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Television Displays and Technology Thread: This is a fantasy based on OLED

Sorry they are retailer prices that have them up for pre-order. I guess the RRP could be higher.

Ah, fair enough, no problem. I'm still holding out a little hope that the What Hi-Fi rumour of 2500 Euros has some truth in it. Even with a straight pound to euro conversion though it sounds almost too good to be true.

Out of interest, who has them up for pre-order?

I popped into John Lewis today and the B6/E6 are looking very tempting.


How are the 2016 LG OLEDs in a bright room? How are the reflections during the day?

I know that LCDs are a bit brighter, which can help.
Very reflective IMO and this one point where I think that Samsung did better last year.
Wish LG used the same moth eye filter as Samsung with their KS series.
I initially intended to put my LG OLED in front of a window but couldn't stand the reflections.


Very reflective IMO and this one point where I think that Samsung did better last year.
Wish LG used the same moth eye filter as Samsung with their KS series.
I initially intended to put my LG OLED in front of a window but couldn't stand the reflections.

They've removed the anti-reflective filter from the 2017 sets too.


relly they dont Flicker ?

heard of problems relating to ABL ?.....

Well yeah, but whats wrong with that when just web browsing. Its not flicker, but you might notice some brightness changes going from spotify to a white forum. You arent going to see it that often.


They've removed the anti-reflective filter from the 2017 sets too.

You sure they removed the AG filter on the 2017 Oled's? That to me is huge as I hate that purple filter! Any links?

I know the new Sony oled's do not have the filter, it is very obvious when looking at pics of them with reflections.


That's MSRP

I called Cleveland Plasma today and spoke to Chris. He stated the following for the LG C7 Oled prices:

$2200 for the 55 inch
$4200 for the 65 inch

I currently have a 65 B6 I got from him for $2600, BUT the new oled''s have lower input lag which is major to me ( 21ms ), no ABL under 150 nits ( huge as-well) and apparently the AG filter has been removed.

At this point I am willing to go down to the 55 inch to get all of those benefits as for an avid gamer like myself I seriously can appreciate all of those upgrades over the B6 and the 2016 Oled's.

Not happy to go down in size but it is not worth spending an additional $2k for the 10 inches imho right now, especially when the 65 C7 will probably be $2500 at the end of the year.


28ms input lag on the B6 will suffice for me. I've never gamed on a set with good input lag.

Once my set is working, which I think will be Friday, I'll test it all out. I don't mind the purplish tint on the screen either.


It's beyond fucking stupid how LG can sell 65" for under $5,000 but 12 more inches will cost you $10,000 more.


To be fair, those 12" represent an increase of 40% in screen real estate. That, coupled with the fact that much fewer 77" are made (resulting in QA issues and costs) and it makes a little sense. Maybe not double the cost, but...


It's beyond fucking stupid how LG can sell 65" for under $5,000 but 12 more inches will cost you $10,000 more.


It is a question of cost vs benefit. That extra 10" costs a lot more in manufacturing as the sales and number produced are smaller. Same reason an 80" plus is ridiculously high. So that a 77" will be sold ten times less as it is a niche size, it is more costly to manufacture as it is a niche size, and will need to be heavily marked up to make profits. 5 years from now 75" will probably be as prevalent as the rest and the 85" and 95" will be the bank breakers.


To be fair, those 12" represent an increase of 40% in screen real estate. That, coupled with the fact that much fewer 77" are made (resulting in QA issues and costs) and it makes a little sense. Maybe not double the cost, but...

Not to mention that cutting them from the mother glass in the current factory leaves an incredible amount of waste. Next year if the new factory is indeed ready by then the 77" should start at 8 or 9k MSRP.
To be fair, those 12" represent an increase of 40% in screen real estate. That, coupled with the fact that much fewer 77" are made (resulting in QA issues and costs) and it makes a little sense. Maybe not double the cost, but...

It is a question of cost vs benefit. That extra 10" costs a lot more in manufacturing as the sales and number produced are smaller. Same reason an 80" plus is ridiculously high. So that a 77" will be sold ten times less as it is a niche size, it is more costly to manufacture as it is a niche size, and will need to be heavily marked up to make profits. 5 years from now 75" will probably be as prevalent as the rest and the 85" and 95" will be the bank breakers.

I know I'm just angry because I want one now


Not to mention that cutting them from the mother glass in the current factory leaves an incredible amount of waste. Next year if the new factory is indeed ready by then the 77" should start at 8 or 9k MSRP.

