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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Momo's time is here, now if actual goods could get released.


Maturity, bitches.
Someone at KyoAni made a character's birthday occur before they could get the merchandise ready? I fear for their job.
Date A Live Episode 11

First episode where I laughed at Origami just because the VA made her sound so cold and ridiculous in the Mizugi scene. How could one keep such a straight face during the whole scene, then everyone else's reactions.


Puchimas!! 44-48

Ping Pong ain't got shit on this, cept for that 6 minute episode… that was just real bad. :(

Puchimas is soul purifying goodness.

Oh my I am on the top ten wall of shame.

Your avatar. Its...I want to hug it

Yama no Susume 2-3

Why was I never allowed to climb mountains when I was their age?

I used to hike a lot when I was younger. Several mountains. I recommend it too!
Watch out for mountain lions.

Even with a new thread, anime still sucks!

Anime will always find a way to suck. Through think and thin, year by year, they will continue their quest to be shit. But not, as they say, as much as YOUR favorite anime.

With Nozaki-kun, Barakamon, Sabagebu!, (and sometimes when Space Dandy happens to be funny, like the last one) this is the season of comedy.

Some really great stuff this season for comedy fans.
Ive never considered anime comedy to be gut bustingly funny except a couple shows, but some of it is legitimately hilarious.
Your avatar. Its...I want to hug it

I used to hike a lot when I was younger. Several mountains. I recommend it too!
Watch out for mountain lions.
My avatar is cajun approved. Senpai has noticed me. My being and existance is complete.

Bah! Scariest animal in Ohio are the deer!


Gankutsuo 5

Nothing like a giant sized lake in your cellar.

Things move rather slowly and predictably so far. Hope they will shed some light on the whole Gankutsuo thing soon.

Sabagebu! 4

I feel like the novelty has worn off for me and the show lost a bit of its lustre. Still good though. The lack of narrator commentary for the drawing of gun animation (when she was crouching behind the couch) felt like a missed opportunity.

My battles for freedom from broccoli have been similarly dramatic but much more successful.

Nozaki-kun 04

Was okay. First part better than the rest.

Aldnoah.Zero 04

You would think that after destroying 5% of the whole invading force Inaho would already get chosen for the leader of all Earth forces.

Not feeling that Naruto movie redesign.


My avatar is cajun approved. Senpai has noticed me. My being and existance is complete.

Bah! Scariest animal in Ohio are the deer!

We have some kinda scary things I suppose. Large alligators, mountain lions, small bears, alligator snapping turtles, alligator gar fish, bowfins..
Dragon Collection Episode 17

Duel next episode could be funny if Gnocchi isnt a throwaway fodder character I hope.

Oreca Battle Episode 17

Nice new upgrades for Uchiki Data kun. Cant wait to see it evolve.
though the egg hatching same episode was too fast


let's pretend that I didn't read that nonsensical hate for P&S in the first pages.

Thats easy enough to do.
Panty and Stocking is just a studio having fun. Its harmless in the grand scheme of things.
Like when Trigger made Kill La Kill and just had fun with it yet people were all MGRGR.


Thats easy enough to do.
Panty and Stocking is just a studio having fun. Its harmless in the grand scheme of things.
Like when Trigger made Kill La Kill and just had fun with it yet people were all MGRGR.
to be fair, I'd say that the P&S of Trigger is Inferno Cop.


Woooah, Episode 20 of Idolm@ster just hit me in the gut right now. Gonna have my impressions up later, but wow this episode really brought the feels out in me. The ending of that song was just amazing when
Chihaya finally got the strength to sing back.
The manager of whoever this guy is that runs 965 productions is incredibly scummy, using someones past like that just to harm the image of a talent agency. What a great episode!

I really loved Episode 19 before it with Takane and her character episode. I really love her whole personality even if she is a bit mysterious. She's alot smarter too then she makes herself out to be as we see that huge plan she set up just to catch the paparazzi guy off guard. Plus who doesn't like a girl who likes food :D

Hero Bank Episode 17

Another great duel though once again boils down to it being another herobutt affair. Its kind of funny when they ditch their suits and just resort to attacking, probably funniest and most entertaining thus far without them.
Woooah, Episode 20 of Idolm@ster just hit me in the gut right now. Gonna have my impressions up later, but wow this episode really brought the feels out in me. The ending of that song was just amazing when
Chihaya finally got the strength to sing back.
The manager of whoever this guy is that runs 965 productions is incredibly scummy, using someones past like that just to harm the image of a talent agency. What a great episode!

I really loved Episode 19 before it with Takane and her character episode. I really love her whole personality even if she is a bit mysterious. She's alot smarter too then she makes herself out to be as we see that huge plan she set up just to catch the paparazzi guy off guard. Plus who doesn't like a girl who likes food :D

Takane is my favorite. and yeah ep 20 is one of the best made.
Untill someone surpass that ep, idolmaster will stay#1 in my heart.
I really loved Episode 19 before it with Takane and her character episode. I really love her whole personality even if she is a bit mysterious. She's alot smarter too then she makes herself out to be as we see that huge plan she set up just to catch the paparazzi guy off guard. Plus who doesn't like a girl who likes food :D

Takane is the best.
Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 24

This is basically the second part ans things continue directly off the previous episode and brings the Nephrite arc to its climax as all of the linger plot threads reach their logical conclusion. I will state right now that it is a testament to the writing prowess of this program that they managed to get a heavy emotional investment in the
Nephrite-Naru pairing
in only the span of a two episodes. Sure, it has been something that had been part of the arc, but like everything else it was in the background of the monster of the week formula. Indeed the team here shows they they can handle heavy emotions like melancholy and bitter-sweetness with a very deft hand. Also worth mentioning is just how violent this got,
Nephrite gets four plant spears pierces through his chest and there is quite a lot of blood,
really some scenes look like they come from DBZ or One Piece, it is quite impressive and I am now wondering how this looked on American TV. Anyway, this along with the previous episode has been the pinnacle of season one by a long shot and should not be missed, once again highest possible recommendation.


