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The Flash S2 |OT| suoiruF 2 hsalF 2 - Tuesdays 8/7c

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Yeah Slade is great but Wells became my favorite DCTV villain. Which episode are you on?

Just finished episode 15 last night.

Wow that was insane. My favorite moments of the show so far is GRODD, you just don't expect to see that on a CW show.


I'm just afraid now because of the time-traveling they will 'reset' everything. I really hate that stuff.


I'm just afraid now because of the time-traveling they will 'reset' everything. I really hate that stuff.

The good thing about Flash is that it is connected to the rest of the Arrowverse. Flash showrunners cannot get to wild because they need to leave Arrows part of the world/timeline untouched.


Just finished episode 15 last night.

Wow that was insane. My favorite moments of the show so far is GRODD, you just don't expect to see that on a CW show.


I'm just afraid now because of the time-traveling they will 'reset' everything. I really hate that stuff.

Yep episode 15 was insane. So much crazy stuff happened in that episode. For most shows that would've been the finale but that was just another tuesday for the flash.
My problem with Gorilla Grodd is that they built him up too much for his own good. The build up was fantastic and I didn't dislike his portrayal, but it was very disappointing that he was playing assistant to Reverse Flash. And unlike Brother Blood, who was Deathstroke's pal, Blood had an arc and was a character. Grodd showed up, was cool for a bit, and vanished. And making him play second fiddle to Reverse Flash took some of the excitement away.

I hope his future appearances are more his own thing.


My problem with Gorilla Grodd is that they built him up too much for his own good. The build up was fantastic and I didn't dislike his portrayal, but it was very disappointing that he was playing assistant to Reverse Flash. And unlike Brother Blood, who was Deathstroke's pal, Blood had an arc and was a character. Grodd showed up, was cool for a bit, and vanished. And making him play second fiddle to Reverse Flash took some of the excitement away.

I hope his future appearances are more his own thing.

That was just a small tease. What we've seen of Grodd is nothing yet. That was Grodd at like 40%. Once/If they unleash Gordd at his full potential, he'll be up there with Slade and Reverse Flash.


Unconfirmed Member
Aw yeah! Flash and Arrow are back! Feels good.

Can't believe I missed three pages of this thread.



NeoGAF's one and only Reverse Flash checking in. Don't accept cheap imitations.

It was me Zero

I was the Reverse Dig


Sölf;180724054 said:
The worst part of it is that it airs one day before Arrow, so I can't cure myself with Flash after watching Arrow this season. D:

When does Legends of Tomorrow start airing again?

Early 2016.

But the characters will be in Flash and Arrow beforehand.


Junior Member
I can feel the hype building in me.

Sölf;180724054 said:
The worst part of it is that it airs one day before Arrow, so I can't cure myself with Flash after watching Arrow this season. D:

When does Legends of Tomorrow start airing again?
Just record Flash & watch it right after Arrow until Legends of Tomorrow drops. Either that or watch a recording of either SHIELD or iZombie (whichever one you don't watch live).
That was just a small tease. What we've seen of Grodd is nothing yet. That was Grodd at like 40%. Once/If they unleash Gordd at his full potential, he'll be up there with Slade and Reverse Flash.
Yeah, I feel this argument.

I couldn't help but feel let down by it, though, considering the AMAZING foreshadowing. That stuff with the sewers was intense and I loved it!

More of that and less time travel and I'll be a very happy camper this season!
Shit. I just realized I am working until 10pm on Tuesday, so no live viewing of Flash for me this week. Dammit.

However, I am working an event at a college for Neil Gaiman, so I get to meet him. I will take that trade off.
Loved loved loved Season 1. Thought it was one of the best first seasons I have ever seen on TV, everything was just so good.

except Iris

Can't wait for season 2!


I still come into this thread every day hoping to see a full 5 min season trailer like the arrow got, and leaving sad every day :(

at least I only have one more day to do that before I have actual flash to watch.

it's like CW knows they have to hype up Arrow but Flash is so awesome people will come back regardless :p


What are some of the GOAT Flash graphic novels for a casual?

Blitz, Flashpoint, Rogue War, Born to Run, Terminal Velocity, The Return of Barry Allen and in preparation for this seasons' second episode Flash of Two Worlds.

Personally I kind of just prefer reading huge chunks in order. I have trouble remembering specific issues but it stays pretty consistently good through Waid and Johns. You can read straight from Vol 2 #62 to the New 52 stuff which heavily informs the show.
Plan on binge watching S1 once it hits Netflix along with Arrow S3. I know there are a few crossover episodes. I am ok with going strait through Flash then Arrow or should I make an attempt to align the two shows?