That would be amazing


That would be amazing

Put it this way.

The current 8G factory is perfect for 32-55 inches with 55 being the largest display that makes the most economical sense for them. You can cut 6x55" without much waste from a 8G mother glass. Move up to 65" and suddenly you get less with more waste. Then above imagine the 77". I think with the current glass size they can only make one 77" from the mother glass. That's incredibly wasteful and of course leads to the high price. Then factor in yield rate. Last time we heard about OLED yield rates was end of 2015 with 80%+ so I imagine it's much higher today but still they have to throw some f them in the trash.

The 10G factory will allow sizes from 55-90". Exciting times.


Speaking of, is there any way to get rid of unused apps in the home bar? I only need netflix, amazon, plex, usb drive, and list of inputs.


Speaking of, is there any way to get rid of unused apps in the home bar? I only need netflix, amazon, plex, usb drive, and list of inputs.

Hold the select button over an app to go into edit mode, then select the X over an app you wish to delete.


Not to mention that cutting them from the mother glass in the current factory leaves an incredible amount of waste. Next year if the new factory is indeed ready by then the 77" should start at 8 or 9k MSRP.

Yeah, that would be insane.
I don't need any of the smart TV garbage either, I bought an Nvidia Shield TV for that stuff. All the TV has to do is turn on and display the HDMI input, does the UI get in the way of that? Talking about LG OLED of course.


Is that disabled if you opt-out of all the EULAs to disable the Smart TV features, and disable the built-in wifi?

Can't stand this fucking bullshit in TVs.

No idea. Not sure why I'd want to disable Smart TV features or the WiFi. :p

It's one image on a section of the screen you won't be looking at when navigating the home screen of the OS.


I called Cleveland Plasma today and spoke to Chris. He stated the following for the LG C7 Oled prices:

$2200 for the 55 inch
$4200 for the 65 inch

I currently have a 65 B6 I got from him for $2600, BUT the new oled''s have lower input lag which is major to me ( 21ms ), no ABL under 150 nits ( huge as-well) and apparently the AG filter has been removed.

At this point I am willing to go down to the 55 inch to get all of those benefits as for an avid gamer like myself I seriously can appreciate all of those upgrades over the B6 and the 2016 Oled's.

Not happy to go down in size but it is not worth spending an additional $2k for the 10 inches imho right now, especially when the 65 C7 will probably be $2500 at the end of the year.

Wait, so latest rumors of C7 price from ClevelandAV is $2200?

Shit man, that makes it a lot harder to justify $4000 for the A1E. Might need to wait on reviews :/


nods at old men
I used to hate smart tv stuff. But that was on shitty TVs that would stutter terribly just going through the menu.

They're super convenient on fast TVs.


I used to hate smart tv stuff. But that was on shitty TVs that would stutter terribly just going through the menu.

They're super convenient on fast TVs.

Yup, Tizen on my KS8000 was fantastic, same as WebOS2.0 on my shitty pre-HDR 4K LG. Honesty, WebOS and Tizen are really good SmartTV platforms on modern TVs with competent hardware. I have a Shield TV, PS4 Pro, and XBO S but hardly feel the need to use those for streaming when I can just use my TV.


Well, I've decided 2017 is my OLED year. Figured there'd be a Gaff thread on this so here I am.

what does the roadmap look like for Sony, LG, and Samsung (the only players still so far correct?) in 2017. Now that Sony is making a push this year is that presumed to drive prices down? General personal opinions on the state of OLED is always interesting to read.

I keep hearing talk about the 2016 OLEDS and Input Lag... have things been on the up and up re: input lag? How is 2017 Looking (We're at March already, where has the time gone?)

Secondly are the prices trickling down at a significant rate? I'm looking for 55" OLED by Boxing Day 2017. Not waiting because of money purposes.. but to track the market and see how the technology evolves throughout the year.. and this post is one of my first steps (following all the google-fu I've done the last couple weeks).

I'm really hoping patience pays off this year.


Put it this way.

The current 8G factory is perfect for 32-55 inches with 55 being the largest display that makes the most economical sense for them. You can cut 6x55" without much waste from a 8G mother glass. Move up to 65" and suddenly you get less with more waste. Then above imagine the 77". I think with the current glass size they can only make one 77" from the mother glass. That's incredibly wasteful and of course leads to the high price. Then factor in yield rate. Last time we heard about OLED yield rates was end of 2015 with 80%+ so I imagine it's much higher today but still they have to throw some f them in the trash.

