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Sunset Overdrive Review Thread


now you know why I've been so confident in the SO threads.

I love this game. It's one of the best games we've ever made.

excited for everyone to get to play it!

Didn't you also talk up the Multiplayer in Resistance 3, or was that someone else?

Regardless if the reviews are an indicator it looks like you guys got this one right and of course congratulations are in order. I'll have to give the game a try when the PC version comes out or the Xbone if I end up buying one before that.


OK I've tried to put it down a little better and translate a sentence for you guys

VGNetwork.it - 9

Sunset Overdrive is a daring videogame, a new IP that we're thrilled to say that reached all of its goals, even surpass them maybe, gifting Xbox One owners an instantaneous classic, a franchise that Xbox should nurture and make it a regular part of its first party releases rotation.


The DLC packs are gonna be cool. I'm really excited about them. Some really neat new stuff being worked on for them

new areas, new story / missions etc

Battletoads wouldn't be part of your plans by any chance? Wink wink. Cough, cough, say no more.


All I have to say is that I've been preaching the good word of Sunset since I first put my hands on it at E3. This isn't a surprise to me.

Ape said:
What is your Game of the Show so far?

I have to say I realm like the Yoshi yarn game, The Order and Fable. BUT the game that I enjoyed the most so far is Sunset Overdrive. I honestly think its going to win gots awards from websites next week. I was super excited to play it going into the expo and it exceeded my expectations.

What about you guys?


Nice scores! Great to see insomniac is having a success on platform other than PS. Hopefully this is a start for more games on Xbox n still hopefully make games for PS.
Damn.. Went from Must have, to nah- too floaty Ratchet controls, to must have again.
Fuck.. This and some other games really make me want an XboxOne.
Dropping the hammer even at this time of the night! :)

Anyone know what the hell that guy meant by what he said "what a shame"? Scores were good/great, so it could not be that.

IF I had to guess it was that a critically acclaimed game was hitting the X1 or not coming to his system of choice. Which if true is a really shit attitude. Happy for all the X1 fans and insomniac, not int he spot to pick up a new console atm though. Will give it a look when I do though.


15 hours for me. I think you could get it down to 10 for just the critical path.

For the type of game it is, that seems to be a pretty damn good length for just the single player portion. I am one of those that will look in every corner and do every side quest as I can, so for me it sounds like it will be in the 20+ hours for the SP portion. I did not expect it to have that much of a SP campaign.


I'm telling yall despite its look, Fuse was REALLY good.

In this thread for the first time I'm reading impressions from users who actually played Fuse and it's already the third or fourth positive comment about it.

I guess it's alll about multiplayer so it's not for me, but if I manage to find it @ 5€(as I've already seen it at that price) I'll get it

Zen Mu

Cool, sounds like a game I would enjoy from the reviews I've read so far. Will definitely pick it up when I get around to buying an XB1.

Grats Insomniac, hope it sells well for you.


Yeah 82-83 final metacritic score once it all settles down.

Unless of course that chap who scored Halo 4 and Forza Horizon 2 a 2/10 rears his head. I forget his name but did a cameo on an episode of the Office.


Banstick Emeritus
Dropping the hammer even at this time of the night! :)

Anyone know what the hell that guy meant by what he said "what a shame"? Scores were good/great, so it could not be that.
Who cares? I'm just glad my Twitter hype back in May finally paid off for SO. Very pleased for the Insomniac team.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
what a shame....


Always figured this game for a solid 8/10... and it seems the aggregate agrees. Will buy it once I own something that plays it in the future.


Yeh this is getting a meta in the mid 70's. Not interested enough in the "genre" its in so will probably skip this one...

Edit: Looks like the rest of the reviews are better... Ah what to do...?

Will need to see some video reviews.
if two average reviews swayed you out of the 5/6+ positive ones, then it's probably just not for you anyways.
Dropping the hammer even at this time of the night! :)

Anyone know what the hell that guy meant by what he said "what a shame"? Scores were good/great, so it could not be that.

i hope it wasn't because he wanted the game to have lower scores. maybe it was the low videogamer score.

if not that, then maybe he meant people's back and forth about the latest metacritic score update, as if that should have precedence when determining your personal desire for the game.



15 hours for me. I think you could get it down to 10 for just the critical path.

I think I've read a few articles of yours before. Good to see you're also a poster here! I tend to really get into the world of the games, take my time, just goof around, so it's good to know it'll easily be over 12+ hours.

20-ish hours. Not sure how long it would take for 100% though.

That's great to hear actually! Seems if you really focused on beating the campaign, it can be under ten, but for most people it's easily 14-20 hours.


Solid autumn for Xbox One this year. Great this game turned out to be awesome. :)
Now I hope the new Fable will follow suit.
now you know why I've been so confident in the SO threads.

I love this game. It's one of the best games we've ever made.

excited for everyone to get to play it!

Hey, is there a normal set of glasses? I'm wearing the slightly larger, somewhat off-kilter ones, but Sam has normal glasses. He taunts me. His existence is an affront.

Give me normal glasses.

The forgettable multiplayer certainly doesn’t compensate, as it’s co-op only and mostly just involves you and up to seven others spamming groups of enemies. Some of the maps try to mix things up a little, such as competing to get the most grind points or helping a train to its destination, but it’s all really just an excuse to show off your custom outfits.

Forgettable multiplayer isn't something I thought I'd see mentioned. Night Defence as well as Chaos Squad looked pretty damn good and seemed like they added a lot of replayability to the game.

It's David Jenkins too, so I can't dismiss it out of hand. Hmm...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This is the first Xbox One title I've been truly excited for. Cannot wait to pick it up this week!


At first i was hardcore not buying. But i still have ms points to burn so what the heck... Maybe it will be fun.
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