Plan on binge watching S1 once it hits Netflix along with Arrow S3. I know there are a few crossover episodes. I am ok with going strait through Flash then Arrow or should I make an attempt to align the two shows?


The only place you need to align them is watching the Arrow episode "The Brave and The Bold" right after "Flash vs Arrow." Otherwise, you should be fine (aside from a few Arrow spoilers sneaking in to Flash episodes)
It's still bullshit that CW/WB don't let the episodes go up until the day the new season starts. Shit should be up at least a week to potentially get people caught up. Maybe more since there's so much to catch up on.


I can feel the hype building in me.

Just record Flash & watch it right after Arrow until Legends of Tomorrow drops. Either that or watch a recording of either SHIELD or iZombie (whichever one you don't watch live).

This is my dilemma. I love iZombie, but AoS is just too good.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
It's still bullshit that CW/WB don't let the episodes go up until the day the new season starts. Shit should be up at least a week to potentially get people caught up. Maybe more since there's so much to catch up on.

The logic is probably that they want to maximize DVD/Blu-Ray sales.
The logic is probably that they want to maximize DVD/Blu-Ray sales.

I get that but I doubt many are going to be so desperate to catch up that they're going to go out a week beforehand and put down $30-$50 to catch up, if they were going to buy the season either digitally or physically they probably would've done it already and at least physically for collecting purposes.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I get that but I doubt many are going to be so desperate to catch up that they're going to go out a week beforehand and put down $30-$50 to catch up, if they were going to buy the season either digitally or physically they probably would've done it already and at least physically for collecting purposes.

They probably wouldn't get any more money from Netflix if they release it a week or two earlier, though. It's about maximizing the profit they can get out of it and if Netflix doesn't pay anything significantly more for an earlier week, then why not let the DVDs get the extra time?

And while people binge watch, the reality is that few people would sit down a week before a premiere and watch twenty-two fourty-two-minute episodes to catch up in time to watch the new season live. They're probably on a schedule of watching a few episodes at their leisure and waiting for the next season to hit Netflix.
This honestly got me a little. Almost giving your life for your city, & said city actually thanks you for it.

Especially after the disaster that almost destroyed the city was explicitly caused by your group, since they enacted a scenario that they didn't need to and shouldn't have while full well knowing the costs of what could happen. And it did happen.

Yup. Super swell.


If Cait doesn't become Frost by December, BOOOOOOOOOO! They already took away my dreams of a Supergirl/Flash crossover.
Especially after the disaster that almost destroyed the city was explicitly caused by your group, since they enacted a scenario that they didn't need to and shouldn't have while full well knowing the costs of what could happen. And it did happen.

Yup. Super swell.

I really don't understand why they added that risk and thought it was ok. There's already enough tension with him potentially dying from the particle impact. Why bring in a black hole? Why not just have the Wormhole close on its own after a short period of time instead? That way Barry still faces a challenge without endangering everyone else.

I'm willing to overlook that big flaw because everything else about the finale was really well executed but I can understand why that would ruin it for someone.

Super excited but Jay looks waaaaaaay too young.

He wasn't too old when he first met Barry actually. Teddy Sears is 38 so he's old enough. He's got the weathered veteran demeanor down from what we've seen so far.


Jay has slower aging too, so he could be older than his 30s if they need him to be. Probably not WWII old but who knows how Earth 2 is doing things.
I really don't understand why they added that risk and thought it was ok. There's already enough tension with him potentially dying from the particle impact. Why bring in a black hole? Why not just have the Wormhole close on its own after a short period of time instead? That way Barry still faces a challenge without endangering everyone else.

I'm willing to overlook that big flaw because everything else about the finale was really well executed but I can understand why that would ruin it for someone.

The finale honestly ruined a lot of the goodwill I had towards the show, because everyone makes the single dumbest decision possible, all to facilitate what Barry wants. Nobody wants it to happen save for Barry and Thawne.

The reason they added the risk is because they needed a consequence of fucking with space-time (which is what happened), but didn't want to affect the entire universe, so they create a single, isolated event that clearly still screws with reality, but no one else has to deal with it.

Essentially, they wanted the character moments, but they also wanted to advance the plot they had planned. The singularity was their best idea, which I support, but having to sacrifice the integrity of the characters in order to accomplish this I feel is idiotic and poor writing.
Essentially, they wanted the character moments, but they also wanted to advance the plot they had planned. The singularity was their best idea, which I support, but having to sacrifice the integrity of the characters in order to accomplish this I feel is idiotic and poor writing.

Arrow's issues in S3, in a nutshell.

I didn't like it either, and I'm willing to forgive it if it doesn't become a habit.
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