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Super "NeoGAF Arcade Stick Thread" II TURBO


so I have a question

the brawl stick is listed on Amazon by different weights depending on platform


PS3 says 8.2 ounces

360 says 5.4 pounds

im guessing one of them is wrong? why would they be listed like that? guessing both are around 5.4 pounds?

edit: im sorry if this is super obvious or something, I really know shit about weight measurements in english and how they translate to my language

edit2: oh and reason why im asking is because i'd have to bring it over through a courier and they charge depending on weight


seeing that the soul calibur sticks are on sale, ive decided to calculate some prices adding the courier shipping:

WWE stick = $49 + $53 = $102

SC stick = $69 + $65 = $134

.... hori mini 3 = $35 + $15 = $50

so yeah. we're talking big difference here now. might just get the mini and call it a day. Should serve as a way to get used to sticks again and who knows maybe I can make it work. Paying $50 for shipping alone is just kind of a bummer.

arcade sticks y u so heay

can someone vouch for the mini being 1 pound tho? I guess the package is basically cardboard
I'd be surprised if the mini even adds up to a pound total. I could juggle three of them with no effort. I also wouldn't even consider them for my main stick; it's a cute novelty, nothing more. Mine doesn't get used for fear of breaking it, as it's not exactly a shining example of build quality and nothing is arcade standard, so no replacement parts.

8.2 ounces is definitely wrong. For reference, 16 ounces is one pound. 5.4 pounds sounds about right.


8.2 ounces is definitely wrong. For reference, 16 ounces is one pound. 5.4 pounds sounds about right.

yup then it amounts to the $102 total for the WWE brawl :/

bummer, man. Either mini or nothing then.

guess there's a reason why most people build their own sticks here


there's some hilarious chinese knockoffs that go for sub $30 locally. Maybe one of them is moddable





man amazon sucks for weight

one listing of the soul calibur stick has it at 6.4 pounds, another one has it at 20

the hell
you gotta just admire Qanba/Eightarc's promotional videos for all their sticks, the previous ones could pass off as classy car commercials. But this one, just went full-on michael bay. haha. cools stuff, i'm curious to see the stick in person.

as for the Qanba parts, they are passable, but they are no better than HORI's own buttons imo. (the generic ones, not the kuro buttons). If you're used to Seimitsu, it's not far off. Maybe this stick will have new buttons though.. hrmmm

I'm guessing that Q2-Pro will have the same parts used in the INJUSTICE stick (LED whoot). Qanba's Lever is a very good JLF clone imo. I'm still using the stock one inside a Q1-Cut and it's not bad at all.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I don't have a camera. I do plan on customizing it, but it will be a few weeks.

SSF4 is soooo much better now, even though I'm hella rusty. Also, just now I went from hard Sakura trials to Mortal Kombat and it was hilarious. The basically automatic combos and simple inputs made it seem like easy mode but it was still kind of hard because block is a button and I'm not used to that at all. I'll wait through summer sale for a SFxT deal, but if I can't get complete for 75% off I'll probably grab Skullgirls.
I guess it's as close to Darkstalkers as we'll get. :(


I am so torn it hurts. I have decided out of all the dual-modded sticks out there, I would want the eTokki Omni Sanwa the most. It's just exactly how I like for my sticks to look, price be damned.

That being said, the uncertainty as to whether or not PS4 will support current-gen sticks (other than Madcatz) makes it hard for me to drop $200 on a new one.

I mean I guess it will be a while before any new fighting games even come out for PS4, so it wouldn't be like the stick would become obsolete within a year. Decisions, decisions...

UPDATE: Ouch. Just checked to see what he shipping would cost for the Omni, and it's $55. That means I'd be spending $250 in total!


I am going to the US next month and the plan was getting a new Arcade Stick for me (Already have one Hori Arcade Stick for the PS3), and I was set for a Madcatz sanwa stick. But all this talk of the Madcatz stick won't be compatible with the PS4, I don't know anymore.

Should I buy a good Hori Stick and hope for compatibility with the PS4, or stick (lol) with my old Hori for a while and buy a new, PS4 compatible, stick in the future? Help me, GAF.
If MadCatz sticks aren't compatible, it's very likely no sticks are compatible (or very limited compatibility). That's not a guarantee, but just true in terms of likelihood.
I don't have a camera. I do plan on customizing it, but it will be a few weeks.

