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Sun and Moon August 12th Update Possibly Leaked: The Redemption of Raichu

Man, I can't tell you how happy I am with the look of these Team Skull grunts. Much better than the grunts from Team Flare at the very least.


Neo Member
Technician Alola Meowth? Oh boy, I'm ready for this. Please be available early in the game.

And Team Skull... meh. Can't be worse then Team Flare (bottom of the barrel) and I got a feeling they won't go the "ending-the-world" plot this time around. Rather have Team Skull simply just be "jerks".

Love these guys
Not sure why Alola Raichu is getting hate. I think it's pretty cute :3
If it's not 'badass' enough the old raichu is still around and can be imported from any of the many previous pokemon games :p

That's exactly what I was thinking.
That the female grunt looks like nonon from Kill la kill, that the grunts are doing a haka or both? XD
They took Raichu, gave him rainbow eyes, child proofed the sharp edges on his ears and tail and slightly altered the tone of his body - then called it a day. It's garbage, particularly compared to Aloha Ninetales.

Shoo wee folks ought to stop using the word "garbage" to express distaste for stuff cuz boy does it sound abrasive.

Anyway, Alolan Ninetails is literally Regular Ninetails painted white and with its tails frozen together.

See? It's easy to make anything sound silly with reduction.


I forgot Meowth normally gets that ability :) Does it actually have any moves to take advantage of it as a dark type other than bite? I guess it will get an updated movepool tho.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Knock off is just over the limit for a technician boost right? Since that would have been scary

Yup. Only 65, unfortunately. If Alola Meowth has the same moveset, the things to watch out for are Pursuit and Assurance. IIRC, Assurance's double-damage is applied after Technician, so it hits for a cool 180 power if Alola Meowth got damaged already that turn.


Raichu would have made more sense being Fairy with that design, but I'm fine with it.
Edit : wait, Alola Luigia? Here goes the speculations that Sun/Moon is like Gold/Silver and you go back to an older region post game.
when Lt Surge's Raichu whooped Pikachus ass

We're talking design-wise though. I have yet to see Alolan Raichu in action in the anime, so I can't say whether or not it will act badass in the anime.

Design-wise, Raichu doesn't look badass at all, at least not to me. It looks "cool/cute".
I like the design for Electric/Psychic Raichu, but I do wish that there was an Electric/Fighting counterpart, where Pikachu evolved into one or another based on its Special Attack vs. Attack.
So Team Skull is just a bunch of punks? No world-domination this time?

Let's be honest, as awesome as fighting world domination aspiring secret teams was, the idea of a kid/teen doing so was always dumb as fuck. I'd welcome something more down to earth. Things really got crazy out of control after Team Rocket's simply mafia racket


This new team looks like it just wants to fuck up shit like Team Rocket instead of creating apocalyptic situations with legendaries like all the other teams.

I fully accept this.

Yooooo technician? That means Alolan Persian is going to be a beast with its dark tyoe stab moves.

Persian bite will be stronger than crunch lol. It also has a 30% chance to flinch which is much better than Crunch's defense drop.
Technician Alola Meowth? Oh boy, I'm ready for this. Please be available early in the game.

And Team Skull... meh. Can't be worse then Team Flare (bottom of the barrel) and I got a feeling they won't go the "ending-the-world" plot thus time around. Rather have Team Skull simply just be "jerks".



Calm Mind

They took Raichu, gave him rainbow eyes, child proofed the sharp edges on his ears and tail and slightly altered the tone of his body - then called it a day. It's garbage, particularly compared to Aloha Ninetales.

I'm not sure you are qualified to be an authority on quality.
Yessss my boy Raichu finally getting some love.

I really enjoy using my fakeout encore Raichu but ill be happy to (hopefully) start having some real variations in how I can use him.


Wishiwashi looks nice, but damn most of these new pokemon look bad. Like reeeeaaaaallly bad. I don't care how many times it's been said. Why is everything trying to look cute/ appeal to toddlers? Other then the Sun legendary and maybe the leaked Starter evos ( If there real) I have yet to see any other Pokemon that look badass.
Yes. Team Flare absolutely sucked balls. Insipidly designed and weak.

Yeah, I didn't care for their design either. Maybe if their design matched up a little better with their goal, it might not have been so bad.

Like, if their goal was something a little more silly or... something other than wanting to commit genocide. I'm not really good at explaining it.


Wishiwashi looks nice, but damn most of these new pokemon look bad. Like reeeeaaaaallly bad. I don't care how many times it's been said. Why is everything trying to look cute/ appeal to toddlers? Other then the Sun legendary and maybe the leaked Starter evos ( If there real) I have yet to see any other Pokemon that look badass.

Mudsdale? The railgun bug (vikavolt), Lurantis? The majority of Pokemon that we've seen are first stage Pokemon so of course they're cute.


Like I said in the other thread, Raichu is the worst Alola form yet imo. I don't like the eyes, the color pattern and the ears. I think the should have done something more interesting with the surfer theme instead of just merging Raichu with Sylveon.

Vulpix and Exeggutor remain the best.

Agreed on both counts. Alola Raichu is an abomination. Shame, though he was never a real favourite of mine.
Shoo wee folks ought to stop using the word "garbage" to express distaste for stuff cuz boy does it sound abrasive.

Anyway, Alolan Ninetails is literally Regular Ninetails painted white and with its tails frozen together.

See? It's easy to make anything sound silly with reduction.

Yes, people should stop using words to express how they personally feel about something - especially if it is negative.

Aloha Ninetales' design at least properly applies the idea "what if it were an ice fox instead?". What can you say about Raichu? "Uh, well it's Fairy sub type, I guess make the sharp bits softer?"
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