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The Crystal Maze is back; David Tennant hosting one-off special

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Nice little Ed Tudor Pole portrait. Shame about the low roof/lower budget - hopefully this proceeds a full series with an original-sized maze.


I remember that puzzle battery puzzle. I could solve it in my sleep. I feel old now.

Nice little Ed Tudor Pole portrait. Shame about the low roof/lower budget - hopefully this proceeds a full series with an original-sized maze.

Nice nod alright. It's low budget because it's set in the Crystal Maze experience in London.
Nice little Ed Tudor Pole portrait. Shame about the low roof/lower budget - hopefully this proceeds a full series with an original-sized maze.

They're filming it at the crystal maze experience in london so they're stuck with the roofs that are there, there's another bigger crystal maze thing being built in Manchester opening next year and one of the promo images says "crystal maze studios" so i suspect that its being built with filming in mind


I know it's for charity and all but couldn't they have made it a tiny bit more challenging?

(or was it more difficult when watching on the telly cos I was a kid?)


Loved the show and we'll watch this for sure, will have to be on catchup.

Was there ever a rule that stopped people picking the tokens off the floor? They always seemed so inefficient flailing around trying to catch them from the air lol.


"I know for a former Radio 1 DJ, a knock on the door can be terrifying"

Hahah, Merchant is ace.

Edit: beaten, still amazing line


Loved the show and we'll watch this for sure, will have to be on catchup.

Was there ever a rule that stopped people picking the tokens off the floor? They always seemed so inefficient flailing around trying to catch them from the air lol.

It's defo banned in the CM experience - read an interview about it earlier. No silver either.


I thought it was decent, set limitations were obvious but they weren't gonna spend 20 million to build a new maze for a one off charity event. The original set was incredible considering the scale of it.

Merchant A+ he's a really funny guy off the cuff.


This makes me really miss the show. I hope challenge TV run the old episodes again.
There's a very persistent rumour that the second branch of the CM experience that is coming to Manchester will also, if this does well, be designed with TV filming in mind to be pressed into service should they wish to make a series.
I enjoyed that a lot. Merchant was pretty good, although trying a little too hard to emulate O'brien. I'd watch this if it came back, and my six year old daughter would probably enjoy it too.
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