SSF4 is soooo much better now, even though I'm hella rusty. Also, just now I went from hard Sakura trials to Mortal Kombat and it was hilarious. The basically automatic combos and simple inputs made it seem like easy mode but it was still kind of hard because block is a button and I'm not used to that at all. I'll wait through summer sale for a SFxT deal, but if I can't get complete for 75% off I'll probably grab Skullgirls.
I guess it's as close to Darkstalkers as we'll get. :(
Someone in the B/S/T thread has the games from the 25th Anniversary Edition for $30 shipped (incl some DLC). Not sure if it has everything you want (and it's for console) but it's a pretty good deal I think.
Love fighters, but never owned a fight stick.

What's a good fightstick for someone who hasn't played in arcades since Tekken 3 and Mahvel2?

I play PC/PS3 btw.
Love fighters, but never owned a fight stick.

What's a good fightstick for someone who hasn't played in arcades since Tekken 3 and Mahvel2?

I play PC/PS3 btw.
Right now go with




depending on your button layout preference. Most top end sticks use all the same external parts, so price is the differentiateor and these are the cheapest right now. I prefer Hori stuff because they have more reliable electronics (madcatz boards burn themselves out a bit more), but they are double the price of these right now.


I just got the PS3 Mad Catz WWE Brawlstick but I cant get it to work in-game on my PC. It shows up in the device listing properly and the buttons appear to be working fine in the properties, but whenever I load up SF4AE it doesnt work. Does anyone know a workaround for this?

Everyone in this thread will tell you to get something else, but I liked it. Was my first stick and for the price it did the job wonderfully. I have pretty big hands too and had no problem with it. I used it on the desk in front of me and it never moved, very sturdy IMO.

If you're not used to a normal sized stick you will get used to it very quickly.
So I finally switched out the jlf on my dual modded te for a seimitsu ls-32. Love it so far, works really great for 2d fightmans, whare I would have trouble with the jlf, that trouble is gone with the ls-32. Now to try some 3d fightmans with it.


I just got the PS3 Mad Catz WWE Brawlstick but I cant get it to work in-game on my PC. It shows up in the device listing properly and the buttons appear to be working fine in the properties, but whenever I load up SF4AE it doesnt work. Does anyone know a workaround for this?

You have to go into controller settings and set the buttons yourself.


Just got my MCZ TTT2 stick. Stuck a bat top on the JLF. I've been using a lot of the crown bat top on my VS stick and I can't really switch between ball top and bat top that often so I went with bat top on the JLF for the new stick as well.

Where can I get my hands on the polished bat top?


You have to go into controller settings and set the buttons yourself.

I am stupid. I went in there an assumed just pressing a button would assign it, but I had to scroll left with my keyboard to select the fight stick first :X



Everyone in this thread will tell you to get something else, but I liked it. Was my first stick and for the price it did the job wonderfully. I have pretty big hands too and had no problem with it. I used it on the desk in front of me and it never moved, very sturdy IMO.

If you're not used to a normal sized stick you will get used to it very quickly.

Sweet, I will pick it up at some point, I just hope it isn't a pain to get working on PC.


Right now go with




depending on your button layout preference. Most top end sticks use all the same external parts, so price is the differentiateor and these are the cheapest right now. I prefer Hori stuff because they have more reliable electronics (madcatz boards burn themselves out a bit more), but they are double the price of these right now.

Just want to say that after playing with the Pro stick for a week, I kind of wish it had more space under the buttons for my arm. Other than that it's alright. Still prefer my TE S though.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
So I bought the Madcatz Soul Calibur stick for SEGA Cup. It is the best arcade stick I have ever used in my entire life. Everything feels incredibly solid and tight, the clear plastic looks really cool in person and the artwork has this nice reflective look to it.

For the record, I've used the MvC2 TE since 2010. It's my main stick. I also own a HRAP EX SE. If you're on the fence about choosing the Soul stick over the SFxT stick, just rewire the buttons. It takes like five seconds.


I remember when the Brawl stick was $20 and I decided not to pick it up, boy do I regret that.

Also, that Soul Calibur stick looks good. Does it have good/alright parts? Kinda interested in it.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I remember when the Brawl stick was $20 and I decided not to pick it up, boy do I regret that.

Also, that Soul Calibur stick looks good. Does it have good/alright parts? Kinda interested in it.
You should absolutely go for it. I'm seriously considering buying another.