RE: HapCha topic

Too busy not caring about Heartcatch to do comparisons given that they're ultimately two different beasts. More bothered at characterization not being that great in comparison to Yes! 5, as by this time, we already have ideas of what really drives each character and how their character came to be.

It pains me to say this, but Yuuko had something interesting about her, but when she revealed herself as a Cure, she started to become... really static. Recent episodes sort of gives me hope, but like Hito said, HapCha could probably muck it up with its second half. But hey. Megumi and Seiji in particular, felt like props waiting to be used, and they're finally being used at this point. The only really stand out characters are Hime and Iona because they actually showed growth in their characters. So given we have the Cures, Seiji, and Blue, that's roughly 2 out of 6 characters (and 2 mascots) with some decent character development. That's rather disappointing.


Maturity, bitches.
In the original iM@S anime OT someone told me Takane is half English and yet I've never seen anything pointing towards this. I feel like that was one tease too far.


We have some kinda scary things I suppose. Large alligators, mountain lions, small bears, alligator snapping turtles, alligator gar fish, bowfins..
Yeah, so? In germany we live in fear of man kinds oldest enemy...

let's pretend that I didn't read that nonsensical hate for P&S in the first pages.
Well, it was similar to Space Dandy. I liked it, but it got weaker with every episode and went from hit and miss to permanent miss.

Miki is the worst
*throws glove on the ground*


Miki is the worst

What do people not like about Miki? She's nowhere near my favorite but I didn't outright think she was the worst of them. Actually now that I think about it, it's hard to choose who really is the worst girl out of the bunch in idolm@ster, they all have their own good qualities. The twins would probably be my lowest since they didn't really have as much development as the other girls unless I missed it, they just seemed to be more pure comic relief.

In the original iM@S anime OT someone told me Takane is half English and yet I've never seen anything pointing towards this. I feel like that was one tease too far.

She mentions that she moved from somewhere, but that was about it. I'm not good at figuring out accents, but Takane's accent is so cute :3
Yes. They don't run as long, but crime dramas are a big part of the schedule, just as they are all over the world. Currently running shows include Tokyo Scarlet, Tokyo Met Investigators (now on its 9th series), ST, Zero's Truth (which is more like Body of Proof than a cop show I guess), and various other crime thrillers.
Cool. I was wondering since I thought a medium as popular as anime might have more regular shows based on that. But thinking again cop dramas seem to be largely a us thing as there weren't too many in south america.
What do people not like about Miki? She's nowhere near my favorite but I didn't outright think she was the worst of them. Actually now that I think about it, it's hard to choose who really is the worst girl out of the bunch in idolm@ster, they all have their own good qualities. The twins would probably be my lowest since they didn't really have as much development as the other girls unless I missed it, they just seemed to be more pure comic relief.
They are jealous she's lazy as all sin but the most talented of them all and
doesn't need them to be successful and proved as much.

Oh and Haruka is an
evil attempted murderer I couldn't believe she tried to kill P-san out of jealousy.


Kingdom 1
It's pretty bizarre how often they went from 2D to 3D, but other than that the story is set it up nicely. I thought that they would've made Xin and Piao fight on opposite sides, but this is okay too.

A Huge Battleship

Is this Date A Live?


Setec Astronomer
Kingdom 1
It's pretty bizarre how often they went from 2D to 3D, but other than that the story is set it up nicely. I thought that they would've made Xin and Piao fight on opposite sides, but this is okay too.
Wait, you're not wonzo.


Maturity, bitches.
I like how I'm painted as the originator of Miki hate.

The main reason people don't like her is because of episodes 12, 23 and 24.


So do the Japanese enjoy cop dramas? Like do they have live action shows of it?

They make better stuff like Miami Guns and Gunsmith Cats!

Woooah, Episode 20 of Idolm@ster just hit me in the gut right now. Gonna have my impressions up later, but wow this episode really brought the feels out in me. The ending of that song was just amazing when
Chihaya finally got the strength to sing back.
The manager of whoever this guy is that runs 965 productions is incredibly scummy, using someones past like that just to harm the image of a talent agency. What a great episode!

I really loved Episode 19 before it with Takane and her character episode. I really love her whole personality even if she is a bit mysterious. She's alot smarter too then she makes herself out to be as we see that huge plan she set up just to catch the paparazzi guy off guard. Plus who doesn't like a girl who likes food :D

I love a girl who loves food. I loves Takane. Coincidence?

A Huge Battleship

Is this Date A Live?

Oh yes. Yes it is!

Indeed. This IS Date A Live



sealed with a kiss
Haikyuu 1-7

A little too shounen for my tastes, but I must say the quality of the adaption is, bar a few exceptions, really quite excellent.
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