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Super Smash Bros Wii U & 3DS Thread 4: New Year, Old Arguments


It is Wario in the sense that Ganondorf in Smash is Ganondorf. Doesn't mean it is an accurate portrayal of the character. I'm not saying every single move needs to be pulled from a source game, but at the same time I like the feeling of seeing someone like Mega Man ripped from his NES games, or Yoshi from Yoshi's Island, Samus from Super Metroid, etc. All I get from Wario is that Sakurai was bored and didn't care for him in Wario Land so decided to embrace the comedy and randomness of WarioWare by making the character completely bonkers in many aspects.
Yeah it is.

Its wario ware wario, its accurate.

You don't have to like it, its accurate doe.


The character takes all his cues from WarioWare, with a few references to Wario Land. He's very much Wario, even if you dislike his WarioWare rendition.

I only played the first WarioWare a long time ago so my minds pretty foggy but all I recall is his outfit, motorcycle, Wario Man, and farts/crude humor. I assumed he didn't do much in that series since its focus is on mini games, but if your saying his appearance in Brawl is a big homage to WarioWare then I will take your word on it.


I wish WarioWare never happened, Wario lost his edge when that occurred. Land 4 is one my of my favorite platformers ever, and that was the last time he pulverized things with edge.


I wish WarioWare never happened, Wario lost his edge when that occurred. Land 4 is one my of my favorite platformers ever, and that was the last time he pulverized things with edge.

Shake It! was decent though I didn't get as much of a kick out of it as previous Land games. (It was the prettiest game on the Wii though!)


Project M bowser is so much fun and i also love how his giga bowser transformation actually matches his picked color. same for yoshi's egg shields.

Yea the dude is a beast and soo good with those invincibility frames. It's fun no doubt. I find Ike also more fun to play with in M.
I wish WarioWare never happened, Wario lost his edge when that occurred. Land 4 is one my of my favorite platformers ever, and that was the last time he pulverized things with edge.

wario world flopped hard I think so they had to try something new.

I liked the wario land series but loved warioware more

I'm one of those people B^)

qq more

i like warioware but not enough to constantly buy its sequels unlike wario land

wario land is sooo gud, the fact they completely ignored it is criminal!


wario world flopped hard I think so they had to try something new.

I liked the wario land series but loved warioware more

I'm one of those people B^)

That's because Wario World is mediocre. It seemed like a game they rushed that is barebones and not extremely polished like Nintendo games usually are to have for the Gamecube library. The game is also really short.

Shake It! was decent though I didn't get as much of a kick out of it as previous Land games. (It was the prettiest game on the Wii though!)

Yeah, I still need to play that more, I just wish he looked cool like in Land 4. I'll play it more soon.


WarioLand was cool in which you were somewhat rewarded for actively hurting / experimenting with Wario. Ex: Getting stung by a bee would swell his cheeks and he could fly as a result.


I like Wario Land. I've played the first 2 gba ones and Shake It. I'm not much of a platformer person but I can say I had fun with them. Ware on the other hand is definitely not my cup of tea.


There was some weird ass crazy human Wario in I think the sound test area in Land 4 that scared the everliving shit out of me as a kid.


Regarding cuts, I see everyone from Melee and Brawl returning except Dr. Mario, Young Link, Pichu and MAYBE Roy. I'm honestly not a fan of characters getting cut just for the sake of it, and I trust Sakurai will keep as much veterans in while still giving us a decent bunch of newcomers.


You guys realize that the "Warning! Challenger Approaching!" banner is still on the official site, right? Hasn't it always been taken down before a new character was revealed, even in the short time before Sonic and Toon Link? I'd love to have Zelda or another character confirmed tonight, but I don't think it's going to happen.


Turbo mode is amazing especially against 3 level 9 cpu.

Mista Koo

There are plenty of abilities and ideas to make him a fun character from his many appearances over the years. More move set potential in him than Waluigi, Bowser Jr., and hell even Rosalina. (Luma is the real star of that character, a lot of the rest of Rosalina's character are Galaxy gameplay mechanics borrowed from the Mario Bros.)
Oh no you didn't.
Bowser Jr. has the paintbrush, fire-breathing and the koopa clown car (that's ignoring shadow Mario). Remember he appeared as a boss in 6 mainline Mario games (and 2 RPGs).
Heck if they were lazy he'll be a faster smaller Bowser with sword paintbrush normals.

As for Toad, the only unique SMB2 move he could have is a special for Peach. Unless we're scraping the bottom of the barrel with "What's left in the Mario universe that isn't represented?" there is nothing he can do (unless he's in a kart, in which case the fact that he is Toad doesn't even matter anymore).
I can name two recurring unique moves for Waluigi, who is primarily wanted as a joke character. I can't do the same for Toad.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Am I allowed to like both Wario Land and WarioWare in here?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
WarioWare made me appreciate minigame marathons.

Also they are behind the genius that is Rhythm Tengoku.


LOL, I literally came back from beating Wario Land 4 and Warioware and I come to see the conversation is about those two games. Anyways those 2 games are very good and Wario Land 4 had some of the creepiest looking bosses...love it.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Everything related to Wario in Brawl was weird, choose to embrace goofy WarioWare version then turn him into a villain that stalks and kidnaps kids.

I would argue that anyone that stalks and kidnaps kids is goofy in the head.

Yes, both should be liked according to Sakurai.

Good deal. Then I win this game of Sakurai says.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Does Battlefield make you happy? It tickles my fancy bits.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Been a pretty decent week so far, new Stage and confirmation of a returning Assist Trophy, so I have high hopes for tonight!


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
It is almost time for the Toon Tingle reveal!
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