(I sold mine after the Cup since I don't play on PS3)


I wonder what the chances of AkiShop Customs doing a new PCB like the PS360+ that also supports PS4 and XB1 are. A guy can dream, right?



in the amazon listing for the SCV stick, it lists different weights depending on the version:


6.6 pounds for xbox, 8.7 pounds for PS3

maybe someone with experience with it could tell me wich would be more accurate?

also I have 0 interest in playing Soul Calibur, wonder if the slightly different button placing would make it akward for other games..

Yes Boss!

Those are the same weight, the PS3/360 versions.

8lbs is on the high end but includes packaging. No stick is really more than 10lbs shipped....even things like the Vs or FE. I don't have a scale here otherwise I'd throw it on.


Alright, I'm facing a tough decision here. I just noticed that the elusive Hori HRAP3 N3-SA has gone on sale for EVO at Arcadeshock.com. The price dropped down from $150 to $123 for the time being, and I have always loved the look of this stick.


I was thinking about investing in another stick, and I was leaning towards probably a Qanba Q4 because of the dual-mod, convenient handle, and low price. That being said, I'm not sure if I really need the dual-mod given that I have only ever attended one tournament in my life and I never bring my stick out of my living room otherwise. I like the look of the N3 much more than the Qanba's, and Hori has always had good reliability from my experience.

Anybody else own this stick who can attest to its quality? It has such a great case design, and I am looking to retire my trusty HRAP3 with something that has a cable compartment and carrying handles.

Yes Boss!

I've never seen anybody own that stick. I mean it is relatively new and last year with the yen it was $225+ to import.

I'd actually like to see a real-world gaming-set-up pick of it.

But $123 (or $150-ish) is an absolute steal. The form factor is one of the betters. Just depends if you like the style.

Also, that one does not have a carrying handle.

Incidentally, ArcadeShock is also offering some new Qanbas with full Sanwa Silents and dual-modded for $250. They crowned it as the first Silent stick to make it here but we all know that the SH goes up for sale at EVO/MC tomorrow for about the same price.


One of the reasons that I am considering a dual-mod stick is because I went to CEO without realizing that it would be almost all 360's. I wasn't going to compete, but I had hoped to be able to participate in casuals and such while I was there. Since I only had a PS3 stick, I could only play very rarely on the one available station that someone set up on PS3 for AE.

That being said, how many tournaments use 360 as opposed to PS3 these days? I'm never going to bring my stick over to a friend's house to play on 360 or anything like that, so 360-only tournaments would be the only reason why I'd consider one.

If most tournaments use PS3, I think I'll just bite and get that Hori HRAP3 N3.


there's some hilarious chinese knockoffs that go for sub $30 locally. Maybe one of them is moddable




It's moddable. I once wrote a guide in swedish on how to mod it. You can look at it here through Google Translate. It's kinda gibberish and the server that the pictures are hosted on is effed so the thumbnails aren't clickable, but it should give you an overview at least. Here's another guide which uses the same principles though it's another stick and here's how to mount a Sanwa JLF.
One of the reasons that I am considering a dual-mod stick is because I went to CEO without realizing that it would be almost all 360's. I wasn't going to compete, but I had hoped to be able to participate in casuals and such while I was there. Since I only had a PS3 stick, I could only play very rarely on the one available station that someone set up on PS3 for AE.

That being said, how many tournaments use 360 as opposed to PS3 these days? I'm never going to bring my stick over to a friend's house to play on 360 or anything like that, so 360-only tournaments would be the only reason why I'd consider one.

If most tournaments use PS3, I think I'll just bite and get that Hori HRAP3 N3.
Anecdotally, most tournaments and majors seem to be on 360 or at least mixed 360 and PS3 like CEO. Evo is a big example of a PS3-only major, but it seems like the exception, not the rule.


Anecdotally, most tournaments and majors seem to be on 360 or at least mixed 360 and PS3 like CEO. Evo is a big example of a PS3-only major, but it seems like the exception, not the rule.
Hmmm... okay. I think it'd be best for my next stick to be dual-modded then. Thanks for the info.


Did I miss the announcement on these? MCZ-branded Pro's for $129:



It was mentioned a bunch of pages back by now. Doesn't hurt to repost it though, real nice looking stick, especially the PS3 version.
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