselves. The showed that they can do mindless fun with Inferno Cop and a coherent story in LWA and Kill La Kill is at least known a success. I can't wait what they do with a bigger budget and proper planning.

If it banns me to cajun-samas side, it will be a pleasure.

Trigger is off to a great start no doubt.
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