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The Flash S2 |OT| suoiruF 2 hsalF 2 - Tuesdays 8/7c

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Divorce and remarried. Not namedropping Henry there was weird, considering all the name drops they did have.
Just like skipping any Wally mention was.

They probably haven't met Wally-2 at that time yet, if he even exists.

I don't think the divorce angle would work since Barry-2's mother was going to celebrate her wedding anniversary and the phone's speed dials didn't really hint at any remarriages.

The Flash writers like to build up a character as an ally before they twist the knife. Henry just hasn't been given enough screen time for it to make sense.


The Flash S2 |OT| Jay-Z

I'm gonna have to start watching Supergirl before the crossover airs. I hope Barry learns a new trick or two in that episode.


They probably haven't met Wally-2 at that time yet, if he even exists.

I don't think the divorce angle would work since Barry-2's mother was going to celebrate her wedding anniversary and the phone's speed dials didn't really hint at any remarriages.

The Flash writers like to build up a character as an ally before they twist the knife. Henry just hasn't been given enough screen time for it to make sense.
Some of us were are hoping it won't be a weak repeat of last year.
Well, it's not really a repeat. The Jay we know wasn't really Jay, but he wasn't really Zoom either. There's so much we don't know and that's the beauty of it.

That's the problem for me. What we know is a lie and what we've seen of him so far was entirely uninteresting. Jay or not, I couldn't care less about that loser. He wasn't there much and he also hasn't done anything of significance.

It's like that scene when Lex finds out who the Flash is. I have no idea who that person is and not caring about him comes on top of that.


Now that would be a weak repeat of last season.

I supposed they could always go full on crazy and introduce more than 2 Earths. And in one of the other Earths Jay is an evil Zoom who goes to other Earths to steal their Flash's speed.

But wouldn't he have to kill Jay in order to steal his face?

I don't think he had to kill the person. He killed Wells to assume his identity, not to do anything else really.


I think Zoom is just crazy Jay from the future. Future Jay never got better Velocity serums from Caitlin, and was still slowly dying, so he had to steal speed to stay alive. Also, remember that episode where Reverse-Flash comes back out of nowhere and they have to explain why he's still alive despite the timeline alterations? Yeah, that episode happened in order to justify Zoom being Jay from the Future.

The only hiccup in this theory is that if Zoom is Future Jay, why didn't Zoom just replace present-day Jay when he traveled back? Any time Barry time travels he simply replaces the previous Barry.


Unconfirmed Member
Were there always hints like this in each episode?

Screenshot is from this week's.



I think Zoom is just crazy Jay from the future. Future Jay never got better Velocity serums from Caitlin, and was still slowly dying, so he had to steal speed to stay alive. Also, remember that episode where Reverse-Flash comes back out of nowhere and they have to explain why he's still alive despite the timeline alterations? Yeah, that episode happened in order to justify Zoom being Jay from the Future.

The only hiccup in this theory is that if Zoom is Future Jay, why didn't Zoom just replace present-day Jay when he traveled back? Any time Barry time travels he simply replaces the previous Barry.

How does Zoom live if he kills his past self though? Eobard still died at that point in time. Zoom is still fine and dandy. Zoom doesn't seem to be dying. I mean, he was willing to kill Barry at Star Labs in their first fight.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I think Zoom, Jay, and the Masked Man are all Jay Garrick.

Zoom and "Jay" are speed clones/scouts that each have a fragment of the real Jay's (Masked Man) personality.

Zoom can't harm Masked Man because he doesn't know how it would affect him.


Were there always hints like this in each episode?

Screenshot is from this week's.


They are also doing freeze-frame jokes in Legends of Tomorrow, it is in any case not really helpful to write static trajectory in the middle of a math equation.


It always bugged me that Jay and Caitlin were sat on the bench not far from Hunter Zolomon when he looks back at them...

Surely he noticed a man who looks exactly like him is sat on that bench, staring at him?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
It always bugged me that Jay and Caitlin were sat on the bench not far from Hunter Zolomon when he looks back at them...

Surely he noticed a man who looks exactly like him is sat on that bench, staring at him?

Do you ever notice your doppelganger watching you from a park bench?



The tap code refers to the War of the Americas, where Jay's father fought in. Henry Allen is in Atlantis, where Iris-2 and Barry-2 have gone to seek refuge from Zoom. He has absolutely nothing to do with this story. He left ages ago. He and Eddie are not part of this story despite the theories throughout the season of them being involved. They're not.

The man in the iron mask is the real Jay Garrick or at least Jay Garrick's father.

Never read much of the Jay Garrick run of comics but i just assumed the 5 tap code was a reference to the real thing which has existed in various forms for thousands of years.

Was Jay Garrick's father a big character during his run? That would be pretty out of left field for them to throw him in there.


It always bugged me that Jay and Caitlin were sat on the bench not far from Hunter Zolomon when he looks back at them...

Surely he noticed a man who looks exactly like him is sat on that bench, staring at him?

Maybe Earth-1 Zolomon, much like Barry-1, is not quite as quick as his Earth-2 counterpart.

Which also plays into my "dead Jay is Earth-1 Jay" theory.
Barry Allen.... Quite possibly the Drake of the DCEU right now with his trust issues.

Next thing we know Barry Allen is going to have a hit new song where he dances in a box.... Oh wait he did, it was called Getting The Shit Beat Out Of Me ft. Zoom.


It always bugged me that Jay and Caitlin were sat on the bench not far from Hunter Zolomon when he looks back at them...

Surely he noticed a man who looks exactly like him is sat on that bench, staring at him?

"Oh great, the weird guy is back." he was thinking to himself. "At least this time there is a girl with him. Maybe now he'll stop tailing me".


The Flash |OT| The Jay the Earth-2 Stood Still
The Flash |OT| Earthinator-2: Judgment Jay
The Flash |OT| 28 Jays Later
The Flash S2 |OT| Body of Jays
The Flash S2 |OT| Jay Begins
The Flash S2 |OT| A Game of Jays
The Flash S2 |OT| The Jay Identity
The Flash S2 |OT| The Dark Jay
The Flash S2 |OT| The Mask of Jay
The Flash S2 |OT| Insert Jay Here
The Flash S2 |OT| Why Are There So Many Jays?
The Flash S2 |OT| Accidentally Jay'd Myself
The Flash S2 |OT| We're Gonna Need A Bigger Jay
The Flash S2 |OT| Jay? JAY? JAAAAAAAAAY?!!!?
The Flash S2 |OT| Jay Has Come To

Yes, I have way too much time on my hands.
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