The 10G factory will allow sizes from 55-90". Exciting times.

Mmm so I guess it would make sense to wait for the 2018 models if I'm looking for a 65"...


Well, now I'm starting to think I can wait til the holidays to see what the 55in might drop down to.

I'm thinking that's what I'll do as well.

Initially, I really wanted that C6 for the superb 3D but am really concerned that there won't be much new 3D content after this year.


I need some advice guys. I have been saving money for a new TV for awhile now. I'm set on getting an OLED and nothing else but I just can't decide if I should jump on the cheap 2016 B6, wait for 2017 models or the 2018 models. Keep in mind, my income doesn't allow me to upgrade my television often so this TV would likely have to last several years if not more.

I'm a hardcore PC/Console gamer and watch a lot of movies so the improved input lag and near black details of the 2017 models would be nice for my uses. But with the 2018 models most likely having HDMI 2.1 and variable refresh rates, that would be such a huge upgrade for me as well (not to mention other upgrades it may have). I just can't decide.

So if you were in my shoes, what would you do?


I need some advice guys. I have been saving money for a new TV for awhile now. I'm set on getting an OLED and nothing else but I just can't decide if I should jump on the cheap 2016 B6, wait for 2017 models or the 2018 models. Keep in mind, my income doesn't allow me to upgrade my television often so this TV would likely have to last several years if not more.

I'm a hardcore PC/Console gamer and watch a lot of movies so the improved input lag and near black details of the 2017 models would be nice for my uses. But with the 2018 models most likely having HDMI 2.1 and variable refresh rates, that would be such a huge upgrade for me as well (not to mention other upgrades it may have). I just can't decide.

So if you were in my shoes, what would you do?

What size do you need? At what distance do you sit from the tv?


I need some advice guys. I have been saving money for a new TV for awhile now. I'm set on getting an OLED and nothing else but I just can't decide if I should jump on the cheap 2016 B6, wait for 2017 models or the 2018 models. Keep in mind, my income doesn't allow me to upgrade my television often so this TV would likely have to last several years if not more.

I'm a hardcore PC/Console gamer and watch a lot of movies so the improved input lag and near black details of the 2017 models would be nice for my uses. But with the 2018 models most likely having HDMI 2.1 and variable refresh rates, that would be such a huge upgrade for me as well (not to mention other upgrades it may have). I just can't decide.

So if you were in my shoes, what would you do?

You didn't mention what was wrong with your current setup, so it's hard to know what the drawbacks of waiting are. If you have a decent 1080p set, I would counsel continuing to wait. 4K and HDR content is still very sparse, and often not that impressive since a lot of what is available comes through streaming services with less than ideal bitrates. 4K is also still not quite there from a gaming perspective, either. Consoles are upscaling or disabling processing effects to get there. On the PC, the 1080Ti can just about get 60fps on most newish games with high detail, but isn't quite there on all of them (and is quite expensive). I expect that come 2020 these problems will be solved.

Anyway, there is a third option available to you don't want to wait but want to optimize the purchasing power of your money: buy a 2016 KS8000 instead, then buy an OLED in ~3 years. The KS8000 goes on sale for about half of what the B6 does, and it will also give you good input lag. I think that the price of OLED sets will drop a fair amount over the next few years due to improvements in manufacturing and greater competition. As a result, I think this plan is probably no more expense than buying a 2017 OLED would be, you will end up with a better TV at the end, and you will get a good TV to use for the next few years.


LG said:
The following companies are not authorized to sell LG products:
Abe's of Maine
Big Box Superstore
Cleveland Plasma
East Coast TV's
Joe's AV
Nice Electronics


Crap and I just bought a 55E6 from Cleveland Plasma...


I disagree.
2017 LG W7 OLED Review:


Really impressed with this:

The new panel supports 100/120Hz which means it can already accept a 1080p signal at 100/120Hz, which could be useful for gaming. The new OLED TVs might also accept 4K at 100/120Hz, although this would require a firmware update and would only be possible if the bandwidth didn't exceed the 18Gbps capabilities of the HDMI inputs. As with all of LG's TVs this year, the W7 does not support 3D.

Finally LG have made improvements to the input lag on their 2017 OLED TVs. Using a Leo Bodnar lag tester combined with an HDFury Integral and HDFury Linker were were able to test the SDR and HDR input lag in Game mode. Both the E7 and W7 delivered an input lag of just over 21ms, regardless of whether it was an SDR or HDR signal, which is great news for gamers.

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